Cicada Moving

Chapter 627: Stowaway 2

Chapter 627 Stowaway 2

“You go back first, Yijun, you stay.”

Zuo Zhong looked at the documents and seals carefully and felt that there were some things that he had to ask clearly, otherwise these things could kill all of them, so he asked the others and Janson to leave.

  After hearing his order, everyone turned around and left without any hesitation. The difference was that Janson returned directly to the cockpit, while the people from the Secret Service sealed the storage room tightly in the distance.

Make sure that no one would hear the conversation in the room, Zuo Zhong shook the document and asked the little girl coldly in German: "You are the heir of the Roy family, what is your name and how old are you?

Where is your family now? Why did they let you leave Württemberg alone? No need to try to act stupid or pity, kid, you can't fool me. "

Hearing this, He Yijun glanced at the little girl indifferently, and found that the other girl's body trembled slightly. It seemed that she was very aware of her situation, and her reaction just now was indeed an act.

None of the heirs of these big families are easy-going. They know how to use their own advantages to win sympathy at such a young age. If they meet ordinary people, they will probably be deceived by her.

Seeing that the other party was silent, Zuo Zhong changed his face and said with a smile: "Do you know what the Roy family seal, the equity certificates of many companies and the Swiss bank account certificates on your body mean.

 It means that as long as I throw you out of the window, these properties worth hundreds of thousands of dollars will be mine. For the sake of your life and family, you'd better answer my questions truthfully. "

 “I, my name is Giselle Roy”

 No matter how smart the little girl is, she is just a child. She immediately said her name and answered questions when facing death. In fact, her appearance in this place has nothing to do with Zuo Zhong.

Junker capitalists and a certain beard have long coveted the Roy family. How could they let go of such a good thing as the Roy family's involvement in the assassination of a Chinese delegation? Various methods were used in turn.

  Immediately arrest those who should be arrested and control those who should be controlled. All the key members of the Roy family went to the prison for reunion. The remaining old, weak, sick and disabled were also under the close surveillance of the Gestapo and Abwehr.

However, having been able to stand in the German business community for decades, the Roy family is certainly not fools and has already prepared an escape route. So with the help of some "good Samaritans", Gisele Roy successfully escaped.

The other party not only left on his own, but also took with him the equity letters of dozens of companies such as Mauser Company, Deutsche Arms and Ammunition Company, a large deposit, and a seal related to many assets.

With these things, the Roy family members living in other countries have the capital to start their lives again. This is the case in the so-called three holes of cunning rabbits. No rich person is simple.

 Giselle Roy then arrived at the Danube River under the protection of her servants and prepared to go to Switzerland. However, the German arrest team arrived. In the chaos, she was separated from her servants and hid in a Chinese caravan.

In order not to be discovered, she hid in a box and somehow got on board the Dresden, which was docked for loading. She lived in this cabin until she was discovered, relying on the big white cat to find food.

"Dear Sir, can you return my Duke to me? It is an ordinary wild cat and is not worth much." After speaking, Giselle Roy blinked her big watery eyes and begged softly.

The corner of He Yijun's lips raised on the side. If people knew that the dignified deputy director of the Secret Service and the top intelligence expert of the Bureau of Statistics and Investigation was suspected of kidnapping a cat, they would definitely be stunned.

Zuo Zhong's face turned dark. The other person said that he was like a big evil person. No matter how cruel he was, he would not take out his anger on a little girl and a stupid cat. He was just trying to scare people.

Seeing that he did not refuse directly, Giselle Roy asked tentatively: "If possible, I also need the family's seal and equity certificate. They are of no use to you."

 What a smart little girl.

Zuo Zhong was surprised. The other party first used the big white cat as a test, and then used the Swiss bank account certificate as a bargaining chip to save his life and the hope of the Roy family.

As she said, the seal and equity certificate are only valid in the hands of the legal heir of the Roy family, and it is even less likely that the German government will allow a Chinese official to get a piece of the pie.

But he was a little unwilling to just enter Baoshan and come back empty-handed. The deposit was an astronomical figure in the eyes of ordinary people, but it was nothing in the eyes of him, the deputy director of the Intelligence Department.

So what should we do? After thinking for a long time, Zuo Zhong raised his eyebrows and thought of an idiom - a rare thing can be lived in. He knew that San Dezi would be ruined sooner or later, so why not make some arrangements in advance.

"Yijun, I leave Miss Giselle Roy to you to greet me. I must ensure that she arrives in Shanghai intact, that the cat is returned to her, and that her food, clothing, housing and transportation are in accordance with our own standards."

Zuo Zhong decided to stabilize the heir of the Roy family first. The other party wanted to restore the family. He wanted a sharp sword inserted into the Western world. Both parties could cooperate and each would get what they needed.

 After arranging for the two uninvited guests, he found Captain Jensen and gave the order to circumnavigate the Cape of Good Hope. The cosplay enthusiast readily agreed without any question or objection.

