Cicada Moving

Chapter 623: Happy cooperation

Chapter 623 Happy cooperation


In the gorgeous hotel restaurant, Zuo Zhong put down his oily German elbow and let out a satisfied burp. Looking at the table of delicacies, he couldn't help but feel guilty. It was extravagant, too extravagant.

Even Mao Yike, who was recuperating in his room, also enjoyed the high-end service of the chef personally coming to cook the food. I don’t know if this service is serious or not, but I only know that Director Mao has not been out for a few days.

These are also paid for by the Germans, and the hospitality is really hard to refuse. For the sake of Sino-German friendship, for the great cause of the party and the country, and for the leader's entrustment, the two of them can only bear the humiliation and bear the burden.


Zuo Zhongxian glanced at Gui Youguang, who was munching on pickled cabbage while holding the pig's feet. He picked up a napkin and wiped his hands with a cold snort, "Shame on you. If you like to eat pickled cabbage, just eat it. It's just the right time to adapt to life in the Northeast."

Then he looked at his watch and frowned. Mu Hye said two days ago that he would discuss handing over weapons samples today. It was already almost afternoon and he still hadn’t seen the other party. Could he be playing tricks again?

As a result, Cao Cao was about to arrive. As he was thinking about this, Mu He walked in with a few of his men wearing a straight military uniform. After the two met, they gave each other a warm hug, full of superficial friendship.

Muhe sat down and talked about the specific process and conditions for sample handover without any further detours. This was the final decision made by the German side after multiple studies. It can be summarized in three points.

First, forget about the rifles that can only fire a single shot. The two big killers, the MG08 heavy machine gun and the 75mm howitzer, definitely cannot be handed over in the lively city center of Stuttgart.


 So the Germans proposed to hand it over directly at the port of Ulm, and then they would take a freighter directly down the Danube River into the Black Sea, which was the same as what Muh said when he was in Berlin (section 609).

 Second, the transfer does not include the ammunition used in the weapons. These items are available in foreign banks in Shanghai and can be bought as long as you have money. It seems that the Germans are very worried about the safety risks caused by the weapons.

Especially in the context of a large-scale firefight on the streets of Berlin, no one can guarantee that the Chinese will not use heavy machine guns and howitzers to fight back when they are attacked again, which would be great fun.

Third, given that the German army is also expanding its armaments, each weapon can only provide one sample and cannot be replaced. Any damage caused during the imitation process will be borne by the National Government itself.

More importantly, German-made weapons produced by the Republic of China according to the drawings in the future are prohibited from being sold to other countries unless they obtain Germany's permission and half of the profits are handed over to Germany.

Zuo Zhong has no objection to the first two points. As the old saying goes, one must be on guard against others. If the person selling the weapons was from the Republic of China and the goods had to be transported from the Yangtze River, he would give more stringent conditions.

As for the third point, the anti-competition clause at the end is very normal and is an international practice. However, the number of samples is too small. Don’t think that any weapon can be used as a sample.

 First of all, the samples are all carefully selected and hand-processed by experienced workers to ensure that the parts have minimum tolerances and are even completely consistent with the data in the design drawings.

The purpose of this is to facilitate the drawing of drawings, to quickly detect different batches of weapons, and to debug the fixtures and cutter heads on machine tools. They are definitely not bulk goods that can be bought with money.

In international arms transactions, the default rule is that the seller provides 3 to 5 samples, one for testing, one for mapping, and one for backup. I have never heard of giving only one sample.

The Germans used the excuse of expanding their armaments to give fewer samples, which is nothing more than unwillingness or simply disgusting. Anyway, the two sides did not determine the specific number of samples when the cooperation was reached.

 Since you are unkind,

 Don’t blame me for being unjust.

Zuo Zhong picked up the goblet and took a sip of the red wine from Bordeaux. He smiled and nodded towards Gui Youguang. How could he not be prepared to deal with these jackals, tigers and leopards?

Gui Youguang quietly took out a small suitcase from under the table, opened the buckle with a snap, took out the wire recorder and pressed the play button, then continued to eat the pig's trotters with his head down.

 “Roy family.”

 “The Quant family.”

"make a deal."

"make a deal."

Mu He's eyes were on fire. Damn it, the Chinese secretly recorded their conversation in the hospital corridor. There were many confidential contents in it that could not be made public. They blamed themselves for talking too much.

However, where did the other party put the recording equipment? Why didn't he find it? Did the Chinese get some new recording equipment? After thinking for a long time, he gritted his molars and uttered two words.


 “each other, each other.”

With a smile on his face, Zuo Zhong hugged Mr. Colonel’s beautiful uniform with his oily right hand and looked at him sincerely: “I said I don’t mind cooperating with the devil, including the Judahs.

  There is no need for us to change the things we have agreed upon. As far as I know, the Roy family has many senator friends in the United States. Once a diplomatic dispute occurs, it will be very detrimental to your country. Furthermore, I only need three samples of each weapon. You see, as a partner, I still have a good conscience. This is nothing to the great German Empire, are you right? "

 Only three samples?

