Cicada Moving

Chapter 582: a phone call

Chapter 582 A phone call

 Public Settlement General Patrol Room.

“Gentlemen, how many days has it been?

John Kaiziwei stood in a dilapidated corridor that was burned by the fire. He was silent for a long time and suddenly kicked up a piece of plasterboard on the ground. He turned to look at the chief inspectors and heads aside.

“You let a big living person escape from prison, and then let her set a fire here. It has been so many days, and now you are telling me that the person has not been caught yet?

 Do I think that the patrol house has lost control of Shanghai? If so, I would propose that the industrial board immediately disband the patrol house and send people from London to manage the public settlement.

 Shanghai is a big city with countless money flowing around it, and many people want to get involved. I think the detectives from Scotland Yard will be happy to help you with this, okay? "

He asked a question with a smile, but veins appeared in the hands hidden behind his back, resisting the urge to kill these incompetent senior police officers, his cold eyes full of murderous intent.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the fat-minded patrol chiefs, detectives, and supervisors changed. Without the chief patrol room, they would be nothing, and the gangsters would eat them to the bone.

“Sir, please rest assured that you and the Industrial Board of Directors are now on the streets. The simulated portraits have also been sent to the Caogang gang. We will use the fastest speed to find the **** prisoner.”

A white inspector in uniform wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, bent down slightly and made a promise. Others nodded hurriedly, with panic written on their pale and lifeless faces.


John Kaiziwei snorted, turned and walked out of the fire scene, and went to the conference room to hold an impromptu meeting to discuss the follow-up handling of the case and how to eliminate the negative impact.

He put his hands on the table and looked around with stern eyes: "The escaped female prisoner was able to knock down so many female gangsters, and her methods of setting fires and evacuations were also very good. She must have been trained.

Furthermore, people from the Special Department have seen the dead and injured, and the opponent used standard military fighting techniques. I have reason to believe that she is a professional intelligence officer from the Chinese, Japanese or other forces. "

"Yes, sir."

The white inspector took a deep breath, picked up a document and introduced it: "According to the forensic examination, the jaw of deceased No. 1 was completely crushed, and the back of the head of deceased No. 2 was severely injured.

The murderer is definitely not an ordinary person. After receiving this news, we conducted surveillance on the national secret service headquarters, the Japanese Consulate, and the French Concession Political and Security Office, but no suspect was found.

The other party either went into hibernation or left Shanghai. I hope to get the support of the Imperial Commercial Shipping Company to investigate the list of passengers who went to other places by cruise ship after the incident. "

John Kaiziwei looked a little better. Although this detection route was like finding a needle in a haystack, it was still a method. The patrol room was finally smart. The problem was that this alone was not enough.

He quickly walked to the window, yanked open the heavy curtains, and opened the window. Noisy shouts then entered the conference room. John Kaiziwei pointed outside and said coldly.

“Look at those crazy reporters outside. If this matter cannot be resolved as soon as possible, not only you, but also me will be questioned by London. No one will want to go to Southeast Asia to work.”

 “Of course, sir.”

As a representative, the white inspector quickly agreed, and then carefully made a suggestion: "How about finding someone to take the blame as we did in the past when we encountered difficult cases, and suppress the public opinion first.

This will not only shut up the annoying newspaper, but also confuse the real murderer. As long as the other party relaxes their vigilance and reveals a flaw, we can follow the clues to find the black hand behind her. "

 It’s a sin, this is an old tradition.

 During the previous dynasty, when wealthy, powerful, and powerful families encountered life-threatening lawsuits, they would pay heavy sums of money to bribe poor children or homeless people to plead guilty and punish the crime on behalf of the real murderer.

 Because the behavior of these criminals who actively risk their lives for money is like a white duck that has been toyed with and slaughtered for gluttony, people with knowledge of the matter call it "white duck slaughter".

Why the public concession patrol house recruits gangsters as patrol officers? One is to get information, and the other is to control the poor who are willing to take the blame. This is nothing new.

John Kaiser hesitated when he heard the words, but it was not that he couldn't bear it. Compared with what the British did in the colonies, killing a white duck was considered a great mercy. At least he could die a happy death if he confessed.

 After thinking about it for a short while, he finally shook his head: "No, too many people are paying attention to this matter. Once it is exposed, it will be a huge scandal. If you want to find a more secure method, let's think about it again."

The senior officers in the Chief Inspector's Office looked at each other. After thinking for a long time, they still found nothing. If there was a way to suppress the matter, they would have done it long ago. There was no need to wait until John Kaiser spoke up.

 Half an hour later.

