Cicada Moving

Chapter 598: Ikuta-kun, you are confused

Chapter 598 Ikuta-kun, you are confused

Perhaps because of Tony Kaiziwei's instructions, John Kaiziwei quickly agreed to the request of the Japanese Consulate, and a team led by Super High School Section Chief Ryosuke Tani joined the interrogation of Takaki Ikuta.

In the single cell of the patrol room, the two rivals who had been fighting for the position of deputy minister met again. Just one day apart, the two people were in completely different situations.

Seeing Hase coming, Ikuta Takashi was overjoyed and shouted quickly: "Mr. Hase, let them go quickly. This is a misunderstanding. I did not kill the patrolman, nor did I participate in espionage activities.

Someone is setting me up, Ono, just catch Ono. In the past, I did not know what to do. Mr. Hase, you have saved me a lot this time. I will thank you profusely, please. "

Having been tortured by the police for so long, he was already on the verge of collapse. His hair was messy and stuck to his head, and his clothes were ragged. Compared with his usual high spirits, he looked extremely depressed.

“Hahahaha, Mr. Ikuta, it turns out you are here. Why don’t you ask someone to go to the consulate to tell you? Because we were worried that something might happen to you, the consul asked us to find several places.”

Hearing the call for help, Hase Ryosuke said to Ikuta Takaki on the tiger bench with a playful smile, and then looked at Kuang Fuan aside: "Inspector Kuang, is this a bit too much?

He is the intelligence officer of our consulate and enjoys certain diplomatic privileges. Your patrol room should at least inform us before conducting torture. It is against the rules to directly attack like this. "

 “Oh? Then you know now.”

 Kuang Fuan did not look down upon Changgu. Since the 128 Incident in the previous two years had caused huge damage to Shanghai, residents in the Chinese community and the concession hated the Japanese. His reaction was considered normal.

 Coupled with the espionage case, how could the patrols have a good impression of the people who influenced their promotion and fortune? Therefore, no matter from any aspect, it is absolutely right to attack the Japanese.

At the same time, in order to make the British and Japanese fight each other, he had long been prepared to withstand the pressure and turn the case into a solid case. If the other party robbed someone, the gun in his hand was not free.

"Okay, I know."

Unexpectedly, Ryosuke Hase just smiled softly and nodded unexpectedly: "I accept Inspector Kuang's explanation, so let's continue. The top priority is to find out the truth of the matter as soon as possible.

Before leaving, Consul Shizhu Shetaro repeatedly asked me to cooperate with the work of the patrol room. Today I only brought ears and eyes, not a mouth. You can use whatever means you have. "

 Hold on, what’s going on.

Kuang Fuan raised his eyebrows in surprise. Shouldn't you use your diplomatic status to mess around and rescue Ikuta Takaki from the patrol room? How could you say that you would do anything arbitrarily?

He looked at the other party seriously and found that the corners of Mr. Super High School's mouth were grinning almost to the back of his head. The case was solved. The relationship between the two people was definitely not harmonious, and he probably wished that the other person would die early.

Want to avenge a private vendetta?

that's great.

Kuang Fuan smiled and raised his chin at the guards, and the whining telephone shook again. The difference was that there were two more telephones, one connected to Ikuta's earlobe and one connected to his chest.

Of course, Hase Ryousuke didn't notice this little scene. He found a stool and sat down, looking at his old rival who was howling after being shocked with interest, and listening to the other's vague curses.

“Hagaya, Baga Yalu, the Matsumoto family will not let you go, and neither will Foreign Minister Hirota and Minister Tianyu. You non-nationals who are in the same school should all die.”

 Ikuta Takaki stared with a pair of blood-red eyes, wishing to bite Hase to death. This is not a savior. He is clearly a demon who eats people without spitting out bones. The situation is even worse.

In order to avoid diplomatic conflicts, the patrol room did not use any deadly force during the interrogation. Now after hearing this bastard's statement, he will definitely not hold back anymore. The other party is afraid that he will not die.

He thought of a lot from this, including why the gun appeared at the scene of the firefight in the hospital, why the Intelligence Department suddenly held a shooting competition, and why Ono was following him.

All of this is missing a key link, and that is purpose and motivation. Even if he is imprisoned in the patrol room, Ono will not benefit. Who will benefit the most?

 Super high school section chief, Hase Ryosuke!

Ikuta Takaki held back the severe pain in his body and screamed: "You did it all, Hase Ryosuke, you harmed me. I will accuse you of your conspiracy to Tokyo, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and His Majesty the Emperor."

There is no airtight wall in this world. Do you think Ono will keep your secrets? Don’t be stupid. He will only use this matter to blackmail you again and again and squeeze you out bit by bit. "

After finishing speaking, he turned to Kuang Fuan and shouted excitedly: "Mr. Kuang, I want to report it. It was Hase Ryosuke who killed the Indian patrolman. The rifle belonged to him. If Ono is found, the matter will be clear."

This is our internal contradiction, an attack by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Doubunshuin faction on the Tokyo Higher Business School faction, and a conspiracy by the ruling faction to kill the Kodo faction. You must not be fooled by this person. "

 “Haha, I don’t know what it means.”

