Cicada Moving

Chapter 631: Baizi Pavilion

Chapter 631 Bai Zi Pavilion

Zuo Zhong felt that he was lucky. His immediate superior was not a stickman who pretended to understand. He knew how to respect professionals. If he was like a bald man, it would be over. Who could bear to become a pitcher in the sky?

On the surface, he nodded immediately: "Okay, teacher, I want to go to Renxin Hospital to see Dr. Ling first to consult about cerebral congestion and heart disease. I am not confident about outside doctors.

 After confirming the incident, go to the scene to investigate, and finally ask Dean Lu’s concubine and family doctor about the situation that day, and start investigating the case from the three lines of the deceased, the scene and the witnesses. "

"Okay, Shen Zhi, just go ahead and do it."

 Dai Chunfeng expressed his agreement with his forehead. If the three lines go hand in hand, they should be able to find something. If nothing is found, then it can be treated as a death, and the pressure will not be on the Secret Service.

 But Zuo Zhong was not as optimistic as Teacher Xi'an. He slowly closed the file in his hand and frowned slightly. Lu Yong'an's case gave him a feeling of déjà vu, but it was probably difficult to investigate.

  Assuming that the person named Lu was murdered, the murderer who could disguise his death as a heart attack was certainly not an ordinary gangster. He was most likely a professional intelligence officer who was a colleague of the Secret Service.

After thinking about it, the car returned to the Secret Service. Dai Chunfeng got off the car and went to the office. Zuo Zhong summoned his subordinates, briefed them on the case, and then began to assign specific tasks.

“Lao Gu, you and Wu Jingzhong will lead a team to protect Lu Yong’an’s death scene. No one is allowed to enter the scene without the bureau chief’s and my personal orders. Anyone who refuses to listen will be directly detained.”

"Lao Song and Shen Dongxin are in charge of the witnesses. You must find the deceased's concubine and family doctor. It is best to also control their family members to prevent the murderer from threatening and coercing them."

“If there is any emergency situation that needs to be reported, please contact Renxin Hospital and tell the brothers to be smart. The opponent may be an intelligence officer. The security work must be arranged to the highest standards. You must be careful.”



The four people from Gu Qi stood up and saluted, and immediately left to carry out the order. It had been several hours since the death of the deceased, and the scene had been searched by the police department. Relevant evidence must be fixed as soon as possible.

The safety of witnesses is more important. A first witness and a professional who first come into contact with the body. Both of them may discover something or conceal something, so nothing can happen.

Watching them leave, Zuo Zhong turned to look at Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang: "You two accompanied me to see Dr. Ling. I haven't seen him for a few days. I don't know how this guy is doing."

After saying that, the three of them drove to Renxin Hospital and successfully found Ling Sanping. He was still so cool and unrestrained. When Deputy Director Zuo arrived, he didn't even lift his buttocks and lay lazily on the chair.

Zuo Zhong was too lazy to talk to this guy and immediately talked about Lu Yong'an's physical condition. By the way, he handed over the person's previous physical examination report and asked whether cerebral congestion would cause heart disease.

 Speaking of his job, Ling Sanping sat upright and read the report seriously, then crossed his hands on the table, thought for a long time with his eyes closed, and finally stood up and expressed his conclusion.

“Lu Yong’an suffered from cerebral congestion, which is also called stroke in the West. The specific symptoms are dizziness, occasional headaches, numbness of the limbs, obvious general weakness, weakness of the limbs, and drowsiness.

There is currently no way to completely cure the disease, and we can only rely on gradual treatment. According to several medical certificates from Shanghai and Jinling, his health is obviously recovering well, and logically his life should not be in danger.

However, increased blood pressure will increase the resistance of the heart to ejecting blood into the arteries, and the pressure in the cardiac chamber will increase, which will gradually cause myocardial cell hypertrophy and interstitial fibrosis, leading to myocardial hypertrophy.

 Coupled with the induction of other diseases, it will cause insufficient blood supply to the myocardium, impaired diastolic and systolic functions of the heart, and eventually heart failure. To know the specific cause of death, an autopsy is required. "

 Execution of Lu Yong'an?


Zuo Zhong really wanted to give this **** a kick and dissect the body of a vice-president of the Military Senate, but luckily for him, he was able to tell the truth, and the bald man might have dissected him before he could do it himself.

This road is obviously not feasible. This is not a medical problem, but a political problem. If those local military leaders knew that Lu Yong'an was cut into pieces, God knows what would happen.

So he asked another matter with a dark face: "The anatomy will not be considered for the time being. Apart from physiological lesions, are there any drugs that can cause death from heart attack? It is best to take oral drugs."

“Yes, digitalis, also known as foxglove, is an ornamental plant widely planted in Europe. It is an out-and-out poisonous weed, especially the leaves. Excessive consumption can cause tachycardia in the eater.

 Some patients may also experience central system reactions and visual disturbances, accompanied by fatigue, irritability, irritability, lethargy and confusion, which are somewhat similar to clinical symptoms of cerebral congestion. "

Ling Sanping said a few words without thinking, and then squinted his eyes thoughtfully. In this way, digitalis is indeed the best drug to create the illusion of death from heart disease in patients with cerebral congestion.

