Cicada Moving

Chapter 609: Berlin

Chapter 609 Berlin

“Get dressed and get ready to get off the bus.”

While putting on a brand new black Chinese tunic suit, Gui Youguang walked in the corridor and shouted to the agents that they were representing the country on this trip and must behave appropriately and not make the Germans laugh.

Zuo Zhong was also packing up. When he was on the Untrepon, he informed the Germans about the change of itinerary through the radio. If he guessed correctly, there should be someone outside to greet them.

When he and Mao Yike walked out of the carriage, they saw five or six well-dressed Germans waiting at the platform. When the other party saw a group of Asians appearing, they quickly walked over with a smile on their faces.

 The two sides met and introduced each other. Among the people coming from Germany this time, the one with the highest official position was a deputy mayor of Munich, and the rest were all capitalists in the industrial and commercial fields.

 In the Republic of China and Germany, one side wanted to develop military industry, and the other side wanted to open up a huge market. On the premise that each had their own needs, everyone still chatted happily even if there was a strong wind on the platform.

Especially when those businessmen heard Mao Yike tell him about the scale of the Gongxian arsenal, they wanted to stuff the money into his trouser pocket on the spot. Zuo Zhong, who was treated coldly, stood aside and watched with a smile.

 Every bustle in the world is for benefit, and all the hustle and bustle in the world is for benefit.

 A large arsenal requires a huge amount of machinery, equipment, auxiliary materials, and technology patents every year. If the factory director can be lured into the trap, no matter how much money is spent or how much rebates are given, it is worth it.

Mao Yike was a little frightened by the sudden enthusiasm of the Germans. Not that he was very clean and honest, but it was really scary to make money under the nose of a special agent.

He immediately put on an upright and awe-inspiring look, reluctantly rejected the other party's kindness, and instead asked about the train schedule to Berlin, planning to rush to Berlin directly to complete the task without stopping.

How could the Germans know that the curved around, and thought that they had encountered a Qing official of the Republic of China, and regretted that they were a little respectful, and took the initiative to help them buy a dozen first -class tickets.

 Who said Germans are old-fashioned?

 Apparently very flexible.

 Or is it that money can change people’s inherent thinking logic?

Zuo Zhong's smile became warmer and warmer, and he decided to find time to chat with Mao Yike. It didn't matter how much money he received, as long as he didn't ruin the military industry. There needed to be a balance, and he must understand.

 Otherwise, there are so many people studying abroad, why should the other party be the director of the factory, and why should the bald head not send other arsenal directors to Germany to receive the drawings? It is enough to just talk to such smart people.

The two parties communicated for a long time at the train station. It was not until a train started checking tickets that Mao Yike shook hands with the Germans one by one and said goodbye. Everyone boarded the train again while the Germans were reluctant to say goodbye.

After getting in the car, Mao Yike explained awkwardly, what is "breeze in one's sleeves" and "honest and honest"? Zuo Zhong patted him on the shoulder and said nothing. He said everything without saying anything.

 After sitting in the churning train for several more hours, when the train slowly stopped, Zuo Zhong and others' long journey across Europe and Asia, which took more than a month, was finally over.

Compared to Munich, the welcoming ceremony in Berlin was more grand. A small orchestra played a specious Sanminist song. A German colonel first extended his right hand to Mao Yike.

 “Welcome back to Berlin, Mao.”

 “It’s nice to meet you, Colonel Much.”

Mao Yike greeted the colonel familiarly and hugged him enthusiastically. In Germany, this is an action only suitable for relatives, friends and fairly close acquaintances.

In addition to the sentence about returning to Berlin, the two undoubtedly met in Germany. Besides, there is no one named Muhe in the official list of German officials going to China. So what is their relationship?

 Are you a classmate?

 The age is not right.

are friends?

 How did we know each other?

 After entering the Secret Service, Zuo Zhong has been insisting on learning foreign languages. After two years, he can write and speak fluently in English and Japanese, but he cannot speak German well. He can listen but cannot speak very well.

As for reading and writing, it depends on luck. If you are lucky, you will be able to guess correctly. It is standard illiterate and semi-mute in German. Fortunately, neither of them speaks very fast, so he can probably understand the content of the conversation.

Over there, Mu He patted Mao Yike, and his tone was full of emotion: "I can't believe that the most stupid student I had at the Berlin Technical School turned out to be a technocrat. It's really unimaginable."

"Colonel Muhe, no, I'll call you Professor Muhe. I didn't expect you to become a soldier. Don't you hate war the most?" Mao Yike asked a question with a complicated expression.

Muhe smiled faintly and did not answer the question. Instead, he looked at the Secret Service personnel behind him: "Why don't you introduce your colleagues? On behalf of the empire, I welcome you."

Zuo Zhong was watching the play in the crowd, but the moment Mu He spoke, he suddenly felt the hairs on his body stand up. The sixth sense inherited from his ancestors millions of years ago told him that someone was peeking.

