Cicada Moving

Chapter 634: Dangerous moves for soldiers

Chapter 634: Dangerous Moves

The family doctor only heard an angry shout from the big man, and several strong men rushed to his side and pressed him to the ground. This made him terrified, and he shouted for help with all his strength.

Unfortunately, just after shouting a few words, a smelly sock blocked his mouth, and the shouting stopped abruptly. The man kept twisting his body to try to break free from the control of these lawless people.

Zuo Zhong crossed his arms and looked down at the other party's reaction, Wei Wei was a little disappointed. If the doctor had poisoned the potion and the crime was suddenly revealed, he would be dominated by panic.

 But this man's face was full of confusion, and there was a trace of anger in his eyes. There was nothing wrong. Of course, this still did not prove that there was no problem with the doctor's identity.

If the other party is a Japanese intelligence officer, he is fully capable of adjusting his emotions in a short period of time. What is certain now is that the doctor is either innocent or has received professional intelligence training.

 Next, you just need to conduct a corresponding background check to confirm whether there is anything suspicious about the doctor's identity. If not, the other party's suspicion of murder will be low, and the confession will be credible.

On the contrary, it is even simpler. Two new electric chairs were installed in the interrogation room of the Secret Service last year, which can adjust multi-level current and voltage, ensuring that prisoners who have experienced it will feel at home and will never forget it.

  But that is the last option.

 Cannot be used easily.

· Case detection is a process of constant determination and elimination. Especially in highly sensitive cases, it is best to use words and heuristics to eliminate interfering factors and avoid unnecessary complications.

 “Okay, let him go.”

Zuo Zhong thought of a lot in his mind instantly. He raised his head and gave instructions to his subordinates. He then looked at the family doctor with a smile: "Oh, Mr. Wang was just joking. I believe you won't mind."

Since his trip to Germany, he found that the name of the dead ghost Wang Aofu was very useful, and decided to use this pseudonym from now on. The best thing is that he is not afraid of people's investigation, and a dead intelligence officer is even more mysterious.

When the agents loosened their restraints, the family doctor quickly threw the smelly socks out of his mouth, got up and pointed angrily at Zuo Zhong, trembling all over.

“I’m going to the government to accuse you. Why do you treat me like this? Ugh~ I’m a witness in the case, not a suspect. There will always be a place for reasoning in Jinling, even at the police station.”

"Wait, you said we are the police? Who told you, me or them, I'm sorry, if that's the case, then we may have to pause for a while, I want to deal with this matter first."

 Zuo Zhong laughed and looked at his subordinates on the left and right. The agents quickly shook their heads. After contacting the target according to confidentiality rules, no one was allowed to speak to each other except for necessary exchanges.

Hearing this, the family doctor Ye was stunned and asked involuntarily: "Then who are you? No one has the right to restrict my freedom except the police station. Please get out of the way. I want to go home."

 “Haha, don’t worry.”

Zuo Zhong sat down on the Taishi chair and played with his fingers: "My name is Wang Aofu, from the Second Division of the Investigation and Statistics Bureau of the Military Commission. To change the name to a name you can understand, it is the Secret Service.

Lu Yongyi should have mentioned to us that ordinary cases do not require the Secret Service to come forward, so if you have anything to say, just say it quickly. Don't wait until you have been tortured in the interrogation room before speaking. "

The family doctor's heart suddenly shrank when he heard the words "Secret Service". His original anger immediately disappeared. His whole body was like a deflated balloon, and he didn't know where to put his nervous hands and feet.

Zuo Zhong noticed the other party's uneasiness, smiled and teased: "I still like your unruly look just now. Since you know, let's not waste each other's time. Let's talk.

I want to know everything about Dean Lu's death. In addition, you insist that he died of a heart attack. What is the basis? If you can't tell, please come back to the Secret Service with us to talk. "

He asked a question with a smile, then took a document from the hand of the little agent next to him, opened it and saw that it contained the household registration information of the family doctor in the police station, which was recorded in great detail.

No matter what the other party said, he was the personal doctor of the former Zhejiang Provincial Chairman. His background must have been screened. If the underground party got into the core organization of the bald lair, everyone would be in trouble.

Zuo Zhong glanced at the file. His name was Deng Xuegang, a native of Hunan Province. He was from the same hometown as Lu Yong'an. He was 35 years old and graduated from Xiangya Medical College. He went to study in the UK in the 14th year of the Republic of China.

 After returning to China, he has been working as Lu Yong'an's doctor. The family relationship is relatively simple. His parents are still alive, and his wife and only son live in his hometown. His life trajectory is normal and he has not been imposted.

 But will the other party be recruited by the Japanese intelligence agency while studying abroad? This requires overseas investigation and questioning of Deng Xuegang’s classmates and teachers when he was studying in the UK to look for relevant clues.

Zuo Zhong was leisurely looking at the household registration information here. Deng Xue, the real person, became less calm after hearing the question and hurriedly explained that Lu Yong'an's physical reaction at that time was a standard symptom of death from heart disease.

“Sir, as soon as I entered, I saw that Dean Lu’s skin became moist and cold, his face became pale, and his lips turned blue and purple. After measurements, his blood pressure dropped, his heart sounds became lower and weaker, and his pulse was fast and weak.

