Cicada Moving

Chapter 599: Well intentioned

Chapter 599 Good intentions

 “Slow down, move gently.”

“No document is allowed to be left behind.”

A few hours later, when it was getting dark, outside the safe house of Ikuta Takaki, a patrol officer loudly ordered the transporters. Kuang Fuan and Hase Ryosuke stood aside with their arms folded and said something.

Today, their harvest was very large, and they seized thousands of documents involving various forces, although most of them were public information that was easy to collect and information that had expired.

But it is still the largest espionage case solved in the concession in recent years. After John Kaiziwei received the news, he specially sent dozens of armed patrols to provide support to prevent problems with the evidence.

What is even more exciting is that in the kitchen of this house, the searchers found a used glass, and clear fingerprints on it could be seen just by looking at it with the naked eye.

If it is confirmed that the fingerprint belongs to Takaki Ikuta, then there will be no suspense in the case. Combined with the previous bullet mark detection and the fingerprints in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs telegram, Ikuta will have to admit the crime even if he does not admit it.

Kuang Fuan smiled when he thought of this, and turned to look at Hase Ryosuke: "Chief Hase, I don't know if your consulate has forensic personnel. This glass needs to be certified by both you and me.

However, the verification location must be at the chief patrol room. We have the latest equipment to complete this work. Of course, you can also arrange for a Japanese patrol officer to supervise the entire forensic process. "

“Thank you, Inspector Kuang, for the reminder. There are relevant technical personnel in the Special Higher Education Course. I still say the same thing. We only brought our eyes and ears with us this time. We will not disturb your work. Please rest assured.”

 Hase Ryosuke bowed slightly to him and looked at his watch after speaking: "I have only one request, and that is to verify it as soon as possible, preferably before dark the day after tomorrow. This matter is very important."

kindness? What does it mean.

Kuang Fuan looked at him doubtfully and saw him making a three-character gesture with his hand on his side. He was thoughtful. What the other party meant was that he only had three days. Will there be trouble next?

This matter is normal. It is not easy to hide it for three days. There may be high-level officials from the Japanese Consulate behind it. Otherwise, a super high school section chief might not have the courage to do this.

 What the hell, the other party wants to kill Ikuta Takaki, or crack down on some **** Tokyo Business School faction, and he wants to destroy the relationship between Japan and Britain. We can all cooperate.

So the two looked at each other tacitly, with a faint smile on their faces. Someone's tragic fate was decided in this way, and who cares what the victim thought.

At this time, on a small building dozens of meters away.

Zuo Zhong stood behind the curtain with a telescope to observe what was going on outside, and said softly: "Chunyang, there is no problem with the witnesses. Send them to Jinling as soon as possible, without losing a penny."

"Yes, deputy director, everything has been arranged. These women are old and have little business in the study. It is a dream to get a sum of money to go to Jinling." Wu Chunyang replied.

 “Well, you have to be careful then.”

As Zuo Zhong spoke, he stared at the detective surnamed Kuang. He always felt that he had seen him somewhere. He thought about it for a while and then shook his head. He had seen so many people during this period that he really couldn't remember.

So he hesitated and said: "Collect the information about Inspector Kuang Fuan, and go deeper. I want to know all his past situations. In addition, has the follow-up of the glass been handled?

The nightclub waiter who handed you the cup should either learn to shut up or let him disappear. Anyway, there were many Japanese people who came to the Republic of China to make a living, so it was normal for one or two to die. "

 “It’s been dealt with.”

Wu Chunyang took out a few photos and reported without expression: "They were handled together with Xiaoye and buried in two places. This guy was a pimp and cheated many local girls.

Miss He took action herself after finding out. As for the detailed information about Kuang Fuan, it will take some time. This person came to Shanghai from other places and had no relatives or friends here. He had to send brothers out. "

“Well, very good, I have to thank Ikuta Takaki. If he hadn’t followed the guy Hase, how would we have had the chance to find the utensils he used, so we must be kind.”

With a smile on his face, Zuo Zhong launched a wave of personal attacks on Mr. Zou’s son-in-law, and warned: “Don’t tell anyone about this, especially those who have never met Chang Gu, not even Old Song.”

 “Yes, I understand.”

Wu Chunyang knew that the deputy director was protecting Lao Song. If he didn't know, he wouldn't have to take responsibility. But if he knew, it wouldn't be that simple. If there was a leak, the screening process would not be easy.

Then he asked in a puzzled tone: "Are we doing this a little deliberately? Put the documents, evidence and the box of gold in Ikuta Takaki's residence, and we can still nail him to death.

Japanese intelligence officers have always been suspicious. They may become suspicious after understanding the situation. How about making it more difficult for them? For example, I would lead my brothers to **** away the evidence halfway and then return it. "

Wu Chunyang really couldn't understand that the plans arranged by Zuo Zhong in the past were simple, direct, and efficient, but this time the Shanghai tasks were arranged in such a complicated manner, which was not at all like the style of a deputy director.