The sixth sense is not pseudoscience, nor is it feudal superstition. It is a special ability developed by primitive humans in their struggle with nature to avoid sneak attacks from wild beasts or other enemies. The tracking and anti-tracking training received by intelligence personnel can tap into and enhance this instinct from the depths of genes. It is very simple to crack it and use peripheral vision and reflection to monitor suspicious persons.

At this time, Zuo Zhong resisted the discomfort that felt like a thorn in his back. Taking advantage of Mao Yike to introduce himself and others, he turned slightly sideways to avoid the direct gaze of the person in the dark. It was impossible to avoid it completely, it would mean being exposed.

Even if the Germans know their true identity, they still have to sing the drama. Some things are obvious and there is no room for euphemism. He must avoid this situation from happening.

So just avoid it a little so that no one can record the clear frontal appearance. Thank you for not having a telephoto lens that can be moved at will in this era, otherwise it would be useless to hide on the moon.

Not only him, but other agents also felt that someone was watching them more or less, and used various methods to prevent being secretly photographed. Some of them lowered their heads, some had their faces profiled, and some used other people to cover them.

Anyway, the Eight Immortals are crossing the sea to show their magical powers.

The most wonderful thing is that there is light. He turned his bare head somewhere, and the sun shone on it, reflecting a dazzling white light. His whole body was bathed in the light, as if he had attained enlightenment and become an immortal.

  Let alone taking secret photos of Germans, if you get too close, your eyes will be blinded. I didn’t expect that baldness would have such advantages. Zuo Zhong couldn’t help but feel a little tempted, but he quickly gave up the dangerous idea.

On the other side, Mu He didn't know whether it was intentional or not. He held Mao Yike and talked for a long time. When he saw that the band's rhythm was getting worse and worse, and he could hardly hear what the song was, he led everyone into the car.

Zuo Zhong was assigned to a black Mercedes car. After ignition, the car trembled slightly and drove out of the Berlin train station. He curiously looked at the city in front of him through the window.

  What was Berlin like in the 1930s? Various modern buildings were rising from the ground, and wide asphalt roads were winding away, leading to the suburbs and the modern city.

Looking at the cars whizzing past on the street, they are all the latest and most advanced. Pedestrians are walking in a hurry, but their faces are filled with happy smiles. Everything is so prosperous.

You must know that just a few years ago, Berlin and Germany as a whole were still wailing under the torture of the economic crisis. The unemployment rate once reached 50, and the streets were full of beggars and residents dying of starvation.

In a short period of time, people's lives have undergone earth-shaking changes. It is no wonder that they firmly believe in a certain bearded man and his ideas, and are willing to sacrifice their precious lives to maintain it.

 The evidence is the ubiquitous red and black flags on the surrounding buildings and street lights. The red paint is like red blood, and it floats in the air when the wind blows, making it impossible to ignore.

“Chinese friends, have you seen that thirty-story building? In 1931, it was just an abandoned factory. It took us one hundred and eighty days to clean up and rebuild it.”

Seeing that Zuo Zhong and others seemed to be shocked by the greatness and prosperity of Berlin, the German driver pointed at the buildings in the distance and said, his confidence and pride were clearly revealed in his eyes and actions.

He then deliberately slowed down the car and continued the introduction in a joyful tone: "Now it is the largest department store in the empire. As long as you have banknotes, you can buy any product you want in it."

 The agents were silent.

They have all received basic education and have access to knowledge of situations around the world, including economic intelligence. Needless to say, Germany's miserable situation after the European war was only better than that of the Republic of China.

What we heard and seen today shows that Germany has emerged from the quagmire and has once again become one of the world's most powerful countries. As for the Republic of China, nothing has changed about what it was like before and what it is like now.

 Can the same method be used to save the nation and the country from fire and water? The agents' eyes widened and they were so greedy that they kept the scene in front of them firmly in their hearts. They might be able to use it in the future.

Zuo Zhong also fell silent.

To be honest, Zuo Zhong would have been as excited as his men if he had not known the fate of San Dezi, but this was destined to be a dead end, and countless men, women, old people, and children would lose their lives.

 In the final analysis, class contradictions that cannot be reconciled will eventually break out. Using national contradictions to divert class contradictions will not work at all. There will be no second outcome except falling into the abyss of war.

He just sat there quietly. After arriving at the hotel, he went directly back to the room. He leaned on the balcony and sent a secret message to Old K, who was thousands of miles away. He wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with him for the first time.

 Because at this moment, Zuo Zhong felt extremely lonely. He knew clearly that victory was ahead, but the process in the middle was disappointing. Comrade, he understood the true meaning of these two words.

In the basement of the hotel, under the thick concrete floor, more than a dozen complex instruments with lights constantly running were in operation. Mu He, who had just greeted Zuo Zhong and his party, sat on a chair and listened to the report.

“Colonel, we took one hundred and seventy photos at the train station, and only five of them can be effectively identified, involving a total of three people, including Mao and two other Chinese.”

After hearing this, Muhe raised his head and looked at the man who was closing the folder. There was a hint of surprise and confusion on his stern face. He stroked a pocket watch with his long fingers and said something quietly after a long time.

 “Continue to monitor.”

 (End of this chapter)

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