Cicada Moving

Chapter 624: Set off to return home

Chapter 624 Departure to return home

 “Mr. Wang, what does this mean?”

Mu He asked with a livid face, but he was not too worried in his heart. The Chinese would not gain anything by killing them, and both parties to the transaction were national forces, so there was no such thing as a black man eating a black man.

 “Don’t get me wrong, it’s just a gathering of my people.”

Zuo Zhong waved his hand and explained casually that the Germans who are eager to restore their national strength are like hyenas on the African grasslands. They will pounce on them and take a bite when they see benefits. They need to be cautious when dealing with the other party.

Hearing this, Muhe snorted and accepted the explanation. He turned around and pointed at a medium-sized bulk cargo ship docked at the pier, saying that this was the means of transportation prepared by the German government for their return home.

 Of course, it’s not free.

  It takes more than 40 days for a cargo ship to travel from the Port of Ulm to the Shanghai Port, and the shipping fee may cost tens of thousands of oceans. This amount of money is just a small amount of money for the task, but the Germans are too unimpressive.

The data exchange treaty between the two countries involves all aspects. Is it difficult to send it back to the country for free and issue a high-priced bill to yourself? Hehe tui, there are no businessmen from Stuttgart who will come to trouble.

Zuo Zhong secretly complained a few words, and asked his men who were proficient in blasting to take a look at key parts of the ship, especially the water valve and the engine room. No one wanted to have problems with the ship halfway through the sea.

Whoever wants to be the son-in-law of the Sea Dragon King can be the son-in-law of the Sea Dragon King. He doesn’t want to be, and it’s more than 10,000 kilometers back. If the condition of the ship and the living area are too bad, it’s better to spend money to rent a good ship.

The two parties stood on the dock for a long time until they confirmed that the ship was in good condition and the deal was concluded. Muhe got in the car without stopping for a moment and left, obviously in a bad mood.

 Zuo Zhong stared at the car driving away and squinted his eyes. With Mu He's mental state and desire for revenge, the next time they meet may be in Nuremberg. Forget it, this is the other party's choice.

He turned back and waved to his men, and the agents immediately rushed to the ship and took control of the important cabins. The sailors did not feel dissatisfied at all and continued to do the work at hand and use the pulleys to lift the wooden boxes.

Similarly, to transport arms, you must find a shipping company that you absolutely trust. These people are likely to be peripheral personnel of the German intelligence agency, and are responsible for transporting people and materials to various parts of the world.

Zuo Zhong did not tell his guess. If Gu Qi, Wu Chunyang and others could not figure out this problem, they would have stayed in the Secret Service for so long. This can be regarded as a test.

The next moment, he and Mao Yike strode up the gangway. A bearded man in a blue and black uniform stood at the end of the gangway. When he saw them coming up, he immediately stretched out his hand and said enthusiastically.

“Gentlemen, welcome to the Dresden. My name is Jensen and I am the captain of this ship. This big ship under you was launched in 1925. It has a maximum cargo capacity of 3,400 tons and a speed of 15.5 knots.

 On this voyage, we will first use the canal to reach the Danube River in the south, and then go east to the Indian Ocean through the Black Sea, Bosporus Strait, Dardanelles Strait and Suez Canal. "

Zuo Zhong shook hands with the other person and suddenly smiled. The person's dress reminded him of Captain Haddock in The Adventures of Tintin. He wondered if this person also loved drinking and had a reckless personality.

Moreover, the surname Janson is the most common surname in Belgium, the home country of the author of The Adventures of Tintin, so he asked a question when he let go of his hand: "Captain, does our ship still have oil?"

Gu Qi, Wu Chunyang, and Gui Youguang next to them were confused. The deputy director asked what this question meant. Only Mao Yike and Shen Dongxin took a few steps back and looked at the captain's dress thoughtfully.

 “And whiskey, of course!”

Over there, Janson laughed loudly after hearing Zuo Zhong's words, and said the lines that Captain Haddock often said. He even twisted the captain's hat on his head to look like the one in the book, and said with a proud face.

“My friend, I really wish you had brought a white puppy, so that we could fight those bad guys. I have the author’s signature in my cabin. If you are interested, you can come and take a look.”

  Ouch, it looks more like this now.

 Zuo Zhong understood that this person, who seemed to be a loyal book lover of The Adventures of Tintin, was dressed up like this for cosplay, and the other person was most likely a Belgian or a Belgian who spoke German.

 After the end of the European War, in addition to receiving compensation according to the Treaty of Versailles, Belgium also received a piece of German territory of approximately 850 square kilometers. These lands were called compensation states by the outside world.

The people living here have been Germans for generations. How could they be willing to accept Belgian rule? Civil resistance activities have never stopped, and Jensen should be one of them.

According to this situation analysis, the Germans have extended their tentacles to the compensation states, and perhaps the Sudetenland and Ruhr areas. Intelligence penetration is a prelude to war, and war will be inevitable in a few years.

To be honest, from the moment he entered Germany, Zuo Zhong had a deeper understanding of the future war. It was not that certain beard chose Germany, but that Germany chose certain beard.

For example, the residents of the German territories that were divided up after the war were the staunchest supporters of the war. When the German tanks hit the surrounding countries, they would definitely eat the pots of pulp to meet the king's army.

