Cicada Moving

Chapter 641: Yu Sanshui

Chapter 641 Yu Sanshui

 “Let’s go and see Yu Sanshui.”

With an important harvest of evidence, Zuo Zhong was in a good mood. He waved with a smile and led his men downstairs to the backyard. Accompanied by the guards, they came to the door of a cell.

Through the narrow transom on the iron door, everyone saw a lost middle-aged man sitting on the ground. The water marks on his pants were extremely obvious. It seemed that Song Minghao was not lying. This man was really scared to death.

If you are so cowardly, then don't get involved in such a serious matter. He is really a good person and loves to play. Moreover, he died by himself. I am afraid that the living Yu family will suffer even more.

Because Yu Sanshui killed so many grassroots officials of the Fruit Party, those people’s friends, classmates, and family members would have suffered enough if their friends, classmates, and family members resorted to any means. It was normal for the family to be destroyed.

 “You will not live if you do your own misfortune.”

Zuo Zhong said something in his mouth and motioned to the guard to open the door. The other party was considered lucky. There were so many spy chiefs serving him alone. The last time he enjoyed this kind of treatment was Sundie Butterfly.

His actions are by no means a waste of manpower. Interrogating a coward is different from a trained intelligence officer. He cannot apply pressure step by step and must make the other party collapse in the shortest possible time.

The faster and more complete the collapse, the more authentic the confession, and the longer it takes. After tasting the punishment of the Secret Service, the interrogated person will make up random things in order to reduce the pain.


The iron door was slowly opened, and Yu Sanshui shuddered in the room. Before he could raise his head, he was kicked out by a big bald man, and his body hit the hard wall with a clang.

The frightened Yu Sanshui suddenly woke up from the pain and hurriedly shouted for mercy. Unfortunately, the attacker ignored him and tied him to the torture rack and whipped him a few times.


With a ferocious look on his face, Gui Youguang waved the whip in his hand vigorously. It was not interesting to solve crimes, but beating people was more comfortable. He hoped that this coward could hold on for a while longer and let himself enjoy his life.

Others watched this scene and couldn't help but let out a chuckle, which was particularly heartwarming amidst the miserable screams. Yu Sanshui felt a stream of heat flowing freely from the lower part of his abdomen.

He couldn't help but cry out, and begged at the top of his throat: "Stop it, Yu did it, I did it, I sold the gunshot wound medicine in the warehouse, but I'm not the only one who split the money.

The dean and the vice-dean all know this. If you want to arrest them, go and arrest them. I am just a small person doing things. I have only made a few hundred dollars in total. Please stop fighting, sir. "

 Oh, there’s an unexpected gain.

 Gunshot wound medicine is a product controlled by the national government. No one is allowed to buy or sell it privately. Anyone caught will be severely punished. The problem is that the stricter the control, the greater the profit. This kind of product is in short supply on the black market.

But Zuo Zhong was not interested in this. He raised his hand to ask Gui Youguang to stop. He walked to the bruised Yu Sanshui, looked at him quietly for a while, fixed his hair, and said a few words.

“Yu Sanshui, don’t shy away from the easy. We won’t come to you just to sell medicine. Tell me, where did the two bungalows and the Buick car come from? Don’t tell me that you bought them with your salary and those few hundred oceans.

You should know very well how the Secret Service works. Last year we arrested a nurse in the hospital. Do you know where she is? She is right next door to you. Unfortunately, she has gone crazy. Do you want to take a look? "

Yu Sanshui trembled after hearing this. He naturally knew about this. He even saw the secret agent throwing the nurse into the prison car with his own eyes. The nurse went crazy in less than a year. How long could he hold on?

Thinking of this, he no longer had any illusions and cried back: "I said, I said, someone gave me a sum of money and a very small camera and asked me to take pictures of the medical examination reports in the archives.

  I think there are no important people there, they are just ordinary staff, so I agreed to the other party's request. "Sir, spare your life. I really don't know what they are going to do." "

 “Hmph, that’s nonsense.”

A sharp look flashed in Zuo Zhong's eyes. He grabbed the wound with his fingers and turned it around. Amidst Yu Sanshui's screams, he asked fiercely: "I don't know what they are going to do. You can just lie to them."

The other party gave you so much money, is it just for the physical examination report? Let me tell you, the whip is just an appetizer, and the more serious things will come later. I guarantee you will beg me to confess when the time comes. "

  After saying the harsh words, he winked at Wu Chunyang: "Go ahead, bring the stove and the tiger bench, and show Mr. Yu the enthusiasm of the Secret Service. Don't let others say we are neglectful."

 “No, no, I say.”

Before the words finished, Yu Sanshui shook his head quickly: "In addition to the physical examination report, I gave him some digitalis medicine, which is a medicine for treating heart disease, not a controlled substance.

 Sir, what I told is the truth and I have absolutely nothing to hide. I have been educated by the Party and the state for many years, and I made a mistake at one time. Please give me a chance to change my ways. I am willing to use my money to avoid disaster. "


 The culprit turns out to be you, kid.

