Cicada Moving

Chapter 626: Stowaway 1

Chapter 626 Stowaway 1

"You are so unbridled, you are talking nonsense in broad daylight. Where did you come from? There are only foreign devils outside." Gu Qi saw that the old man from the intelligence department came in to report, and he hurriedly reprimanded him, but he felt a little guilty in his heart.

To be able to scare a well-trained professional intelligence officer like this was certainly not groundless. Could it be that this ship was not clean? He swallowed as he thought about it, and his palms became crazy and sweaty.

Others wanted to laugh when they saw this. Who didn’t know that Lao Gu believed in these ghosts and gods? It was said that there was a Five Elements and Bagua array under the bed at home, and he didn’t know who he wanted to suppress.

Zuo Zhong frowned and signaled the little agent to make it clear. He didn't believe in ghosts, but their trip was of great importance and they had to be vigilant on the way back to avoid making any mistakes.

 Looking at the little agent's teeth chattering, he spoke of the situation with a horrified expression. Since leaving Germany, they found that the food in the kitchen was often turned over, especially the portions were much less.

The agents suspected that it was the crew who had done it, so they left the food in the restaurant many times and sent people to monitor outside. During this period, no one went in, but the food was still in a mess.

Today, the other party and several other people were responsible for monitoring the crew. Before leaving, they locked the restaurant with a padlock and took the key with them. Just after taking over for dinner, the well-placed dishes were knocked over again.

  At this point, there was a hint of panic in the spy's eyes, and he managed to calm down and continued: "The restaurant has only one exit. We carefully searched the house to make sure there was no one hiding inside.

  The keyhole of the padlock is very clean, and there are no traces of technical unlocking. There are also safety marks left in the crack of the door. A piece of hair I deliberately placed at the door has not even changed its direction. "

  His! It's a bit weird indeed.

Gu Qi and others took a breath. They still trusted the professional skills of their men. With so many elite secret service agents staring at an exit, it was impossible for someone to go in without being discovered.

Zuo Zhong smiled coldly: "There is no ghost who needs to eat. Ingot candles are enough. Someone must be up to something. Let's go and see the true face of this starving ghost in Lushan."

 After speaking, he took He Yijun and Gu Qi to the restaurant. On the way, they met Mao Yike and Captain Jensen who turned back halfway. Apparently, they also received the news that the Dresden was haunted.

In this regard, Mao Yixin, a top student at the Technical University of Berlin, swore that he felt chills as soon as he got on the ship, and he also felt like he was being watched, and sometimes had nightmares.

Jensen even crossed himself devoutly on his chest and muttered something. It seemed that he had done something wrong. In these days, seafaring ships were a place outside the law, and anything could happen.

As Zuo Zhong walked, he looked at a certain weapons expert with disdain: "Director Mao, we are on the sea. There is enough water vapor. Of course you will feel chilly. Just cover yourself with two more quilts when you go back to sleep."

Mao Yike blushed, and then retorted a little unconvincingly: "Then why didn't we feel this way when we went to Germany? Sir Wang, I am a well-educated person, you can't deceive me."

“When we came here, we were in the first-class cabin of the cruise ship. Now there is the sea below your cabin. How can it be the same? You don’t have to say anything. Today I will be a ghost hunter and catch this little ghost alive.”

Zuo Zhong said something in his mouth and immediately opened the door of the restaurant in front of him. Inside, several agents were searching the ground and walls inch by inch, trying to find evidence of someone entering or exiting.

Although they were frightened, they did not forget their professional instincts and were prepared to rule out other factors first, such as someone secretly hiding on the ship. If this was the case, they must find the person as soon as possible.

Seeing the deputy director personally bringing people there with a not so good look on his face, several people hurriedly bowed their heads to greet them, mentally scolding the ghost or some **** who stole the food.

Zuo Zhong waved his hand to let them go out first. After checking for so long, he found nothing. The possibility of there being a secret door in the restaurant was very small. The other party must have entered the cabin in a way that ordinary people could not detect.

He walked around the room with his hands behind his back, looking left and right from time to time, and finally set his sights on the circular porthole on the cabin wall, then slowly walked over and stopped in front of the porthole, lost in thought.

This is a very ordinary porthole. In order to prevent the glass from being broken by huge waves in high sea conditions, the diameter is about 20 centimeters. Not to mention people, even fat little animals cannot get in.

Just to disperse the various complex smells in the restaurant, and since the freighter passed the Dardanelles Strait and sailed on the Aegean Sea where the wind and waves have decreased, the Dresden cook opened the port window.

Zuo Zhong raised his hand and stretched out the window and groped around carefully. He touched two long protrusions about 2 to 3 centimeters wide above and below the window. He took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands, then turned around and asked.

“Mr. Captain, I don’t know what the purpose of those protrusions outside is, how they are specifically distributed, and whether it is possible for people to move from other cabins to the portholes of the dining room through these places.”

