Cicada Moving

Chapter 632: A hundred secrets and a sparse

Chapter 632: One hundred secrets and one sparse

Seeing Zuo Zhong lying on the bed, the agents present looked at each other, wondering what the deputy director was going to do. If there were clues related to the case on the bed, wouldn't this be ruined.

However, thinking of the cases that the deputy director had cracked before, everyone chose to remain silent. The scene became silent, with only the sound of forensics officers taking photos and footsteps walking back and forth.

A few minutes later.

Zuo Zhong suddenly opened his eyes and opened his hands. His face was distorted and he made a desperate struggle. His left hand grabbed the quilt and tore it hard, and his right hand naturally waved over the bedside table beside the bed.

His feet were also kicking on the sheets, and the creaking sound of the mahogany wooden bed echoed in the room. After a few dozen seconds, everything calmed down, and Zuo Zhong sat up.

The eyes of Gu Qi and others who were watching brightened up. The deputy director was restoring the scene. No wonder it was so chaotic. No wonder the glass fell to the ground. It turned out that Lu Yong'an struggled before his death.

 “Do you see the problem?”

Zuo Zhong tugged on his collar, turned around and asked his men, a smile appeared on his face, and he was glad that he and others arrived in time. It would be troublesome if the scene was cleared.

“It can be seen that Dean Lu must have been in pain when he died and did not pass away peacefully in his sleep. However, his concubine did not mention this matter when being questioned by the Jinling Police Department.”

As the representative, Gu Qi first expressed his opinion, and then asked Ling Sanping, who came in without saying a word: "Doctor Ling, this reaction is abnormal for a person to die from a heart attack."

Ling Sanping shook his head helplessly: "It's impossible to say, anything could happen. Lu Yong'an is tall and has a very healthy brain and body, and his vitality is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

So it’s not surprising that he woke up from his sleep and made these actions before his death. As I said, I definitely can’t make an accurate judgment just by looking at the physical examination report. To determine the cause of death, the body must be dissected. "

Everyone took a breath after hearing this. This is a big shot in the government, not a big fat pig waiting to be slaughtered. He can do whatever he wants. If this happens, the entire Secret Service will be in trouble.

The atmosphere became so awkward. Seeing this, Wu Chunyang quickly changed the topic: "This means that just because Lu Yong'an struggled, it doesn't mean that his concubine has a problem. That's what Dr. Ling meant.

Then we need to figure out three things. The first is whether the other party left a last word, the second is if the other person left a last word, what is the content, and the third is whether the content of the last word has anything to do with his death. "

After Wu Chunyang explained the context of the case, it became clear. The key to finding out the truth of the case lies in the concubine, and more importantly, why the concubine concealed the matter from the police.

“Yes, what Chunyang said makes sense.”

Hearing this, Zuo Zhong nodded in agreement, but he had just watched half of the scene, and there were still many witnesses who had not asked, such as Lu Yong'an's first wife, who could not leave here for the time being.

He led people out of the death scene and asked Gu Qi to talk about the people who were in the room that day, especially the people who entered the room later. The clues provided by the bystanders were equally valuable.

Gu Qi took over a document from his subordinates and introduced that the main wife of Lu Yong'an was named Ding Jing'an. She and the deceased were childhood sweethearts. Their family was a local big family, and they had a relatively harmonious relationship with the concubine.

This may be because there is a full 6-year age difference between the eldest son born to Lu Yong'an and Mrs. Ding and the second son born to Lu Yong'an and his concubine, so there is no possibility of competing for the family property.

But after the second son was born, the concubine gave birth to three more children in succession, and there was a fifth child in her belly. If Mrs. Ding was authoritarian and jealous, the concubine would not be so favored in the Lu family.

This is simply unimaginable in later generations. If a man has a little wife and is not beaten to death by his wife, he is very lucky. How can the two live in the same room? Zuo Chongcong sincerely despises this feudal remnant.

  Heh, tui~~

Currently, Mrs. Ding is resting in bed on the third floor. Her husband, who she has lived with for many years, suddenly dies. This is a huge blow to a traditional woman, and her spirit is on the verge of collapse.

As for the servants and bodyguards of the Lu family, they are all staying in their rooms now, preparing to be questioned by the Secret Service. It is time for most of them to consider changing their jobs.

After hearing this, Zuo Zhong quickly walked up to the third floor. Under the guidance of the little agent, he knocked on the doorman's door to Mrs. Ding's bedroom. After a long time, there was a haggard invitation from inside, and he opened the door and walked in.

Mrs. Ding was a standard woman from a large family in the old society. Even when she was exhausted, she still insisted on getting out of bed to talk. Zuo Zhong asked her if there was any abnormality before and after Lu Yong'an's death.

This was just business as usual, but unexpectedly there was an unexpected gain. Mrs. Ding said that the deceased was discharged from the hospital yesterday morning, and actually went out once before going to the Central Hotel in the evening.

On that day, the newly appointed Chairman of Zhejiang Province hosted a banquet for Lu Yong'an. During the banquet, his former subordinates frequently made toasts. Thinking of his position as vice-president, Lu Yong'an was inevitably in a low mood, and he accepted the toasts from all comers.

