Cicada Moving

Chapter 594: windfall

Chapter 594 Unexpected Harvest

“Inspector Kuang, what I said is true. You can go to the patrolman who traded with Lao Dou. If he can prove me, even if you beat me to death, those things were not done by me.”

 Ikuta Takaki cried and explained. As he spoke, he felt that his lower body had lost consciousness. This made Ikuta Takaki panic. The dignified Matsumoto family would not want a **** as a son-in-law.

At this time, he was still counting on relying on his father-in-law's power to escape. It must be said that he was really blind. Perhaps this was the fundamental reason for this man's arrogant behavior in the consulate.


Kuang Fu'an on the chair smiled, raised his hand to ask the interrogator to stop, stood up and walked to Ikuta Takaki: "Mr. Ikuta, Kuang said that I am willing to believe you, and I also asked my boss for instructions.

It’s a pity that all the white police officers in the patrol room, including the police department, said they have never met that old intelligence broker. Tell me, should I trust a prisoner or a group of superiors?

I advise you not to waste your efforts, tell the truth about the matter, so that you can suffer less, and I can waste less time. Don't force me to give you a real punishment. "

After saying this, Kuang Fuan picked up the tongs and knocked on the stove. The crisp metal collision sound made Ikuta Takaki shiver, his teeth became sore, and he almost spurted something out again.

As an intelligence officer at the Japanese Consulate, he has seen what real torture is. The results of the interrogated persons are often death or disability. In short, it is not a pain that humans can bear.

Ikuta Takahi's tears and nose ran down his face, and he begged humbly: "Mr. Kuang, please take me to my residence. There are gold bars worth fifty thousand oceans there. I will give them to you."

I just ask you to notify the consulate of our country and ask the consul to come and see me. You are Chinese, not British. You can go anywhere with gold bars. You don’t need to be slaves for life. "

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of several interrogators in the room changed slightly, and they glanced at Kuang Fuan quietly. For them, 50,000 oceans of gold bars would be an astronomical amount of money that they would never earn in a lifetime.

Just by notifying the Japanese consulate, you can live a life without worrying about food and clothing. It seems to be a very good deal. After all, who can support themselves, who is willing to follow the British to do things.

  As we all know, Dai Ying is really not a good person in terms of being a good person. For example, if a patrol officer is injured or killed while handling a case, white people can enjoy full paid holidays and generous death compensation.

As for Hua and Yin, the injured were fired directly, and the dead were given a hundred dollars. If it wasn't for making money, who would be the policeman who gave birth to a son without a buttocks?

 “Don’t listen to his deception.”

 Kuang Fuan noticed their unusual movements, promptly reminded him, and then said with a sneer: "Mr. Ikuta is so scheming. Without the gold bars, there will be no evidence for your buying and selling of information.

 Besides, do you think we are fools? Even if you don't give it, can't we get it ourselves? You were arrested last night, and the people in your consulate probably don't know yet. "

 This makes sense.

The guards' eyes lit up. They knew the other party's address anyway, so they could just go there and get it. Why take the risk of notifying the Japanese consulate? Even if someone knew, it would be a big deal and they would be separated.

After thinking about it, they looked at Ikuta Takaki with even more unkind eyes. They were treating the people present as monkeys. Fortunately, Inspector Kuang reminded him, otherwise they would have fallen into this guy's trap.

Seeing that the guards had reacted, Kuang Fuan relaxed his frown slightly. If these people were really determined, he would really be in trouble, but it would just be trouble.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, turned around and asked: "Mr. Ikuta, you said that my father gave you 50,000 oceans of gold bars just to buy a telegram from your Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

I have read the telegram you mentioned, and there is no sensitive content. I also know what level of intelligence can be bought in the Shanghai intelligence market for 50,000 yuan. It is impossible to spend this much money.

Your gold was not obtained in one transaction, but the proceeds from buying and selling information over a long period of time. You are treating me like a fool. Brothers, give Mr. Ikuta a heads-up. "

Kuang Fuan gritted his teeth and said these words. He judged in his mind that Takaki Ikuta might have something to do with those documents. After thinking for a while, he walked out of the single cell amidst the screams of the other party.

He walked quickly to his office, gathered his police officers, and immediately drove to Ikuta Takaki's residence. As an important evidence involved in the case, the gold bars must be preserved as soon as possible.

The police car quickly drove out from the chief patrol room and headed towards the HK area. It didn't take long to arrive at a residential area. This area was incomparable to Hase Ryosuke's villa area. Most of them were bungalows.

 “Alert, open the door.”

 Kuang Fuan got out of the car and looked at the surroundings. He whispered to a lean patrolman that this person had excellent lock-picking skills. In this case, technical lock-picking was the best choice.

 Otherwise, it would alert the surrounding neighbors and cause an uproar. If John Kaiziwei wanted to handle the matter in a low-key manner, he would act in accordance with the other party's request and there would be no need to create extra complications.

 “Yes, Inspector.”

