Cicada Moving

Chapter 629: 4.1 Tournament

 Chapter 629 4.1 General Assembly

 Early summer, twenty-four years of the Republic of China.

It has been more than half a month since Zuo Zhong and others returned to Jinling. During this period, all the goods on the Dresden were sold out, and a lot of money was shared among the Secret Service. After all, eating alone is hated.

Captain Jensen also received the dividends. He was extremely surprised and left behind the ship's radio frequency and code book, expressing his willingness to maintain long-term cooperation. The government was considered a nail in the coffin for Germany.

As for Hase Ryosuke, he has already boarded a cruise ship to Tokyo, where this guy will be received by Foreign Minister Hirota in recognition of his outstanding performance in the Berlin operation.

I don’t know how he deceived him. Not only did the Kwantung Army not look for trouble, he even wanted to poach people. His reputation as an expert on China issues has become bigger and bigger, which is indeed a bit surprising.

Only Gisele Roy's matter is more troublesome. Bald is still hesitant, but with the temptation of the Roy family's willingness to provide support from the European and American political and business circles, there is a high probability that she will agree.

 Diplomacy is no small matter.

On this day in the office of the Deputy Director of the Secret Service, Zuo Zhong stood in front of the mirror and looked at the three triangles and two golden horizontal bars on his collar badge. He couldn't help but fall into deep thought. What are the standards for admission to Gongdelin?

 “Deputy Director, your Baoding Medal.”

He Yijun next to him delivered a critical hit at the right time. Yes, after the task of receiving the weapon pattern was completed, the bald man waved his hand in surprise and promoted a certain fellow to a rank and a medal.

Don't think that the colonel's fruit party is worthless when he is surrounded by generals. This is an official military rank issued by the Military Commission's Quanxu Office, not a job title issued to himself by some cats and dogs.

Those local lieutenant generals, major generals and division commanders are just colonels or even lieutenant colonels in the national files. This shows that the official military rank is valuable, but it is difficult to be promoted again.

For example, according to the rules, a colonel must go through a four-year suspension period and perform outstanding service before he has the opportunity to be promoted to major general. The specifics depend on whether you are a good person, but this has nothing to do with Deputy Director Zuo.

He, there is someone up there~

The reason Zuo Zhong was so solemnly dressed was because the annual 4.1 conference had begun, which was the anniversary of the founding of the Secret Service. Last year he happened to be working on a case in Zhejiang Province, and he had to attend this year.

The specific process starts with the director of the department, Dai Chunfeng, and the officers at all levels come on stage one by one to pour chicken soup, draw big cakes, and then everyone drinks blood wine together. Yes, it is the way to sworn in the world.

He let He Yijun sort out the medals on his chest, secretly praying that there would be no blood disease patients, otherwise he would die in the same year and month, why would the team build such a gangster ritual, MD.

In addition, the new recruits from the special training class of the Hangcheng Police Officer School happened to report that in order to show their dignity as a superior, it is inevitable to wear all these messy things, and they must be dressed decently.

It's a pity that there are too few medals. If it were as majestic as a bulletproof vest on the chest, Xunzong wouldn't dare to overstep it, so he could just ask Xiao Xunzong to make do with it. He really wouldn't mind it at all.

Zuo Zhong tugged at the folds of his clothes, put on a cloth cylindrical hat and walked out of the office. The agents who passed by immediately saluted and said hello, and the deputy director's shouts of hello echoed in the office building.


 “Okay, everyone is doing well.”

He just said hello all the way. When he arrived at Dai Chunfeng's office, he felt that his face was about to get cramped from laughing. No wonder people said that the official's face shape was that of a dige fangyuan, and he always smiled.

 In his wild thoughts, Zuo Zhong saw Mr. Qianyi and the chief secretary Li Qiwu. The two men were secretly discussing something in front of the desk in a low voice, and they were obviously thinking about who they were plotting against.

Seeing him coming, Li Qiwu quickly put a letter into his pocket and said hello with a smile on his face. A young lieutenant didn't even pay military salute when he saw his superior. It was really unkind.

Also, why should the letter be kept secret? Such tension must be related to the case. Is the opponent Japanese or an underground party? It seems that we need to test and find ways to obtain the details.

With his mind spinning, Zuo Zhong greeted Teacher Bianyi respectfully: "Teacher, the conference will start in half an hour. The students came here to ask you if you want to have a dinner after the conference."

 “Dinner? It’s up to you to decide.”

Dai Chunfeng smiled and waved his hand, and then suddenly looked at Li Qiwu: "Qiwu, shouldn't you, the chief secretary, be responsible for such small things? How can you let Shen Zhong take care of it?

He has just returned from abroad. He has traveled 20,000 to 30,000 kilometers back and forth. He has no time to rest and has to report tasks to the leader and me. It is really difficult. You have to take care of logistics in the future. "

Although Dai Chunfeng didn't say anything harsh, Li Qiwu, who was familiar with his temper, sensed the dissatisfaction of his old classmate, and he was tricked by the little **** named Zuo. He was really a villain who was determined to retaliate.

Just because his brother Li Wanli was a little rude when they first met each other, this person took them to the local and overseas district stations. If Zheng Tingbing hadn't come forward, he might still be at Peking Station.

The more he thought about it, the angrier Li Qiwu became, and he immediately wanted to tell the matter. Fortunately, during the period when the other party left Jinling, his relationship with Dai Chunfeng gradually returned to what it was before, and they were able to fight.

