Cicada Moving

Chapter 616: imperial loyalist

Chapter 616 Imperial Loyalists

Württemberg is in the westerly zone all year round, and the temperature gradually drops from south to north. Especially in the northern mountainous areas, it is the coldest region in Germany. In winter, there can even be extremely low temperatures of minus 30 degrees Celsius.

Even in spring, the temperature on the mountain often hovers around zero, and is often accompanied by blizzards. At this time, except for hunters and climbers, few people are out and about in the area.

But one day in the early spring of 1935, a small group of people from Japan who claimed to be meteorologists rented a manor in the mountains of northern Württemberg, and they disappeared every day and their whereabouts were mysterious.

God knows what the relationship between the weather in Japan and Germany is. People in the town at the foot of the mountain were talking about it. Some even speculated that these guys might have discovered a treasure house from the Prussian era.

Of course, this has nothing to do with the owner of the manor. It doesn’t matter whether the other party wants to dig out someone’s treasure or do something else. As long as the money is enough, everything will be easy.

 Late night.

Two people in hooded coats rang the doorbell of the manor rhythmically in the wind and snow. The door was quickly opened a crack. Someone looked outside through the crack of the door warily and then let the door open.

"keep alert."

ˆ (Japanese, the same below)

The two of them walked into the house one after another. One of them stamped his feet vigorously, put his hat back and shook off the snowflakes, and ordered the person who opened the door. The voice was the woman from the previous peak.


The person who opened the door bowed down respectfully and closed the door smoothly. The howling wind was immediately blocked outside the thick door panel. The fireplace in the room was burning hot, and a dozen Asians were sitting around.

The jumping red flames looked particularly warm on people's faces. The woman shook off her long shawl hair and came to the middle of the room. She looked around and clapped her hands to attract everyone's attention.

"The route of action has been surveyed. We will proceed as planned. Remember, we only have twenty minutes. After that, regardless of whether the operation is successful or not, we must evacuate to France or Switzerland."

 At this point, her tone became more serious: "If you are caught by the Germans, French, or Swiss, you know what to do. Now everyone repeats their respective positions and tasks."

 “Hide at the foot of the mountain and shoot.”

“About half way, observe and signal.”

 “Gather at the top of the mountain and stand by.”

 The people present talked in order, and finally looked at the leading woman. The entire plan was in the hands of the other party. Whether and how to implement it all depended on her decision.

After hearing this, the woman nodded with satisfaction, turned around and walked into a room without saying anything else. Others were not curious when they saw what was going on, sitting or lying against the furniture, patiently waiting for the action to begin.

 The evening after one day.

At the Japanese Consulate in Berlin, Hase Ryosuke looked at the Kwantung Army personnel with bowls tied to their heads, and helplessly raised his hands to cover his eyes. These **** red deer thought this was somewhere.

 “Mr. Chang Gu, do many things.”

The lieutenant general who led the team handed over a banner that said victory was guaranteed, and said with a fanatical expression: "You and I will make a surprise attack on the Republic of China delegation tonight, and it will definitely be a feat similar to Ban Ding Yuan's execution of the Turkic envoys in Shanshan.

In order to destroy the cooperation between China and Germany, for the sake of His Majesty Tian Locust, the warriors of the Japanese Empire should not begrudge personal life and death. Let us sacrifice our lives for the great cause of the empire, Mr. Hase, onboard! "



Upon hearing this, the Kwantung Army soldiers knelt down excitedly and raised their hands to salute the east. Two red deer who were overly excited almost crashed to death on the concrete floor, their foreheads covered with blood.

  But Chang Gu just wanted to give him a big slap after hearing this. Is this what this special girl said? You are poor and only have a crotch cloth, but I am different. I am a rich man with hundreds of gold bars.

And to launch a suicide attack in the German capital, how stupid a person must be to come up with such a clever plan? Do you really think that the ubiquitous Gestapo and Berlin police are deaf and blind?

 This matter cannot be mixed up.

 Afraid of killing someone.

 Hase Ryosuke realized the seriousness of the problem. If the operation failed, he would be the first to take the blame. The Kwantung Army as a sword would not be investigated in detail. This was Tokyo's consistent routine.

As for success, unless the sun rises from the west tomorrow, the Kwantung Army personnel are inexperienced and cannot see the German intelligence officers strolling outside the embassy, ​​but he can see them clearly.

If you just refuse directly, you might be beaten to death by these crazy guys here. You have to think of a perfect way to cover them up. Hase Ryosuke is thinking about countermeasures in his mind, and he quickly comes up with a plan.

 He solemnly took the alms scroll and bowed deeply: "Thank you for your trust. Chang Gu is willing to die for His Majesty Tian Locust. Please allow me to take a first step to investigate the situation of the Republic of China delegation.

 Because if the operation is to be successful, it must be unexpected, and intelligence work is the top priority. Besides, you don’t understand the language of the white devils. If you go out rashly, you will easily attract the attention of the German police. "

The Kwantung Army Lieutenant Colonel was a little surprised. Everyone said that the people in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were non-nationals. Today it seems that this statement is untrue. Isn’t there a loyal minister of the Japanese Empire here, so he also bowed ninety degrees.

