Cicada Moving

Chapter 620: Provoke troops to investigate

Chapter 620 Raising troops to investigate crimes

 Late night.

Mao Yike, who was on the hospital bed, was tossing and turning due to the pain of the wound and could not sleep. Suddenly, there were several dull noises outside the window. He looked at Zuo Zhong aside: "Is it thundering outside?"

  “Not quite.”

Zuo Zhong shook his head. He also heard three loud noises coming from a distance. They were not like thunder but a bit like explosions. However, this was the capital of Germany. Who would dare to do such a thing.

Moreover, Mukh's men and the Gestapo who were in charge of security at the hospital looked normal, with no abnormalities in their speech and movements. The explosion may have been caused by a gas explosion caused by the fire.

 Germany has long used coal gas on a large scale as domestic and industrial fuel. This "new" energy source, which has entered thousands of households since the end of the 19th century, is very destructive once it explodes.

Zuo Zhong secretly guessed and poured a cup of hot water for Mao Yike. It is always good to drink more hot water when you feel uncomfortable. The other party took the cup and chatted with him for a while, then slowly closed his eyes.

Since being assassinated, Mao Yike's mental state has been unstable. He has to stay up until midnight every time he goes to bed. Zuo Zhong has become accustomed to it these days, so when he saw this, he found a book and read it.

 Half an hour later.

Multiple car lights swayed through the window of the ward. Zuo Zhong frowned and extinguished the lamp on the bedside table. He stood up and walked to the window to close the curtains and looked sideways at the motorcade that was rushing into the yard.

 I saw a dozen cars coming to a stop, and immediately someone carried out the wounded from inside and shouted for help. Even from a distance, it could be seen that the injured were covered in blood, and the situation seemed not good.

 The Germans are at war with the French?

Zuo Zhong was a little surprised, and continued to look outside with his eyes wide open. He unexpectedly found that Mu He was also among the crowd. He stood there for a long time, then turned around and walked towards their ward.

Looking at the street lights in the courtyard, it can be seen that Mu He's face is very bad, and he looks like he is going to attack the enemy in a menacing manner. Could it be that the fact that the Germans were beaten into disgrace has something to do with him and others?

Thinking about various possibilities in his mind, Zuo Zhong calmly sat back on the stool and turned on the desk lamp, and took out a document from his bag. It was time to have a straightforward chat with the Germans.

As a sound of footsteps approached from far away, the door of the ward was pushed open, and the door panel hit the wall with a loud clang. It was obvious that Mr. Colonel was very angry and needed to vent his anger.

"what happened."

Mao Yike sat up suddenly when he heard the sound, and saw a gloomy-looking Mu He blocking the door. This made him a little confused and confused, and he didn't understand why the other party came to his place late at night.

"Director Mao, have a good rest." Zuo Zhong replied with a smile, then looked at Mu He and said in unskilled German: "Colonel, I think we need a quiet space to communicate."

Mu He looked at the confused Mao Yi but said nothing. He nodded and turned around and walked into the empty corridor. Not far away, several Secret Service officers were pushing and shoving the Germans to come over.

 Zuo Zhong walked out of the ward and closed the door. His smile did not change when he saw this scene: "What do you mean by this? Is it possible that a war broke out between China and Germany, and we have now been captured by you and your men?"

 “Asshole, don’t be so proud!”

Hearing the ridicule, Mu He was like an enraged mad dog, grabbing him by the collar and questioning him: "Don't be clever, you already knew that the Japanese would send an attack delegation, right?"

Wang Bagan, do you know how many of my men died tonight? They were all the best young men. Some of them were not even married and had children, so they lost their lives in vain. "

Zuo Zhong chuckled and pushed away the hand that was grabbing his collar. He raised his hand to stop his excited subordinates. He walked slowly to the bench in the corridor and sat down. He patted the seat next to him and motioned for Mu He to sit with him.

However, the other party had a cold face and did not move. Zuo Zhong didn't care when he saw this. He crossed his legs and lit a cigarette and blew out the smoke: "First of all, you said one thing right, I do know that the Japanese will come.

But this is obvious. The Japanese invaded our territory and massacred our compatriots. Of course they would not allow the patterns of these three weapons to return to the Republic of China. Don’t you know? "

Zuo Zhong looked at the livid Mu He as if he were a fool. The implicit meaning behind his words was that he was questioning the intelligence analysis capabilities of the German intelligence agency, which did not even have such simple information.

Mu He was so angry that he gritted his teeth and said: "You don't need to remind me about this. I want to ask you why you didn't tell me about the fact that Japanese intelligence personnel are so powerful. This matter is very important.

I understand. You Chinese have lost Northeast China and are about to lose North China, so you want to provoke a conflict between Japan and Germany. Let me tell you, your conspiracy will not succeed, and never will. "


Facing this nonsensical question, Zuo Zhong couldn't help but laugh, and his voice grew louder and louder. Finally, under Mu Hye's eyes that wanted to kill someone, he flicked away the tears from the corners of his eyes and spread his hands.

