Cicada Moving

Chapter 578: replace

 Chapter 578 Replacement

The ugly woman looked at the name of the case on the small paper bag. Under the pale flashlight light, the black handwriting was particularly dazzling. She squeezed it lightly with her hand and immediately touched two irregular objects.

If you want to confirm what is inside, you have to see it with your own eyes. Unfortunately, the seal is tightly glued and has the seal of the Chief Inspector's Office. As long as it is opened, it will be discovered.

If you are in other places, pouring a cup of hot water of a suitable temperature to melt the sealing glue is enough. This is a common method used by the intelligence community. The problem is that this is a patrol room and there is no hot water available.

She thought for a while, then removed the glass piece in front of the flashlight, then placed the flashlight upside down on the paper bag, and waited quietly for a while. When she took the flashlight away again, the seal could be easily opened.

 The key to intelligence is to be adaptable. If there is no hot water, you can use the temperature of the light bulb. The difficulty is to accurately grasp the time and not burn the paper bag. Obviously the ugly woman is very talented in this aspect.

She glanced at the inside of the paper bag, squatted down, took off her leather shoes, buckled the heels on the left and right, took out one thing from inside, and replaced the physical evidence in the paper bag.

 After doing all this, the ugly woman quickly restored the seal and other evidence to their original state, quietly exited the evidence room, closed the door, locked the lock, and carefully wiped away the traces of friction around the keyhole.

The patrol room is not full of losers. Not only are there many masters of solving crimes passed down from their families, but they also have the latest criminal investigation equipment. No loopholes can be left in the operation, otherwise the traces will be easily exposed.

After going out, she stood in the deserted corridor. Instead of evacuating in a hurry, she walked along the corridor and finally stopped next to a window and tugged on the velvet curtains on both sides.

 Very strong and thick.

The ugly woman showed a satisfied smile, glanced at the wires on the wall next to her, then pulled the black cable off the wall, placed it on the edge of the window sill and rubbed it quickly.

The insulating layer made of special cloth was worn away in just a few strokes, and the copper wire carrying 110V voltage① did not last long. It was quickly broken into two pieces, and a few sparks popped out.

As the core institution of the concession, the general patrol house has the special privilege of having 24-hour power supply. The power supply is very stable, which facilitates work but also brings certain safety risks.

 For example, fire.

She carefully fiddled with the disconnected wires, put the live and neutral wires together on the windowsill, then raised a corner of the curtain and slowly covered it. After a few seconds, a puff of black smoke curled up.

The instantaneous high temperature caused by the short circuit, coupled with the flammable curtains and paper documents everywhere, it will not be long before the place becomes a sea of ​​​​fire. I hope there is someone on duty in the fire department.

Thinking of this, the ugly woman chuckled, sniffed, and an unpleasant burnt smell poured into her nostrils. Then she turned around and ran towards the back door of the chief patrol room. She must seize the time to retreat.

 She bypassed the office area with ease, walked out of a small door and entered the backyard of the chief patrol house. Looking at the guard room with swaying figures in the distance, she bent down and got into the low evergreen bushes.

Through the lights and moonlight on the roadside, you can clearly see two guards carrying rifles patrolling back and forth at the door, and the barrel of a Lewis light machine gun protrudes from the window.

The chief patrol room was guarded by heavily armed garrison after nightfall. It was too difficult to get in from the outside, so she had to find a way from the inside. This is why she took the risk to sneak in.

 Time passes minute by minute.

At this time, the ignited curtains were already burning. The flames traveled along the ceiling and floor. After burning through the thin door panels, they penetrated into the surrounding offices. The fire gradually got out of control.

It happened that the house leaked and it rained all night. One of the houses actually kept a large amount of whiskey. The highly concentrated liquid that flowed out after the bottle burst spread to wherever it went, and the fire spread. The small fire that was originally planned to attract attention became out of control due to a combination of circumstances. The general patrol house that the British spent a lot of money to build is likely to become a ruin.

The ugly woman had no idea about this, and still squatted patiently on the spot, staring in the direction of the door and counting the time silently. When the count reached two minutes, several loud noises broke the tranquility of the night.

 “Bang ~ bang.”

The fire inside the patrol room caused the indoor temperature to rise rapidly. Due to the difference in pressure between the inside and outside, the glass was shattered by the air waves. With the help of oxygen, the flames jumped out of the window and dyed the night sky red.

Such a loud noise could be heard by deaf people. The patrolman on duty heard the sound and discovered that there was a fire in the building. Someone immediately went to put out the fire with various tools, and some people ran out to seek help from the guards at the door.

 “Come quickly, there’s a fire.”

There was a fire in the important department responsible for the security of the entire public concession. The guards naturally understood the seriousness of the matter and rushed over together without saying anything, leaving only one person to look at the door.

The ugly woman did not act rashly when she saw this. She grabbed a handful of dirt on the ground and wiped it on her face. She got up and used the cover of the bushes to move to the back wall of the guard room and cut off the phone line to the outside world.

The guard, who was separated only by a wall, was completely unaware that his communication had been cut off. He was looking at the burning chief patrol room with his head stretched out, his face illuminated by the fire full of shock.

Suddenly, a patrolman rushed to the door from the darkness. Before he could ask, the policeman shouted anxiously in English: "The fire is too big. I need to find a phone to notify the detectives."

 It’s not surprising that the voice is that of a woman. The police station has recruited a group of women to work in logistics and clerical positions since the 1920s. Now this situation must be known to the big shots.

"OK, just a second."

The guard saw the other party's disgraced look, and without much thought picked up the phone, put it to his ear and listened for a while, then said helplessly: "Sorry, the fire may have burned out our phone lines."

 “What, what should we do?”

The female patrol officer asked in panic when she heard this, then turned to look at the door on the side, and the next second she ran outside, and at the same time she turned back and shouted: "I'm going to look for the phone outside."


The guard raised his hand to ask for the other person's name and position, but before he could finish asking, the person who came had disappeared. He had no choice but to put down his arm, sighing in his heart that the officers in the patrol room were indeed well-trained.

Besides, the female patrol officer left the chief patrol room and immediately rushed into the nearest alley. She hunched her body and ran as fast as she could in one direction, occasionally climbing over the low wall blocking the way. Her movements were very neat.

She ran like this for who knows how long. After jumping over a two-meter-wide smelly ditch, she jumped into a car that had been waiting for a long time. The driver did not hesitate and stepped on the accelerator pedal hard.

①The Shanghai Concession in the Republic of China used 110V voltage, and the Huajie used 220V voltage.



 (End of this chapter)

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