Cicada Moving

Chapter 615: Drawing verification

Chapter 615 Drawing Verification

Facing Mao Yike's questioning, Zuo Zhong's expression did not change at all. He looked at the Germans who "passed by" from time to time, and quietly wrote a note with his hands under the hospital bed and handed it over.

“Keep talking and don’t stop. My people will find a way to get the drawings. All you have to do is remain silent and cooperate. Remember, no matter what happens, you must remain silent and patient.”

Mao Yike glanced at him, smiled and winked at Zuo Zhong, and raised his objections louder and louder. His words were very rude, which made Mu He in the listening room gradually relax his brows.

It seems that the Chinese really wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to copy the drawings, and the leader was the security chief from the Secret Service. Perhaps this person was unwilling to be sent overseas, so he was eager to make meritorious deeds.

 Unfortunately, this is impossible.

Mu He narrowed his eyes and said to the monitoring personnel: "Recording at all times, not missing any conversation, especially the Chinese named Wang, no matter where he goes, we have to send people to monitor him.

If the other party finds out, tell him that this is the security personnel arranged by me. Also, don’t do anything without my order. You must stick to him like glue and don’t give him a chance to act alone. "

 “Yes, Colonel.”

The monitor replied, and turned on the recording button. A tape recorder newly invented by General Electric Company of Germany① slowly rotated, recording every move in the ward.

Mu He observed for a while, and after confirming that there was no problem, he left the listening room, walked around the hospital a few times, and came to Mao Yike's room. He took the flowers from his subordinates and walked in.

 “Mao, you feel okay.”

He smiled and shook the bouquet: "Many friends heard about your assassination and wanted to come to visit. For safety reasons, I can only stop it. I hope you can recover as soon as possible and meet everyone."

Mu He said the greetings that he didn't know were true or false, and went to the bedside table to put the flowers in the vase. He noticed that the Chinese named Wang was a little restless when he saw him, and he couldn't help but chuckle to himself and continued to ask.

“What were you two talking about just now? Is it about the verification of weapons blueprints? I am here today to tell you the good news. The top officials of the empire have officially agreed to Mao’s request.

As we speak, a train full of drawings has departed from Württemberg for Berlin. Upon arrival, they will be sent to the hospital as soon as possible. We are sincere in cooperating. "

 “What? Really?”

Hearing this, Mao Yike struggled to get up and asked a few excited questions. As a result, his excessive movements involved the wound, causing the muscles on his face to twitch in pain, but his happy smile remained unchanged.

Zuo Zhong looked calm, but his slightly straight waist and shining eyes showed that he was not as calm as he looked, and his hands behind his back were rubbing together subconsciously.

 “Of course it is, my friend.”

Muhe noticed the reaction of the two people and sneered in his heart, and then said lightly: "But for the sake of your health, the drawings will be given to you in batches to prevent you from forgetting to rest due to work.

 And in accordance with the confidentiality requirements, someone will be on hand to protect the drawings. Mao, please rest assured that as long as no one makes inappropriate actions, they will never interrupt your work. "

As soon as these words were spoken, Mao Yike's smile slowly faded and fell into silence, but he quickly exhaled and nodded, expressing his willingness to accept the German request, which was consistent with the performance in the recording.

Mu He knew that his student was an honest person, as evidenced by his previous attempts to prevent his subordinates from copying the drawings. Thinking that Mu He was secretly observing the Chinese intelligence officers next to him, he was a little confused.

Different from what was expected, the other party didn't seem to care whether anyone was watching or not. What was going on? Did he have the confidence to copy the drawings under the eyes of the surveillance personnel, or was he pretending to be calm.

He kept this incident in mind and informed Mao Yike about the progress of the investigation of the case. What he said was progress, in fact, he was introducing how many houses the Berlin police had searched and how many suspects they had caught.

Hand gesture is nice, but of no use.

The clay figurine was still very angry, and Mao Yike knew this very well. After chatting for a few words, he pretended to be exhausted and closed his eyes and stopped talking to express his dissatisfaction with the ineffectiveness of the German arrest.

Mu He smiled helplessly when he saw this, and politely left after saying that he would pick up the documents and come back later. After going out for a short distance, he carefully recalled what happened in the ward.

 The expressions, language, and movements of Mao Yike and the guard leader are consistent with the monitoring results. It is unlikely that they are acting. As long as they keep an eye on them, the other party will not be able to play any tricks on the blueprint verification.

He thought about it seriously, with a look of solemnity on his face. He stepped into the car and told the driver about the train station, deciding to go there and make some preparations in advance to minimize the possibility of problems.

 Five hours later.

The street lights turned on in the garden of the hospital, and several military Opel trucks screeched to a stop. Then a group of fully armed German soldiers jumped out of the vehicles and carried many large wooden boxes into the office building.

Zuo Zhong stood in front of the window and watched quietly. He knew that the wooden box might contain blueprints, or it might be a deception by the Germans, but these were not important, as long as the blueprints arrived in Berlin.

