Cicada Moving

Chapter 601: The principal is right

 Chapter 601 The principal is right

 The sun rises and shines on all things.

It was a rare sunny day in Jinling City in winter. The bald couple were walking along the garden path, chatting and laughing about recent anecdotes. The guards and servants stood respectfully aside, which seemed like a peaceful time.

But this rare tranquility was broken by Dai Chunfeng who came in a hurry. The bald man looked at the spy chief in the distance with his head lowered, waiting for him to receive him. He felt unhappy in his heart and his brows tightened unconsciously.

"Darling, Chunfeng must have something important to do with you. You need to spend more time in Jinling to recuperate this time. You and I can just go for a walk tomorrow." The bald lady persuaded with a very reasonable smile.


The bald head also showed a smile: "There is heavy dew here. Madam, go have some breakfast. I will talk to you about the southwest war tomorrow. This time the soldiers worked hard and worked together, and the war situation is very beneficial to the party and the country."

The bald lady nodded and turned to leave. She was indeed very interested in the front line. After fighting the underground party for so many years, she finally saw the dawn of victory. This was of great significance to the government.

As a leader’s wife, of course she must know the specific situation. Otherwise, if reporters ask her questions, if she doesn’t know everything, she will be embarrassed in public. This is absolutely unacceptable.

Looking at his wife's retreating figure, the bald man slowly walked to Dai Chunfeng's side, and said in a somewhat impatient tone: "Don't come to me to decide whenever something happens. I want to focus on the military.

Let’s talk about it. What else has the Secret Service discovered? Don’t talk about the Japanese. North China will handle it respectfully. I trust them and the relevant information can be transferred directly to him. "

Having said that, he was actually very satisfied with the work of the Secret Service. Compared with the incompetent Secret Service Headquarters and Xu Enzeng, the work efficiency of the Secret Service and Dai Chunfeng was highly efficient.

At last, all his hard work was not in vain. It is simply unreasonable to know that in order to obtain the position of deputy director of the Bureau of Statistics and Investigation, the Chen brothers even resorted to pillow tactics.

Dai Chunfeng didn't know what the bald man was thinking, so he respectfully replied after hearing the inquiry: "Deputy Director of the Secret Service, Zuo Chong, sent a secret message from Shanghai and learned the true purpose of Japanese Foreign Minister Hirota Koki's speech.

Another Japanese consulate intelligence officer, Takaki Ikuta, secretly sold information on the British Far East Fleet and the British King. This matter was exposed by many newspapers in Shanghai and may trigger a diplomatic conflict between Japan and Britain. "

 “What, tell me the message.”

Baldhead's eyes lit up when he heard the report. Neither the Japanese nor the British are good people. If dog bites dog, that would be great news, and the international situation may undergo major changes.

Hearing this, Lao Dai quickly handed over the decoded message. His bald head examined it carefully under the sunlight. The first thing he saw was the order from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Shanghai Consulate, which made him curse.

“The Japanese have no morals to go back on their word. They are no different from beasts wearing hair and horns. They actually wanted to find traitor lackeys who could cooperate during the war after Hirota’s speech. Their wolfish ambitions are obvious.

Niang Xipi, someone deceived me with sweet words and almost made me a sinner of the country and nation. Dai Chunfeng, please hand this message to him immediately and see if he has anything else to say. "

The bald man's angry saliva flew in the morning light, and he casually placed the responsibility on someone Wang, as if the previous order banning the boycott of Japanese goods was not his order at all.

 It’s a shame, it’s really a shame.

The top leaders of a country are being manipulated by the enemy and they will believe whatever others say. They even want to calm things down by making concessions in North China and Northeast China. It is okay if this matter spreads.

Instead of everyone being embarrassed together, it would be better to push one person to take the blame. The high-ranking officials of the National Government have asked people many times. There is no more suitable candidate than Mr. Wang who has been flirting with the Japanese.

“Yes, we will make arrangements when the students return.”

Dai Chunfeng understood the profound meaning of this and couldn't help but sigh that the leader's methods were becoming more and more sophisticated. Presumably other high-ranking officials in the government would be happy to see this happen, because after all, their face was saved.

 At the same time, I made a decision in my mind. When sending a telegram to someone Wang, I must publicize it in a big way. It is best to make it known to everyone in Jinling City and try to reduce the pressure of public opinion on the Chairman.

The bald man over there cursed a lot, and his sullenness dissipated a lot. He continued to read the telegram, and his expression gradually softened. The son-in-law of a Japanese nobleman was selling important information from the United Kingdom, and was caught by the patrol room.

He frowned slightly when he saw this, and then glanced at Dai Chunfeng, who looked nervous: "Shen Zhong has done a good job on this matter. Let him pay close attention to the next development and report to Jinling at any time.

Once there is a conflict between Britain and Japan, the national government can win over Britain to target the Japanese. The struggle between countries is not only industrial, economic, and military, but also diplomatic. "

 “Thank you principal for your teaching, the students understand.”

Dai Chunfeng quickly agreed. As for whether it is true or false, it does not matter. It does not matter. What is good for the superiors must be the same for the inferiors. Besides, if the Republic of China wants to deal with the rampant Japanese, it is necessary to win allies.

Furthermore, the British Minister to China, Bai Longdu, was a well-rounded person. He spoke uprightly during the disappearance of Hideaki Miyamoto and gave great help to the Republic of China government. He was a good partner for cooperation.

