Cicada Moving

Chapter 619: Germans are so cruel

Chapter 619 The Germans are so cruel

 “Check weapons and prepare for action.”

While the German Military Intelligence Agency and the Gestapo were dispatching in large numbers, the Kwantung Army personnel in the Japanese Embassy decided not to wait for Hase Ryosuke and directly attacked the residence of the Republic of China delegation.

After giving the order, Lieutenant Colonel looked worriedly at the night sky outside the window, and secretly swore in his heart, Mr. Hase, if you are killed by the Germans or Chinese, we will definitely avenge you.

 A few minutes later, the Kwantung Army personnel put on wide-brim hats to cover their striking Asian faces, and submachine guns and grenades were hung in long windbreakers that reached their knees. Everything was ready.


Your Excellency Lieutenant Colonel pretended to be holding a samurai sword in his hand, posed and shouted, and then walked out of the room where he had stayed for many days. The courtyard of the embassy was empty, with only a few cars parked.

Coward, he muttered softly with a mocking expression. It turns out Mr. Hase is an alien in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. No wonder he was sent to cooperate with their actions. What a pity.

He knew that this operation was dangerous and had no intention of leaving alive. Instead of wasting his time, a man might as well die vigorously and dedicate the best moment of his life to His Majesty the Locust.

Lieutenant Colonel got into the car calmly. When he saw the iron door of the embassy slowly opening, he nodded to the driver and signaled to set off immediately. Now is the time when people are most tired, so it is very suitable for action.

Cars drove out one after another, and when the fifth car left, the door closed silently, and the only light in the embassy was turned off, as if nothing had happened just now.

At this time, there was not a single pedestrian in the silent streets of Berlin, and there were no police officers to maintain traffic. The Kwantung Army vehicles drove faster and faster without any scruples, heading straight for a certain direction in the city.

  After driving for a while, the convoy stopped on the side of the road only one street away from the hotel of the Republic of China delegation. The Kwantung Army with rich combat experience naturally knew the importance of concealing the enemy.

 Lieutenant Colonel took out the MP18 submachine gun hidden in his clothes, used the cover of the instrument panel to pull the bolt over and over again, and finally inserted the 20-round magazine into the magazine, and patted the bottom of the magazine hard.

After confirming that the weapon was in good condition, he got out of the car and moved along the trail towards the target. Others were either covering behind him or following silently from the opposite side. There were more than a dozen black figures on the empty street.

"Da da da."

The long military career made them unknowingly walk at the same frequency. Coupled with the dry branches blown by the strong wind, under the dim street lights, a chilling air rushed towards them.

Lieutenant Colonel knew that what he and others were doing was a bit big, but he didn't take it to heart. The hotel was still three hundred meters away, so there was no need to hide anymore. No one could stop what was going to happen next.

They will rush in and kill all the Chinese they can see, and then successfully retreat or die gloriously. This is the entire plan of the operation, simple, efficient and never sloppy.

He looked up at the intersection ahead. He could see his target after turning this corner. Thinking of this, the smile on Lieutenant Colonel's face turned ferocious, and he quickened his pace, clinging to the wall and turning the corner.


Suddenly, a dozen car lights turned on at the same time and shone on the unsuspecting Kwantung Army, like spotlights on a stage. As for the audience, they were naturally the Gestapo and Abwehr.

On the way the Kwantung Army came, three armored vehicles stopped in the middle of the road. Groups of National Defense Force soldiers used various bunkers to aim at their respective targets, completely blocking the retreat road.

Mu He in the crowd was livid. The Japanese actually came to where the Republic of China delegation was stationed. When he first got the news, he couldn't believe it. He just thought it was a coincidence.

Fortunately, I brought people to see the situation. The Chinese were concerned about their plans for the Judahs, and they must not die now. The Japanese killing of visiting groups from other countries in Berlin was also a provocation to the empire.

Determined to teach the arrogant Japanese a lesson, he raised an iron loudspeaker and loudly warned the other side in German, asking the other side to surrender. The surrounding residents who were awakened hid behind the windows to watch the show.

Faced with such a situation, Lieutenant Colonel, who did not deserve his name, smiled. Since he could not complete the mission, he should die happily. In short, if he was not caught alive, it would be an eternal shame for his family.

 “The black card is loaded!”

 “The black card is loaded!”

 Lieutenant Colonel roared and raised their weapons. None of the dozen or so Kwantung troops chose to surrender. They all jumped into the nearest shelter as quickly as possible, teaching the proud Germans a good lesson.

In the hotel a few hundred meters away, Gui Youguang was lying on the bed and fast asleep. They had been sitting still since they arrived in Berlin. With nothing to do, he could only spend his energy on physical training.

Does two thousand push-ups every day before going to bed, and falls into a deep sleep as soon as his bald head touches the pillow. Just when he is dreaming of an 800-round battle with Japanese spies, gunfire suddenly breaks out outside the window.


The moment the gunshot rang out, Gui Youguang rolled to the side away from the window with his eyes closed. As he rolled, he pulled out the gun from under his body with his right hand. He grabbed the bedside water glass with his left hand and threw it at the light bulb. The light bulb shattered.

If a stranger comes in, the party who is more familiar with the layout and furnishings of the house will have an advantage in operating in the dark. Darkness can also make it easier to hide and avoid being beaten by others.

