Cicada Moving

Chapter 625: Great injustice

 Chapter 625: The Great Wrongdoer

He Yijun looked at Zuo Zhong and wanted to say something but was worried that there was a listening device in the cabin, so he could only blush and shake his head. This scene shocked the fellow agents waiting outside.

 Everyone in the Secret Service knows that there are two women who cannot be offended. One is Fu Ling, who has disappeared for a long time while performing a secret mission, and the other is He Yijun, who has been following Zuo Zhong.

As for Fu Ling, the agents all agreed that she was a very capable colleague whose intelligence and fighting skills were better than many male agents. Of course, this kind of tigress should be kept far away.

So what about He Yijun, Smiling Tiger's personal secretary, who is currently in charge of the confidential documents of the entire Secret Service. His position is not high but he has great power, not to mention the "pillow trend", who would dare to act arrogantly.

But she is afraid of returning. Many people look down on her from the bottom of their hearts. She relies on her beauty to get to the top. I can do it even if I am pretty. This is what most people think, and their attitude towards her is to stay away from her.

But since He Yijun completed the task of going to the Shanghai General Patrol Room to replace the evidence, the agents realized that this was not a vase. The female gangster in the women's cell was beaten to death with her bare hands.

After this mission in Germany, the agents who followed her changed from oral to convinced. The person who can avoid the eyes of the German soldiers on the windy train and disconnect the carriage, will it be because of his beauty that he rose to the top?

Every fool knew that this was impossible. After grabbing the weapon blueprints, she relied on her flexible and decisive command to allow the team to avoid German raiders many times and successfully reach the meeting point.

Such a heroine and contemporary Hua Mulan can act like a little girl. She is truly worthy of being a deputy director. The agents immediately looked at this inexplicable straight man with reverence.

Zuo Zhong, who didn’t want to be watched by these bastards, snorted and closed the cabin door, turned around and said softly: “Don’t worry, we checked, there is no monitoring equipment, and the cabins on the left and right are all by our own people.

The operation is going well. Among the businessmen you contacted in what capacity, does anyone have any doubts about you? If so, let the embassy do the work. Don't be careless. "

Hearing him talking about business, He Yijun saluted and said seriously: "The operation went well according to your plan, but a brother was seriously injured during the operation. This is my responsibility, please punish me.

I used the name of a visiting group when contacting several merchants. I agreed to pay and deliver the goods today. I and others hid among the supply staff and got in. Isn't this too risky?

Deputy Director, I still think it is better to stick to the original plan. We can transfer via Switzerland or take a boat directly from France to return to China, and then meet up at the port city and return to Jinling. The Germans will not be able to detect us. "

Zuo Zhong smiled and nodded, "I have read your message, and there is no question of punishment. The other party was injured because he was impatient and did not search the carriage according to standard procedures. You should pay more attention to this in the future.

As for safety, don't worry. I asked Lao Gu, Chunyang, Gui Youguang and Shen Dongxin to monitor the crew's reaction. The telegraph room is also in our hands. If anyone wants to inform, the news will not get out.

 You stay in the cabin for the time being, and then come out to move around freely when you get to the sea. At that time, the cargo ship will be our territory, and more importantly, the captain and crew will also have a share in the contents of the warehouse. "

He said meaningfully: "Do you believe that our captain will take the initiative to prepare an extra supply the next time we dock at the port? There are many smart people in this world, especially businessmen.

Now the other party has two choices, either to merge with us, and with their small number of people, even if they send the news out, they will not survive, or to pretend not to know, go to Shanghai, take the money and leave.

 Normal people know how to choose, and the Germans are not stupid. They will definitely deploy manpower in neighboring countries to look for you. The most dangerous places are the safest, and you must be flexible in handling problems. "

He Yijun thought about it seriously and nodded seriously with a pretty face. He had no fixed plan. Now that there are ships provided by the Germans, he must make good use of them.

As he spoke, the warehouse was filled, and Gu Qi paid for the goods and notified the ship to sail. Just as Zuo Zhong expected, Jenson and the sailors seemed not to know that there were more people on the ship, or rather they pretended not to know.

When Gu Qi and others came back to resume their duties, they were immediately confused when they saw the sudden appearance of more than a dozen special agents and He Yijun. However, due to the strict confidentiality discipline, they did not ask questions.

Zuo Zhong asked someone to guard the door, folded his arms and said, "Are you curious why He Yijun is here? Let me explain. This operation is not two lines of light and dark, but three lines of light and darkness."

 “Three lines?”

 Gu Qi, Wu Chunyang, Gui Youguang and Shen Dongxin were stunned, and then they immediately realized that this was probably a secret arrangement by the deputy director, and it was just some kind of task carried out by the third line, right?

The four of them didn't know what they thought of. They stared at He Yijun with wide eyes. This situation was too big. The Germans lost unjustly, and the Japanese took the blame unjustly. Everyone was fooled by the deputy director.