  If a few nails are driven into these people, they will definitely come in handy in the future. It is ultimately inconvenient for yellow people to move around in the white world, and only white people can enter the opponent's core.

While thinking, Jensen invited him and Mao Yike to sit in the cockpit. Zuo Dian nodded and followed him calmly, deciding to take the opportunity to observe the crew and select suitable personnel to instigate rebellion.

However, the specific action will have to wait until the sea. Those who do not agree will be thrown into the sea directly. Every year, not one thousand but eight hundred sailors fall into the water and die on the way. It is normal for the Dresden to be short of a handful of people. The three Gu Qi people behind him listened to Shen Dongxin's explanation of what The Adventures of Tintin was, and they all looked at their immediate superiors with strange eyes. They didn't expect that the deputy director was so childlike.

As if he felt the attention of everyone, Zuo Zhong asked without blushing or breathing: "What's wrong? I have done so much work for the party and the country, why can't I read comics and enjoy it?"

 “It should be, it should be.”

 “Your innocent heart is admirable to me.”

 “That’s’s an elegant thing.”

 Gu Qi, Wu Chunyang, and Gui Youguang were frightened by his smile and hurriedly sent him flattery. Mao Yike was silent, but his red face showed his psychological activities at this time.

Zuo Chong was too lazy to care about these **** and followed Jansen into the low cockpit. From here, he could see the entire ship, especially the empty bulk cargo bins at the front of the ship.

 Jenson previously introduced that the maximum cargo capacity of the Dresden is 3,400 tons. The weapons samples only occupy a corner of the cargo hold. It is indeed a waste to return the remaining cargo hold empty.

 In addition, airborne ships have worse ability to withstand wind and waves, and can easily capsize when encountering bad sea conditions, so this situation should be avoided as much as possible. This is what a naval classmate in the higher education class of Mainland China said.

Zuo Zhong frowned and thought for a while, stood next to the world map hanging in the cockpit for a long time, and then discussed with Jenson: "Mr. Captain, may I ask if you have prepared ballast stones."


The captain who was pouring drinks for the visiting people shrugged: "When the ship is empty, the overall center of gravity of the ship is above the water, and it is easily overturned by wind and waves. There are iron ballast stones for rent on the dock."

"Great, to tell you the truth, we are a visiting delegation from the Republic of China to Germany. The diplomatic goods we carry after arriving in Shanghai do not need to pay customs duties. Do you understand what I mean, Mr. Jensen?"

Zuo Zhong clapped his hands lightly, his eyes glowing with golden light: "I am willing to give you and your crew a 30% dividend, provided that you can help us get through the customs and obtain the export license document."

  The minds of everyone in the Secret Service who were watching were moved. There was no need to worry about buyers for goods that were free of taxes. When they arrived in Shanghai, there would be a lot of businessmen waving money who were willing to take over. They could go in and out quickly and make sure profits without losing money.

Facing the temptation, Janson motioned for them to come over and get the wine glasses, and then explained: "I have some reliable friends in the customs, but Colonel Muhe asked me to take you all out of Germany as quickly as possible."

"You don't have to worry about this. There are many merchants in our country doing business in Germany. As long as you can wait on the Danube River for a day, I can find enough goods." Zuo Zhong assured, patting his chest.

He believed that Janson would agree. Although the other party had just mentioned Colonel Muhe, indicating that the ship was indeed related to Abwell, Janson was a businessman and a businessman would pursue profits.

Besides, he is not asking the other party to sell out Germany. In a sense, purchasing goods is beneficial to the German economy and increases employment. Jensen has no reason to reject this proposal that is beneficial to both parties.


Jenson drank the whiskey in his hand hesitantly and watched as the work of transporting the weapon samples was coming to an end. He finally made the decision to stay one more day on the grounds that there was a problem with the engine.

 This situation often happened, and the crew did not suspect anything. In addition, Zuo Zhong and others stayed on the ship honestly and did not step a step on the shore. Abweir, who was watching, did not take this matter to heart.

after one day.

A burst of thick smoke came out of the chimney of the Dresden, and then it slowly left the dock and officially started its voyage to the Republic of China. After driving for most of a day, it reached the junction of the canal and the Danube River.

At a river bend, a group of Chinese businessmen from surrounding cities smiled immediately when they saw the freighter. Before the ship could stop, barges loaded with various goods quickly surrounded it.

The most popular lanterns of the Republican era, the Solingen razors that were out of stock in the city, and pharmaceuticals produced by the Frankfurt Pharmaceutical Factory, filled the Dresden's warehouse.

Zuo Zhong was holding a cup of coffee in his independent cabin, looking at the lively scene outside through the port window, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, when suddenly, the cabin door behind him was gently opened.

He turned his head calmly and watched as the person took off his hat. A woman with short hair appeared in the dim light of the cabin. Zuo Zhong slowly took two steps closer, his eyes full of smiles.

 “Thank you for your hard work, Yijun.”

① Refers to the military trial conducted by the victorious powers of World War II on the military, political and economic leaders of the European Axis powers in the German city of Nuremberg from November 21, 1945 to October 1, 1946.



 (End of this chapter)

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