He flicked his fingers, and the cigarette **** fell in an arc to the trash can not far away, splashing out a little light. Then he closed the window and turned back to Mao Yike, giving him a slight nod. More than ten minutes later, footsteps sounded in the corridor. It sounded like there were a lot of people. When the footsteps stopped outside the ward door, Muhe arrived again with a few soldiers holding documents.

"Mao, here are the relevant drawings and process information of the MG08 bolt mechanism. I will send new drawings at this time tomorrow. These soldiers will be responsible for protecting the drawings 24 hours a day."

   Drawings of MG08?

Mao Yike looked confused when he heard the introduction. Shouldn't it be a rifle drawing? He then put this question aside. His task was to determine whether the drawing had errors. It didn't matter which one he looked at first.

Zuo Zhong couldn't help but frown. The Germans deliberately disrupted the order to prevent anyone from copying the drawings from memory. I have to say that this trick is really awesome. The Germans are very cautious.

Soldiers were under 24-hour surveillance, so forget about sneak shots and hand-drawing. Even if they scattered the drawings of weapon parts, even if they had a photographic memory, they would not be able to remember all the contents correctly.

Mu He on the side saw that the other party's expression finally changed, and he happily patted his palms with his gloves. The unexplained uneasiness in his heart completely disappeared, and now there would be no problem.

  In the next few days, Mao Yi was in pain and happiness. The pain was because of the wound, but the happiness was that he checked multiple drawings and found no problems. The quality of the information given by the Germans this time was very high.

Especially when he saw that the 75mm howitzer handed over was the latest improved model of the German army, he even supported his sick body and walked around the hospital bed with his hands raised and cheered loudly in the astonished eyes of the German soldiers.

Zuo Zhong didn’t understand the difference, but he knew from the presence of a few more guards at the door that the so-called improved howitzer was very valuable. The Germans valued it so much that it had to be brought back.

The problem is that in addition to the 24-hour surveillance in the ward, the entire hospital is surrounded by Muhe's people. Anyone who enters must be searched and inspected to prevent anyone from bringing in camera equipment.

The Secret Service is well aware of the Germans' petty thinking. In order to prevent unnecessary conflicts from affecting the drawing verification, the Secret Service personnel patrol outside the ward and do not give the Germans an excuse to find fault.

 Gui Youguang was so angry about this that he wore a big bald head all day long and glared at the German guards coming and going with a standard look of finding trouble, which made Mu He come here to express his dissatisfaction.

Zuo Zhong really wanted to ask him at that time.


 What do you Germans have to be dissatisfied with?

Rare metals and strategic resources worth millions of dollars have been given away, but the weapon drawings specified in the contract have been delayed again and again. Do the Germans really care about the proliferation of these three antique weapon drawings?

  No, they don't care at all. Just because the Republic of China is weak and needs help from Germany, they can embarrass and entertain their own group at will. This is not the first time this has happened.

Don’t forget that in the previous dynasty, there was a German army chief of staff named Waldersee who led a group of bandits and robbers to burn, kill, and loot in Peiping. He also presided over the signing of harsh unequal treaties.

Thinking about the spiritual heroes who crazily worship NC in later generations, Zuo Zhong really can’t understand it. It can’t be a large-scale outbreak of Stockholm syndrome, no, it’s the Six Nations Hotel Syndrome.

 Finally, under Zuo Chong's cold gaze, Mu He coughed twice and left, perhaps unconvinced or perhaps a warning. In the next two days, the Germans only gave Mao Yike the drawings of the standard rifle.

Mao Yike was not picky. He was immersed in the ocean of knowledge every day and could not extricate himself. He spent half a month checking thousands of drawings one by one and verifying the formulas in the craft book.

When the last drawing was taken away by the German soldiers, he looked at the other person's retreating back like a lover leaving him. After an unknown amount of time, Mao Yike suddenly turned his head and looked at Zuo Zhong.

Zuo Zhong understood what he meant. He dipped his finger in the water in the water glass and wrote four words - Be patient. If everything goes well, they will be able to return home soon. Now it's time to take the last step.

Mao Yi could see that he was confident, and thinking about the other party's rumors, he had no choice but to hold back his doubts, and watched the truck disappear into the sunset with his hands behind his back, blending into the busy traffic of Berlin.

Late at night, on a mountain peak in Württemberg, two black figures held tape measures and levels in their hands and trudged along the mountain road in the strong wind. After reaching the peak, one person shouted loudly in Japanese.

 “Chief, it’s almost done.”

 “Okay, return to the base.”

The other person stood upright, with the strong wind blowing on this person's body, outlining his bumpy figure. It turned out to be a woman. If Gui had the light here, he would definitely recognize her.

The other party was the Japanese female spy who launched the attack in Istanbul. For some reason, these people disappeared after the attack failed, but they reappeared in Württemberg.

① German General Electric Company (AEG), a German electronic and electrical industry company. Founded in 1883 as the German Edison General Electric Company, it developed into an electrical trust in the early 20th century.



 (End of this chapter)

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