Cicada Moving

Chapter 610: eavesdropping device

Chapter 610 Eavesdropping Equipment

 “Waiting for information, Qiu Chan.”

 Zuo Zhong on the balcony ended his contact with Old K, turned around and lay on the fence to observe the surrounding environment. He made sure that there were no buildings higher than the hotel nearby, and silently turned on his mobile phone to record.

 Then he walked into the room and checked every corner, and found nothing suspicious. Also, if the Gestapo were easy to deal with, they would not be able to stop crying at night in the future.

 A few minutes later, he appeared on the balcony again. He tapped the play button with his finger and listened quietly to the sound recorded by the tape recorder. He soon heard some noise besides footsteps.


Zuo Zhong put the phone back into the space without changing his expression, and sneered in his heart. Sure enough, there was monitoring equipment, and such strong electromagnetic interference meant that there was not one or two monitoring equipment inside.

 There are two types of electromagnetic interference: conducted interference and radiated interference. High-frequency signal lines and various connectors may become radiation sources with antenna characteristics, affecting the normal operation of other systems.

Eavesdropping equipment itself and its transmission lines naturally also have electromagnetic radiation. However, with the electronic technology of this era, it is difficult to use relevant equipment to detect and locate it, but Zuo Zhong has a mobile phone.

Those who have experience using old-fashioned mobile phones should remember that when someone else’s mobile phone received a text message, if you were too close to the other party, the speaker of your own mobile phone would also make a buzzing sound.

 On one side is an extremely sensitive mobile phone, and on the other side is an eavesdropping device that has no protection against electromagnetic signal spillage. The encounter between the two creates a wonderful result—the mobile phone becomes an anti-monitoring device.

Zuo Zhong pulled the recording to the end and played it again, counting the footsteps in the recording silently, looking at the furnishings in the room, and using the changes in the intensity of the interference to determine the specific location of the eavesdropping equipment.

 “Fifteen steps, lamp.”

 “Twenty-three steps, telephone.”

 “Forty-eight steps, chandelier.”

He expressed his sincere admiration for the dedication of his German colleagues. They actually installed seven or eight bugs in a small hotel room, and all electrical items became carriers without bothering them.

And so much equipment costs a lot of money. Does the Gestapo have such a sufficient budget? Is this a normal procedure for screening outsiders, or does it have any special purpose?

Zuo Zhong thought for a while, then went out and knocked on the door opposite. Gui Youguang opened the door and was about to say something when he saw the other person put his finger in front of his mouth and shook his head slightly.

Gui Youguang was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized that someone was eavesdropping. He quickly got out of the way. After Zuo Zhong entered the door, he strode to the phone and picked up the receiver, speaking in a moderate voice.

“Liu Gui, we’ll take a break later. Let’s first register the weapons. Make a list and send it to Germany for filing, so as not to cause misunderstandings with the local police and affect the reception of weapons patterns.”

This time when he came to Germany on a secret mission, the Secret Service staff all used pseudonyms. In order to reduce trouble and some bad taste, Zuo Zhong used the names of the dead guys at the Secret Service headquarters.

Gui Youguang is Liu Gui, and he himself is the Nine-Headed Insect King Aofu. It can be considered that these two **** have made contributions to the country and the nation, and maybe they can suffer less punishment in the eighteenth level of hell.

What does it mean to repay evil with kindness? This is called repaying evil with kindness. Zuo Zhong smiled as he listened to the sizzling noise from the microphone, pointed at each electrical appliance, and blinked at Gui Youguang.

Gui Youguang understood the situation and nodded slowly: "I understand, Sir Wang, I will make arrangements now. By the way, the German reception staff told me not to use the radio easily."

 “Hmm? What’s the reason?”

Zuo Zhong frowned: "This is a bit too much. We are a public visiting group and have the official status of the government. According to established international practices, we should be able to use the radio station freely.

Unless the two countries are in a state of war, this power must be guaranteed. If the Germans do not have a reasonable reason, then I will protest to the other party through diplomatic channels. "

Diplomacy is no small matter. When national dignity is damaged, everyone has the obligation and right to stand up and express protest. What’s more, they are public servants and must not be at the mercy of the Germans.

After listening to this, Gui Youguang replied angrily: "It is said that there are anti-government elements in Berlin. The police and Gestapo are investigating. In order to prevent misunderstandings, you must apply to them before starting the radio station.

They even asked us to provide the start-up time, communication frequency, and password to distinguish it from other commercial and government radio stations. I directly refused this request at the time. Sir Wang, how should we handle it? "

"This is impossible."

Zuo Zhong said in the direction of the bug. If someone knew the data, it would be like handing over the trump card to the other party. In that case, it would be better to hand over the contents of the secret message to the spies of the Gestapo.

He took two steps back and forth and raised his head: "The Germans have unclear intentions. They went to the embassy in Germany to forward this news to the country. They also asked the ambassador to contact the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ask them for an explanation."