 After returning home, he felt unbearable abdominal pain and couldn't speak after humming twice. The family doctor gave him a few pills. Unexpectedly, his health improved. In the evening, he went to see Chen Xun'en as scheduled.

Zuo Zhong was a little angry when he heard this. The people at the Jinling Police Department are really useless. They didn't even ask about two such important things. Why did he become the director of the department for no reason? It is unlikely that the new Zhejiang Provincial Chairman will have any problems. The people attending the banquet are officials at all levels in Zhejiang Province. Even if there is a problem, it will be easy to investigate. The local officials dare not offend the Secret Service.

But if the family doctor put poison in the medicine and caused death, with the police's casual attitude in solving the case, the person would have disappeared long ago, perhaps already beyond the border of the Republic of China.

Suppressing his anger, he recorded Lu Yong'an's daily routine, eating habits, recent contacts and other details in detail. When investigating the cause of death, he can trace back from these aspects.

Finally, Zuo Zhongwenyan comforted the other party and turned around and went out. Just as he was about to go upstairs to ask the servants and bodyguards, someone ran up from downstairs and reported a shocking news.

 “Report that the deceased’s concubine jumped off the building.”


Zuo Zhong was shocked. The first witness to Lu Yong'an's death was dead. This could easily be linked to murder and silence. What happened to Song Minghao and Shen Dongxin? Even such a small thing could not be handled well.

Once the outside world learns about this matter, Bald will inevitably be discussed, and Dai Chunfeng and he are also to blame. It seems that it was too smooth in the past, and many people forgot the special nature of this job.

 Time is the life of intelligence operations. Sometimes a second's delay means failure. The Secret Service is a military agency and practices strict military law. There is no way he will kill Ma Su in tears today.

Zuo Zhong's face was ashen and he asked Gu Qi and Wu Jingzhong to take good care of Mrs. Ding so that nothing more happened to her. He took Wu Chunyang, Gui Youguang and Ling Sanping to the Central Hospital as quickly as possible.

 In the gloomy morgue.

A female corpse was lying quietly on the cart, covered with a white cloth. Now someone lifted a corner of the white cloth, and a ferocious and twisted face was exposed to the air, which made people shudder.

Zuo Zhong stood aside with his hands on his hips and looked at his subordinates with gritted teeth. He somewhat understood Xu Enzeng's mood. Such an important witness turned into a corpse. This was a serious dereliction of duty.

Facing the angry deputy director, Song Minghao and Shen Dongxin, deputy chiefs of the Intelligence Section, lowered their heads honestly and recounted their experiences after leaving Lu Yong'an's home.

As soon as they arrived at the Central Hospital, they saw a woman falling from the roof and falling to the concrete floor in the courtyard. Red blood flew far away, and she was about to lose her life.

Due to the emergency situation, the agents quickly carried her into the building. The doctor immediately gave her artificial respiration and injected first aid. However, due to the serious injuries, she died of exhaustion a few minutes later.

At the same time, a maid rushed to the operating room and shouted, "Why did you go there just after the master died?" Song Minghao noticed something was wrong and asked quickly, confirming that the deceased who jumped from the building was Lu Yong'an's concubine.

According to the maid, the concubine has been immersed in grief since her master died, crying until she died. Before the accident, she asked the maid to go downstairs to buy some fruit and said she wanted to rest alone for a while.

Who knew that before the maid left the room, the man opened the window and jumped out without any hesitation, showing that he was extremely determined to die and seemed to be committing suicide.

After Song Minghao reported the situation, he was very happy that the bachelor took all the responsibility for the matter. He knew that the deputy director hated people who shirk responsibility. If he wanted to win leniency, he had to have a correct attitude.

Shen Dongxin is not willing to admit his mistakes after others. Public affairs are public and private affairs are private. He cannot make his own mistakes difficult. Otherwise, everyone cares about human relations and relationships, and the secret service will soon become the secret service headquarters.

 “A storyteller? How can there be so many sacrifices for love?”

After learning the details, Zuo Zhong said coldly. Instead of rushing to deal with the two of them, he asked where the family doctor who accompanied the concubine to the hospital was and why he didn't cooperate with the investigation at the morgue.

Song Minghao replied in a low voice that he was chatting with an acquaintance at the Central Hospital when the accident occurred. After the accident, he was protected or supervised by the agents and was now on his way to a safe house in the city.

Knowing that the other witness was safe and sound, Zuo Zhong's expression softened slightly. They were all confidants of his men. As long as they didn't arrive before the concubine jumped off the building, there would be room for tact in the matter.

 “Tell me about my concubine.”

He covered the white cloth back on the body. Death is the most important thing, and human relations cannot be ignored when investigating cases. The longer you work in this dark business, the more you must keep a trace of human bottom line in your heart.

Song Minghao breathed a sigh of relief and said that Lu Yong'an's concubine was named Sha, and like Lu Yong'an, she was from Hunan Province. People who knew her said that she was a virtuous person, prudent in her work, and a good woman.

What makes people feel regretful is that this good woman who was only 26 years old was three months pregnant. This was a standard death of two people, and the newspapers in Jinling reported it again.

And this is why Zuo Zhong didn’t believe that Sha Shi committed suicide by jumping off the building. Is there such a cruel mother in the world? He sneered and stepped out of the morgue that was full of strange smells and stopped in the sun.

 (End of this chapter)

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