Cicada Moving

Chapter 597: Honest man Changgu

Chapter 597 Honest Man Chang Gu

  The executive body of the concession administration is the Ministry of Industry Bureau, which is led by a public board of directors. The directors are not paid and the general director is elected through mutual election. The British always account for the majority of the seats on the board of directors.

In other words, Tony Kaiziwei is to a certain extent the spokesperson of the British in the public settlement. He has the right to conduct diplomatic communication with the outside world and can mobilize a small part of the British garrison in Shanghai.

On the phone, he reported something very seriously. The patrol room arrested Takaki Ikuta, the intelligence officer of the Japanese Consulate, on three charges in total: espionage, animal poaching, and murder.

 “Nani, this must be a misunderstanding.”

Ishizuka Shotaro was stunned. The poaching of animals was a trap set up by Iwai and Hase. But where did the crime of espionage and murder start? Especially the crime of espionage, which is a serious crime in any country.

He suppressed his smile and explained: "Ikuta Takaki is my personal intelligence officer, responsible for collecting public intelligence from various countries. The Empire of Japan has absolutely not conducted secret intelligence investigations on your country.

As for murder and poaching of animals, according to the diplomatic agreement reached between Japan and Britain, even if Japanese citizens commit crimes, they should be handed over to the Administrative Committee of the Resident Vigilante Corps, right Tony? "

Ishoga Shotaro did not dwell on the case and tried to fish out Ikuta Takaki first. Diplomats represent the dignity of the country. If they don’t know, it’s okay. If they know, they can’t let him be imprisoned.

"But our agreement also stipulates that criminal activities that endanger the country are not included in the transfer. The case your intelligence officer is involved in is very sensitive, very sensitive. Do you understand?"

Tony Kai Ziwei responded unceremoniously, and then suddenly changed the subject: "Out of our personal friendship, I kindly remind you that this case is not something you and I can decide.

If it is not handled well, the Kaiziwei family will plead guilty to the royal family. You know exactly what this means. I will ask someone to hand over specific information to you. Your country must resolve this matter as quickly as possible. "

He had no choice but to wipe his brother's butt. In order to maintain the influence of the Kaiziwei family in Shanghai and minimize the impact of the case, he could only cut the knot quickly.

 “Well, thank you, Tony.”

Ishoga Shotaro knew that it was meaningless to say anything now, so he had better see what Takaki Ikuta had done before talking about it. What made people confused was how the other party was related to the British royal family.

To say that the waste of Sato can threaten the King of Britain, he does not believe it. With this ability, the other party will not be kicked by the consulates of various places, not even a deputy minister.

Thinking about it, he lit a cigar and began to wait for the information Tony Kaiziwei said. As a result, the British did not wait, but instead waited for Iwai and Hase Ryosuke, the second general of the consulate.

 “Your Excellency, Consul.”

As soon as Iwai came in, he bowed deeply and said: "We have important information to report to you. According to the latest information provided by the intelligence department's informant, Ikuta Takaki was arrested in the public concession.

 The specific charges involve espionage, the murder of three Indian police officers, and poaching of wild animals. I heard that the chief patrol room has already interrogated him. How should this matter be handled? Please give instructions. "

 After introducing the situation, he and Ryosuke Hase kept their bows and waited for orders. They had deceived people into making such a big noise. These two guys had something in their minds, so how could they have the courage to face the stone pig.

The only difference is that Iwai is really afraid, while Hase is fake. With the deposits and gold bars in the bank, even if he is fired, he will have to start over in another place.

 “Ahem, I understand the matter.”

Ishizuka Shotarou put out his cigar and looked at them with a dark face: "Is there any evidence for the arrest in the patrol room? Ikuta and the Indians have no enmity. Why did they kill each other? Is there any misunderstanding?"

It is even more nonsense to say that he is engaged in espionage activities. Putting aside the issue of ability, his position is internal service and he has never performed field missions since he entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Why should the other party accuse him. "


Iwai hesitated for a moment, and finally closed his eyes: "The patrol found a number of documents in the place where Ikuta Takaki haunted, including the Far East Fleet base waterway map and the British King's intelligence.

In addition, there is also a cable from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding Foreign Minister Hirota's speech. The British found his fingerprints on it. The other side believed that he was buying and selling intelligence, and the source of the intelligence was the consulate.

The reason why he was identified as the murderer was that there was a firefight at Elizabeth Hospital before the three Indian patrolmen were killed. On one side, a man in black opened fire with a Type 38 rifle made by the Empire.

Another witness confirmed that the murderer who killed the patrol officer was wearing black clothes, and it was speculated that the two were the same person. When the patrol officer captured Ikuta Takaki, they found three migratory bird corpses and a rifle on the spot.

 After technical inspection, the warhead extracted from the hospital scene was completely consistent with the traces of the rifle bullets he carried. That is why the British attitude is so tough. This is probably the case. "

 “Baga! This is absolutely impossible!”

Ishoga Shotaro slapped the table and said, who is Ikuta Takaki? He is just a scum who relies on the power of his wife's family. How can he steal information from the consulate and sell it for money. Besides, the other party has not participated in all the gatherings at the consulate. The reason is that the family is strictly controlled and there is no extra money for pleasure. It is unbelievable that this person would be an intelligence peddler.

