Cicada Moving

Chapter 595: too expensive!

 Chapter 595 It’s too expensive!

Kuang Fuan and his subordinates Feng Fenghuohuo returned to the general patrol room. Before he had time to rest, he went to the single cell again. He went in and grabbed Ikuta Takaki by the collar, staring at him fiercely and saying.

“You bastard, you still dare to talk nonsense when you get here. Where is your gold? We have already gone to your residence and haven’t even seen a dime. Do you think Kuang is easy to talk to?

Let me tell you, if you don't explain this matter clearly, don't blame me for being cruel. Someone, please fill Mr. Ikuta with some chili pepper water, help him ventilate, and make him feel comfortable. "

The so-called pouring pepper water is not to make the prisoner drink it, but to block the mouth and pour the pepper water through the nostrils into the lungs, which will strongly stimulate the respiratory mucosa and cause great pain.

Just hearing about this kind of punishment made people's hair stand on end, but it was as if Ikuta Takaki hadn't heard it. He looked at Kuang Fuan with dull eyes and asked an irrelevant question in a trembling voice.

 “Not a dime?”

 “Haha, what do you think?”

 Kuang Fuan was almost happy. After working as a patrol officer for so long, he had never seen someone pretending to be stupid like this. With so much gold and no legs, he couldn't run away on his own. There must be something wrong here.

He let go of his hand and pushed Ikuta Takaki away, and said coldly: "You know the answer to this question best. Okay, it seems you are not afraid of torture, then I will see how many bones you have."

 “My money!!”

Without saying anything, Kuang Fuan was startled by a scream. Then he saw Ikuta Takahi's eyes were red, struggling desperately to break away from the uniform, and frantically hitting the wooden backrest behind him with the back of his head.

At the same time as the impact, he was shouting something vaguely. Because it was in Japanese, Kuang Fuan couldn't understand it, but looking at the appearance of his dead parents, he must have suffered a heavy blow.

 “Let me die, my money!”

 Takaki Ikuta really doesn’t want to live anymore. The money he has saved for so many years has just disappeared. What’s the point of getting out alive? Do he have to live on a soft diet for the rest of his life?

Gold bars worth 50,000 oceans and thousands of oceans of banknotes were all obtained by him by embezzling funds, accepting bribes, and lining his own pockets. Every yen is hard-earned money and hard-earned money.

After wailing for a while, Ikuta Takaki suddenly woke up and quickly switched to Chinese and shouted: "Mr. Kuang, I want to call the police. Someone has stolen my gold bars and money. Please be sure to catch the thief."

I put them all in the dark compartment under the bed and packed them in a wooden box. The neighbors must have seen the thief. Please go and ask. Please, that is all my belongings. "

Someone really got there first?

Seeing Ikuta Takaki's reaction, Kuang Fuan was a little hesitant. The other party didn't seem to be acting, but he and others had confirmed that there were no signs of door lock picking or abnormality at the scene.

 Let’s not say whether there are any thieves who can deceive so many veteran police officers. Even if there are, if they have such skills, why would they steal an ordinary diplomat instead of a comprador or a chief executive?

Could it be that the people who took action were intelligence personnel?

This is possible. All intelligence agency operators must learn lock-picking techniques. Compared with ordinary thieves who only focus on money, these people pay more attention to the protection of the on-site environment.

 Kuang Fuan took a guess, and several suspected targets flashed through his mind, including the Japanese, the Secret Service Headquarters, and the Secret Service. These were the only three companies that knew Ikuta was arrested, and perhaps the Special Division of the Police Department.

Although John Kaiziwei handed this matter over to the patrol room, there are many true and false things in intelligence operations. The other party may be making this arrangement in secret to confuse himself.

He asked the guards to take a rest, and poured a glass of water for Ikuta Takaki, telling the guy to slow down and prepare to use the known clues to screen the suspected targets one by one and find out the mastermind behind the scenes.

After thinking about it, Kuang Fuan blinked and looked down at Ikuta Takaki, who was mourning for his heir: "Do you have any documents from the consulate in your residence? What are the contents of the documents and where are they placed?"


Ikuta Takaki recalled it and nodded dejectedly: "Of course, my work requires a lot of information and documents for reference. If I can't finish it, I will take it home and deal with it.

But those were just daily official documents, because confidential documents were not allowed to be stored outside the secret room overnight. The consulate had specialized personnel responsible for recycling them, so I put them in the study drawer. "

Your study drawer?

 Cleaner than being licked by a dog.

 Kuang Fuan did not tell the results of their search and tapped the tiger bench with his finger. If Ikuta Takaki was lying, there was nothing to say. This was just to delay time for rescue.

And the other party must have another secret residence to store property and intelligence. Until this residence is found, it will be difficult for Ikuta Takaki to make a breakthrough in the case of intelligence trading.

