Cicada Moving

Chapter 583: There's something wrong with this gun

Chapter 583 There is something wrong with this gun

 It is another good weather day in Shanghai.

Under the blue sky and white clouds, there was a group of people holding weapons. They stood by the water and in the reeds and aimed at the sky. From time to time, they shot down wild ducks from mid-air and made loud clattering sounds.


 “Yoshi, Section Chief Hase is good at marksmanship.”

Ono, the person in charge of the firearms room of the Japanese Consulate in Shanghai, held a water bottle in his hand, nodded and stood next to Hase Ryosuke and flattered him wildly, which made Hase himself feel a little embarrassed.

"Ono-kun, just go and participate in the competition. You are a famous sharpshooter in our consulate. If you can win the favor of Consul Stone Pig, your future will be limitless."

He persuaded in a very sincere tone. He would be embarrassed to shut up if the other party did this. How can this be done? A successful mission equals a lot of money, and no one can delay him from making money.

“Chief Hase, please drink some water.”

Ono bent down and handed over the water glass with both hands, showing an attitude with practical actions, that is, he had identified Hase Ryosuke, not the consul Ishoga Taro, looking loyal.

It is easy to understand why he acted like this. Stone Pig Shetaro has a high position, and the bragging and flattering people around him have to line up. Instead of joining in the fun with others, it is better to light up the cold stove, and maybe there will be unexpected gains.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Ono. If you need any help, please don't be polite. I am a person who is willing to make friends. Chinese people often say that the more friends you have, the easier your journey will be. I deeply believe that."

As he spoke, Ryousuke Hase reloaded his rifle with bullets. He uttered beautiful words with great assurance, but in his heart he was thinking about **** the opponent. It would be best to make him disappear silently.

 Choke to death?


 Burned to death?

While choosing the death package, he observed Ono's neck and other parts, and decided that for the sake of this guy's dedicated service to him, he would give him a good time when the time came.

 Alas, I am really kind.

After thinking about it, Hase Ryosuke picked up the gun and took aim in the air for a long time. Then he suddenly turned his head and asked, "Ono-kun, where is Ikuta Takaki? Why haven't I seen him since the beginning of the game?"

Also, are you really going to be able to see the movements you made on the sight of that gun? I really want to see that **** in such a miserable state that he has nothing to gain. This is more fun than winning the game. "

“Hai, please don’t worry, Section Chief Hase. I deflected the crosshair by a few millimeters to the left. Unless I use professional tools to detect it, it can’t be seen with the naked eye. Ikuta will definitely lose.”

Ono expressed confidently, and then pointed to a tidal flat by the river: "I seem to have seen him leading his followers deep into the reeds. This guy must be afraid of being embarrassed in front of you."


Hase Ryosuke didn't pick up a wild duck after he shot it. He threw the rifle to Ono, turned around and waved: "That's good, let's go and find Ikuta Takaki, lest he be swallowed by the water monster again."


Ono couldn't help laughing. He unloaded the bullet and swung the gun behind him. He followed Changgu into the reeds. He met many colleagues along the way, but he didn't have a field.

The two of them made a long circle and finally found their target at a river bend. Ikuta Takaki and the short agent stood by the river, firing their guns, but unfortunately they didn't even hit any bird feathers.

 “Oh, what a great shot.”

Hase Ryosuke walked out slowly and said to Ono in a strange tone: "Ono-kun, look at it, every bullet of Ikuta-kun misses the prey. This is not easy.

 In short, I can't do it. You must publicize it well with everyone when you go back. You can't let such a sharpshooter be buried. In the future, this is the most suitable candidate to carry out assassination missions. "

Ono nodded with a smile. Looking at the livid-faced Ikuta Takaki, his stomach was filled with joy. You deserved to be taught a lesson by Section Chief Hase if you slapped me. It was so happy.

 “Okay, let’s go.”

Having said that, Ryosuke Hase turned around and left, not giving the other party a chance to get angry. He was a man of courage, so there was nothing to argue with a dead man. He could just wait and watch the show today.

However, when he was leaving, he quietly made a gesture with his hand behind his back. The short man next to Ikuta Takaki's eyes flickered when he saw it, and then he lowered his head to prepare for a storm.

 “Baga! Baga!”

Ikuta Takashi was so angry that he was shaking all over. He repeated these words mechanically, holding the gun **** tightly in his right hand. A thought in his mind kept telling him to shoot. As long as he fired, he could kill this enemy.

But thinking about the consequences of killing a super-high-level section chief, he decided to do it again. He then carried the gun like crazy and beat the reeds around him frantically, while letting out a terrifying roar.


Mud and broken reed leaves were thrown everywhere. The short man touched the dots on his face, his eyes unconsciously showing a bit of schadenfreude, but on the surface he gave extremely serious words of comfort.

"Sir Ikuta, please don't worry. I was afraid that there would be no prey due to the strong wind today, so I went to a nearby village to buy a few live wild ducks. You will definitely win today's shooting competition." "Nani?"

