Cicada Moving

Chapter 639: Dai Chunfeng turned into a rabbit

 Chapter 639 Dai Chunfeng turned into a rabbit

Lin Yunsheng attempted suicide during the interrogation process, which surprised everyone. His behavior was exactly the same as that of Sha Shi, in that he was trying to protect someone or was being coerced by someone.

Considering the questions that the other party heard before taking action, Zuo Zhong had reason to believe that he was protecting Sha Shi. He did not expect that Lu Yong'an's concubine was so charming and could make a person so determined.

 Watching the little agent strap Lin Yusheng away on a stretcher, Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi received the latest investigation report. In the past year, no relatives or friends in the Lu family died suddenly of heart disease.

At this point, the "two legs" that Lao Gu originally planned to solve the case were lame. Lin Yunsheng would rather die than admit that he had an affair with Sha Shi, and no one related to Lu Yong'an died, so the investigation reached a deadlock.

Unless the team that escorted Lin Sha's family to Jinling used the safety of his family to threaten Lin Yunsheng to confess honestly, the confession obtained in this way is not very reliable and can only be used as a reference.

 “Deputy Director, below.”

 Gu Qi opened his mouth with a wry smile but did not finish the sentence. He obviously felt a little embarrassed. From the time the plan was made to the end of the plan, it took less than a day. This was the first time that he had encountered such a thing.

Zuo Zhong waved his hands indifferently. In fact, they gained a lot this time. First, they knew that Lu Yongqi was uneasy before his death. Second, they confirmed that Lin Yunsheng and Sha Shi had a close relationship.

He stared into the distance for a long time, went upstairs to find Mrs. Ding who was frightened by the gunfire, and asked her a question, that is, did the Sha family have any close relatives and friends in Jinling City.

The focus of Lu Yong's death case cannot be limited to the deceased. Sha Shi is also an important participant. Since there is no abnormality in Lu Yong's network, will the problem lie with Sha's body?

Mrs. Ding over there did not hesitate after hearing this, and talked about a person: "Sir, if you want to talk about the person who is close to her, it is her cousin. The young man came to Jinling City to make a living by pulling carts two years ago.

I don’t know the specific name of this man. I only know that he often visited Shashi and our master some time ago. Apparently he wanted to ask for a job, but things are different now, and the master can’t help him.

So he stopped coming later. Just over half a month ago, Sha Shi said that her cousin had an emergency and died. I spent a thousand oceans to pay for the funeral. I was afraid that it was not enough and gave me an additional five hundred. "


Died from an emergency?

Zuo Zhong looked at the surprised Gu Qi beside him. Naturally, he meant why the early investigation did not reveal that Sha had a cousin in Jinling. This was a very important clue, and he almost missed it.

But Gu Qi was very sure. They had gone through the relationship between Lu Yongqi and Sha Shi several times. Sha Shi definitely had no cousins, because her father's generation was sparse and there was only one male.

This cousin couldn't have jumped out of the cracks in the rocks. How could Shashi be lying about this? Or Mrs. Ding remembered it wrong. There is no way the Secret Service could have made a mistake in such a simple investigation.

Also, why did the servants and bodyguards of the Lu family not mention it when they were questioned? Maybe this person is an invisible person and can enter the house hiding from everyone's eyes. This is too absurd.

He quietly reported the situation to Zuo Zhong. Zuo Zhong curiously raised these two questions to Mrs. Ding, but what the other party said next made them both even more shocked.

"I don't know anything about Sha's family. This is what our master told me. He also said that the dignified Lu family has a relative who pulls carts. He has a bad reputation and asked me not to mention it to other servants.

Every time the other party came to the house, it was always in the name of visiting. Alas, in a blink of an eye, Sha's cousin died, Sha's died, and even our master was no longer here. "Mrs. Ding cried as she spoke.

Zuo Zhong couldn't bear to see such a scene, so he asked Sha Shi's cousin about his age and general appearance, and obtained the date of Sha Shi's withdrawal from the ocean from the Lu Mansion account book. He immediately said goodbye and left.

Supposedly, with this information, it would be easy for the Secret Service to find the person. However, the agents who went to investigate the next day still found nothing, as if this person had never existed.

Unwilling to give up, Gu Qi checked the rickshaw dealers and Paosan Gang in Jinling City. There was no rickshaw driver that met the requirements. From this, it was confirmed that Sha's cousin's occupation was not a rickshaw driver.

This proves one thing. The other party went to the Lu Mansion not to visit Sha, but to meet Lu Yong'an. In order to keep it secret, Lu Yong'an made up a false identity for the other party to deal with Mrs. Ding's inquiry.

After receiving the news, Zuo Zhong decisively ordered to expand the scope of the screening and search for relevant clues from the dead population in the entire city. Unless the other party was buried secretly, the target would definitely be found.

 Two days later, Hong Gong Temple.

 Gu Qi rushed into Zuo Zhong's office to report that the special agents of Mo Pai found a suspicious person in the city. The person's age, appearance, and time of death were surprisingly consistent with Sha's so-called cousin.

What is particularly noteworthy is that this person's true identity is a shareholder of a bank. It is said that he is quite powerful, has close friendship with many government officials, and is somewhat famous in Jinling.

