Cicada Moving

Chapter 577: ugly woman

Chapter 577 The ugly woman

The steel thorn in his right hand was getting closer and closer to the target, and it was about to penetrate the ugly woman's body. But at this moment, Yi Zhihua noticed that the corner of the opponent's mouth was slightly raised, and there was a trace of ridicule on his face.

 Oops, I got fooled.

Having been in the Caogang for so many years, she has fought against people more than once or twice. Relying on the cover of her female identity and secret attacks, she has killed many difficult enemies, which is considered to be rich experience.

This is obviously a trap. The opponent may not be able to move in the corner, so he deliberately distracts himself to let himself get closer. But Yihua understands that it is too late to regret now, so she can only bite the bullet and continue to charge.

We are all people with two shoulders carrying one head, and it is not certain who will win or lose. She made a determined effort to hold the steel thorn tighter, straightened her arms with her eyes wide open, and thrust forward with her feet.

 This time,

 Either you die or I live.

At this critical moment, the ugly woman did not panic at all. She turned her body to the right, narrowly avoiding the steel thorn. She quickly reached out her right hand and firmly grasped the opponent's wrist.

 In the final analysis, fighting is a competition of strength, speed, and flexibility. The most important thing is strength. Without strength, everything is a castle in the air. It is not unreasonable to defeat ten with one force.

Hands like iron hoops held her wrists tightly. Yi Zhihua only felt a sharp pain. She used all her strength to prevent the steel thorns from falling off her hands, but it was meaningless.

After controlling her, the ugly woman raised the elbow of her left arm and swung upwards, hitting the forearm of the female cell leader. The crisp sound of fractures sounded again in the cell.


Yihua let out a shrill scream, and the steel thorn fell to the ground with a clang. His right hand was hanging on his arm at a 90-degree angle, and the forest-white bones were broken, making everyone present shudder.

 Let alone female prisoners, many male prisoners who claimed to be brutal closed their eyes. The skills of both parties were not at the same level at all. This was not a fight, but a murder by Chi Guoguo.

But this was not over yet. Then the ugly woman kicked her left foot to the lower part of the opponent's right leg. While retracting her leg, she hooked her back. The body of Yi Zhihua, who was dazed in pain, fell to the right and rear.

The three guards on the side were stunned. They didn't even see what happened. The situation had changed so much. What a sin, how did those stubborn people catch this evil star?

His family knew his own affairs. With the level of fighting shown by the other party, ordinary patrolmen would die if they went up to him. Should they turn away and pretend not to see anything? The guard couldn't help but fall into deep thought.


At the same time, the ugly woman flew up with her left foot again, and made a close contact with the back of the head of a flower that was lying on the ground. This action looked ordinary, but it was extremely lethal.

 (There is a video for the easter egg, if not it is being reviewed)

There were many experts in fighting in the surrounding cells. They gnashed their teeth when they saw this, and felt that it would be useless for me to go up there. It was too cruel. Sister Agui's men hit the iron plate, no, it was a steel plate.

Everyone on the street knows that when you hit someone in a fight, you don’t hit the head. The person’s head is too fragile and can lead to death if you are not careful. Just by listening to the sound, you can tell that the female prison chief will probably not survive.

After dealing with the troublesome guy, the ugly woman took a few deep breaths, lowered her head, picked up the steel spike and pointed it at the guard. The three of them were well-behaved. They threw the batons and knelt on the ground with a bang and raised their hands.

 Is this a jailbreak?

The prisoners blinked. The other party was deliberately making trouble to attract attention. The question is, aunt, how big a crime have you committed and why did you risk your life to do this?

This is a slap in the face of those on the public board of directors. The concession authorities will definitely pursue them. In addition, if someone from the Cao Gang dies, they will also join in the pursuit. In this case, escaping will be fatal.

  With such ability, it would be so comfortable to be a prison head in prison. Why bother with your own fate? Alas, it was not easy for Shanghai to produce a hero among women, so it would be a pity to die like this.

The ugly woman took a moment to adjust her breathing, looked at the smiling guard, chose a thin one, put on his uniform, **** the three of them, gagged them, and left the cell.

 She pressed the hat on her head, closed the iron door of the cell, lowered her head and walked slowly towards the duty room. There were people in the cells on both sides whose eyes flickered. Reporting on those who escaped from prison could reduce their sentences.


 Finally, there was a man who came in because of stealing things and couldn't help but want to take risks, but before he could finish his words, he was knocked unconscious by the prison head. Children of the Jianghu are very strict about their righteousness, so suing the government is nothing.

The prisoner who knocked this man unconscious raised his head and said fiercely: "The Cao Gang's thirty-six oaths are to keep the secrets of the gang, not to be traitors, and not to lead the government to arrest our brothers. I will remember them all."

"yes, Sir."

 “Beat this idiot to death.”

Whether it was sincere or not, the prisoners all whispered in agreement, and no one dared to report to the guards anymore. Every place has its own rules of survival, and prison is no exception.

