Cicada Moving

Chapter 638: Ask me if I have a gun in my hand.

Chapter 638: Ask me about the gun in my hand. Do you agree?

Lin Yunsheng's tough attitude made the two agents a bit at a loss. In the past, the suspects they encountered either tried to resist or tried to deny involvement in the case. This was the first time like this.

 Gu Qi narrowed his eyes. Interrogation is a process of psychological competition. The ultimate goal of the interrogator is to break the psychological defense of the interrogated person so that the other party loses their reason and normal judgment.

He created an environment that Lin Yunsheng was uncomfortable with from the beginning, and successfully established a dominant position. Unexpectedly, this person quickly used others to reverse the unfavorable situation.

This person is not easy to deal with.

The temporary interrogation room fell into silence. Both sides were waiting for the other side to make another move. Whoever spoke first at this time would mean admitting failure. Obviously, this was something neither Gu Qi nor Lin Yunsheng could accept.

At this time, Zuo Zhong, who was watching the show, began to tap the pages of the book in his hand. The sound of "bah-bah-bah" touched everyone's nerves. After a few dozen seconds, he raised his head and nodded to the agent with a smile.

"Okay, you guys can go out first. Don't be so nervous. We asked Mr. Lin to come here for questioning, not for interrogation. If we don't call you, don't come in. Let's talk alone."

After saying that, he raised his hand to the chair in front of the desk and motioned Lin Yunsheng to sit down, just like a host greeting guests, immediately relaxing the atmosphere and calming down the other party.

Lin Yunsheng sitting down means obeying the order, and the subsequent conversation will return to the previous role of the person being questioned. Failure to sit down means not cooperating with the work, and he will become more passive.

Lin Yunsheng noticed this, hesitated for a while and finally chose to sit down obediently. As a former member of the state machine, he knew very well how powerful a country is.

 “Look, isn’t this great?”

Zuo Zhong smiled and clapped his hands, leaned on the chair and said casually: "Mr. Lin, judging from your reaction just now, you should have come here often when Dean Lu was alive. People cannot be resurrected, so please forgive me."

Lin Yunsheng didn't expect him to say that. He nodded for a moment and relaxed a little. He felt that this young man was easier to deal with than the half-bald middle-aged man. At least he knew how to respect others.

Then he opened his mouth to explain: "Sir, the relationship between me and Mrs. Ru is really innocent. Someone must have some objections to me taking so much reward, and deliberately spread rumors to frame Mrs. Ru and me."

This is the reason why one person is a good person and the other person is a bad person. One person intimidates the suspect and the other pretends to take care of the suspect. Most people will tend to trust the protector and talk to him.

 “Well, I understand what you mean.”

Hearing this, Zuo Zhong pretended to understand you very well, and then spread his hands helplessly: "But since someone has reported it to us, according to the rules, we have to investigate. Please understand this.

Otherwise, the higher-ups will find out that you cannot bear the blame, and neither of us can bear it. In a sense, both of us are now grasshoppers tied to a vine, right? "

Then without waiting for Lin Yunsheng to agree or disagree, he said sincerely: "And as soon as you came in, I was sure that you are a person who values ​​friendship, and the tears in your eyes cannot be deceived.

I personally don’t believe that you and Shashi had an underground affair, so in order to clear your suspicions as soon as possible and give the dead Shashi a clean slate, you should cooperate with our work. "

With a few words, Zuo Zhong forced a loyal persona onto Lin Yunsheng's head. This persona has both advantages and disadvantages, and its use in interrogations often has unexpected effects.

With such a compliment from him, the other person's expression looked much better, and his tense body gradually relaxed, and he no longer refused to talk to them. This was a good start for the inquiry.

 “Please ask, sir, I will cooperate.”

Lin Yunsheng lowered his head and thought for a while. When he raised his head, his tone became firm. This firmness may mean that he is confident enough to handle the inquiry, or he really wants to end the matter as soon as possible.

 Zuo Zhong, who had already planned, did not rush to ask questions, but continued to strengthen Lin Yunsheng's character: "Mr. Lin, you are a truly good person. This is not to flatter you. Many people in the Lu family said so.

You are the first to get up and the last to go to bed every day, just to protect Dean Lu's safety when going out and returning home, and to allow your colleagues to sleep a little longer. I admire people like you very much.

 It’s a pity that good people usually don’t get good rewards. Just like this time, someone fabricated rumors about you and Sha Shi. But as the saying goes, there is no smoke without fire. Think about whether you have done poorly in the past.

Only when we find the crux of the problem can we give an explanation to the whistleblower and the higher-ups. Don’t worry, no one else will know what you say here. I guarantee you. "

Zuo Zhong's tone was unusually sincere, and he seemed to be very considerate of the other party. He even poured a cup of hot water for Lin Yunsheng. This is a taboo in interrogation work, as it can easily cause the suspect to hurt himself.

Seeing this, Gu Qi moved his lips without saying anything. He folded his arms and looked at Lin Yunsheng coldly, playing the red-faced role to the end, but began to think about the deep meaning of the deputy director's actions.

 “Sir, I. I really don’t know.”

Facing Zuo Zhong's inquiry, Lin Yunsheng replied with a wry smile: "Mrs. Ru and I rarely meet. There are many rules in the Lu family. Strong men like us cannot be alone with the women in the family.