Mu He resisted the urge to punch this Chinese bastard, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Aren't you afraid that I will keep you here? The Japanese who hijacked the car are still alive, and anything can happen."

“Hahaha, you can’t, and you don’t dare to do this. You should know that all my men went out to enjoy the scenery of your country this morning.” Zuo Chong pointed to the outside of the restaurant with a smile on his face.


 Wang Ba Dan!

Muhe certainly knew that dozens of Chinese people poured out of the hotel and merged into the streets of Stuttgart. The trackers could not track them one by one and could only watch them disappear.

 Obviously, this is a preparation made by the Chinese to prevent being silenced. No one knows whether there are backup copies of the recordings among those who went out. If they really want to break the cover, arresting them is indeed a very troublesome thing.

Needless to say, which one is more important, the reputation of the empire or the samples, there are also many samples from Mauser Company and Deutsche Arms and Ammunition Company, so he quickly made a wise decision.

Muhe stared at him: "Okay, you win. Three samples of each weapon will be handed over at the Port of Ulm at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. We guarantee that they are all unused and qualified."

You must ensure that you leave Germany as quickly as possible. Too many things have happened since you came to Germany, including assassinations, exchanges of fire, and carjackings. I don’t want to see these farces again.

You also need to ensure that the recording will not be known to third parties, otherwise the empire's wrath will never be something the National Government can withstand. Do you understand? If you understand, then see you tomorrow morning, Mr. Wang. "

 “Haha, happy working together!”

Zuo Zhong grabbed his hand and shook it vigorously. It seemed that he didn't hear the harsh words the other party said. He had already taken advantage of him, but he couldn't let others vent. When doing intelligence, you have to be humane.

Mu He felt the greasiness in his hands, and the veins on his forehead popped out instantly. His chest heaved and he panted for a long time. He asked expressionlessly: "Mr. Wang won't secretly record again this time, will he?"

 “Oh, no, no.”

Zuo Zhong's face almost broke out from laughter. Hearing this, he shook his head desperately and sent the recording cell phone back to space. How can intelligence personnel say that they are lying to each other? It means that the other party is not good at learning.

Mu He looked him up and down and found that, except for some strange changes in his trouser pockets, the Chinese did not look like they had recording equipment on them, and it was even less likely that they were in the restaurant.

This place is full of Gestapo and their Abwehr people, and it is impossible not to see each other setting up recording equipment. Thinking of this, Muhe slowly relaxed his nerves, sneered, turned around and left the restaurant.

Seeing him leading the people away, Gui Youguang, who had been lowering his head to cook, asked vaguely in Shanghainese: "Sir Wang, do you want me to do something special? This guy's tone is not good, and I'm worried about an accident."

 “Eat your pig’s trotters.”

Zuo Zhong rolled his eyes, then called this guy to the terrace and gave a deep command: "Send a coded signal to the people outside. Find an opportunity to go out and tell them not to come back tonight and meet at Ulm Port tomorrow morning.

If something unexpected happens to us, send the backup recording to all Jewish businessmen, newspapers, and embassies in Europe. Once the matter is done, evacuate through other countries. Don't be reluctant to fight. "

“Yes, I’ll go right away. The German surveillance personnel are easy to distinguish. There are 3 floors, 5 halls, and 7 to 8 front and rear doors combined. I will find a way to pass the order through the employee passage.”

 Gui Youguang told his plan and patted the grenade on his waist: "Sir Wang, don't worry, the Germans are worse than little devils. I can definitely protect you and fight out."

 Kill, kill you!

Also, who the **** would put a grenade on the waistband of her pants? Asshole, you are not afraid of accidentally turning into a human firework. After working in intelligence work for so long, why are you still like those desperadoes?

Zuo Zhong helplessly covered his head and gave up the plan of communicating with this violent maniac. He waved his hand to tell him to get out of here. Then he held on to the balcony fence and looked at the street scene of Stuttgart in trance.

The Germans may be too lazy to make any more trouble, or they may be afraid of recording. In short, nothing happened that night. Early the next morning, Zuo Zhong took Mao Yike, Gui Youguang and a few of his men to the Port of Ulm.

Ulm Harbor is a small city, one hundred kilometers away from Stuttgart. It only takes more than an hour by train, with departures every half an hour. Highway transportation is also very convenient, making it easy for people to gather.

By the time Zuo Zhong and others got off the train and took a carriage to the port, it was already past seven o'clock. At a remote dock in the port area, they successfully saw Mu He and several tightly packed boxes.

The two parties stood face to face without saying a word. Mao Yike opened the wooden box and inspected it carefully for a long time. Finally, he made an excited gesture to Zuo Zhong to indicate that there was nothing wrong with the samples.


Upon seeing this, Zuo Zhong put his fingers in his mouth and whistled. Dozens of Secret Service officers came out from the surrounding cargo piles and buildings, holding weapons and staring at the nervous Germans with vigilance.

 (End of this chapter)

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