 At the same time, breathing gradually weakens, and the two states of respiratory cessation and respiratory intensification appear alternately, showing a tidal pattern over and over again, and breathing patterns such as double inhalation, sighing, and nodding appear. I gave him digitalis medicine. As a result, Dean Lu’s pupils dilated, various reflexes gradually disappeared, muscle tone was lost, and he stopped breathing in just a few minutes, and finally his heartbeat stopped. "


Zuo Zhong glanced at it. Ling Sanping said that this was the best drug to create the illusion of death from heart disease in patients with cerebral congestion, because the pathological manifestations of the two were very similar. Deng Xuegang must have known this.

Since he knew this, it would be strange to give such a dangerous drug to his patient. Wouldn't he be afraid that he would not be able to tell whether the patient had a recurrence of cerebral congestion or whether the patient had taken too much digitalis?

Zuo Zhong, who felt that he had caught a slight flaw, turned cold and asked the other party in a deep voice why he didn't use glycerin tablets (not a typo) or aspirin to treat Lu Yong'an's sudden heart attack.

Deng Xuegang did not expect that this agent actually knew some medical knowledge. He hesitated and explained that the deceased was usually greedy for food, especially fat meat, and suffered from frequent constipation.

In this case, glycerin can only be used to help defecation, so Lu Yong'an is quite repulsive to the glycerol tablets containing the word "glycerin" and is unwilling to take them at all. This is probably the willfulness of a big man.

The reason for not using aspirin is even simpler. The deceased had drunk alcohol at noon. Aspirin should not be taken at the same time as alcohol. The side effects will aggravate the pain throughout the body and cause liver damage.

 A very reasonable explanation, but a bit far-fetched.

Zuo Zhong didn't know if Lu Yong'an really refused to take glycerin tablets, but this kind of lie could be easily proven. He only needed to ask Mrs. Ding, and the other party couldn't hide it at all.

  After pondering for a while, he continued to ask: "According to our investigation of the scene, we found that Dean Lu struggled before his death and had enough time to leave his last words. You'd better explain it honestly.

Let me tell you the truth, this case is very involved and has reached the heavens. The chairman of the committee has personally given instructions. Once we find out that you are talking nonsense, you will end up in a disastrous end. Do you understand? "


Deng Xuegang looked embarrassed, as if he had something to hide. When the agents around him saw this, they all made fierce expressions. This frightened the doctor so much that he turned pale and hurriedly told the inside story.

“It’s not that Zheng deliberately concealed it, but it actually harmed Dean Lu’s reputation. I heard Mrs. Ru’s call for help and went downstairs. When I entered the door, I found that their clothes were a little... They must have just had sex.

During the emergency treatment, Dean Lu told me many times with difficulty that he must not spread the news that he had a heart attack caused by Ma Shangfeng, otherwise the eldest son would definitely be laughed at by his classmates in school.

As for the so-called cannibalism and loyalty, I encountered difficulties when I just returned to my country. I relied on Dean Lu to help me tide over the difficulties. I also asked the superior to preserve the last bit of dignity for the deceased. Zheng asked me. "

After saying that, he begged Zuo Zhong to keep it a secret, but Zuo Zhong's face darkened. "Damn it, Lu Yong'an is really good at playing. People are old and the heart never grows old. The problem is that he has slept on that big bed before."

But this matter is not important. What is important is that this is just a statement made by Deng Xuegang's family. Whether it is true or false cannot be judged. The two participants in the incident are dead, so we can't go to the underworld to investigate the case.

 Obviously, before new clues and new evidence appear, the other party has no value in asking. Staying here will only waste time. It is better to go to Baiziting to ask Mrs. Ding about glycerin.

Zuo Zhong made up his mind and closed the household registration file and stood up. He called the special agents who came to the safe house and gave them some instructions, asking them to protect the target and not leave without permission.

Then he ignored the anxious Deng Xuegang, went out and led the guards back to Baizi Pavilion. He asked Mrs. Wan Ding, and he got a positive answer. Lu Yong'an did not want to use glycerin tablets.

Moreover, not only Mrs. Ding knew about this, but other people in the Lu family also knew about it. Zuo Zhong felt uneasy and found a few servants and bodyguards. After some coercion and inducement, he got the same answer.

 The clue was interrupted at this point.

 Do we really need to rely on autopsy?

Forensic medicine is indeed an indispensable part of the process of solving crimes, but you should not rely too much on it. The dead cannot lie, but they can give wrong or even opposite clues under the arrangement of others.

Zuo Zhong stood at the scene of Lu Yong'an's death without saying a word, looking toward the sunset slowly setting outside the window. Half of his face was covered with the afterglow of the setting sun, and half was dim. After a long time, he left the room.

He found Gu Qi and whispered a few words, and nodded in the eyes of the other person's doubts. Although some methods were not authentic, if he wanted to find out the truth about Lu Yong'an's death, he could only use dangerous tactics.

 Late night.

The death scene on the second floor of the Lu Mansion emitted bursts of creaking sounds. The sound spread along the dark corridors and stairs to the upper and lower floors. Many people's expressions suddenly changed.

 (End of this chapter)

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