Cicada Moving

Chapter 640: major breakthrough

Chapter 640 A major breakthrough

Dai Chunfeng never expected that while he worked hard to catch spies, his son Dai Shanwu would be fraternizing with people suspected of being spies outside, and even opened a bank in partnership. This was a lie.

Especially because the other party was related to the death of Lu Yongyi and 15 party-state officials. If the leader knew about this, he might not even be able to keep the position of director of the Secret Service, let alone the position of director.

Lao Dai was so angry that he pulled out his pistol on the spot, preparing to kill his relatives in a just act of justice. Zuo Zhong quickly stopped the teacher, and with emotion and reason, the furious Dai Chunfeng finally regained his composure.

"Teacher, this matter can only be handled in a low-key manner, so as not to give some people an excuse to criticize you. Moreover, Shanwu is still a child, and it is absolutely not his intention to be used by evil people." Zuo Zhong advised without conscience.

 “Don’t explain it to him.”

Dai Chunfeng sighed and sat down on the stool feebly: "How can there be a child in his twenties? You are one year apart. Shen Zhi, no one can fault you in your conduct and deeds. What about him? Shame on you!"

 Cao Mengde said that when he gave birth to a son, he should give birth to Sun Zhongmou. Today I understand this sentence. I can't let this brat fool around in the future, otherwise sooner or later he will cause great trouble. "

Gan, you said it well, why are you scolding people? Zuo Zhong cursed in his heart and comforted the ugly-looking Dai Chunfeng. There was a saying that Dai's godson was not as capable as Li Qiwu.

 In the future, Li Qiwu’s children will all be well-known essayists, either business tycoons or professors and scholars. As for Dai Shanwu, he just ate a peanut and was reincarnated.

But he couldn't say this to Lao Dai. No matter how unsatisfactory his children were, they were still the treasures of their parents. After a few words of advice, he stood up and left. The case was getting bigger and bigger, and he had no time to care about the other party's family education issues.

 Late night, Hong Gong Temple.

Zuo Zhong, who returned to the Secret Service, folded his arms and stood in front of the blackboard, with several names written on it, including Lu Yong'an, Sha Shi, Lin Yunsheng, Deng Xuegang, and Su Zifu. These were all the people involved in the case.

Among them, Lu Yong'an and Sha Shi are confirmed dead, Su Zifu is suspected to be dead, and Lin Yunsheng and Deng Xuegang are under the control of the Secret Service. It is not yet known whether these people have other relationships.

After thinking for a long time, he picked up the chalk and wrote the four characters "Chengxin Bank" on the blackboard. Maybe this was the thread in the mess, but it was a pity that those **** received the news and ran away.


At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Zuo Zhong called out without looking back, and then Gu Qi and others walked in from the door with serious faces, all of them still holding a thick stack of documents in their hands.

Everyone has been investigating separately for several days. It’s time to gather together and gather resources to see if they can figure out a clue. Doing nothing in the light is half the result with twice the result. We must learn to use the collective wisdom.

Zuo Zhong waited for everyone to sit down, threw the chalk aside, turned to look at his men, and asked: "How is it? What have you gained in the past two days? Lao Gu, please tell me first."

 “Yes, Deputy Director.”

Gu Qi opened the documents he carried with him and looked up at everyone: "Through questioning Mrs. Ding, the principal housekeeper of Lu Yong'an, I have identified a suspect who has not appeared before, Su Zifu.

Lu Yong'an told the people in Lu Mansion that this man was the cousin of his concubine Sha, who made a living by pulling a rickshaw in Jinling. In fact, the man was a shareholder of Chengxin Bank and died suddenly half a month ago.

  Today during the day, the deputy director and I went to Chengxin Bank. The building was deserted. Then I went to the cemetery to verify whether Su Zifu was dead. This was confirmed. The body was being sent to Renxin Hospital.

His office, residence and places he frequented have also been searched, but there are currently no valuable clues. I think professional cleanup personnel have cleaned up, and that’s all. "

Zuo Zhong frowned. The murderer was really impeccable, and he moved very quickly, leaving no clues for tracing. The Secret Service and himself had encountered a difficult opponent this time.

After being silent for a while, he asked one thing: "How are the shareholders and employees of Chengxin Bank doing? Are they dead too? Can we get a breakthrough in the case from these people?"

“This. The shareholders and employees have all identified themselves. According to the preliminary investigation, there is no suspicion. The reason for the sudden relocation of the bank is that it lost a lot of money in the Shanghai stock market and could only declare bankruptcy.”

Gu Qi looked helpless and explained: "This matter also has something to do with Su Zifu. In the past, the other party was responsible for the business of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. He died so suddenly and there was no time to hand over it.

We asked a few people to make inquiries. They were not very impressed with Su Zifu. They only knew that he was very energetic and had cooperated with many government officials through investment agency.

 It is a pity that only Su Zifu has the specific list, and even other shareholders do not know it. If you want to find out who the other party cooperates with, you must fully trace his interpersonal interactions and activities. "

 Agency investment?

   It must be a cypress glove.