Facing the accusation, Hase Ryosuke smiled contemptuously, took out a document and handed it to Kuang Fuan: "Inspector Kuang, the registration book when Takaki Ikuta borrowed the gun has the steel stamp number of the gun on it.

Ono gave this to me before he disappeared. At that time, he said that Takaki Ikuta was going to kill him, so he left it to me for safekeeping. Alas, it's a pity that I didn't believe him. Ono was probably in danger.

Now I will hand it over to you, but I will not admit it to the outside world. Please think of a suitable reason. I think we will have a common topic in the security work of the concession in the future. "

While introducing the relevant situation in a heavy tone, he raised his hand to wipe the non-existent tears from the corners of his eyes. He looked at Kuang Fuan with a smile in his eyes, and he almost laughed out loud. "Oh? Please let Kuang have a look."

Kuang Fuan's eyes lit up when he heard this. He took the document and saw the signature and the steel stamp number of the gun. With the registration book, the chain of evidence was complete. Takaki Ikuta had no way to quibble.

But Ryosuke Hase was really cruel. As the saying goes, there is no evidence of death. The Japanese named Ono must have been murdered and silenced, and maybe he was drifting along the Huangpu River towards the sea.

He could think of it, and of course Ikuta Takaki next to him could also think of it. His little face, flushed red by the electric current, instantly turned pale. Without Ono's testimony, he would be in danger.

The son-in-law of the Matsumoto family, a backbone of the Tokyo Higher Business School faction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, burst into tears at this moment, as if he saw the horrific scene of him being shot by the British, with blood splattering.

 No, you can still save yourself.

Ikuta Takaki lowered his head and begged humbly: "I was wrong, Mr. Hase, please let me go. I will report to Tokyo and give up the position of Deputy Minister of Intelligence.

As soon as this matter is over, I will immediately leave the Republic of China and return to my homeland. I will avoid you in this life. In addition, I still have some savings in the bank. To express my apology, I will withdraw them all and give them to you. "

 “Haha, Ikuta-kun, you are confused.”

Seeing the other party lower his head, Hase Ryosuke laughed wildly and said grimly: "If I kill you, the position and money will also be mine. Anyway, the seal and deposit receipt are in the drawer of your office, aren't they.

 I advise you not to have any illusions. If you tell the truth honestly, you may be able to preserve a whole body. Otherwise, I will be happy to lend the electrocution equipment to Inspector Kuang and the others. This is for the sake of the friendship between Japan and Britain. "



What else Ikuta Takaki wanted to say was interrupted by the electric current from three telephones. He sat on the tiger bench and shivered, with saliva flowing down the corners of his mouth, which made him feel a little sick.

Kuang Fuan glanced at Ryosuke Hase as if nothing had happened, and said calmly: "Thank you very much, Section Chief Hase. Someone sent the signature to the patrol room through a letter. Is this reasonable?

By the way, apart from the procedures for borrowing guns, do you have any other information about Ikuta Takaki? We suspect that the other party has a secret safe house, and the evidence of intelligence transactions is inside. "

 “Well, very reasonable.”

Hase Ryosuke gave a thumbs up and praised, then frowned and thought for a while: "Safe house, I'm not too sure about this, I'm not like some despicable people who stalk others without authorization.

Just some time ago, I seemed to have seen him around a certain cafe. The man looked sneaky at that time. If Detective Kuang has no other clues, he might as well go to that place and ask. "


Ikuta Takashi was anxious. What a **** safe house. He was following Hase and Lao Dou there. He struggled to explain, but before he could speak, the guards blocked his mouth with a piece of cloth.

The guards are not stupid, the two are exchanging information with each other. As long as this major espionage case can be solved, everyone will be rewarded. How could this hateful Japanese spy be allowed to destroy it?

Kuang Fuan was too lazy to talk to Ikuta. After asking for the address of the coffee shop, he enthusiastically invited Hase Ryosuke to go with him in order to supervise the search of the patrol room. Hase agreed decisively without hesitation.

For evidence collection work in such an important place, both parties must be present at the scene, otherwise there will be lawsuits in the future. The purpose of sending him here is to plug the loopholes and leave Tokyo speechless.

The two of them each took a group of men and drove to the place where John Kaiziwei and Lao Dou met. They took photos of Ikuta Takaki and searched in nearby residential areas. They soon found something.

Several attractive female residents all said they had seen each other after seeing the photos. From this, the patrol room and the Japanese Super High School locked the general area, and it didn't take long to find a rental house.

After opening the door of this house and checking it in detail, everyone present took a breath. Documents, documents, all kinds of confidential documents were piled up throughout the house.

 They also found a small wooden box under the bed in the back room, which contained densely packed Citibank gold bars. After a rough calculation, they found it was worth about 50,000 to 60,000 oceans.

 “Seal it up and notify the patrol room.”

Kuang Fuan looked around at the intelligence documents and gold bars at his feet, and waved his hand to order his men to start sorting them out. Hase Ryosuke held up a camera and concentrated on taking pictures of Ikuta Takaki's "criminal evidence."

 (If there are Easter eggs, if not, we are reviewing them)

Readers in epidemic areas should pay attention to their health.



 (End of this chapter)

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