Cicada Moving

Chapter 622: Stuttgart

Chapter 622 Stuttgart

 Five days later.

 The city of Stuttgart.

There are no gongs and drums or firecrackers in the newly built railway station in the capital of Württemberg. There are only heavily guarded security personnel and leading figures in various industries in Württemberg.

 The top management of Mauser Company and Deutsche Arms and Ammunition Company were all out in force to greet the train carrying the Chinese delegation. As a result, gunshots rang out as soon as the visiting delegation members got off the train.

The Württemberg state police responsible for security and the temporarily mobilized Wehrmacht troops responded quickly and captured dozens of heavily armed Jewish gunmen in the forest near the train station.

According to righteous people with conscience, these gunmen were supported by the Roy family of the Judah consortium. Public opinion was in an uproar for a while, and surrounding countries paid attention. Friendly countries were shocked.

  It is true that the Jewish people have mastered too much enviable and huge wealth for thousands of years. If they have independent armed forces, this is not good news for any independent country.

Amid the chaos, the victims of the shooting stayed in the largest hotel in Stuttgart, especially Zuo Zhong and Mao Yike, who lived in a luxurious suite with a toilet area of ​​more than ten square meters.

Moreover, all expenses are provided by the Württemberg state government, or more precisely, by businessmen who are interested in the Republic of China market. The other party expresses its most sincere apology to the visiting delegation.

  It is indeed very sincere.

 Heavy and heavy.

Zuo Zhong shook the receipt provided by the hotel and showed a satisfied smile. He turned his head and looked at Gucci with his arm in a plaster, Wu Chunyang who was covered in gauze, Shen Dongxin and a certain bald man.

“Who says Westerners don’t understand human nature? Look at this, don’t you understand? They are just as good at borrowing flowers and offering them to Buddha as we are, and they are very generous. Ten thousand dollars is enough to apologize.

I am a person who has always been rewarded for my merits and punished for my mistakes. This time you led the gunman into the forest and made a great contribution. In addition to the due bonus, this list will be paid and handed over to Luoma for you to handle.

 The specific points will be divided according to merit, severity of injuries, military rank and position. Those with higher military ranks will be assigned less points. If anyone is unwilling, let him come to me. The friendship between brothers is more important than money. "

 “Yes, I understand.”

Gucci, who went by the pseudonym Luoma, had his arm in a sling. It was inconvenient for him to salute, so he stood up and replied, Ten thousand US dollars is almost twenty thousand dollars, and if divided by a dozen people, each person can get at least more than a thousand dollars.


Zuo Zhong threw the bill to the other party and looked at everyone again and suddenly felt a little want to laugh. The reincarnation rate of the secret service headquarters was a bit high. There were so many aliases provided, but it was a pity that the person named Xu was not among them.

Facing the strange looks in his men's eyes, he asked: "Old Luo, please sit down first. You didn't make it clear in the previous message. How do you know that the Quant family wants to deal with the Roy family.

German Military Intelligence, also known as Abwehr, is very concerned about this matter because it is related to one of their secret missions. We are currently partners and there are some things that can be disclosed. "

 Gu Qi sat down with a grin on his face and explained in a low voice: "Getting this news was a complete accident. We were ambushing the gunmen of the Roy family and wanted to catch them off guard.

Who knew that another group of people would appear from other places and shoot at everyone without saying a word. My arm was injured in that battle, and we captured two people alive afterwards.

One of them belonged to the later party. The interrogation revealed that this person had served in the German army. After the defeat of the German army, he joined the Quant family on the recommendation of his comrades and specialized in doing some wet work.

The other party revealed that the reason why they wanted to kill both sides was because they had received instructions from senior members of the Quant family to eradicate the armed forces affiliated with the Roy family in the near future, and time was very tight.

 Chunyang, Dongxin, and I analyzed the situation carefully and felt that the two families might want to merge. Through further investigation, we found that the two families had a long-standing grudge in the textile industry, so..."

 Oh, so that’s it.

Zuo Zhong understood after hearing this that it was normal for capitalists to keep gunmen. In Europe, it was better. At least it would save some face for the government. In the United States, when Luoheizi suppressed the miners, they even had machine guns and tanks.

But this has nothing to do with them. Once Muhe handed over the weapon samples, he and his team should return to the country. Even if Württemberg was reduced to a pot of porridge, it would just be more talking points.

He lay on the soft sofa and smoked the cigar in his hand. He made a sign to everyone to watch for monitoring, and said softly: "Let this be the case, I will explain it to the Germans.

By the way, the Germans said that the train transporting the blueprints might have been hijacked by Japanese intelligence agents. If there is any new news, such as the arrest of the people involved, try to find out. "

 “I heard that, but no one has been arrested yet.”

Wu Chunyanghui, whose forehead was wrapped in gauze, reported: “The Japanese acted very quickly. The police and the German military blocked all the traffic arteries in the northern mountainous area, but no suspicious persons were found.

The other party must have prepared a retreat route long ago. Such a large area of ​​​​mountainous area is a forest area that is convenient for hiding. In addition, I suspect that they did not leave, but hid nearby.