If he was not lying, then someone had taken these things. The first thing to rule out was the Japanese. If the other party knew that the consulate officials had been arrested, they should have come to negotiate long ago.

For an intelligence agency, money is a small issue, but confidentiality is the most important thing, because this matter affects the official reputation of many people, which is the same in any country. There is no reason for the Japanese to take away gold bars, banknotes, and documents without rescuing Ikuta Takaki, who holds the secret. This is illogical. Even if they kill people and silence them, they will not ignore it.

What about the remaining Secret Service Headquarters, Secret Service, and Special Division of the Police Department? If they steal documents and then steal property, it sounds very reasonable, but there is a problem that cannot be explained.

 That is, since you have done this, why bother to restore the scene? You must know that if you stay at Ikuta Takaki's house for a second longer, the risk of exposure will be greater. Would a professional intelligence officer make such a mistake?


 So there is only one answer.

 Takaki Ikuta is lying.

This guy bought and sold information from the consulate. Naturally, it was impossible to organize and translate it at a public address. He must have needed a safe place. This fact made his subordinates right.

 Kuang Fuan sorted out the "truth" of the case from a logical level, and then touched his beautiful moustache, but still felt that something was not right, because the case was progressing too smoothly.

It seems that someone is pushing all this, throwing out clues and evidence step by step, leading them on the wrong path of investigation. If this is true, then there must be a big conspiracy behind it.

 But looking at the pained Ikuta Takaki, he smiled to himself. He was a little sensitive. How could he say it went smoothly? This cunning agent almost deceived him.

Kuang Fuan's face straightened, and he raised his chin towards the resting guards, signaling to continue the torture, vowing to find out this person's safe house. The longer the delay was, the worse it would be for the patrol room.

Once the Japanese Consulate intervenes, many methods cannot be used for a long time. The interrogation is a process of rapid development, failure, and exhaustion. As long as it is interrupted, all previous efforts will be wasted.

After receiving the prompt, the guards laughed ferociously. Some held down Ikuta Takaki's body, some moved his head, and some poked his nostrils with a funnel and poured pepper water directly.

It only took three seconds for Ikuta Takaki's face to turn from pale to red, with tears streaming down his eyes. The burning sensation in his body spread from his head to his lungs, and then from his lungs back to his head.


Suffering from unbearable pain, he broke free from the restraints of the guards and twisted his body vigorously. The solid wood tiger stool weighing hundreds of kilograms shook with it, and bursts of wailing came from his mouth.

 “Ah, what I said is true.”

 “My money.”

As a result, the words for mercy were only half spoken. Fresh air rushed into the mouth and nose, and the numb mucous membranes stimulated by the pepper water were awakened. Ikuta Takaki, who had not received anti-torture training, was in pain.

 In fact, pure chili water is nothing. Chili water mixed with sugar or gasoline is the most effective. Unfortunately, half of the person is useless, and it cannot be used on Ikuta Takaki at present.

Kuang Fuan watched all this calmly, waited until half of the bucket of chili pepper water was gone, and said with regret: "Mr. Ikuta, why bother asking for trouble? You already know that I am not joking.

You should tell me where your safe house is, otherwise we will take serious action, and then you will not be able to enjoy mild methods like pepper water, it will be very painful. "

Hearing Kuang Fuan's kind reminder, the half-dead Takaki Ikuta tried to raise his head and said with tears in his face: "I don't have a safe house, no, really no, don't torture me anymore.

My job is to assist Consul Shizhu Taro. I am not a professional intelligence officer. There is no need to build a safe house. Besides, where can I get the money to rent a house? The rent in Shanghai is too expensive! "

Those who heard what he said were sad and shed tears. Everyone present knew this very well. After the salary from the patrol room was handed over to the landlord, there would be very little money left.

 “Dishonest? Keep going!”

Faced with such a reasonable explanation, only Kuang Fuan remained unmoved. No matter whether the other party was wrongly accused or not, no matter whether someone was really pushing behind it, Ikuta Takaki was dead.

As long as this guy is crucified, the relationship between the British and the Japanese can be destroyed, which is beneficial to China. When necessary, he will "create" some evidence to prove Ikuta Takaki's guilt.


Screams were heard through the window and floated in the dark prison. The prisoners were squatting on the ground and shivering. Several prison guards twisted their weak thighs and sat there pretending to be calm.

But three hours later, these famous gangsters went to the corner obediently. They were so frightening that they beat them from morning to night, and the **** in the patrol room went crazy.

Whether the patrol is crazy or not, I wonder if the consul of the Japanese Consulate in Shanghai, Shotaro Ishiba, is really anxious and crazy. The son-in-law of the Matsumoto family and the intelligence officer Takaki Ikuta who cooperated with his work suddenly disappeared.

 (End of this chapter)

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