 Finally, a Chinese young patrolman timidly raised his hand. John Kai raised his hand in awe, signaling him to get up and speak quickly, and looked forward to it, praying that the other party would come up with a good idea.

“Report, the impact of the house escape case and arson case is too great. The idea of ​​supervision is a more feasible method at present. However, the newspaper will do its best to pursue the truth out of sales considerations.”

After the little inspector got up, he first praised the white inspector to avoid being scolded later, and then continued: "Since it can't be covered up, can we find another way to divert the media's attention." "Diversion? Tell us carefully."

John Kai Ziwei frowned slightly, feeling that this matter was a bit unreliable. He couldn't just put a dangerous substance in the concession to detonate it and let reporters report it in order to prevent newspapers from reporting on it.

The little patrolman stood straight and replied respectfully: "The case of poaching rare migratory birds is not over yet. If we catch the poachers in the near future, we can reduce the public's attention to the prison escape case.

Those scholars and citizens who call for the protection of animals will also take the initiative to cooperate with the publicity in order to gain attention. Human beings are always forgetful, and it will not take long for prison break cases and arson cases to be forgotten. "

"well said."

John Kaiziwei pounded the table excitedly and pointed at the other party with a cheerful face: "From now on, you are the acting detective. You will be fully responsible for the case. I only look at the final result."

As soon as this statement came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

There are 14 patrol houses in the public settlement. The top leader of the patrol house is the inspector. Below the inspector is the detective. The official position is low but the power is great. It is the highest position that most Chinese people can hold.

Originally, these positions were occupied by the Cao Gang bosses who were all-inclusive. Now, an extra detective means an extra food grabber. This made some people present feel very unhappy.

So they sat there quietly without any response. Only some white police detectives stood up and smiled and applauded to congratulate them. The conference room was suddenly divided into two different camps.

John Kaiziwei naturally sensed that something was wrong in the atmosphere, and warned in a cold voice: "Gentlemen, please remember that everything you have is generously given by the British Empire.

But what the empire can give can also be taken away. I don’t want to see an old friend appear in prison. After all, even if you keep a dog, it will have feelings after a long time. Do you think this is right? "


When the Chinese detectives heard this sensitive word, their faces turned red. The British were so bullying that they all stood up, then smiled and raised their hands to applaud to welcome their new colleagues.

Their power and status come from the tiger skin on their bodies. How can they dare to resist when faced with the insults of their masters? It’s just a loss of money, so they can’t ruin their own future.


John Kaiziwei looked at the newly appointed acting detective with contempt and gentleness: "Don't be nervous, what's your name, how long have you been in the patrol room, and do you have the confidence to handle this matter well?

I very much agree with the Chinese saying that meritorious deeds must be rewarded and delinquents must be punished. Give you three days, and if the case is solved, I will personally come and confer a title on you. If the case cannot be solved, you can go back to patrolling the streets. "

“My humble name is Kuang Fuan, a native of Yangcheng. He joined the patrol unit in 1932. Under the leadership of you and Mr. Inspector, we will definitely catch all the poachers, otherwise I will resign.”

The detective who called himself Kuang Fuan had a beautiful moustache and replied in a neither humble nor overbearing manner under the gaze of everyone. This calmness made the Chinese detectives secretly alert, I am afraid this person will be difficult to deal with.


John Kaiziwei nodded, looked at his watch and said, "That's it. You must do your best to assist Inspector Kuang. If someone is perfunctory, I will not show mercy to anyone. Let's adjourn the meeting."

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the conference room first, walked back to his office, asked his secretary to bring him a cup of Indian black tea, closed his eyes and sat quietly on the chair, enjoying the rare leisure time.

But this tranquility only lasted less than ten minutes. A rapid ringing sounded. John Kaiziwei sighed, reluctantly picked up the phone, and started chatting with the caller in a deep voice.


 “Hello John, I’m Chang Gu.”

Hearing the answer from the other party, John Kaiziwei was stunned for a moment. The Intelligence Alliance is a secret organization. In order to avoid being eavesdropped, according to the agreement, they should try to avoid using public numbers to communicate.

Changgu strictly adhered to this point in the past. Why did he take the initiative to call today? Is it for official business? Is there anything that the public concession and the Japanese consulate can cooperate with?

He asked tentatively: "It turns out to be Mr. Hase. I don't know why you called me. Your profession is somewhat sensitive. I think we should keep an appropriate distance."

 “Haha, I have something good for you.”

John Kaiziwei became even more confused after hearing this. What on earth was the other party trying to do? However, as Chang Gu told him, his expression became more and more relaxed, and finally he hung up the phone with a smile and shouted to his secretary.

 “Go and ask Inspector Kuang to come to my place.”

 (End of this chapter)

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