"Yes, that's what you think. The assassin who assassinated us in Istanbul was He Yijun. This was to give the Germans a psychological hint and tell them that the Japanese wanted to kill Mao Yike."

Zuo Zhong said something earth-shattering, and without waiting for his subordinates to ask, he added: "She shot and wounded Mao Yike at the Berlin Technical School to give him a perfect reason to stay in Berlin. Only in this way can we save it in Wuteng. Only then would the drawings of the two companies in Fort Prefecture be sent to Berlin for Mao Yike's verification, and then He Yijun would have the opportunity to rob the freight carriage carrying the drawings in the northern mountainous area. "

The four people on the opposite side were dumbfounded. This is really the case. Mao Yi was so unjust. He was shot for no reason, and he will never know who the person who injured him is in this life.

 After digesting it for a while, Wu Chunyang took the lead in asking the question: "But Deputy Director, how do you know that the drawings are in Württemberg? If the drawings are in Berlin, wouldn't your plan have to be stopped halfway?"

Halfway through the words, he realized that he had made a fool. If that happened, they would probably join forces with He Yijun's people. The two teams had dozens of elite agents and they could grab the blueprints.

Zuo Zhong glanced at him with a half-smile but not a smile: "Chunyang, we live in a dynamic world. Things are changing at any time. If you want to achieve your goal, you must also change along with it."

 “Yes, Deputy Director.”

The four of them bowed their heads slightly and replied, and then they were chased away by Zuo Zhong. He had no sharp eyesight at all. He and He Yijun hadn't seen each other for so long, so naturally they wanted to ask about the details of the mission in detail.

 In the following days.

The Dresden sailed on the Danube River day and night at full power. Two days later, it successfully passed the "strict" inspection by German customs, entered Austria, and continued to move toward the east.

Facing the German ships, Hungary and Romania, two small countries, could not even do anything to inspect the ships except to collect money and let them go. It took another seven days before the Black Sea finally appeared in front of everyone.

At the port of Bessarabia, the mouth of the Danube River, Jensen prepared far more fresh water and food than needed. If he thought that the other party knew nothing, he would be lying to himself.

In return, on the dark and deep Black Sea, Zuo Zhong told all the crew members that their dividends had become 3.5, a full half percent more than before, and cheers suddenly spread throughout the ship.

 Don’t doubt people’s desire for money, even if there were two non-staff members of the German Military Intelligence Agency among them, they quickly chose to turn a blind eye or close one eye under the silver bullet offensive.

 Firstly, small lives are important, and secondly, it’s only carrying a dozen more people, so why bother yourself? If you can’t have a good relationship with other crew members, maybe there will be two more corpses in the Black Sea.

After learning about it, Zuo Zhong smiled and said that this was another proof of the herd mentality. The secret service used this method to find the Puppet Manchukuo agents last time, and this time it allowed He Yijun and others to escape smoothly.

 In fact, in a closed environment like a ship, driven by the innate human instinct to look for similar people, the influence of herd mentality will become more obvious, as can be seen from the two young men.

When He Yijun and his men walked out of the cabin, the most attentive person was none other than the temporary workers of the Military Intelligence Bureau. They were pouring water and preparing fruits, and seemed very enthusiastic.

As a result, the four Guccis became more and more interested in the role of psychology in intelligence activities. While the Dresden was staying in Istanbul for half a day, they disembarked and purchased a large number of psychology books.

The ship became quiet. Even Gui Youguang held the English version of "The Interpretation of Dreams" and studied it carefully. But after the freighter passed the Dardanelles, Zuo Zhong called everyone for a meeting.

He held the meeting for only one purpose, which was to announce a change in itinerary. They would not return home through the Suez Canal, but would go west through the Strait of Gibraltar, bypass the Cape of Good Hope, and walk to the southern Indian Ocean.

Mao Yike, who had been recuperating in the cabin, looked at the map, raised his eyebrows and said, "Sir Wang, why don't you go back the same way? It's such a waste of time."

Zuo Zhong looked at him and explained: "The Japanese will not give up so easily. If they return to the original route and pass through many canals and straits, they can easily be followed by the opponent's ships and launch attacks on the ocean.

The most important thing is that Xiaoliuqiu is in their hands. Once they pass through the Xiaoliuqiu Strait, Japanese warships will definitely be dispatched. Not only will we not be able to bring back the weapon samples, but we will also be buried in the belly of the fish.

My opinion is to sail from the southern Indian Ocean to the Sunda Strait or Lombok Strait, and then from the Pacific Ocean east of Xiaoliuqiu to Shanghai. In this way, the Japanese will not be able to track the vast ocean. "

Mao Yike did not object after hearing this. He went back to the cabin with a pale face. For some reason, his arm hurt badly when he saw the beautiful female agent. It was better to leave as soon as possible.

Zuo Zhong looked at the other party's hunched back and sighed. Just as he was about to discuss the various arrangements in the itinerary in depth, a little spy ran in with a pale face and stammered.

 “Sir, there is a ghost!”

Finished coding, went to bed, why is Saturday not here yet?



 (End of this chapter)

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