After hearing this, Ikuta Takaki stopped destroying the greening, with an expression of surprise and joy on his face. He couldn't help but regret that he didn't think of this good idea and had to ask his subordinates to remind him.

He asked with a little expectancy: "Where is the wild duck? You are doing a very good job, but you have to report this kind of thing to me in the future. The most important thing for a superior is not to hide anything."

Perhaps due to habit, Ikuta still did not forget to pretend to teach others a lesson when expressing his gratitude. This made the short man so disgusted that he had to clenched his fists tightly to suppress his annoyance and replied.

"They are around. Please allow me to bring them over. You can shoot at the bag and leave traces. Hase Ryosuke is very cunning. If he is not prepared, his flaws may be seen."

 “Yoshi, very good, very good.”

 Ikuta Takashi waved his hand happily: "Go and get it quickly. When I win the competition, I will not treat you badly. Let's do this. I will give you one-third of the 10,000 yen prize, 3,000 yen."

He said, holding up three fingers to strengthen his tone, thinking that for a small person from a common family, 3,000 yen is enough. I'm afraid the other person has never seen so many banknotes in his life.

 “Yes, I’ll go now.”

The short man hurriedly went to get the wild duck, sighing secretly on the way. When he went to deliver the confession, Chief Haseani casually gave him a reward of 20,000 yen, 3,000 yen, and sent it to the beggar.

Originally, due to past friendship, he wanted to give Ikuta Takaki a chance. As long as the other person could show the magnanimity that a superior should have, he would show some mercy, but now he only has one idea.

 Go to hell, Wang Ba Dan!

The short man went into a small forest with a sullen face. When he came out, he was holding a dozen small cloth bags in his hands. Something seemed to be beating inside. He shouted to Ikuta Takaki.

 “Your Excellency, please prepare to fire.”

In order to ensure a hit, he placed the bags ten meters away from the opponent one by one and ran back quickly. Even a blind man could hit him at such a close distance, but the accident still happened.


The deafening sound of gunfire rang out. Ikuta Takaki put down his gun and looked at the intact target in front of him in disbelief. Angrily, he held up the gun he had snatched and explained to the short man.

 “There’s something wrong with this gun!”

 “Hai, hai.”

The short man bowed continuously in agreement, with helplessness deep in his eyes. He stood up and placed the wild duck five meters away. If he couldn't hit again, he would have to let the other side put the muzzle of the gun on the duck's head.

 Ikuta Takaki felt that he was being ridiculed, but he honestly picked up the gun and pulled the trigger nervously. With the sound of a gunshot, a bright blood flower bloomed on the second bag.

idiot! What a broken gun!

He looked down at the gun, then looked up at the target. He was clearly aiming at the first bag, but why did he miss it again? Does the gun have to be aimed at the first bag in order to hit the second bag?

never mind.

As long as the goal can be achieved, the process is not important.

 Takaki Ikuta did some mental preparation, and began to use the newly mastered one-to-two trick to kill more than a dozen prey in a short time. After finishing, he let out a long breath.

Different from shotguns that use shotguns, it is very difficult to shoot birds with a rifle. So many prey are enough for him to win the championship, at least not to be in last place, unless others cheat too.

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth slightly raised. Today was a double blessing. One was that he had lost face to Hase in the shooting competition, and the other was that he was the intelligence dealer.

As agreed, the other party left a triangular mark on the tree in front of the consulate. Big business must have come to the door. Thinking of the gold in the secret room of the dormitory, Ikuta Takaki smiled even more happily.

But as soon as the shooting competition is over, he has to go to the meeting, otherwise he may not be able to make it in time. When we last met, the old man said something right, it is not a good habit to be late in this industry.

"Your Excellency, I'm going to take care of the prey. The scene will be very bloody. Please go to the river to rest. I'll meet you when you're ready." At this time, the short man on the side took a few steps closer and suggested thoughtfully.

 “Very good, go ahead.”

 Ikuta Takashi readily agreed, and dirty things should be left to servants. A superior like him could just give orders, so he wandered to the riverside to plan the evening meeting.

The short man saw Mr. Zhu's son-in-law slowly walking away, and ran to the prey in three steps and two steps at a time. He opened the cloth bags one by one and took out eight or nine wild ducks and three colorful bird carcasses.

little Swan,

Black-faced Spoonbill.

 Spot-billed duck.

 For future generations, these few birds alone are enough to make Tian Takahi take a bullet. Although it was not that serious in the Republic of China, at this sensitive time on the cusp of the crisis, the exposure of this matter will definitely cause a sensation.

The short man chuckled sinisterly, mixed the three rare migratory birds with the wild ducks, and strode towards the river. The other person was a mallet. Even if he put the carcass of the migratory birds in front of him, he would not recognize him.

 (Protecting wild animals is everyone’s responsibility.)

 (End of this chapter)

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