"Yes, I'll go after registering the weapons." Gui You touched his bare heels and saluted, turned and walked out of the room to notify the agents to gather. He was also very angry at the Germans' unreasonable demands and wanted to go to the embassy immediately.

Zuo Zhong glanced at the phone and wandered around to find Mao Yike, ready to ask the details of the man named Mu He. He wanted to find out how a professor became a colonel.

  Intelligence shows that Mao Yike returned from Germany seven or eight years ago. Muhe has made the leap from a civilian to a mid-level and senior officer in such a short period of time. Either there is someone behind it or he has made great achievements.

 The most important thing is that the other party has never introduced which army he serves in, nor his position. In short, this person's situation is worth exploring, and there may be unexpected gains.

Mao Yike, who was about to take a rest, was a little confused about Zuo Zhong's arrival, especially when he saw Zuo Zhong talking about the weather while writing a text with a pen and paper in his hand, he became even more confused.

He stretched his head and looked at the note and saw it said: It has been monitored. From now on, do not discuss mission-related matters in the room without permission. I need Muhe's background and information.

Mao Yike's body stiffened suddenly. Professor Muhe was monitoring them. How could this be possible? But seeing Zuo Zhong's serious expression, he finally nodded and chatted about the rain in Berlin.

Zuo Zhong nodded slightly when he saw this. He felt comfortable talking to smart people. Then he handed the paper and pen to the other person, indicating that he could write something on the paper, and he tore off the piece he wrote and stuffed it into his mouth.

The two of them just talked and communicated through text for a period of time. Zuo Zhong not only failed to understand certain things, but became more and more confused. The situation was different from what he imagined.

 According to the information that Mao Yi can provide.

 Much, male, 50 years old, a native of Berlin, has a wife and two children. His family lives near the Technical University of Berlin. After graduating from the school, he stayed at the school to teach chemical technology courses.

At school, the other party was a staunch anti-war person. He believed that the reason why Germany fell into tragedy was because the Kaiser insisted on launching the European War. He once organized demonstrations and had a serious dispute with the authorities.

How could such a person join the military and rise to great heights? The German government and military went crazy and absorbed a rebel or non-national into the German army, which was short of personnel.

Zuo Zhong lit a cigarette, burned the note, and placed the ashes on the coffee table next to the two of them, grinding them gently with his fingers, and finally exhaled forcefully, causing dust to fly all over the sky.

He clapped his hands and looked at the soot slowly falling to the ground: "Director Mao, the time given by above is not very sufficient. Please ask the other party to review the weapon drawings and implement the handover as soon as possible.

The Japanese are eyeing the Northeast and North China regions. War can break out at any time and at any time. The whole government is waiting for the outcome here. The Germans can delay it, but the two of us cannot afford it.

 Let me tell you another piece of bad news. The Germans are making things difficult for us on the radio. It seems that there is a question mark as to whether they are sincere in cooperating. For the leader's instructions, we must be prepared with both hands.

 At the necessary moment, I think we can interrupt the negotiations with the Germans and switch to France or the United Kingdom to see if the capitalists in these two countries are willing to exchange low-price resources for industrial products. "

Mao Yi knew that this was for the listening Germans. Although there were many supporters of German weapons in the Republic of China army, it was a matter of national survival, so it was normal to change course and purchase British and French weapons.

Especially when there is a problem with the 1924-style rifle pattern and the MG08 and 75mm howitzer are unavailable, it is not impossible for the government to tear up the treaty. It should be said that the possibility is very high.

The Germans may not be able to sit still when they hear this. Even if resources can be found from South America and Africa, what will happen if the ordnance cannot be sold? Industrial production requires procurement to maintain operation.

If an ordinary country temporarily downsizes and lays off employees if it does not produce, the problem is that Germany is not an ordinary country. The Germans need this deal more than ever to restore their national strength.

After thinking about this clearly, Mao Yike agreed angrily and deliberately, and also talked about what attractions in Britain and France were worth visiting. It seemed that he was really ready to break up and change the goal of cooperation.

Seeing his cooperation, Zuo Zhong smiled with satisfaction. In fact, this could not be achieved, and Britain and France would not do this. Otherwise, the bald man would have used this trick to counter the Germans, so there was no need to wait until he said it.

The reason is very simple. Britain and France have too many colonies and low-price resources. There is no need to trade with the Republic of China unless the resources are far below the cost price, but then the government will lose money.

He said these words as a bet. The Germans were worried about the bald choice and would lose out on both sides. They would rather suffer a loss in money than build a complete military-industrial system. In that case, Germany's losses would be great.

 Did Zuo Zhong win the bet?

While they were talking, in the mysterious space deep in the basement of the hotel, Colonel Muhe listened to the Chinese translator's narration, his face changed again and again, and his heart was filled with regret and uneasiness.

He stood up suddenly, picked up the phone and reported the situation to a number. After the call ended, he straightened his military uniform, opened the secret door, entered the elevator and pressed the button, and the elevator slowly moved upwards.

 (End of this chapter)

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