 In fact, let alone him, even Iwai thought it was impossible. After hearing the statement of his immediate superior, he immediately agreed: "Your Excellency, Consul, you are right, maybe someone is framing Ikuta Takaki.

 I have been doing this job since I graduated from Tongwen College and have dealt with many professional intelligence officers. No spy can hide beside me without being discovered. I have this confidence.

The top priority now is to rescue the person and not let him be in the hands of the British. You know, the other party has not been trained in anti-torture. The longer it is in the hands of the British, the more likely it is that the secret will be leaked. "

 “Yeah, that’s what I’m worried about.”

Ishizuka Shotarou looked sad, and then asked seemingly unintentionally: "Canggu, you are the special senior section chief in charge of intelligence. What should we do next? Can you share your opinion?"

This question almost made Iwai startle out loud. He was afraid that Hase would be unable to withstand the pressure and sell himself out. At the same time, he couldn't help but wonder if the consul already knew about the series of arrangements between himself and Hase.

That would be bad. When something happens to Ikuta Takaki, the consul will be the first to be affected. If he offends the stone pig Shotaro, his life in Shanghai will be difficult, and he may have to go back to his hometown.


Hase Ryosuke looked hesitant when being questioned, and finally he felt heartbroken and knelt down on his knees: "I arranged for Ikuta Takaki to be arrested. I have caused you trouble. Please punish me, Consul.

I also believe that the other party is not a spy, but the British have solid evidence and may not let it go easily. I suggest that you negotiate with the concession authorities and let people from the consulate join in the investigation of the case.

 Firstly, it can prevent someone from framing Ikuta-kun, and secondly, it can keep track of the progress of the investigation and make corresponding preparations. After all, you know the person but not the heart. Sometimes the traitor cannot be seen from the outside. "

Hase Ryosuke unexpectedly admitted that he had set the trap and took all the responsibility on himself. This was different from the plan Zuo Shige had discussed with him, but he could only do this.

 Intelligence operations cannot be done mechanically, they must be adaptable. As soon as Shitaro Shetaro opened his mouth, he knew that the operation was exposed. The other party might have monitored the phone calls, or there might be a flaw somewhere.

But these are not important. What is important is that trust must be regained. In the blink of an eye, Hase Ryosuke decided to start with Iwai, using retreat to advance to win the support of the intelligence minister.

Besides, all superiors are not afraid that their subordinates will do something wrong, but they are afraid that their subordinates will not be able to bear heavy responsibilities. So what does heavy responsibility mean? It means whether you can stand up for your superiors when they encounter difficulties.

In addition, Ryosuke Hase believed that Ishizuka Shotarou would not kill everyone. Otherwise, no one would be willing to do such a thing in the future when someone important takes the blame. This is the weakness of human nature.

Sure enough, after hearing these words, Iwai came to life instantly, his eyes filled with gratitude. He was fortunate to have such an interesting subordinate who had not wasted all his care.

 Honest people must not be allowed to suffer.

He also knelt down with a plop, leaned on the ground and said loudly: "Your Excellency, Consul, please spare Mr. Hase this time. It is really those people from Tokyo Commercial School who bullied others too much, and they must be counterattacked.

As you know, the Special High School has made outstanding achievements in the past two years. It has successfully infiltrated several intelligence teams in Jinling. This is something that even the military has not done, but what about the result?

  It was agreed that Hase-kun would be appointed as the Deputy Minister of the Intelligence Department, but in a blink of an eye, Takaki Ikuta was transferred. Can such a waste hold such an important position? This is a joke on the lives of intelligence personnel.

We can't bear it anymore. What all colleagues in Tongwen Yuan have achieved by retreating again and again is not peace, but intensified persecution. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will soon have no room for us, Mr. Consul! "

 Speaking of the emotional part, Iwai’s head-to-head tone was tragic, and he played the frustrated and loyal general so vividly that people who didn’t know thought he was going to attack Kiyoshi in Tokyo.

Not to be outdone, the honest man Ryosuke Hase said with added jealousy: "Minister Iwai, you don't have to say it. This is my own fault. I will wait for Tokyo's final decision in the office.

I just hope that after the great cause of the Locust is successful, you can go to the lonely grave in Changgu to pay homage and tell me the good news. Then I will die without regrets. The black card is on the board! Onboard! Onboard! "

He howled two slogans in a fake manner. He did not beg for mercy or explain. He knelt down and sat there fearlessly, as if he had accepted the ruthless arrangement of fate, which made people feel pity.

 “Oh, get up.”

Ishizhu Shotarou rubbed his temples. He really couldn't do anything with these two living treasures, but what they said was right. If they didn't fight back, the Tongwen Yuan faction would be completely wiped out.

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and thought for a while, took two breaths and opened his eyes. A flash of light flashed in his eyes: "Contact the patrol room, ask to observe the interrogation, and collect the whereabouts of Ikuta Takaki.

If this person is a spy, he must have behaved abnormally and contrary to work schedule and logic. Once found, hand it over to the British. Hurry up. I will try to give you three days at most, and then you must report to the mainland. "

 (End of this chapter)

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