Cicada Moving

Chapter 600: Events brewing

Chapter 600: Event brewing

 At the beginning of the lanterns, it is in the lobby of the chief patrol room.

Xu Enzeng frowned as he watched the patrols coming and going. He didn't know what was going on. Since the afternoon, this group of Japanese soldiers had become extremely busy, and many armed men had gone out before.

He knew that Kuang Fuan, John Kaiziwei and others did not actually welcome his arrival, but there was no way. The real culprit who killed the three Indian patrols must be found, otherwise his life would be difficult to save.

“Director, would you like me to go check on the situation?”

 An agent asked in a low voice very considerately. After Luoma died, many people were eyeing the position of Shanghai Station Operations Captain. Competition for senior officers of a first-level station is naturally fierce.

 Those with background influence personnel appointments through upper-level connections, those with money use banknotes and gold bars to pave the way, while those with no one and no money can only work hard and flatter themselves.

 “Well, let’s go and have a look”

Xu Enzeng was very comfortable being photographed. Just when he was about to nod to the other party, he saw Kuang Fuan and a group of Japanese hurriedly walked in, followed by a large number of armed men holding documents.

He had already received information about the arrival of the Japanese. The leader was the special senior section chief of the Shanghai Consulate. He was not interested in this because the war against Japan was not the scope of the secret service headquarters.

What interested him was where the patrol room and the special section chief had just been, where the documents came from, and whether they were related to Ikuta Takaki's case. These questions must be clarified.

After thinking about it, Xu Enzeng rubbed his fat face and tried to make his expression look kinder, then stood up and faced him, bursting into laughter when he was still a few meters away from the other party.

 “Haha, hello, Inspector Kuang.”

 “It’s Director Xu.”

Kuang Fuan was startled by the sudden sound and almost pulled out his pistol. When he found out it was Xu Enzeng, he suppressed his annoyance and asked: "What's the matter? The case of the murder of the patrol officer is still under investigation.

Director Xu, please wait patiently for a while. If there is any progress, I will inform you as soon as possible. Come on, please pour a few cups of coffee for the brothers in the government. I have no discernment at all. "

He said something in a neutral tone, and the policeman immediately ran away. Under the mountain of power, flattery is a common feature of human nature, and it is the same for Party agents and concession patrols.


Xu Enzeng pretended not to understand what the other party said. He looked at the transporter holding the documents and pretended to be curious: "I don't know where these documents came from. Do you need help from Xu's men?"

Inspector Kuang, please don't be polite. We are all Chinese. We should help each other when encountering difficulties. We cannot let outsiders laugh at us, let alone help others do evil and become what many people call us traitors. "

We are all foxes for thousands of years. In terms of yin and yang, except for a certain little Wang Ba Dan named Zuo, Director Xu has never lost. It is easy to master such a little detective.

Kuang Fuan narrowed his eyes, stared at the other person for a few seconds and suddenly burst into laughter: "Director Xu's words make sense, but unfortunately these are internal documents of the patrol room, so I can only say thank you.

Don’t worry, Kuang is true to his word. I will inform you if there is any news. What I can tell you now is that we have found some clues about the murderer of the three Indian patrolmen. "

 Hase Ryosuke on the side seemed to be admiring the calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall, but in fact he pricked up his ears and paid attention to the conversation between the two. The Secret Service was his parents, while the Secret Service and the Secret Service Headquarters were his enemies.

So in a sense, the secret service headquarters is also his enemy. He has to tell Fat Hu about this. After all, without the other party's care, where did he make so much money? As a human being, you must repay kindness.

 “That’s good, please invite Inspector Kuang.”

Xu Enzeng over there stopped when he saw the situation was good, and stepped out of the way with a smile. After the patrol room and the Japanese left, his smile disappeared little by little, and his eyes were full of doubts. There would be no problems in the cooperation.

These documents are evidence at first glance. Could it be that they were found from Ikuta Takaki's home and office? This is probably impossible. The Japanese Consulate will never hand over confidential documents to the British for processing.

 Forget it, let’s take it one step at a time.

After thinking for a long time to no avail, Xu Enzeng sighed and sat on the chair again, observing every move of the people around him in the corner. The time soon reached early morning, and a policeman ran over seriously.

The man was also holding a piece of paper, which looked like a document. This caught Xu Enzeng's attention. What kind of work needed to be carried out so late? It's hard to guess without information, but it must be very important.

Thinking of this, he patted the shoulder of a drowsy subordinate and pointed at the passing figure: "Follow me and see where the other person has gone. If you have the opportunity, ask about the contents of the document.

Be careful not to be discovered by Kuang Fuan and the super high school section chief. These two parties must be hiding something from us. Do your best. I am very optimistic about your position as operations captain. Don't let me down. Go ahead. "

 “Yes, Director.”