Everyone was so angry that if this **** hadn't sold the files and medicines because of his greed for money, they wouldn't have been able to keep their feet off the ground. If they couldn't solve the case, everyone would be punished. Zuo Zhong even slapped him in the face. He had been educated by the party-state for many years. Why didn't he regret when he received the money? Why didn't he regret when he spent the money? He regretted it as soon as he was put on the rack.

Happed the other person back and forth a few times, he wiped the blood on his hands with Yu Sanshui's clothes, and asked surreptitiously: "What is the surname of the person you are trading with, where he lives, and how to contact him.

The only way you can survive is by telling the truth, otherwise you'll have to wait to go to the execution ground. If you help us catch the other party, you might be able to get some meritorious service. Where to go? You know what to do. "

 “I understand, Yu understands.”

Yu Sanshui only had the words "Dai Zui Li Gong" floating around in his mind, and he spoke honestly. According to what he said, he and the other party met in a Western restaurant last year.

 At that time, he was exchanging feelings with a female nurse who had just come to the hospital. The waiter suddenly said that the table next door paid for them. Yu Sanshui, who was very proud, went to say hello without thinking.

The person paying the bill is about thirty years old. He is wearing a custom-made suit and a pair of glasses. He looks elegant. He speaks with a local Jinling accent, with a slight accent of Wu dialect from Zhejiang Province.

The other party explained that he had met Yu Sanshui at a party at the Central Hospital. He wanted to get to know each other this time, so he paid the bill. After all, more than ten yuan is not a big sum of money.

These heroic words immediately stunned Yu Sanshui. During the conversation, the man claimed that his surname was Sha and that he specialized in black market drug sales in Jinling. After that, they exchanged contact information and met many times.

Two or three months ago, after many attempts, the other party gave Yu Sanshui a generous reward that he could not refuse. He asked him to take photos of the medical examination reports in the hospital and asked for a large amount of digitalis.

wear glasses?

 Wu accent?

Zuo Zhong immediately thought of a person pretending to be Sha's cousin Su Zifu, so he reached out to Gu Qi who was standing aside. Gu Qi also tacitly took out the photo of the shareholder of Chengxin Bank and handed it over.

"Is he this person?" Zuo Zhong took the photo and placed it in front of Yu Sanshui's eyes. Although he was asking, he was actually very sure of his guess. There could be no such coincidence in the world.

Yu Sanguo really nodded desperately: "Yes, this is this person. What I told is the truth. If you find him, you will know that I am innocent. No matter what he did, it has nothing to do with me."

 “Haha, it doesn’t matter?”

Seeing that this guy was still not honest, Zuo Zhong patted his face and said, "To tell you the truth, the things you gave the other party successfully poisoned 15 government officials. Do you think you can stay out of it?"

For the sake of your family, the only way for you is to tell everything you know without hiding anything. Your life, the life of your parents, the life of your wife and children are all in your hands. "

 15 officials were poisoned to death!

Yu Sanshui's vision went dark and he was almost scared to death. Being able to sneak into the hospital archives director showed that he was not a fool. He knew what this meant. He was probably dead.

Sorrow arose in his heart, and he burst into tears immediately. He didn't even react when the whip was hit on his body. To describe Yu Sanshui's mood at this moment is to describe Yu Sanshui's mood as ashes.

Zuo Zhong was disturbed by the crying, and slapped the other person again: "Okay, you're not dead yet, so don't let yourself mourn. I'm willing to give you a chance to live, do you want it?"

 “I want it! I want it!”

Yu Sanshui swore with snot and tears that as long as he could go out, all the bungalows and cars would be given to Zuo Zhong as a tribute, and he would also give 10,000 yuan to treat everyone to tea.

Everyone is excited. They haven’t fought the Japanese for a while. Everyone’s pockets are empty. Ten thousand oceans is a bit short, but no matter how small a fly is, it is still meat. They don’t mind it.

Zuo Zhong noticed the expressions of his men. He thought about his only tens of thousands of dollars in savings and sighed secretly. The landlord's family also had no surplus food, so he had no choice but to use it for public benefit.

 Besides, just because you have collected the money doesn’t mean you have to release them. Who are they? They are spies. Have you ever seen a spy who keeps his word? This is an expedient measure. Shangfeng will not be too harsh if he knows this.

He poked Yu Sanshui on the forehead: "Don't worry about the money. Let's talk about it. What else do you have to explain? In such a dangerous business, you can't keep a secret, am I right?"

 “This. is natural.”

Yu Sanshui smiled awkwardly and said one thing: "An overdose of digitalis medicine will cause death. I was afraid that things would get worse, so I asked a friend from the Cao Gang to find the other party's warehouse.

Originally I thought that if something happened, I could throw him out. Sir, do you think this is considered a meritorious service? Don't worry, there are a lot of good things in that place, and there is a warehouse full of them. "

 “Stop talking nonsense and speak quickly.”

Zuo Zhong glared and said angrily: "If you dare to hide the name of your friend or the location of the warehouse, I will tear your bones apart. As long as you don't talk nonsense, I will ensure that you return home safely."

Finished writing at 2:50, have a meal and continue on duty, no holidays



 (End of this chapter)

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