Cicada Moving

Chapter 633: Catch him!

Chapter 633: Catch him!

Zuo Zhong recalled the details of the case in detail. First, Lu Yong'an died of a heart attack, and then his concubine, Sha Shi, jumped from the building and died. It seemed that a pair of invisible hands was controlling everything.

So what was the other party's purpose for doing this? Who would embarrass a pregnant woman who didn't know the world? Could it be that the man named Lu really found out the truth about Shi Jiaxiu's death, so the bald man sent someone to kill him and silence him.

Only this is logical. Lu Yong'an was transferred from the chairman of Zhejiang Province to the vice president of the Military Senate for no reason. The matter itself is very strange, and he did not even reach the minimum tenure.

If I had to find a reason, it would be that the bald man was afraid that the other party would find out something, so he would transfer him and deal with it coldly. After all, the assassination of Shi Jiaxiu had a greater impact than the murder of Yang Quan.

First of all, Shi Jiaxiu was a famous newspaper tycoon in the Republic of China. He could be called a press trust. He owned many newspapers such as Shenbao, Times, and News. He had many friends and connections.

Second, the former Jiangsu Provincial Chairman Gu Mosan brazenly murdered journalist Liu Yusheng during his term in office, which caused a nationwide uproar. For this reason, the national government had to issue an order to protect journalists.

However, the Shi Jiaxiu case occurred shortly after the Liu case. In order to cope with the fierce public opinion, it was normal for the bald head to order the death of Lu Yong'an, who was not a direct lineage, and it could also completely eradicate one party's forces.

 Killing two birds with one stone is a brilliant idea.

  But there is a problem that cannot be explained here. It is nothing new for a bald man to carry out assassinations. When he was summoned in Qilu, he made it very clear that he was the one who sent the special agent to kill Shi Jiaxiu.

Since he admitted the matter, there was no need to hide Lu Yong'an's matter, nor was there any need to arrange for the Secret Service to investigate the case. You must know that the Secret Service is much more capable than the Police Department.

Even if a bald man wants to act, he must find the most powerful intelligence agency in the country to investigate the case and shut up the public. Why can't he find someone else? Why should Dai Chunfeng and a fellow countryman like him take the blame?

It is no exaggeration to say that the two of them are direct descendants of each other. A smart man who can become the head of state will never do something stupid like cutting off his own arm, at least not within this time period.

So the possibility of the bald man directing and acting can be ruled out. Zuo Zhong thought about this clearly and finally let go of the big stone in his heart. As long as he didn't have to be a scapegoat, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind.

What if the murderer's purpose was to make everyone think that this was done by a bald man, then this case was not an ordinary death case, but a frame-up with obvious political intentions.

 Trouble, the water here is too deep.

 Zuo Zhong looked up at the bright sun and felt that he was one step closer to the truth. If someone was instigating him, then his previous inference was correct. The murderer must be a professional intelligence officer.

Taking the work content of the Secret Service as an example, such as spreading rumors and slandering, sowing discord, buying and threatening, breaking into insiders, dividing and sabotaging, assassinating, confusing public opinion, etc., it is a set of conspiracy.

On the other hand, there are spy surveillance, kidnapping, torture, labor camps, control of the media and newspapers, physical destruction and even burial and shooting. This is a set of repression.

The two cases of Lu Yong'an's death and his concubine Sha's jumping off a building are very consistent with the characteristics of the conspiracy, attacking the leaders of the Republic of China and dividing the central and local governments in order to seek greater interests and benefits.

Who would do this? The answer is obvious.


 No wonder he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity as soon as he came into contact with this case. He was meeting an old opponent. The opponent was still as cumbersome and sinister as ever, specializing in women.

After more than half a year, Little Japan couldn't help but show up again. Zuo Zhong suddenly turned his head and whispered to Song Minghao, asking him to go back immediately and withdraw the spies who were monitoring the personnel of the Special High School.

 The purpose of withdrawing personnel is to prevent a recurrence of what happened in the Butterfly case. Once it is discovered that the spies of the Super High School are being secretly monitored by the Secret Service, it may endanger Hase Ryosuke, who is receiving an award in Tokyo.

I have to say that the other side has become smarter. Unlike before, which directly engaged in intelligence or sabotage, this time they did not fight head-on with the Secret Service. Instead, they started from the corners and went straight to the dragon in a roundabout way.

This trick can not only drag the bald man into a scandal involving the murder of a military boss and a pregnant woman, but also connect it to the Shi Jiaxiu incident, thereby proving that the head of state is a murderer.

If this matter were brought up on an official with a decent style, no one would believe it at all, but if someone makes a bald **** dirty, they don’t even need evidence. I’m afraid the people will believe it as soon as they hear it.

The more Zuo Zhong thought about it, the less practical he became. He left Shen Dongxin in the hospital to interrogate the maid in order to plead guilty, and then asked Ling Sanping to return to the hospital. He and Wu Chunyang returned to the Secret Service in a hurry.

What you are going to do when you go back is, of course, to report the progress of the case and his speculations about the case to Mr. Bianyi. You can't just keep your head down and look at the road. You have to let the superiors remember your contribution.

Sure enough, when Dai Chunfeng heard that there might be Japanese involved in this matter, he rushed to Qilu to report it. Not only students have to look at the road, but as teachers, they have to look further and longer.