"No need, that would be suspicious." Zuo Zhong shook his head after hearing this, sighed and said, "You can't do it deliberately. Shanghai is a key place. One move affects the whole body, and there are countless pairs of eyes looking at us. Every move.

Not only the Japanese and British, but also people within the Bureau of Unification and Regulation hope that the Secret Service will make mistakes in order to criticize Deputy Director Dai. This is why Deputy Director Dai has remained silent.

So we must hide ourselves behind the scenes before we can do the following things, otherwise we will easily be sent to prison. Remember, making a living in the public sector must be on thin ice, and you can only be in danger.

Besides, Ikuta Takaki's identity is very sensitive, and he may have a lot of energy to use. It is better to think about the problem with the worst possibility than to write a review together afterwards, am I right? "

 “I understand, it’s my humble duty to be taught.”

Wu Chunyang suddenly realized that because they had been performing tasks in the government-controlled areas for a long time, everyone subconsciously did not attach much importance to concealing their identity. This was not feasible in Shanghai or behind enemy lines.

If you want to attack the enemy, you must first protect yourself. When you lose your home field advantage and lack a cautious work spirit, your intelligence personnel will not end well, and you must take a warning.

Zuo Zhong noticed Wu Chunyang's expression and nodded slightly, as long as he realized the problem. He didn't waste so much saliva. He had long noticed that there was an abnormal thought growing in the Secret Service.

The huge victory against Japanese spies and underground parties has made many people forget about it and feel that the enemy is vulnerable. If this continues, big problems will arise and they must be guided and educated.

He wanted to teach his subordinates how to be a qualified behind-the-scenes mastermind through the mission in Shanghai. If they could achieve their goals without firing a shot, why should they take risks and go into battle naked?

 “By the way, Deputy Director.”

Wu Chunyang suddenly thought of something: "The American arms dealer you asked Gui Youguang to find has been found. He has a lot of dangerous goods on hand, and he can deliver them at any time as long as he has money.

But the price was 10% higher than on the black market. I took the time to look at the samples. They were all surplus war materials from the German military. The quality was very good and the condition of preservation was good. There were three or four tons in total. "

 “So many? Buy them all.”

Zuo Zhong waved his hand and said seriously: "Once the war starts, Shanghai will be a battleground for military strategists. With the strength of the Japanese navy and air force, the national army has little hope of victory. Some things must be prepared in advance.

If we lurk here for a long time in the future, money is easy to handle and can be transferred through European and American banks. But what about weapons and communication equipment? It is not cost-effective to waste precious manpower on material transportation.

I will give you a sum of money, and you can buy a group of houses scattered in the public concession and the French Concession as safe houses, and hide dangerous goods inside. Only you and I know the specific addresses.

 Don’t buy anything except those on Beichuan Provincial Road in the Chinese border. No matter if it’s a private house or not, the urban area will definitely be bombarded by heavy artillery and naval gunfire, and the house can easily turn into ruins. "

Wu Chunyang nodded when he heard this. This task is not difficult. As long as you have money, you can buy a house anywhere. If you don't want to sell it, just add more money until the other party is willing.

 The only thing that requires a little thought is the preservation of dangerous goods. The weather in Shanghai is warm in spring, hot in summer, cool in autumn, and cold in winter. It rains all year round, and the air and soil have high moisture content.

  If dangerous goods fail, they are not as useful as a pile of rocks. The best way is to use oil paper, tarpaulin and wooden boxes to pack them in staggered layers. Even if the outside is soaked in water, there will be no problem on the inside.

At this time, Kuang Fu'an and Hase Ryosuke outside took the people away, and cars passed by with thick smoke. Zuo Zhong lowered the curtains and listened to the sound of the cars and slowly drove away. He turned around and continued to ask.

 “What else does that guy have in his hand?”

Wu Chunyang recalled the situation and introduced the situation: "There are three latest German Army radio stations with complete accessories, including many MP18s and American Brownings. It takes half a year to wait for electronic eavesdropping equipment.

He suggested that we wait. This is a model used by the Germans. It has a very good sound pickup effect. It is transmitted through lines and has a maximum eavesdropping distance of 200 meters, which can ensure long-term operation. "

 “Buy it and give him a deposit immediately.”

Having a chance to get the equipment in active service of the German army, Zuo Zhong made a decisive decision to buy it. Such good things are hard to come by, and the equipment of the intelligence agency is highly confidential, so it is worthwhile to buy it back and study it.

So he quickly walked to his briefcase, took out a thick stack of U.S. dollars and handed it to Wu Chunyang: "Ask him if he can get a few more radio stations and eavesdropping equipment. As long as the things are good, money is not an issue.

 Tell him again that we are willing to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with him. We want any cutting-edge technological equipment. The other party must have a German official background, and his identity can be revealed if necessary. "

 Wu Chunyang saluted: "Yes."

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 (End of this chapter)

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