Cicada Moving

Chapter 628: Return to China

Chapter 628 Return to China

 Forty days later.

The Dresden passed through the devil's westerly belt with strong winds and waves, and went all the way north through the Lombok Strait, Makassar Strait and Bintulu Strait and entered the vast blue waters of the South China Sea.

As long as they go east and bypass Xiaoliuqiu, where the Japanese are heavily stationed, they can reach Shanghai in about fifteen days. Everyone was in a good mood and walked out of the cabin to bask in the sun.

  After being tossed about in the terrifying giant waves of the South Indian Ocean for such a long time, everyone’s body and psychology are in urgent need of adjustment, especially Gui Youguang, Mao Yike and Hase Ryosuke, who is pretending to be a black man.

These three guys suffered from severe seasickness a few days ago. They vomited from Africa to Asia while holding a wooden bucket on the bed, feeding the fish along the way. This experience is unprecedented and unprecedented.

Facing the calm sea and moderate temperature in the South China Sea, the three of them each moved a chair and lay on the stern of the boat, enjoying the breeze and closing their eyes to relax. They also held in their hands the coconuts they bought when they docked in Southeast Asia.

 “It’s better to go home and feel comfortable~”

Meimei Zuo, who was wearing a shirt next to the cockpit, stretched and watched the star-studded islands and reefs in the distance begin to clear up, until He Yijun came up from below the deck with Giselle Roy.

 He glanced at the seemingly lively and cute little girl, then turned his eyes back to the front and asked: "Miss Roy, have you had a good rest these two days? Please bear with me as the conditions on the ship are limited.

 You should already know our identities, and you must have some resentment in your heart. There is no need to deny it. In one sentence, this is human nature. I don’t know what your plans are for your future. "

There are very few Chinese official teams going to Europe, and they are the only visiting group that went to Germany recently. He didn’t expect to be able to hide it from the other party, so it was better to make some things clear and be honest.

If you want to cooperate, you must talk things over clearly. After all, you are not the one targeting the Roy family. The culprits are the Juncker capitalists and senior German government officials. If you want revenge, go to a certain beard.

 I don’t take responsibility for this.

 Can’t even carry it.

Giselle Roy was stunned for a moment, a trace of surprise flashed in her light blue eyes, and then she nodded unabashedly: "I know your identities, but I also know that the responsibility does not lie with your country.

 The leader once publicly stated during the party campaign that Germany's defeat in the European War was because we betrayed Germany at a critical moment. At that time, the family understood that some things were inevitable.

As for the future, I want to go to the United States as planned to find my distant cousin. Some of his friends are very powerful in Washington. They may be able to help me rescue my family members trapped in Germany. "

 “Haha, that’s a good idea.”

Zuo Zhong leaned on the railing and turned his head, pointing at the fishing boat on the sea level with a smile: "If Germany were a ship, and the captain gave an order, the Jewish people as passengers on the ship could only choose to obey.

 Just like now, it is time for you to consider getting off the ship. The difference is whether you will be kicked off and wait for death in pain on the sea, or you should take the initiative to get off the ship and find a new place to live.

But I have to remind you that as far as I know, people in the United States also have a lot of criticism against the Judahs. Going there is just a new ship, and there is no fundamental change. "

 Are we ship passengers?

 A new place to live?

Gisele Roy heard the implication of the other party's words. Yes, no matter how they integrate into German society, they are still temporary guests, not masters who can take charge of their own affairs.

 But what do the Chinese mean when they say this? Is the national government willing to accept the Roy family and even provide a piece of land for the Judah nation to establish their own country? Is this possible?

She tried to stay calm, raised her little head and asked seriously: "Sir, you mean you can help us, so what do we need to pay, Swiss bank account certificate?"

“Hahahaha, kid, I really don’t know how your parents educate you, but intelligence is your greatest advantage and also your greatest weakness. Sometimes cleverness can kill people.”

Zuo Zhong took a deep look at the other party and said quietly: "For example, it is unwise to use things in other people's hands as bargaining chips. It has no meaning or effect except to anger the opponent.

Let me tell you one more thing: people must rely on themselves. This is true for individuals and for nations. You must learn to save yourself. The future path depends on how you choose. "

 After saying that, he walked to the side of the boat, took the fishing rod from Gucci and sat on the stool. He no longer cared about Giselle Roy. Jiang Taigong took the bait and the little mermaid still had to take a walk.

If she really doesn't take the bait, then simply return the things to the other party and send her to the United States. It will be regarded as a good relationship. Of course, the deposits in the Swiss bank are not included, they are trophies.

 Time passes minute by minute.

Giselle Roy thought about it for a long time under the scorching sun. Under the pressure of her family being destroyed, she finally walked up to Zuo Zhong, smoothed her hair that was blown away by the sea breeze, and put forward her own conditions and requirements.

"Sir, on behalf of the Roy family, I assure you that when necessary, we can mobilize our forces in Europe and America to obtain everything you want for you and your motherland."