The Germans cannot blockade an area for a long time. Instead of hiding in XZ and being pursued, it is better to wait until the blockade is lifted before leaving. By then, it will be only a matter of time to cross the border to France to board the ship and return to Japan. "

The people in the room nodded when they heard this, just like the underground party members who escaped in the Jiujiawei incident. Later, the police judged from the traces of the hiding place that they found that the party had been dormant for a month after the incident. The purpose was to wait for the government investigators to leave and let the wounded recover. But what happened? Tens of thousands of military police didn't even catch a hair on the person, but they made a lot of money.

Wu Chunyang's words not only reminded everyone in the Secret Service, but in a remote room of the hotel, Mu He and his men looked at each other after listening to the translator's report. They had never thought of this possibility.

According to normal thinking and logic, the first thing for anyone who commits such a serious crime is to flee the scene, as far away as possible. But after the Chinese say this, hiding seems to be feasible.

Mu He thought about it for a while and asked his men: "Where was the Japanese who was detained on the train and escaped, where was he last seen? Is he escaping to the mountains?"

"Yes, Colonel, when the train stopped at the station down the mountain, due to the chaos, the person jumped out of the toilet window and ran into the forest. Four days ago, someone saw a suspicious person in the eastern mountainous area."

The subordinate briefly introduced the current situation, and then added: "The borders of the empire with France and Switzerland are in the west and south, so everyone thinks that he is deliberately disrupting the reconnaissance line of sight."

Mu He rubbed his head. It seemed that the National Defense Force and Abwehr really needed to train in basic counterintelligence methods. If the **** Japanese was caught, the case would be declared closed.

Then the other party's abnormal behavior in the eastern mountainous area could mean that he was reuniting with his accomplices. The searching soldiers said that this person did not carry any weapons or food, and was only wearing a thin suit.

Unless he is sure that he can get supplies and support in the mountains, going into the mountains like this is asking for death. There are very few plants and animals that can satisfy hunger in the forest in early spring, and he cannot survive just by drinking spring water.

Muhe's eyes slowly lit up, and he picked up the phone and gave an order to the other party: "I am Muhe from Abweir. Send half of the people to the eastern mountainous area and ask the border authorities not to relax their vigilance."

He finally decided to take a two-pronged approach and not miss any opportunity. He must catch the Japanese alive. Only with evidence can the empire start a diplomatic lawsuit with the Japanese government or ask for benefits.

 He told the Chinese that those who died were good guys just to put pressure. In fact, he knew very well that intelligence wars would inevitably cause casualties. What he was angry about was that the battle outside the hotel that night did not yield any results.

Not only were all the gunmen dead, but there was no evidence found in the items left behind to prove that the Japanese official was responsible for the attack. The other party would definitely not admit it, and might even bite back.

It is a pity that restraint must be maintained between two powerful countries. If Japan was as weak as the Republic of China, he would have led people into the embassy and arrested everyone for interrogation without any evidence.

 Hang up the phone slowly, Mu He stood there and prayed secretly, hoping that the carjacker would really be hiding in the mountains, so that while completing the task, he could also obtain additional benefits for the empire.

 He ​​had a good idea, but things often did not develop in the opposite direction as people expected. Wu Chunyang's unintentional words led the Germans into a trap and reduced the search intensity.

 At noon three days later.

 A group of East Asians used wooden sticks and ropes to carry numerous wooden boxes and marched through the forest on the German-French border. The heavy weight made everyone's shoulders red and swollen, and every step they took made them suffer from heartbreaking pain.

 “Where are you?”

“Chief, we have to climb over the hill five kilometers away and arrive at the scheduled meeting point.”

 “Okay, be careful.”

The woman who hijacked the car a few days ago asked about the location of the team, picked up the water bottle from her waist and took a sip. The further you go to western Germany, the higher the temperature. People must replenish water anytime and anywhere.

She looked back at her tired men, walked to the side of the road and raised her right hand: "Establish a defense line, everyone rest for ten minutes, check the condition of the goods, and two people will go to the joint to explore the situation."


 After hearing the order, some people immediately picked up the weapons on the box and occupied the high point to patrol the environment. Others trotted towards the joint point. The remaining people leaned on the box and gasped for air.

The woman walked up to the seriously injured person who was wounded by the German soldiers in the carriage, carefully checked the injury, and made sure that the other person's wound had not worsened or become inflamed. She felt relieved a little.

Their truck fell apart after driving on the rugged mountain road for two days, and they could only carry the goods and the wounded on foot. Fortunately, the operation of calling in doctors and robbing medicines went smoothly, otherwise they would have been in trouble.

Ten minutes later, the team set off again, and it took them two hours of hard work to reach a sheltered spot on the top of the hill. The woman lay on the ground and took out her telescope. The sparkling Danube River was right in front of her.

In the far eastern mountainous area, a dark hand suddenly stretched out from the edge of a cliff to grab the stone, then another hand, and finally an unkempt man climbed up with all his strength.

The man lay there and rested for a long time, then suddenly turned over and knelt on the ground, raised his hands and shouted to the sky: "I'm finally up, no one can catch me, no one can!"

After shouting, he rolled and crawled to a plant, and crazily stuffed all the black berries into his mouth. While eating, he said something in Japanese. He was obviously very hungry.

This pearl plant,

It is called nightshade in Europe

 (End of this chapter)

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