Before he could speak, Zuo Zhong smiled and shook his head and explained: "Teacher, you misunderstood, Brother Qi Wu is very conscientious, and he handles all the work in our department in an orderly manner.

This is the first time for students to participate in the anniversary, so I am a little nervous, so I want to personally inquire about the preparation process. Please don't blame Director Li wrongly, otherwise I will become a villain.      “You, you are too kind. "

Dai Chunfeng laughed and said something, which felt a bit like swearing. No one knew what the old spy was thinking. Maybe his subordinates biting each other was what he wanted to see, as he was well versed in people's hearts.

Besides, Li Qiwu next to him almost spit out a mouthful of blood when he heard the word "kindness". If the other person is a kind person, then he himself is a sincere and benevolent gentleman. Old classmate, you don't know how to recognize people!

After Dai Chunfeng finished speaking to Zuo Zhong, he raised his hand to look at his watch, stood up and straightened his collar. It was a rare occasion for him to wear a military uniform today, and his shiny major general rank and medals seemed to be waxed.

In a short period of time, he defeated Xu Enzeng, squeezed out Director Chen, took control of the Guo Party's intelligence system, and completed many difficult tasks assigned by the bald man. He is indeed a bit inflated now.

 “Let’s go to the conference room.”

Dai Chunfeng said something and walked in front, followed by Zuo Zhong and Li Qiwu. When they appeared in the corridor, shouts of "Hello Director" and "Hello Deputy Director" could be heard.

Li Qiwu's face is a bit dark. They are all senior officials in the department. Why should you ask someone with the surname Zuo to do well instead of asking about your own well-being? Just wait for these little people who can act according to the circumstances. There will always be a time when you regret it.

 It's just that the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. After walking for a while, someone actually said that Director Li was good. This made Li Qiwu very happy. He kept the other person's appearance in his heart and decided to promote him if he had the opportunity.

He didn't notice that Zuo Zhong on the side also gave him a cold look, and began to recall the staffing of the Northeast and Japanese stations. It would be a waste to be so smart and not fight against the Japanese.

With three thoughts in mind, the three people walked to the conference room where the anniversary meeting for the founding of the Secret Service was held. At this time, dozens of secret agents of all sizes came. Seeing this, they all stood up to greet the two chiefs.

 You say Li Qiwu,

Who the **** is paying attention to him?

The people present are basically all old brothers from the Jige Alley days. They know each other well, have performed missions together, and have a life-long friendship. A guy who gets to the position by flattering is nothing.

Especially since this person once rebelled against his virginity and then against Deputy Director Zheng, he was about to become a domestic slave with three surnames. Do you feel that your neck is too hard to make friends with such a treacherous and renegade villain?

Being looked at by so many disdainful eyes, Li Qiwu's face turned red with anger, and he wished he could find a way to get in. He secretly swore in his heart that one day he would become the middle person on the stage.

Zuo Zhong exchanged friendly greetings with his men. He didn't know the other man's arrogant thoughts, otherwise he would have told the man that the person sitting in the middle was not necessarily a superior, but could be a criminal on trial.

But beating a dog depends on the owner. Unexpectedly, he pulled Li Qiwu and started chatting with everyone. Looking at the way they were holding each other's back, people who didn't know better thought that the two were brothers.

Dai Chunfeng looked at this scene with a smile. What is the big picture? This is the big picture. It is normal to have conflicts at work, but you can't blow wind or throw away small shoes. This is what Shen Zhi did very well.

The superior is in a good mood, and the subordinates are in a better mood. The conference room is filled with a happy atmosphere. When the newcomers line up to enter, they secretly rejoice, feeling that it is not difficult to get along in the Secret Service.

As all the participants arrived, the 4.1 conference began in a peaceful atmosphere. Dai Chunfeng spoke tens of thousands of words eloquently, and the content was nothing more than official stereotypes looking back on the past and looking forward to the future.

Especially those vows to eradicate banditry and support the country, on this special day of April Fool’s Day, they are quite ironic and dark humorous. Regardless of whether others believe it or not, you must believe it yourself first.

 The next person to appear was Zuo Zhong. He summarized his previous work from a business perspective and put forward some new requirements. The newcomers listened carefully and looked at this legendary figure excitedly.

The other party was promoted to the rank of colonel officer and deputy director of the Secret Service just two or three years after graduating from the police academy. With such a living example in front of him, there was no reason for him not to work hard.

Not far away, the secret agents who joined last year had complicated expressions. They thought the same way at the time, but now they understand that becoming a deputy director cannot be achieved through personal ability.

 Three hours later.

The meeting to mark the anniversary of the establishment of the Secret Service came to a successful conclusion. The grassroots personnel went to the canteen under the leadership of their respective superiors, while the other middle- and senior-level secret agents followed Dai Chunfeng, chatting and laughing as they prepared to go to the Crane Tower.

Suddenly, a black car stopped quickly in front of everyone. A colonel jumped out of the car and shouted anxiously: "Director Dai, Deputy Director Zuo, the leader has summoned you for something. Please come with me to Qilu for an audience."

The smiles on the faces of Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong slowly faded, and they quickened their pace and got into each other's car. The car emitted a burst of exhaust gas and then sped away. The other agents looked at each other with solemn eyes.

 Something big happened!

During this time, the company is engaged in acquisitions, and there are so many things going on. You can update it as early as possible, but everyone should try to get up early in the morning and read it. Don’t stay up late. It’s not good for your health. I can’t help it.



 (End of this chapter)

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