 Two hours later.

 Dai Chunfeng walked into the office in a dusty manner, his face full of excitement. He had obviously received praise from someone. Being able to prevent problems before they occur in intelligence work is indeed a great achievement.

Seeing Zuo Zhong, he immediately stated that the Secret Service had entered a first-level alert state, and all personnel canceled their vacations. The personnel on duty were on duty day and night, listening to the radio at all times, and closely monitoring the enemy's movements.

It is necessary to find out the truth behind Lu Yong'an's death in the shortest possible time, and dig out those who fan the evil wind and light the will-o'-the-wisp at all costs. No matter who they are, they will be severely punished.

Zuo Zhong, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, was still shocked when he heard the other party's order. The first-level alert state was the last stage before the war, which meant that the war would start at any time.

This is different from the first-level alert he said in the Intelligence Section. Once Dai Chunfeng opens his mouth, the entire Secret Service will follow the baton, and then the military and police in Jinling will also choose the opportunity to act. There is also good news. After careful consideration, Baldhead decided to approve the autopsy of the bodies of Lu Yong'an and his concubine Shashi in order to find the murderer as soon as possible.

In addition, from now on, the case does not need to be kept secret. The Secret Service can announce some clues to the media in Jinling and offer a reward of 50,000 yuan to find relevant insiders. The money will be paid by the National Government.

 Tsk tsk, 50,000 oceans is not a small number.

The city fox and the mouse in Jinling are very lucky. This money is enough for a person to have enough food and clothing for a lifetime. If the mastermind behind this incident leaves any traces, these people will definitely find it.

The bald man must have been mad, otherwise he would not have mobilized so many troops. Also, this leader has always framed others, and he has always been framed by others. It is strange that he can bear this tone.

 Besides, the more something is lacking, the more he cares about it. It is well known that he is bald and not a good person. If someone hits him hard again, I am afraid that his position as chairman of the committee will not be stable.

However, there is an advantage to putting the matter in the open. It can disrupt the murderer's plan, especially once the reward is announced, the other party will definitely have to adjust their rhythm to buy more time for detection.

The matter was so important that Zuo Zhong exchanged a few words with Lao Dai and then resigned. When he went out and saw Li Qiwu, a bastard, he had no time to flirt with him. As soon as he arrived at the office, he called Ling Sanping to prepare for an autopsy immediately.

 Lu Yong'an's body was parked at the Jinling Police Station, and his concubine Sha's body was at the Central Hospital. To avoid accidents on the road, he sent two of his generals out to take care of the escort.

 Wu Chunyang went to the police station.

 Gui Youguang went to the hospital.

Zuo Zhong thought for a while and called He Yijun from next door. After the mission in Shanghai and Germany, she could be put to great use. He sent her to Baizi Pavilion to protect Mrs. Ding. In this way, his own position was stabilized.

If you want to stretch out your fist to hit someone, the first thing you need to do is to stand firm, then use your eyes to observe the enemy's weaknesses, use your brain to analyze the enemy's movements, and finally attack the enemy's vital position.

 After assigning various tasks, Zuo Zhong took several agents to the safe house and prepared to talk to Lu Yong'an's family doctor. He had a hunch that the other party might know something they didn't know.

 In a speeding car.

Zuo Zhong closed the curtains of the car window, lit a cigarette and sat in the back seat with a thoughtful look on his face. He was so busy after coming out of the hospital that he had no time to think about the cause of Shah's death.

Now while there is nothing on the road, I can think about it. If the maid in the hospital did not lie, and Shashi committed suicide by jumping off the building voluntarily, but not to die for love, then there are two possibilities.

 One is being coerced.

 The second is to protect someone.

  Or both.

 Only in this way would a pregnant mother resolutely jump off the building. This shows that Shashi either has a big secret or there is an important person who needs her protection.

 The question is what is the secret and who is the important person? Unfortunately, there is no other evidence to support his judgment. Before Zuo Zhong could find a breakthrough, the car reached its destination unknowingly.

The little agent in the front row opened the car door for him diligently. Zuo Zhong got out of the car and looked at the surrounding environment. When he saw the figures disappearing and appearing in the surrounding buildings and woods, he showed a satisfied smile.

Compared with the safe house where He Yijun lived two years ago, the current safe house of the Secret Service is safer and more secluded. It is not too far from the nearby police station and can receive support at any time.

Although he was skeptical about the combat effectiveness of Bai Wenzhi's men, if there were several people who blocked the gun at critical moments, it would be better to regard them as preying on the common people and making contributions to the party-state and the National Government.

In this way, Zuo Zhong met Lu Yong'an's family doctor in a small building north of Kunlu Temple. The doctor was sitting on a bench in the living room reading a newspaper. The room was full of armed spies.

"Deputy Director."

 “Hello, sir.”

Seeing him, the staff of the Secret Service greeted him one after another, which alarmed the person on the chair. This person did not know what had happened. He only knew that a big shot seemed to be coming, and he quickly stood up to greet him.

Zuo Zhong walked into the room slowly, patted the secret agents' shoulders kindly, then turned his head in admiration, and said coldly to the family doctor who was at a loss.

  “What happened to you has happened, let me arrest him!”

 (End of this chapter)

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