 “Then please leave it to Mr. Hase.”

"Without further ado, I'm leaving." After saying this, Ryosuke Hase turned around and left. He felt quite heroic as if the wind was rustling and the water was cold. When he saw His Excellency Lieutenant Colonel, his eyes filled with tears, he said a few words of affection to his men. Wu Yun Changlong's bullshit.

Unfortunately, they didn’t know that the imperial loyalist pretended to be calm and walked out of the embassy and immediately ran towards the train station. The Gestapo following behind him lost their target before they could react.

He was running in the noisy streets of Berlin, secretly saying that it was too dangerous to hang out with the Kwantung Army. He would move his head accidentally. This was the case at the Liuguo Hotel in Peking two years ago. It was better to leave early.

As for how to explain to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs when we returned, it was simple. It was simply that the Army Red Deers did not listen to the advice and insisted on dying. After trying to persuade them to no avail, they had to decisively leave and wait to be useful to serve the Locusts.

 It doesn’t matter whether others believe it or not.

 The important thing is to survive.

At the train station, he took out his passport and bought a ticket closest to the departure time. Looking at the French city at his destination, he smiled and walked into the waiting room leisurely.

As a result, five minutes later, a group of heavily armed soldiers suddenly appeared and surrounded the passengers. Just as Hase Ryosuke was considering how to surrender, many wooden boxes were carried in.

 “Put it in the freight car and speed it up.”

Mu He, who was wearing the uniform of a colonel of the National Defense Forces, waved his hands and shouted loudly. He subconsciously glanced at the crowd of people watching from the corner of his eye. A yellow face flashed past and disappeared in an instant.

But he didn’t think much about it. The transportation plan back to Württemberg was a temporary decision, and the freight carriages were also dispatched by the military. Without going through the railway company, it was impossible for the Chinese to know the news in advance.

On the other side, under the urging of Mr. Colonel, the soldiers did not dare to delay, and quickly moved the wooden boxes to the designated location, and then lined up to board the last passenger car to perform the **** task.


After the military personnel were settled, the staff circled around the waiting room ringing bells and using German and French to remind passengers to get on the train. Hase Ryosuke quietly followed the crowd and boarded the train.

In the crowd, he sat on the soft seat according to the number on the ticket, and then frowned slightly. The Germans had just loaded something on the car. It would be terrible if it was weapons and dangerous goods.

However, he immediately realized that this was Europe that had been at peace for a long time, not the Republic of China with chaotic law and order. No gangsters dared to rob under the protection of regular troops, and he couldn't help but reveal a self-deprecating smile on his face.


Two whistles sounded at the front of the train, and the train from Berlin to Strasbourg via Württemberg started slowly. The metal wheels turned faster and faster, and quickly left the city of Berlin in the dark night.

Mu He walked out of the train station and got into the car with a slight smile. A puff of green smoke came out of the exhaust pipe and drove towards the Military Intelligence Bureau station. He was exhausted from battling wits and courage with the Chinese for so many days.

When the surroundings calmed down, the chef of the Republic of China Embassy in Germany appeared in the darkness, and then hurriedly walked to the public phone, put a coin in with his fingertips and dialed a number①.

 “The meal is ready.”


A conversation of only two sentences ended like this. The chef wiped the phone after hanging up the phone, and left quickly humming a Northeastern tune, carrying a few hams from a nearby butcher shop in his hand.

  No one knew the meaning of this call. The Gestapo, who was responsible for monitoring municipal phone calls, did not hesitate to classify it as worthless intelligence and put a big cross in the column of whether to track it.

Berlin has a population of one million and makes and receives countless phone calls every day, with even more unfinished calls. If someone is sent to follow up on every call, no matter how many people the Gestapo has, it will not be enough.

However, sometimes omissions appear in common things. Not long after the call ended, several whistles sounded outside the hospital where Mao Yike was recovering, piercing the quiet night sky.

 Zuo Zhong in the ward twitched his ears and continued to discuss with Mao Yike the profound issue of the origin of bow-legged Japanese women. He listened to the Chinese translator in the eavesdropping room and his heart became hot.

At this time, the other party was not the only one who was happy. Sitting on the train leading to freedom and safety, Ryosuke Hase opened a French newspaper and smiled as he thought about where to go after arriving in Strasbourg.


I don’t know how long it took, but his thoughts were interrupted by a long whistle. Like a giant beast, the train slowly slowed down and turned, and a string of flames sprayed from the front of the train filled the dark sky.

The well-informed Hase Ryosuke knew that the train was passing through a special section. Just when he thought of this, he seemed to hear two strange sounds mixed with the whistle, which looked like the sound of gunfire.


Hase Ryosuke was startled and quickly pressed against the car window to look outside. Unfortunately, he saw nothing except black. The lush coniferous forest growing on the plain blocked his view.

Before he could take a second look, the water glass on the table slid slightly, and the train began to pass through the mountains of northern Württemberg along the mountain railway. Other passengers had long been accustomed to it and closed their eyes to rest.

① Germany’s first public telephone booth was set up in Berlin in 1881. During the subsequent modernization process, telephone booths sprung up all over the city and countryside, and it also became an iconic street scene in Germany.



 (End of this chapter)

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