  But there are rumors that this person is greedy for money, so that would be even better. The most fearful thing when dealing with people is that a person has no weaknesses. As long as he has weaknesses, it will be easier to deal with.

 “Chunfeng, come with me for a walk.”

At this time, Guang Tou read the message and said something with his hands behind his back, and then walked towards the depths of the garden. It was the middle of winter, and all the grass and trees were withered. Only a row of plum blossoms as tall as a person was in bloom.

The bald man stepped slowly on the petals blown by the cold wind, and asked leisurely: "Speaking of Shenzhu, how come I heard some people say that his Zuo family is a liar and that Beilun Pier is a scam to make money. He also said that his hometown is Many people were harmed by the Zuo family, and some even went to the Nationalist Government to complain. Tell me the truth, what is going on, and whether the rumors are true. "


Dai Chunfeng bent down slightly and quickly grasped the two key words Shen Zhong and rumors. He immediately felt confident in his heart, and then organized his words and explained indignantly.

“Shen finally reported this to me. The Japanese Chamber of Commerce has targeted the Zuo family, and the Zuo family has no choice but to act like this. What’s more, the merchants who claim to have been deceived are either Japanese or traitors.

 Or, like Dean Wang, local officials who were not familiar with the Japanese, I thought it would be beneficial to the country to teach them a lesson through the Zuo family, so they ignored the matter.

But please rest assured, leader, Shen Ji has never gained a cent in terms of money. You know him well. He rarely goes out except for work. Therefore, some people say that he is an underground party and need to investigate in detail. "

As the saying goes, the official word has two meanings. The left statement is reasonable, and the right statement is also reasonable. Dai Chunfeng took Zuo Zhong out of the Beilun case without telling a lie, and calmly spoke for the Zuo family.



Same as Dean Wang.

He clearly explained the identities of those who were deceived, and pointed out the background of this group of people. Only a bald man would make the decision for them. On one side are capable fellows, and on the other side are strangers. Who do you want to help?

  After Dai Chunfeng finished speaking, he thought to himself, Shen Zhi, Shen Zhi, a teacher is not a person who takes money and does nothing. Now it depends on the leader’s decision. If it doesn’t work, you can only work in other places to avoid the limelight.

 “Hmph, how dare you.”

The bald man's expression changed after hearing this, and he said in a stern tone: "Those who have no father and no king, who have abandoned their country and family, have the nerve to talk nonsense about the loyal ministers of the party and the country. They are underground party members without spending too much time and alcohol.

I am the most opposed to this statement. Shen finally became an underground party because he did not want to join in with them. I don’t smoke or drink, so I am also an underground party. It is really inexplicable. "

 “The principal is right.”

Dai Chunfeng suddenly transformed into a ruthless nodding machine, his head bobbing up and down rapidly. What he said was, there are many such officials in the party-state, are they all underground parties? It is really ridiculous.

For example, Jinling City (Chief) Shi Ying is simply dressed in cloth clothes and shoes all year round. His three meals a day are very simple and simple, and his family complains constantly.

Only when guests arrive, two dishes will be temporarily added to the table, a vegetarian dish of fried bean sprouts and a meat dish of braised pork. Other than that, it is the same as usual. Everyone knows this.

However, the other party joined the Separation Party in 1905, organized a European branch in the UK, and was a veteran of the Xinhai Separation Party. Can such a person be said to be an underground party member just because he lives a simple life?

Of course, Shen Zhi is definitely not as good as Quartz. He is indeed a bit extravagant and particular in life, but these details are not important. What is important is whether he has a passion for the party and the country.

 Is there any Zuo Zhong?

That must be there.

After all, real money and silver cannot be faked, fertile land and good land cannot be faked, and shops cannot be faked. How bad can a person who respects his teachers and principles be so bad, Dai Chunfeng thought.

 “Okay, let’s leave it as it is.”

The bald man held the civilized stick with both hands and gave his final opinion: "When Shen finally comes back from Shanghai, let him personally investigate the case in Beilun Port. We must not tolerate those who incite trouble.

Especially the unscrupulous people who go to the door of the National Government must be dealt with severely. Why don't they complain when they are making a lot of money with the Japanese? I think these people have ulterior motives. "

 Baldhead used four words to determine the nature of the troublemaker in Beilun Port. At the same time, thousands of miles away in Tokyo's Shoto District, in a Japanese-style mansion, someone also said the same thing.

              、                           in 譭书は学の法なりなり, 书学は事をなすの法なり.

 (Reading is the art of learning, and learning is the art of accomplishing things.)

 An elderly man wearing a traditional kimono knelt down behind a low table and read the newspaper on the table and a secretly taken photo of Ikuta Takaki and a woman whose appearance could not be clearly seen.

The old man slowly moved his eyes to look at the other person kneeling on the ground: "Tian Yujun, my son-in-law is very good at studying and is a smart man. It's a pity that he is too scheming and not good at finding a career.

I have neither learned the art of getting things done, nor the essence of reading, nor the art of choosing and being kind to others, so I am not surprised that what happened today happened.

For the sake of His Majesty's great cause, the Matsumoto family is willing to make sacrifices. They only hope that the cabinet will vote on the domestic bank merger and acquisition proposed by me as soon as possible. This matter is related to the economic lifeline of the empire and cannot be delayed any longer. "


  Eiji Amaba, the Minister of Intelligence of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, touched his head to the ground and completed a deal. In this deal, both the Japanese official and the Matsumoto family achieved their goals, and only Takaki Ikuta was injured.

 (End of this chapter)

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