Zuo Zhong took the file from Lao Gu and saw a photo posted in the upper left corner. On it was a man in his twenties with glasses and a faint smile. He was wearing a suit jacket on his upper body.

 In the information column, it is written that Su Zifu was born in 1902 in Hangcheng, Zhejiang Province. He graduated from the private business school of Shanghai Datong University. He was not married before his death and had no children. Both his parents were deceased.

 I came to Jinling in the 17th year of the Republic of China and pooled money with a few friends to open Chengxin Bank, specializing in corporate bonds, land and other businesses. It did not carry out personal deposits, loans and exchanges, and the scale was very small. “There’s something wrong with this guy.”

Zuo Zhong frowned after reading it and said that this file was too clean and simple. For example, his parents' situation and where the money for his stock investment came from, these were all mentioned in one stroke.

If this kind of person works in an agency, I am afraid that even the secret service headquarters will focus on screening. Why, the past history and background are unclear, and it is very likely that he is an intelligence officer of a certain party.

After thinking about it, he asked Gu Qi again: "Have you shown the photo to Mrs. Ding and the servants of Lu Mansion? They must be sure. Don't find the wrong person and make a big mistake. The higher ups are watching this case. "

"I made a special trip to Bai Zi Pavilion before I came here. There were fifty similar photos in total. Everyone who had seen Sha's cousin chose this one. There is no mistake." Gu Qi assured.

 “Let’s go to Chengxin Bank.”

Zuo Zhong picked up the documents and walked out. The spies followed aggressively. The group set off from Hong Gong Temple to Nanmen Street near Zhonghua Gate, where Chengxin Bank was located.

Sitting on the bumpy car, he searched through his memory and found that this honest bank acted very low-key and seemed to have never been publicized. At least he had not heard of the name.

 Are there any banks that do not need reputation? Yes, but banks engaged in securities and land speculation definitely do, because raising funds and issuing stocks require reputation, and even reputation is part of strength.

This alone deserves an in-depth investigation by the Secret Service. There is no such thing as economic crime in this era, but it does not mean that it does not exist. Compared with criminal crimes, economic crimes are more harmful.

 The Zuo family is not, that is pure fraud.

Zuo Zhong complained about his father and the old man, and continued to flip through the documents in his hand. When he saw the final list of shareholders of Chengxin Bank, his heart tightened. The name of Lao Dai's son Dai Shanwu was clearly on the list.

What happened to this girl, did you eat melon and eat? He hesitated for a moment and did not let the driver turn around.

By the way, there are many specific ways to remove Dai Shanwu from this matter. If it doesn't work, just say that the other party was ordered to lurk for reconnaissance, and that's all it can do to save face.

The convoy traveled quickly through the streets of Jinling, drove south for more than 40 minutes, and stopped in front of a new cement building. Chengxin Bank was on the first floor. The spies jumped out.

As the deputy director, Zuo Zhong certainly didn’t have to do everything personally. He sat in the back seat of the car and watched his subordinates pour into the building, but soon someone ran towards him, and he knew something must have happened.

As expected, the other party said that the staff of the building said that Chengxin Bank had closed down a few days ago, and all the staff and office supplies inside had been moved away, leaving only an empty space.

 “Lao Gu, let’s go up and have a look.”

After listening to the report, Zuo Zhong smiled and said to Gu Qi, who looked depressed. He thought it was good to leave. If he didn't leave, it would be a trouble. If Mr. Dai stopped him, it wouldn't matter if he checked or not.

The two of them walked into the building under the protection of guards and took the elevator to the floor where Chengxin Bank was located. What they saw was a chaotic scene with discarded documents everywhere on the ground.

Zuo Zhong walked around with his hands behind his back, picked up one of them and looked at it. It was a contract from a bond company. Such an important thing was thrown here carelessly. It seemed that the other party left in a hurry.

The reason? Could it be that Lu Yong'an's death made them uneasy? If so, the importance of the surname Lu is higher than they thought. He is definitely a core figure.

The Vice President of the Military Senate of the National Government is suspected of treason, and the participants include the son of the director of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics. When this news spreads, it will definitely shock a lot of people, and there is trouble.

After thinking about it, Zuo Zhong pointed to the empty floor and said: "Take all the documents back for inspection, survey the scene and record fingerprints and footprints, and contact the police station to find the whereabouts of all bank employees and shareholders."


The little spies carried out the orders step by step. Gu Qi stayed behind to supervise the work, while Zuo Zhong ran to the bureau headquarters. He had to tell Lao Dai personally about Dai Shanwu and could not convey it through the phone.

Who knows if Director Chen and Xu Enzeng have eavesdropped on Dai Chunfeng? If these two **** find out about this, they will definitely take the opportunity to cause trouble. He doesn't want to waste time on this.

 After some conversation on the way, when he arrived at the bureau, he walked up the stairs and walked into the director's office on the top floor. Then the entire Bureau of Investigation and Statistics heard Lao Dai's angry roar.

 “Catch that **** back to me!”

 Well, Dai Chunfeng has become a rabbit.

 (End of this chapter)

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