Even if we want to meet, we must be accompanied by two female servants. We have no chance to meet privately. How could we not do something well? Sir, please clarify. "

What he said was the truth. The back houses of wealthy families were tightly guarded, just like the Zuo family. Male servants could not even enter the second door without permission. Although the Lu Mansion was a foreign-style mansion, it had all the rules it should have. In later novels, it is often said that the servant and the lady fell in love at first sight, which is all nonsense. I am afraid that the lady had already gone to see the King of Hell before they met, and the government knew about it without even asking.

With these thoughts in his mind, Zuo Zhong asked, "Mr. Lin, you said we rarely meet each other, but that doesn't mean we never meet. How many times have you met Shashi? Where and when did you meet him?"

“Four or five times, I don’t remember the specific time clearly. For example, when my wife went to burn incense in a temple outside the city, I and several other bodyguards were responsible for escorting her.” Lin Yunsheng thought for a while and replied.

 Temple outside the city?

 Burn incense?


In addition, it would be more interesting if Sha Shi burned the incense to pray for children. In ancient times, many women from big families went to temples to pray for children, and they were blessed with children. As for the reason, the Buddha said: It cannot be said.

Perhaps seeing the unserious expression on Zuo Zhong’s face, Lin Yunsheng hurriedly said: “Sir, don’t get me wrong, we are going to Qixia Temple, and Mrs. Ru has always been under the protection of us.

Moreover, Qixia Temple is a Buddhist holy place, and there are all enlightened monks there, so it is impossible for them to do such sneaky things. The folk sayings are not trustworthy at all, and no family will allow their female relatives to spend the night outside. "

Listening to Lin Yusheng's words, Zuo Zhong was secretly wondering whether the other party and Shashi were really in love and only polite. It seemed that nothing could be answered about this matter, so let's try in another direction.

So he shook his head with a smile: "Mr. Lin, don't be anxious. I believe what you said. Sha's ability to die for Dean Lu shows her fidelity, and she is praised by many people in Jinling.

But I have a question I don’t know whether to ask or not. Why was a loyal and reliable bodyguard like you not the first to arrive in the room when something happened to Dean Lu? You and Dr. Deng are right next door.

Logically speaking, he is an ordinary person without military training, and his actions are definitely not as good as yours. You were neither sick nor injured in those two days, so your reaction speed should not be so slow. "

Zuo Zhong changed the topic and bypassed Sha Shi to talk about the death case of Lu Yong'an. Before, he had put Lin Yunsheng on a very high level, and at the same time, the other party had acquiesced in the character of being loyal and a good person, so there was a contradiction.

Lin Yunsheng must give a perfect reason for this question, otherwise everything he said before will become a lie. The interrogation is not only a psychological battle, but also a logical confrontation.

Sure enough, after hearing this question, Lin Yunsheng's expression changed slightly, and he muttered twice and chose to remain silent. The breakthrough in the case was finally opened, and the next thing to do was to pursue the victory.

Zuo Chong winked at his old partner, and Gu Qi snorted tacitly: "If you don't want others to know, you have to do it yourself. According to our investigation, you were the last one to arrive at the death scene that day.

Explain it, is it far from the fourth floor to the second floor, does it require a rigorously trained soldier to spend several minutes, or are you the murderer of Dean Lu, right? "

 Gu Qi slammed the table, and the loud noise frightened Lin Yunsheng. He quickly denied it: "It's not me. Dean Lu has been very kind to me and the Lin family. No one can kill him if I go to kill him.

The reason why I finally arrived at the scene was that I was not in the house at all. Dean Lu was a little uneasy when he came back that night and asked me to patrol the area, saying that if there was a thief, he would just shoot him away.

He also asked me not to mention this matter to anyone. When his accident occurred, I was squatting in the distance and heard shouts and noises coming from the backyard. It was that he had passed away. "

Lu Yong'an was very uneasy before his death?

 Gu Qi and Zuo Zhong looked at each other. This was a new situation. No one from the Lu Mansion had mentioned this, whether it was the police station or the Secret Service's inquiry. Is Lin Yunsheng telling the truth?

If it is true, what exactly is Lu Yong'an afraid of and worried about? Is this related to his death from a digitalis overdose? The fog behind this case is getting thicker and thicker.

Zuo Zhong trained through the clues and then said word by word: "Mr. Lin, the last question is, you and Sha Shi come from the same place and have been childhood sweethearts since childhood. Am I right?"

Lin Yunsheng panicked. He didn't expect that the other party even knew about this matter. This was the biggest secret between him and Sha Shi. Where did these people find out about it? No, she must not be implicated.

This thought flashed through his mind, and the next second he stood up quickly and rushed to the study room wall on the side, hitting his head against the hard cement wall, with a trace of hope and relief in his eyes.


With the sound of a gunshot, a ball of blood appeared on Lin Yunsheng's right leg. He staggered and lost speed, and fell to the ground crookedly. The little agent outside the door rushed into the room and controlled him.

Zuo Zhong held up his gun and sneered. Did the other party think that he was fake? He actually wanted to commit suicide. He didn't even ask me if I would agree with the gun in my hand. He looked at Lin Yunsheng who was ashen and ordered.

 “Take it back to the office and keep it under strict supervision!”

 (End of this chapter)

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