The lean patrolman whispered back, then took out two iron bars from his pocket with his slender fingers, and held them close to the door for more than ten seconds. The door lock opened with a click.

The policemen immediately opened the door and walked in, turning the yard and the house upside down. The problem was that after searching for a long time, they could not find the Citibank gold bars worth fifty thousand oceans that Ikuta Takaki said.

  Could it be that someone got there first?

Kuang Fuan walked around the room with squinted eyes, scanning the floor and furniture one by one with his sharp eyes. He also didn't see anything suspicious. It was strange that the long gold bars flew away. As for whether Ikuta Takaki is lying, it is unlikely. It is his own misfortune to play tricks on the interrogators. An intelligence officer will not be so unwise unless there is a sufficient reason.

Moreover, there is not only no gold, but also no weapons or dangerous goods in the house, which rules out the possibility of the other party taking the opportunity to escape, unless the guy wants to use his legs to compete with bullets to see who is faster.

 “Inspector, come and take a look.”

At this time, a policeman came over and reported: "Ikuta Takaki's study is a bit strange. There is no document on the bookshelf or drawer. Isn't that guy a consulate official? This is too clean.

We sometimes have to go home with official documents, let alone an official. Does he have another residence? None of these agents are fuel-efficient, and they are probably playing tricks. "


Kuang Fuan did not make a decision lightly. He went to the study to check carefully and confirmed that the situation was the same as what his subordinates said. Not to mention the consulate documents, there was not even an extra piece of paper in it.

He turned around and walked to the patio, looking at the peach trees planted in the yard in trance. What was going on? It seemed that he could only go back and ask Ikuta Takaki, so he waved and shouted to his subordinates.

 “Cure the team and return to the patrol room.”

Kuang Fuan was the first to go out and get into the car. He secretly felt cruel in his heart, "Ikuta Takaki, Ikuta Takaki, if I find out that you are talking nonsense, then I will let you know today what life is worse than death."

 At this time, the other side of the city.

In No. 75 Jisi Feier Road, Zuo Zhong kicked the wooden box under his feet and looked up at Wu Chunyang: "All the gold bars are here? There are no traces left, right? We can't underestimate the people in the patrol room.

These people have been dealing with Cao gangs and underworld people for a long time, and they are very familiar with things like chickens and dogs and thieves. Once they see the flaws, the following drama will not be easy to sing. Be careful of the boat capsizing in the gutter. "

"Don't worry, deputy director. I personally checked the Tongsuo guy's hand when we retreated. The objects and furnishings and related traces have been cleaned and restored. The patrol room will never notice it."

Wu Chunyang said as he opened the box with a smile: "In addition to the gold bars that Chief Gu gave to Ikuta Takaki, we also brought back the cash he hid in the house, which is quite a lot."

   Oh, there is an unexpected harvest.

Zuo Zhong took a look and saw that there were several thick stacks of U.S. dollars, Japanese yen and British pounds in the box, which amounted to five or six thousand oceans. A son-in-law from a well-known family only had this little savings. Wow, what a waste.

He yawned and nodded: "Give all of it to the brothers as bonuses. You guys have been very busy during this period. After the operation is over, give them half a day of free time.

Although this money is not much, I finally made a trip to the foreign market ten miles away. When I return to Jinling, I have to bring some foreign clothes and snacks for my wife and children at home. We can't let the horses run without letting them eat grass. "

 “Thank you, Deputy Director.”

The little agent next to him smiled happily. More than a hundred people were divided. Each person could get at least fifty or sixty yuan, which was enough to buy several sets of ready-made clothes and leather shoes for his family. The deputy director still felt sorry for people like him.

"Don't thank me. If you want to thank me, just thank Ikuta Takaki. You have worked hard to save for so many years, and now it's all easier for you. Okay, let's go back and rest. Chunyang, you stay here for a while."

Zuo Zhong made a little joke and asked the spies to go out. He took Wu Chunyang to sit on the sofa and asked in a low voice: "Have you brought the documents from Ikuta Takaki's residence? Is there any important information?"


Wu Chunyang shook his head and took out a document bag from his arms: "I looked at it on the way, and they were all the daily official documents of the consulate. There was nothing worth paying attention to. This is normal.

The Japanese are very strict about the management of confidential documents. According to previous interrogations of Japanese spies, the documents they need to use in their work need to be returned to the secret room for safekeeping when they get off work.

 Ikuta Takaki was able to bring out the telegram from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and hand it over to Section Chief Gu. It may be that the confidentiality level of the telegram was not high, otherwise even if he was the son-in-law of the Matsumoto family, he would not be able to bring it out. "

 “Well, I agree with your guess.”

Hearing this, Zuo Zhong nodded slightly and looked at him: "No, no, it's okay. The patrol room only needs to be suspicious of this matter. You must keep an eye on each other's movements, and make the following plans well."


 Wu Chunyang was refreshed.

   ①The meaning of fool in Cantonese



 (End of this chapter)

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