The agent perked up after being woken up. He shook his head to stay awake. He took the patrol uniform on the back of the chair next to him and followed him unhurriedly. He disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The patrolman holding the document didn't pay attention at all behind him. Who would have thought that someone would be following him in the patrol room. Besides, the people at the secret service headquarters were a bit useless, but they were also professional intelligence officers. Using professional intelligence officers to deal with patrols was like using a cannon to swat mosquitoes. One of the agents successfully followed the opponent to the door of an office and walked away under the watchful eyes of several guards.

At this time, in the room, the patrol officer who was being followed handed over the document with both hands and said respectfully: "Inspector, after identification, the fingerprints on the glass found at the scene were confirmed to belong to Takaki Ikuta.

As for the specific time when the fingerprints were generated as you mentioned before, there is currently no way to find out. Only through microscope and naked eye observation, we have found no traces of other people touching the glass.

 Glass cups are also very common. They are sold in many shops in Shanghai. It is difficult to verify from the purchase method. I asked the patrol brother to ask, but I am afraid there is not much hope for this clue. "

 “Very good, you go out first.”

Kuang Fuan, who looked tired, rubbed his eyes, quickly looked at the fingerprint identification report, and waved his hand to let the other person leave. The uneasiness in his heart faded slightly, and the possibility of frame-up could be ruled out.

When he discovered Ikuta Ryuuki's safe house, his first reaction was not to be happy, but to wonder if all this was arranged, so he asked the technicians to spend more time on physical evidence.

There are no traces of other people touching the cup, which is good news for Kuang Fuan, but not for Ikuta Takaki. If no new evidence emerges, this guy can only plead guilty.

“Is it fingerprint verification?”

On the sofa in the corner of the office, Ryosuke Hase yawned loudly: "I've said it before, no one would spend so much manpower and material resources on a waste, Inspector Kuang, you are worrying too much.

Now that it's confirmed, let's each report to the superiors. This will be a good thing for you and me. Don't forget that the other detectives are very dissatisfied with you and are eager for you to make mistakes.

Early this morning, they will let the newspapers in the Chinese community and the concession expose the case. Then the pressure will be on you. The sooner the case is concluded, the sooner you can secure your position as detective. "

Kuang Fuan glanced at the other party, thought for a moment and nodded. This is indeed the case. No matter which country the case is placed in and who is responsible for the investigation, the relevant evidence is enough to close the case.

He picked up the pen and lowered his head to write something, and said: "Okay, then I will ask Section Chief Hase to sign the closing report later. Do you have any opinions on the handling of Ikuta Takaki?

Mr. John Kaiziwei will most likely choose to keep a low profile and conduct a secret trial. In this way, even if the newspapers publicize the matter, as long as the case is resolved, the public opinion will not pay too much attention. "

 Helping it in a low-key manner?

 Secret trial?

Hase Ryosuke frowned, how can this be done? Ikuta Takaki must die. Chinese people often say that if you kill a snake, you will be harmed by it. Ikuta Takaki is a poisonous snake full of venomous fangs and full of aggression.

If he cannot be killed at once, with the help of the Matsumoto family, this person may make a comeback. It is never pleasant to be remembered by such a dangerous enemy.

 He touched his chin, looked at Kuang Fu'an under the desk lamp, and felt reassured. If he could think of this, the Chinese must also think of it, so the other party would tell John Kai Ziwei's plan.

Wanting to understand this, Hase Ryosuke stood up and walked to his desk, discussing with Kuang Fuan in a low voice. A few minutes later, the guy walked out of the office with a smile on his face and hurried back to the Japanese Consulate.

 Takaki Ikuta, it’s over.

When the two organizers of the case unanimously decided to do something, the prisoner would either die or not. What's more, there were Ishizuka Shotaro and Iwai behind the scenes, and Saushige and the Secret Service were adding fuel to the flames.

Under the careful arrangement of various forces, the newspaper office revised the content overnight. After dawn, the newspapers bought by Shanghai residents only had a front-page headline, which was very eye-catching and shocking.

 《What are the Japanese going to do》

  The seven simple words caused a huge response. On the road, in government agencies, on the trams, and in business shops, everyone was discussing the fact that the Japanese paid attention to the body of the King of England.

And it was not only Shanghai that exploded, the news quickly spread to all parts of the world along the telegraph. In an office building in Jinling, Dai Chunfeng immediately left for Qilu after reading the report in front of him.

Lao Dai looked at his watch in the car and breathed a sigh of relief. At this time every day, the bald man and his wife would take a walk in the garden. He would rush there and it would not affect the leader's schedule.

He had to be careful. Baldhead was supervising operations in the southwest a few days ago, and he just came back to recuperate a few days ago. If he disturbed the other party, he would definitely get scolded. This is the bad thing about being a spy.

Compared with government officials and military generals, spies have great power but come from the superiors. While they have a close relationship, they also have to directly face the joys and sorrows of the superiors. It is difficult for a hawk or a dog to do anything.

 (End of this chapter)

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