"Dear Mr. Colonel, your country's intelligence agency has a great reputation. During the European War, it repeatedly made outstanding achievements in fighting the Allied Powers. After being reorganized in recent years, it is still an important member of the international intelligence community. I'm sorry, I really didn't expect that. You can't even deal with a few Japanese intelligence officers. You know, we have defeated them many times and wiped out multiple spy groups.

If you think this is my responsibility, then fine, I am willing to publish an apology statement in a newspaper in my country or your country and tell everyone about the incident. What do you think? "

 “nein!” (No!)

Mu He shouted subconsciously. Only after he finished speaking did he realize that he had been tricked by the Chinese again. How could such a thing be put on the surface? This cunning Wang Ba Dan was threatening and warning him.

If the leader knew that Abwehr's work was not as good as that of the backward Republic of China, the German intelligence system would definitely be shaken, and as the on-site commander, he would probably not end well.

Official position and military rank do not matter, but he needs this status to do something for the future of the empire and the German nation. He must not be sent to a warehouse to guard documents or become a second-line personnel.

Thinking of this, Mu He narrowed his eyes and revealed the news: "Mr. Wang may not know yet, but tonight, the blueprints of three weapons were robbed on the way to Württemberg.

I think you will be staying in Berlin for a long time. It will take time for Mauser and Deutsche Arms and Ammunition to sort out and redraw the drawings. This process may be very long. "

He knew that the people of the Republic of China were eager for the 1924-style standard rifle, MG08 heavy machine gun and 75mm howitzer. As long as the drawings were not handed over for a day, the other party would always be in a passive position.

As a result, Zuo Zhong was neither anxious nor angry after hearing the news. Instead, he handed over the prepared documents with a natural expression and said something that shocked Mu He.

“Ludwig Roy was born in Thuringia, your country, in 1837. He was a native of Judah. ​​His father was a teacher. When he became an adult, he chose to leave his hometown and go to Berlin to develop, and relied on his connections to engage in the wool business.

In 1858, this person took advantage of the influence of the German Customs Union to form the Wool Products Industry Association. In 1861, he established a machinery agency company to import wool spinning machinery from the United States.

In 1869, he invested in a sewing machine manufacturing factory and began to engage in politics. He became a Berlin city councilor that year and later a member of the German House of Representatives. He entered the upper class and joined the manufacturing industry.

During the Franco-Prussian War, he expanded the company's production line to firearms manufacturing. Relying on his previous network of reselling machinery, he imported very advanced mass weapons production equipment from the United States.

After this man's death, his younger brother took over the family business, which was renamed Roy Company. With the dividends from the Commission's 1888 rifles, he acquired a large number of shares in arms manufacturing companies and Mauser companies.

In 1896, the Roy Company merged the German metal bullet manufacturing factory with its own weapons manufacturing company to form the Deutsche Arms and Ammunition Company. Am I right, Mr. Colonel? "

 Zuo Zhong raised the corners of his mouth slightly after speaking, revealing his sharp fangs. Lao Gu and the others did not let him down. It was not easy to obtain such detailed information in just half a month.

The Deutsche Arms and Ammunition Company is located in Württemberg. You can imagine how powerful the Roy family is in the area. Asking for information about this behemoth will expose its whereabouts if you are not careful.

According to Gu Qi's telegram, they encountered more than 30 attacks of various sizes in fifteen days, with an average of more than two attacks a day. There were more than 100 Roy family gunmen who secretly attacked.

Had it not been for the elites of the Secret Service who came to Germany to perform tasks, the personnel who went to Württemberg this time would have been thrown into the Rhine River to plant lotus flowers. Even so, they would have suffered heavy losses.

Including Gu Qi, everyone was injured, and three of them were seriously injured. Fortunately, they robbed a pharmacy in time and the injured received preliminary treatment. Otherwise, the boat would have capsized in the gutter.

But the harvest was also huge. Not only did they find out the details of the Roy family, which owned Mauser Company and Deutsche Arms and Ammunition Company, they also accidentally learned an extremely sensitive piece of information.

Zuo Zhong smoked a cigarette calmly, thinking silently in his mind that he had to force the Germans to agree to the conditions as soon as possible so that he could lead people to Württemberg for support. If it were a few days later, Gucci and others would be in danger.

On the other side, Muhe held up the document and shouted sternly: "Mr. Wang, do you know what you are talking about? No one is allowed to engage in intelligence activities in Germany. This is a serious political incident.

 For the sake of relations between China and Germany, please give me the information you have obtained. I promise to control this matter within a small scope and strive to hand over the weapons patterns within one to two years. "

 “Okay, let’s stop acting.”

Zuo Zhong ignored him and pointed at the document with narrowed eyes: "I advise you to take a look. In addition to the information about the Roy family, there is also information about the Quant family. Do you understand?

It is the Quandt family that controls most of the textile companies in Germany, owns the largest battery manufacturing company in Germany, has a close relationship with the chief publicist of your country, and also competes with the Roy family. "

˜ (not a typo)

 (End of this chapter)

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