The ugly woman kept her feet on her feet and ignored this matter. This was part of her plan. It was related to the rules and dignity of the world. As a ruler, the prison chief would not tolerate informers, at least on the surface.

 “Lao Liu, how are you?”

The guard in the duty room in the distance may have heard something. He stuck his head out of the room and laughed and cursed: "Why does it take so long to discipline a bunch of girls? You old guy doesn't know how to do it."

Without saying a word, a sharp steel thorn was pressed against his throat, and his smile suddenly turned into a sad face. A good man doesn't suffer the consequences, but this man stood there obediently, motionless.     "Go in."

The ugly woman ordered coldly, and with a little more strength in her hands, she successfully forced the other guard back into the duty room. After entering the room, she knocked out the other guard who was writing with one palm. The action went very smoothly.

She tied the two people up tightly in the same way, carefully checked the room, made sure there was no alarm, cut off the phone line, took a document and a flashlight, turned around and locked the door.

The prisoners stood by the window and watched each other leave the prison area along the corridor, and then headed towards the office area of ​​the chief patrol room. This aroused everyone's curiosity as to what this woman was going to do.

 It was already late at night.

  The white men in the patrol room get off work at a certain time, and the Chinese and Indian officers are responsible for the night duty. When there are no urgent cases, of course they find a comfortable place to sleep.

Today, as usual, the staff on duty were dozing here and there. Only a few hard-working newcomers sat in small cubicles, struggling to open their eyes and fight with the typewriters in front of them.

 “Click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click.”

  A patrol officer who had just joined the job finished typing a line of type. The ringing of the reminder woke him up from his semi-drowsiness. He stretched out his hand to pull the line feed lever back to its original position, and then looked out of the glass partition in confusion.

There seemed to be some strange noise just now. It must have been a blind thief who entered the wrong door. After a moment of hesitation, the person stepped on his feet and looked down the long aisle. There was nothing there.

The patrolman who had gained nothing scratched his head and smiled to himself. He really thought too much. Who dared to come to the patrol room to steal things, let alone the chief patrol room? After sitting down, he continued to code mechanically.

The desk lamp next to the typewriter emits a faint white light, shining on the wall through the glass. Under the hazy light is a black shadow, sitting close to the partition on the ground, holding a steel thorn in his hand.

 It was almost exposed.

There are not many people on duty at night, and they should all know each other. It would be better if they were farther away. Face-to-face communication at such a close distance cannot be concealed by a uniform, which would be troublesome.

The ugly woman let out a gentle breath, bent over and walked slowly forward on the floor, until she entered a dark corridor, then she straightened up and walked quickly towards the target of the operation.

She observed the surrounding situation vigilantly, holding the documents she took from the prison duty room in her arms to cover the steel spike in her hand. At the critical moment, this was the only weapon available.

 Detective Unit.

 Public Security Unit.

 Internal affairs unit.

The ugly woman recalled the internal layout of the chief patrol room. She glanced at the door numbers of the offices with her peripheral vision, turned left and right, and stopped in front of an iron door with two complicated copper locks hanging on it.

  This is a common means of prevention and confidentiality. Opening the door requires people from different departments to be present at the same time. The advantage is that it can effectively avoid fraud, but the disadvantage is that entry and exit are complicated and too troublesome.

 In any agency in any country, any place that needs such protection must be the key departments, such as the financial office and archives office. So what is the most important thing for the police?

 Evidence, to be precise, the evidence room.

Behind this large iron door is filled with evidence of solved and unsolved cases in the patrol room, including many major cases that were once sensational. According to requirements, there should be someone guarding it around the clock.

But the rule is that people are dead, and people are alive. Thinking about being in the company of thousands of murderous weapons makes me feel scared. In addition, there has never been an accident in so many years, so it is normal for this place to be left unattended.

The ugly woman put on her gloves, quickly unbuttoned her left sleeve, gritted her teeth and pulled out a metal wire from her arm, wiped off the remaining blood on it with her clothes, and put it into the keyhole.

  At 1 minute and 50 seconds, the first lock was opened.

 At 3 minutes and 30 seconds, the second lock was opened.

She put the copper lock in her pocket and did not rush in. Instead, she touched the corners of the iron door first to prevent an automatically triggered alarm device, then opened the door a small crack and got in.

Immediately, the beam of the flashlight lit up in the dark room, passing through rows of huge wooden shelves. There was a piece of white paper taped to the side of each shelf, with the specific year, month and day written on it.

The ugly woman wasted no time and found the wooden frame in December of the 23rd year of the Republic of China according to the label. There were large and small brown paper bags on it. The name of the case was marked on the outside of the paper bag.

She ignored the larger pieces of evidence, held the flashlight between her teeth, and moved her hands left and right to look for something. A few minutes passed, and a small paper bag appeared at the bottom of the shelf.

Finally found.

 (End of this chapter)

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