Cicada Moving

Chapter 637: head-on contact

Chapter 637: Frontal Contact

Zuo Zhong listened to Wu Chunyang's speech and smiled more and more. The other party followed him and thought that these dead officials had low official positions and had no use value and no need to silence them.

To put it bluntly, throwing a brick in Jinling can kill ten or eight section chiefs and division chiefs, all of whom are higher than their status. Regardless of whether the murderer is Japanese or not, actions need purpose.

From the murderer's point of view, what benefits can come from killing them? He only thought about one thing, and that was life. There is only one life for anyone and any identity.

He put his hands on the table and bent slightly to look at his subordinates: "What Wu Chunyang just said is good. I would like to add that the personnel and friends of the deceased's agency should be included as the focus of the investigation."

 “Deputy Director, what do you mean?”

 Gu Qi seemed to have thought of something, and his face suddenly changed. If the truth was as he guessed, then the murderer's methods were too vicious. He not only wanted to kill people, but also wanted to kill people.

Zuo Zhong’s smile on the side gradually faded, and he nodded gloomily: “Yes, you guessed it right, the murderer is most likely using the lives of acquaintances to intimidate and threaten certain targets.

The death of a stranger is different from the death of a friend whom you see every day or even have a good relationship with. The shock and fear are different. It seems that our opponent understands people's hearts very well. "

The agents present all understood what he meant. Ordinary people without special training would most likely choose to give in or at least remain silent when faced with such tremendous psychological pressure.

Suddenly, Gu Qi asked a question: "Deputy Director, what about Lu Yong'an? Could it be that his death was also a warning to others by the murderer? This action is too big and the gain is not worth the loss.

If the other party's death was not clear, the chairman would not be furious, and we would not be responsible for investigating the case. Why the murderer would take this risk seems a bit unreasonable logically. "

Everyone was silent. It was indeed the case. Killing some ordinary people or low-level officials, at most the trash from the police department to investigate the case, and killing important personnel of the government would not be asking for trouble.

 Before Zuo Zhong could answer, Gui Youguang said carelessly: "What's there to think about? Lu Yong'an is the monkey who killed the chicken to scare the monkey. He didn't give in and was killed by the murderer."

 “There is light, don’t act foolishly”

 Gu Qi said something dumbfounded, and then froze there with his mouth wide open. What Gui Youguang just said sounded like nonsense at first glance, but when he thought about it carefully, it seemed to mean simplicity.

Lu Yong'an died of an overdose of digitalis, and 15 officials also died of an overdose of digitalis. There must be inextricable connections between the two, but this does not mean that his death was to scare others.

The other party has held many important positions and holds many secrets. He is probably the one being intimidated. He is used to seeing life and death. He may not give in or even try to report, resulting in death.


Zuo Zhong applauded the big bald man. People say that a wise man will make a mistake every time he thinks, so the other person is a standard fool who will gain something after a thousand things he thinks. He used the simplest thinking to analyze a clue.

After applauding, he made some adjustments to the division of labor: "Lao Gu, you will continue to be responsible for the death case of Lu Yong'an. As for the interpersonal relationship analysis of the 15 officials you proposed, I will leave it to Song Minghao.

Others are responsible for their own proposed investigation routes. Wu Jingzhong investigates spatial intersections, Shen Dongxin investigates food, Gui Youguang investigates the whereabouts of drugs, and Wu Chunyang investigates people with recent abnormalities in the agency. "

At this point, Zuo Zhong said with a hint of meaning: "When I go to the summit to report my merits, I will report everyone's names as appropriate. You just need to work hard and don't undermine each other."


Everyone stood up with a roar and replied, it is an old rule to give credit to brothers in need. For example, if Song Minghao and Wu Jingzhong did not participate in the German operation, more credit will be shared this time.

"Okay, let's go to work." Zuo Zhong waved his hand to let them leave, then grabbed Gu Qi who was about to leave, and asked softly: "Lao Gu, if you stay for a while, what do you decide to do with Lu Yong's case? "

 Gu Qi thought carefully for a while and expressed his plan: "Walking on two legs, first, to see if any of Lu Yong's relatives and friends have died suddenly due to heart disease recently.

At present, we only know that 15 officials were poisoned and died in Jinling City. Whether there will be victims among the local civilians who died, and whether there will be victims in other places, these are all unknown.

As long as we can find people who also died from digitalis in Lu Yong's network, it means that our speculation is correct, and it may be easier to find clues from this line. "

 “Yes, that’s what it means.”

Zuo Zhong immediately agreed. The fact that he put most of his manpower on the official serial murder case does not mean that he does not pay attention to the death case of Lu Yongqi. On the contrary, the most promising person to open the gap is Gu Qi.

It's just that you have to take a long-term view when doing things. If everyone focuses on the Lu Yong'an case, when the case is announced, grassroots officials will see that they don't take their lives seriously, and there will be another turmoil.