“Mr. Wang, please rest assured. My sailors and I have traveled several times through the South Indian Ocean route to Southeast Asia. We are very familiar with the conditions along the way. We will definitely be able to get everyone to the Republic of China safely.”

Jenson assured confidently, and then hesitated and said one thing: "I have one thing I need your help with. In addition to the fact that the food in the restaurant is often turned over, the same is true in the kitchen.

The chef told me that he would check the amount of raw materials stored in the kitchen before returning to his cabin every day. Although there was no problem on the outside, there would be less of them the next day. "

 Is there another stowaway? What is this, Bai Lao!

Has the freighter you rented with your own money turned into a public toilet? You can come and go as you please, ride on the boat and eat on the boat. Is there any law against this? Such bad behavior must be investigated and dealt with severely.

Zuo Zhong angrily called Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang to tell them the story, asking them to find the **** rat from the ship within three days and teach them a profound lesson.

After hearing this, the bald man began to gear up. The one he caught before was a little girl who couldn't be beaten or scolded. This time, the thief who knew how to cover up his whereabouts couldn't be a child.

 Subsequently, Gu Qi received the news and arrived, and an arrest operation began, which was personally arranged by the deputy director of the Secret Service, under the on-site guidance of the intelligence section chief, and led by the political intelligence section chief and the action team leader.

More than a dozen operatives who had once guarded senior Japanese spies were distributed inside and outside the kitchen, using various covers and positions to hide. Two surveillance personnel were even hung on the outer wall of the freighter.

Late that night, the sea was pitch black.

The moon was shrouded in dense dark clouds. Except for the navigation lights of the Dresden sailing on the Mediterranean Sea, there were no lights within dozens of kilometers.

Waves of waves slapped against the hull of the ship, making a splashing sound. Most of the crew and agents fell asleep, and those on duty retreated into their cabins to avoid the still chilly sea breeze.

In this noisy and silent environment, the lifeboat canvas on the port side of the Dresden was slightly opened, and a black man flipped from the inside onto the deck, walking silently through the cargo ship.

A few minutes later, he lay down at the corner of a corridor and carefully observed the surrounding environment to make sure that no one was passing by or ambushing him. Then he nimbly jumped into the kitchen, which was filled with the aroma of various foods.

 “Turn on the lights!”

The moment this man stepped into the kitchen, with a loud shout and the lights turned on, dozens of heavily armed elite agents suddenly appeared and surrounded him with guns, putting the barrels of their guns on the black man's head.

The black man seemed to be frightened and stood motionless. Only a few leaves on his naked body blocked the last bit of human dignity. There were also a few dried salted fish hanging from the rope around his waist.

Gui Youguang stepped forward with clenched fists and laughed wildly: "Ah haha, Wang Ba Dan, you dare to board our ship without permission. You are really looking for death. I will let you know later what life is worse than death."

“Okay, didn’t you see that this guy is a black man? He can’t understand you. Let Chief Wang handle it.” Wu Chunyang came over and took a look. He felt that the black man looked familiar.

 “Okay, I’ll throw it into the sea sooner or later anyway.”

Gui Youguang snorted coldly and motioned to the little agent to tie him up and find some clothes to cover him up. After all, he was a stupid savage. It was really shameless to wear so little in public.

 “Don’t throw me into the sea, no!”

At this moment, the black man shouted loudly in fluent Chinese, which almost shocked the eyes of everyone present. What's going on? Are all schools in Africa starting to teach Chinese now?


Wu Chunyang suddenly had an idea. Isn't the other person a Japanese intelligence officer in the Liuguo Hotel? Why did he become a black man? He quickly stopped Gui Youguang and others who wanted to give this person some color.

He knew that the deputy director had a high-level insider in Japan. Considering the mysterious disappearance of Japanese intelligence personnel at the Six Nations Hotel, there was no need to ask who the insider was. The scope of knowledge must be controlled.

Wu Chunyang immediately drove everyone away and asked Gui Youguang to invite Zuo Zhong. He said nothing else. Soon, a sleepy Zuo Zhong walked in wearing pajamas and looked at the black man with doubts on his face.

Hello guys, are there any foreign friends going to the Republic of China now? The question is, aren’t they afraid of being sold into black coal mines? Compared with those coal mine owners, American slave owners are considered kind-hearted.

Before he could speak, "Brother Africa" ​​suddenly knelt on the ground and said heartbreakingly: "Mr. Fat Tiger, it's me, I almost lost my sight of you, you can't eat the fruit, it will cause diarrhea. "

 Hase Ryosuke!

Listening to the other party's erroneous cry, Zuo Zhong was agitated. This was not his subordinate, the rising star of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Director of the Intelligence Department of the Consulate in Shanghai, Ryosuke Hase.

  Mu He said before that this guy ran away from the Berlin embassy, ​​how could he look like this, as black as a briquette, and he really had two questions to ask him.

 Why is it always you?

  Why are you everywhere!

Deputy Director Zuo will return to Jinling tomorrow. This section is a foreshadowing. You can think about it as much as you want. It's past three o'clock. Go to bed. Good night.



 (End of this chapter)

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