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. Those are iron bars used to strengthen the hull structure. They are arranged staggered up and down the portholes. The widest part is 3 cm and the narrowest part is only 1 cm. It cannot be used to borrow strength at all."

Jenson shook his head quickly and said with a very firm tone: "Besides, the nearest porthole is 3 to 4 meters away from here. I can't imagine that someone can jump out of such a long distance and land accurately on the iron bars."

Zuo Zhong thought about it and realized what the iron bars were for. After the portholes were opened on the ship wall, the overall strength would be reduced. Welding iron bars around the perimeter could prevent the ship from deforming when it was hit by huge waves.

The problem is that there is only one usable entry and exit route inside and outside the restaurant. He looked at the bald man and wanted to ask for his opinion. Among the people present, this guy had the strongest mobility.

Gui Youguang did not answer in a hurry, but walked to the porthole with his head held high, touched the outside again, and then decisively shook his head and gave a negative answer, at least he couldn't do it. It’s interesting, but it can’t really be a ghost.

Zuo Zhong crossed his arms in front of his chest and tapped his arms lightly with his fingers. After a long time, he looked at the messy food on the table and the neatly placed knives and forks next to the food.

 All this shows that an extremely hungry person seems to have entered the restaurant. This person gave up the tableware at hand, crazily stuffed the food into his mouth with his hands, and finally left without making any cover up.

He closed his eyes and reconstructed the scene in his mind, and soon realized that something didn't make sense. The little spy who reported the message said that there were suspicious people flipping the food after the freighter left Germany.

Then the other party shouldn't be so hungry after such a long time, and there is no need to make the food look like it has been gnawed by wild animals, because this will not do any good except attracting their attention.

 Messy food.

  Neat cutlery.

Zuo Zhong suddenly thought of something. He suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Jenson, asking how many cabins with portholes there were around the restaurant. It would be best if they were cabins that were usually unoccupied or not used for a long time.

Jenson is a competent captain. After hearing this, he immediately said that only four cabins met the requirements, namely the galley on the left, the warehouse on the right, the engine room below, and the storage room above.

Zuo Zhong didn't say anything after hearing this. He walked out of the restaurant with his gun loaded and climbed up the stairs to the upper floor. The others quickly followed his example and followed him vigilantly with weapons in hand.

Arrived outside the storage room, Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang took the lead and stood on both sides of the hatch. They nodded to each other. Gui Youguang raised the gun with one hand and put the other hand on the handle and slowly pressed it down.


The door of the storage room was opened a crack, and a strong smell of paint rushed towards them. The two of them ducked in one after another, keeping alert in a back-to-back position, checking all suspicious locations.

 The small cabin has a clear view. There are a few buckets of paint on two shelves against the wall, and a pile of worn oilcloths in the corner. From this look, it seems that the thief flipping the food is not here.

Wu Chunyang did not relax his vigilance. The gun in his hand pointed in a certain direction. Gui Youguang moved his steps slightly to form a crossfire with him. The two of them slowly moved to the corner and pulled away the oilcloth.


 “Don’t move!”

Under the opened tarpaulin, a white girl about 8 or 9 years old was lying on the ground, covering her eyes and screaming sharply. There was a big white cat hunched over and growling beside her.

Everyone onlookers looked at each other, wondering where the little girl and the cat had appeared from. Only Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang still maintained vigilance, with their guns pointed at each other motionlessly.

Zuo Zhong, who had already made some guesses, walked into the room with a smile. The big white cat became more and more fierce, with tufts of fur on its body standing up, and its mouth full of fangs was exposed to protect the little girl.

 “Haha, the little thing is quite loyal.”

Zuo Zhong put his hands in his trouser pockets and muttered to himself. The ones turning the food were indeed animals that couldn't use knives and forks, and only animals could use that impossible route to enter the restaurant.

And this cat is very smart. It not only knows how to find food, but also knows how to bring things back. Otherwise, the little girl would have died of hunger and thirst. He looked at the residue and fruit cores on the ground thoughtfully.

But who is the other party? Judging from the clothes and jewelry she is wearing, her family background is definitely unusual. Could it be that she is a runaway princess? That is not right. This is reality, not a fairy tale.

“Yijun, go check to see if there are any weapons on her body, and then see if there are any marks or patterns on the jewelry. Pay attention to the cat. Gui Youguang, please put this little thing aside first.”

Zuo Zhong didn’t want to be scratched until his face was bloody, so he decisively sent out the thick-skinned bald man. Gui Youguang muttered a few words and retracted the pistol. He raised his toes and covered the white cat with an oilcloth, easily controlling the cat.

Over there, He Yijun quickly checked the frightened little girl and found no weapon. He only found a small package in his arms, which contained a seal and several documents filled with text.

These things were handed over to Zuo Zhong. He glanced at them casually at first, and then he was shocked. He looked at the little girl with wide eyes, and then at the priceless hot potato in his hand.

 (End of this chapter)

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