In less than three seconds, he was lying in a safe position between the wall and the bed. The gun in his hand was pointed steadily in the direction of the door. His head was slightly turned and his ears were raised to listen to the movement outside the door.

"It's me, Chief Liu, are you okay?" A familiar little agent at the door whispered. In such an emergency, the first thing to do is to identify yourself, so as not to be beaten into pieces by your own people. Feng Feng was killed unjustly.

Gui Youguang inside the door was stunned for a moment. He realized that his pseudonym was Liu Gui. He mumbled something bad and covered his slowly opening eyes with his hands to prevent possible flash bomb attacks.

Flash grenades are not a high-tech technology. The Secret Service has been using them for more than two years. There must have been some rumors from various quarters. If you don’t deal with them carefully, you might get blinded.

He stood up and bent over and moved toward the door, with the muzzle of the gun always aimed at the center of the door panel, which is the chest and abdomen of an adult male. If there is a problem with the person outside, he can kill the opponent with one shot.


Gui Youguang quickly unscrewed the door lock, then hunched his body against the wall and quickly took two steps back. Using the mobility skills taught by Zuo Zhong, he held the gun with one hand against his chest and covered his eyes and nose with the other hand, waiting patiently.

While he was taking action, the gunfire outside the hotel didn't stop, and became more and more lively. There were roars of rifles, pistols, submachine guns, and even machine guns, and stray bullets flew through the windows from time to time.

“Sir Liu, the three of us are coming in.”

Besides, the little agent who was familiar with Gui Youguang didn't come in directly when he saw the door open. He reported the number of people first, and then walked into the room step by step with his hands empty, and the same went for the remaining two people.

After identifying the friend and foe, Gui Youguang did not put down his gun. Instead, he frowned and asked, "What's going on outside? It's even more lively than the Chinese New Year. There are seven of me who came back to change shifts. Where are the three people?"

They were a group of 16 people on the surface, including Zuo Zhong and a radio operator. The number of available combatants was 14. They were divided into two shifts, with 7 people in each shift to protect Mao Yike in the hospital.

 But there are only three people present now, so he cannot help but think too much. There are no absolute loyalists in the world, only absolute interests. Moreover, he is in Germany, a place he is unfamiliar with, so he must be vigilant.

“Report to Chief Liu, the three of them went to the stairs and elevator to set up a defense line. We were afraid that something might happen to you, so we came over to have a look. The Germans who shot outside are unknown at the moment.” The little agent replied.

 “The Germans shot?”

Muttered to himself, Gui Youguang leaned forward and looked outside the door. Three old men from the Secret Service were leaning in a safe position to guard. He heaved a sigh of relief and put down his gun. He led his men to the window and looked outside.

Hey guys, tracer bullets were flying wildly across the city of Berlin. Pieces of glass and bricks were shattered. Sparks were flying from fences, mailboxes, and cars. The four people upstairs were dumbfounded.

Gui Youguang doubted that during his sleep, the Germans had been beaten to the capital by the enemy and were engaged in a final desperate struggle. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain the battle taking place in front of him.

He shook his bald forehead, and for a rare moment he was wise. He ordered everyone to stay on this floor for the time being, protect the operator and radio station, and contact Jinling directly if necessary.

 “Dong dong dong dong.”

 After dealing with this, he looked at the fire-spitting machine guns on the roof of the German armored cars and couldn't help but sigh, it is really spectacular that a powerful European country can attack its own capital so viciously.

Since he had nothing to do, the bald man simply brought a stool and sat down, sipping tea with his head curled up while admiring the beauty of the gunfire. He wanted to applaud on the spot when he encountered a wonderful shot.

However, after looking at it, Gui Youguang saw something. The Germans should be clearing out a small force, but the fighting power of that small force was extremely strong and blocked the attack.


At this time, a member of the small unit who was forced into a corner let out a loud cry and used a grenade to kill the armored car together. The blast of air from the explosion flew in all directions with smoke and dust.

While the smoke was thick and the Germans couldn't see clearly the firing range, two more people came out from nowhere and used the same tactics to send two other armored vehicles into the sky. The German offensive was stopped.

 “This looks a bit familiar.”

Gui Youguang, who was sitting on the mountain watching the fight between tigers and tigers, blinked his eyes and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. The style of that small unit dying together reminded him of an old rival-the Japanese Kwantung Army.

More than a year ago, in the Jiaxing underground pharmaceutical factory, the opponent was fighting to the death. Even in a sneak attack, the losses were still considerable. At that time, the Kwantung Army personnel fired grenades at the last moment.

Thinking of this, he took out his telescope to observe the battle that was about to end. Facing the heavy encirclement and suppression by the Germans, no matter how powerful his personal combat qualities were, he could not affect the overall situation. The result was doomed.

Through the flying dust, Gui Youguang saw the only remaining middle-aged man in the small unit holding up the German rifle he had picked up, rushing out of the bunker and launching a bayonet battle. He didn't run away. The opponent was definitely Japanese.


After a gunshot, a blood hole appeared on the forehead of Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, who was preparing for a battle between samurai. Then he fell heavily to the ground, with unwillingness and ferocity in his wide eyes.

A few meters away, Mu He held a smoking pistol in his raised right hand. Blood was constantly flowing from his right brow. Combined with the tattered colonel uniform on his body, he looked very embarrassed.

 (End of this chapter)

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