Her face, which should have been full of innocence, was now full of sorrow that was inappropriate for her age. In her words, she placed her emphasis on the government. It seemed that the people of Judah also understood that the magistrate was not as good as taking charge now. After a pause, she continued: "My request is very simple. Please ask your country to come forward and ask the German government to release my family. I am willing to hand over all assets in Germany to the other party free of charge."

 “Papa papa pa~”

Zuo Zhong couldn't help but applaud the other party, sighing in his heart that this is the inheritance of the family. Knowing that something cannot be done, he decisively stops the loss and exchanges the shares of dozens of factories and numerous properties for freedom.

Whether we can help with this, of course it is possible. In this way, when China and Germany fall out, the Republic of China will have an additional countermeasure. The famous Roy family accuses the German government of plundering.

 Gee, it sounds like an NGO.

 It’s exciting just thinking about it.

The best thing is that even if the Germans know that there are risks involved, they have to admit it by pinching their noses. On the one hand, they are getting nothing from a bamboo basket, and on the other hand, they are getting a lot of benefits. Fools know how to choose.

The reason is that the shareholding documents of companies such as Mauser are indeed a piece of waste paper under the power of the state. It doesn’t matter who hands them. If they are in the hands of the Americans, the Germans will have to recognize them even if they don’t recognize them.

While thinking in his mind, Zuo Zhong felt the fishing rod in his hand sink suddenly, and the fish was hooked. He stood up and raised his arm vigorously, and a beautiful grouper flew out of the water and landed on the Dresden.

The wages of avarice is death,

   I am a fish and meat for others.

 This is the sorrow of Gisele Roy and the sorrow of the Judahs. Just like this greedy fish, whether it is steamed or boiled depends on the mood of the fisherman, but how to make this dish is a test of the heat.

 “Put it away and have dinner in the evening.”

Zuo Zhong said something, put down the fishing rod, turned around and extended his right hand of friendship to the heir of the Roy family: "Well, happy cooperation, I will start working on this matter immediately after returning to Aurous Hill."

 “It’s a pleasure to work with you, sir.”

With tears in her eyes, Giselle Roy solemnly shook the other person's big hand with her small hand. After being worried for so many days, how could she not be excited to finally see the hope of being reunited with her family.

 A huge stone fell from her heart, and she suddenly felt dizzy. She said goodbye and was about to go back to rest. Only then did the people present realize that the other person was just an 8 or 9-year-old child.

Gu Qi watched her and He Yijun leave and smacked his lips: "If those two little **** in my family were half as smart as others, I would laugh out loud in my dreams. Alas, they are as stupid as pigs."

“Old Gu, what you say about children is not good for you. I think it’s better for children to be more innocent. Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. Don’t worry too much. There will be a long time to come.”

Zuo Zhong patted Gu Qi on the shoulder and gave a few words of advice with a smile, and then whispered: "Go and call Hase Ryosuke, let the three of us meet and discuss how this guy will do business when he returns to Shanghai.

This time he followed the Kwantung Army to perform a mission in Germany. Everyone else died, but he was the only one who survived. There must be a reasonable reason for this, otherwise the Japanese will definitely become suspicious. "

 “I understand, I’ll go now.”

Gucci replied, walked up to Hase Ryosuke and kicked the chair. After the other party woke up from his sleep, he took him into a cabin as ordered and discussed with Zuo Shige face to face for a while.

Soon the three of them came to an agreement, which was to put the responsibility for the failure of the operation on the Kwantung Army, and to portray Hase as a loyal imperial minister who endured humiliation and heavy burdens, focusing on perfecting the details.

 In the absence of any evidence, he needs to explain three questions: why he escaped from the embassy, ​​how he escaped from the Germans, and how he returned to the Republic of China, and provide corresponding evidence.

 Zuo Zhong looked at the two of them and coughed lightly: "My opinion is to describe escaping from the embassy as a reconnaissance trip. Anyway, that's what Chang Gu told the Kwantung Army people at the time.

As a result, you encountered a German convoy transporting blueprints on the way to the visiting delegation's residence, and followed it. The rest of the escape must be told truthfully, don't hide it, and don't exaggerate.

In addition, Lao Gu, please send a telegram to the East China area and ask them to collect the list of German ships that have recently arrived at the port, find a suitable one, and get the ship drawings and personnel list to Mr. Hase.

 Mr. Hase, just pretend that you smuggled back with that ship. You must memorize the information. In order to improve the authenticity, you must strictly control your food and water. Make your appearance as miserable as possible. "

After hearing this, Hase Ryosuke immediately cried and felt sad. He was going to be hungry again just after a few good days. However, it was related to his own head. No matter how unwilling he was, he could only do it.

 After arranging the follow-up work, everyone resumed their leisurely life, fishing and basking in the sun every day. Time passed quickly. More than ten days later, the Dresden slowly sailed into the Yangpu Pier.

Just as the sun was setting in the west, looking at the lights and smoke on both sides of the Huangpu River, Zuo Zhong sighed with emotion: "The smoke of the world is the most soothing to the human heart. Let's go back to Jinling overnight. I miss home."

 (End of this chapter)

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