 Because the toxic and side effects of this drug are similar to those of cerebral congestion, as long as the dosage is controlled, it is difficult for doctors to identify the specific cause. In the end, it is still necessary to rely on pathological analysis to determine the cause of death. Zuo Zhong could naturally think of what Ling Sanping could think of, but he did not draw conclusions easily. Lu Yongqi was the chairman of Zhejiang Province when he first became ill, and security measures were tight.

Who could drug such a big shot unknowingly? It must be someone close to him or someone who lives next to him. Otherwise, the deceased who has been intrigued all his life would not be able to find out.

It seems that I still need to visit the scene and talk to the witnesses. It’s just that the two witnesses happen to be the suspects who have the best chance of smuggling. Is this a coincidence, or is there something hidden in it?

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong simply took Ling Sanping and left Renxin Hospital. He knew nothing about medical matters, and asking Lu Yongyi's family doctor involved professional issues, so he had to find an expert to keep an eye on him.

The car started again, Gui Youguang sat in the driver's seat, and the other three people sat in the car and headed toward Baizi Pavilion along the road. This place is located southwest of Xuanwu Lake and has a very advantageous geographical location.

When the Jinling government was planning the capital, it planned the Yihe Road Gongguan area but omitted Baizi Pavilion, so it became idle land. Later, a military boss built a house with his own money.

The other party felt good after living there for a while, and Bai Zi Pavilion spread among the military circles. Several generals came here to build their own bungalows, and the place gradually became a place where military people gathered.

 So the level of public security, medical care, education, and transportation here can be imagined. The wide cement roads extend to the door of every household so that officials can get on the bus when they go out.

Lu Yong'an couldn't enjoy this kind of convenience now. After Zuo Zhong got out of the car, he looked around and thought it would be a good idea to build a villa here. He was a true colonel.

 “Deputy Director, you are here.”

At this time, Gu Qi took Wu Jingzhong out of the door and said hello respectfully. He introduced the situation at the scene. According to him, it was a Western-style villa that was only ten years old and had four floors.

The first floor is the kitchen, dining room, living room and servant's room, the second floor is the rooms of Lu Yong'an and his concubine, the third floor is the living room of Lu Yong'an's main house, and the fourth floor is the bedrooms of the children at home.

Since the children of the deceased were studying abroad, the family doctor and bodyguard were temporarily accommodated on the fourth floor. This was a bit unruly. How could a servant live on top of the owner, especially the mistress.

The reason is that Lu Yong'an's principal wife is a devout believer in Buddhism, and besides eating every day, she chants Buddhist scriptures and is older than Lu Yong'an. She doesn't take these things too seriously, so she lets it go.

As for the death scene, which was on the second floor, the concubine had been sent to the Central Hospital for treatment by her family doctor because she was in a coma due to excessive fright. Song Minghao and Shen Dongxin took her away for a while after learning the news.

Zuo Zhong walked into the bungalow after listening to Gu Qi's introduction. He took a casual look and was shocked. Good guy, Yishui's golden nan furniture and the latest European and American electrical appliances can be called a model of the fusion of Chinese and Western.

Such a luxurious decoration, it is almost written on my forehead that I am a corrupt official. It seems that Lu Yong'an made a lot of money when he was in Zhejiang, Hunan and Jiangxi. Sure enough, a cannon fired a thousand taels of gold. The ancients do not deceive me.

After walking around the first floor twice, Zuo Zhong followed the stairs to the second floor. Several secret agents stood at the door of a room wearing gloves, leg gloves, and hoods. When they saw the deputy director coming, they quickly stood at attention and saluted.

 “Okay, you continue on duty.”

He said and waved to the people behind him, skillfully took the protective equipment and put it on, and walked gently into the room, his eyes scanning the layout and furnishings in the room, his expression a little solemn.

Just as he thought, the Lu family did not protect the scene well. The quilt half hanging on the ground, the phone with the microphone on the table, and the broken glass on the floor showed how chaotic last night was.

Especially with the densely packed footprints on the floor, he almost had no place to put his feet. It was difficult to find clues in this case. No wonder those losers from the police department didn't give an on-site investigation report.

Not just him, Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang also looked serious. After doing intelligence work for so long, this was the first time they had seen a scene with so many traces. It was a long experience today.

 Zuo Zhong stood there and suddenly smiled, tilted his head and said to his men: "There are two ways to solve something, one is to erase all the clues, and the other is to create more clues.

I don’t know what the situation is like at this scene. Well, let the forensic personnel enter the scene. All fingerprints and footprints must be recorded, and the people who entered the house last night must be checked one by one to look for any abnormal traces. "


The agents responded solemnly, and then several men in white clothes with cameras came in and began to collect evidence and take photos of the scene. This work requires enough patience and a long enough time.

At the same time, Zuo Zhong walked to the big bed in the center of the house and lay down on it under everyone's gaze. Not only that, he twisted his body vigorously and closed his eyes in the most comfortable position.

 (End of this chapter)

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