Zuo Zhong sneered and wrote down this clue in his notebook, and decided to go back to his old friend Bai Wenzhi to ask about the situation. As long as there was a way to make money in Jinling City, it was absolutely right to ask this guy.

After finishing writing, he raised his hand and stretched out three fingers towards Gu Qi: "Give you three days to thoroughly check all employees and shareholders, and tell them that they are not allowed to leave Jinling without permission in the near future.

If anyone relies on their backing to be tough and refuses to obey your orders, tell me their name and I will report to the bureau and leaders to ask for help. I don’t believe their backing can be tougher than these two.

Remember, you must find out the government officials who have a cooperative relationship with Su Zifu. If there are not enough manpower, I will coordinate from the operations department. In short, if you need money, give money, and if you need people, give people. "                                                                                                                                               "

“Chunyang, how are you doing with the investigation and platooning of various major agencies in Jinling? Have you found any abnormal personnel related to the 15 dead officials? It’s better for the two of us to join forces together.”

 “Not much progress.”

Wu Chunyang shook his head and explained: "There are too many agencies and personnel that need to be investigated. Several suspected targets were discovered and quickly eliminated. It will take at least half a month to fully investigate."

As for the joint investigation, there are advantages and disadvantages. I think we can investigate each one first, and finally compare and collide the personnel found by both parties, firstly, to increase efficiency, and secondly, to increase accuracy. "

 “Well, that’s right, that’s it.”

Gu Qi agreed with this proposal. Screening each other is a common method of intelligence activities. Suspects who meet multiple characteristics are likely to be the real targets. The disadvantage is that the workload is relatively large.

Zuo Zhong had no opinion on the cooperation between the two of them. Lao Gu had this right as the chief of the intelligence section. He then knocked on the table to signal others to continue reporting to decide the next step.

Song Minghao raised his hand at the right time: "Reporting to the deputy director, the 15 deceased officials had their own pharmacies to collect medicines, and the doctors who treated heart disease were also different, but I discovered another problem.

No matter how the poison was administered, how did the murderer know that these officials had heart disease? It is impossible to collect them one by one. He must have channels to know the health of government officials. "

Everyone thought, yes, physical condition is a relatively private topic. Unless they are close friends or family members, it is difficult for outsiders to know the specific situation. So what is this channel?

 “Stop being so pretentious and talk about the situation.”

Zuo Zhong rolled his eyes at Song Minghao. He knew the other party too well. If there was no gain, this guy wouldn't have brought it up just now. After all, he was an old spy who had been working as a spy for many years and he still had working ability.

Song Minghao grinned, took out a document and read it: "We found that the physical examinations of all Jinling agencies are conducted at the Central Hospital, and the hospital archives have the physical examination files of all officials.

Starting from this clue, Yu Sanshui, director of the Archives Office, came into our view. This person bought two new-style bungalows and a car in the past six months, and his source of income is unknown.

 Half an hour ago, I brought someone to control him at his home. He was at the detention center, the deputy director, and he was a softie. When he knew he was caught by the Secret Service, he was frightened to death. "

 “Not bad, let’s go see it together later.”

Zuo Zhong happily knocked on the table. No matter what the outcome was, victory would be to cut off an intelligence channel for his opponent. Then he turned his attention to Wu Jingzhong, Shen Dongxin and Gui Youguang.

"What about you three? Have you found anything about the overlapping points of the deceased's movements, the food he came into contact with, and the whereabouts of the medicine? It doesn't matter if the investigation yields no results. I'll give you a few more days."


Of the three people who were called out, two were like scumbags who were called out in class. They wanted to put their heads in their crotches. There was only one big bald man who was holding his neck, looking very proud.

Seeing that everyone was paying attention to him, Gui Youguang coughed lightly: "Well, I found the beggar near the deceased's residence and successfully exchanged money for 2 bottles of digitalis.

 In addition, 4 bottles of medicine were also confiscated from the relatives of the deceased official. Forensics personnel determined that the digitalis tablets in these 6 bottles exceeded the safe dosage and were enough to kill an adult male. "

After speaking, he put on his gloves and took out several brown paper bags, and carefully took out several brown glass bottles filled with white medicine bottles, which killed 15 officials.

Wow, the people present applauded.

  Previously, their conclusions were all speculations. Although they made sense logically, they lacked conclusive evidence. Now they have actual evidence of poisoning, which is a huge breakthrough.

Zuo Zhong showed a smile on his face, looked at Wu Jingzhong and Shen Dongxin who were blushing, and comforted him: "Okay, you two don't have to be too disappointed, Dongxin will go and help Wu Chunyang next.

Since the poisoning method has been clarified, it is unlikely that the murderer will use food to poison. Limited personnel and resources must be gradually concentrated on key positions to fight a clean and efficient battle of annihilation.

Lao Wu, just continue to look for the spatial overlap of the deceased. Didn't Lao Song say that these people get medicine from different pharmacies, so the medicine bottles must have been changed. The list on your shoulders is heavy. "


 Wu Jingzhong and Shen Dongxin stood up and replied.

 (End of this chapter)

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