What about not announcing the case? If there are no secrets within the Party, even the Secret Service, sometimes the instructions it sends out in the morning will be spread to Peking in the afternoon. To say it is a sieve is to exaggerate.

Zuo Zhong lowered his voice and spoke out all these considerations, giving Gucci a clear answer so that his old partner would not feel marginalized because of his random thoughts. He then motioned to the other party to tell him the second clue.

 Gu Qi kept a calm attitude and continued with a smile: "The results of the external investigation in Hunan Province showed that Sha Shi and Lin Yunsheng had a relationship, and this relationship is likely to never end.

 Could it be that Lu Yongyi accidentally discovered the adultery between the two of them. In order to silence the murderer, the murderer borrowed a knife to help his concubine Sha Shi and bodyguard Lin Yunsheng kill Dean Lu with poison.

These are all speculations without any evidence to support them. If you agree, I would like to have direct contact with Lin Yunsheng, reveal their secret relationship, and let him tell what he knows. "

He was full of confidence in his words, and quietly revealed the news: "Deputy Director, I have secretly controlled Lin Yunsheng and Sha's family members, and can use them to threaten Lin Yunsheng when necessary.

If he cried for Shashi two nights ago, it means that he has true feelings for Shashi. Naturally, he will not see his lover's parents and sisters hurt. The possibility of telling the truth is very high.

Even if he doesn't care about the Sha family, his own family should always care. The **** team will arrive at Jinling in three days. Give me five days, no, four days, and I will be able to pry his mouth open. "

 This is a gamble,

 Also a bit mean.

Zuo Zhong thought about it and finally did not reject Gu Qi's plan. Lin Yunsheng's suspicion was not small. Whether it was deception or deception, through the observation during the interrogation, he could also see whether the other party had been trained.

He got up and prepared to go to Baiziting with Lao Gu. A deputy director and a section chief personally took action. Even if the bald man knew that the Secret Service had put most of its personnel in other areas, he would not say anything.

 Silent all the way, the two arrived at the Lu Mansion successfully. The patrolling agents reported that everything was normal. During this period, only a few relatives and friends of the Lu family came to express their condolences, but they all found reasons to persuade them to leave.

Zuo Zhong was worried and looked around again to make sure there were no defense loopholes inside and outside the house. Then he called Lin Yunsheng, and Lu Yongyi's study room on the second floor was slightly decorated and used as a place for conversation.

This place should be familiar to the other party. This can create a more comfortable inquiry environment and can also use past memories to create a sense of guilt, because the Lu family is really good to Lin Yunsheng.

Information shows that the reward given to him by the Lu government in the past two years alone has amounted to seven to eight hundred yuan, which is not a small amount for ordinary people, and is even more than the annual salary of an ordinary university professor.

All the money was sent back to his hometown to buy a lot of land. The Lin family changed from a poor family to a prosperous small landowner. Lu Yongmai could be called a kindred spirit to Lin Yunsheng.

The situation was as Zuo Zhong expected. Lin Yunsheng, who was originally nervous, slowly turned red as soon as he walked into the study. He finally calmed down and asked him what he wanted in a choked voice.

Gu Qi behind the desk looked at Zuo Zhong. Zuo Zhong shook his head slightly, picked up a book and read it attentively. He was just a theatergoer today. How to sing well depends on Gu Qi's meaning.

 Gu Qi was no longer modest, pointed to the chair about one meter away from the desk and said calmly, "Sit down." This is the so-called old trick of asking one person to be a good person and the other to be a bad person.

 “Hello, sirs.”

Lin Yunsheng saluted politely and sat upright on the chair. It seemed that no matter how old the moves were, they would be effective if used in the right place. Otherwise, a bodyguard would not have to follow the marching rules.

 Gu Qi just looked at him coldly without returning the greeting. The other person gradually became restless and his forehead kept sweating. He wanted to open his mouth or stand up several times, but he did not dare to move due to his majesty.

At this point, the primary and secondary relationship of the conversation has been determined. The two parties are no longer on an equal footing, and the nature of the conversation has also changed from a simple chat to a question and answer, a very simple psychological suggestion.

Occupying the active position, Gu Qi held two pieces of white paper in his hand, glanced at them, then at Lin Yunsheng, continued to release the pressure, and finally asked a question suddenly when the other party's breathing became thicker.

"Let's talk about it. When did you and Dean Lu's concubine Sha Shi meet? Some people say that you two are lovers. I want to know if this is true. I advise you not to lie."

 “What? No, this is slander.”

Lin Yunsheng stood up and shouted excitedly, as if he had been greatly insulted. He turned around and wanted to leave. At this time, two tall agents appeared at the door and waved at him coldly.

Facing the black muzzle of the gun, he showed no fear at all. He walked directly to the agent and put the pistol on his forehead, glaring at Gu Qi and Zuo Zhong with eyes full of anger.

 (End of this chapter)

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