Cicada Moving

Chapter 647: The devil appears again

 Chapter 647 The Devil Appears Again

Zuo Zhong rushed to Renxin Hospital again. When Ling Sanping saw him, he threw out an autopsy report without saying much. His face was full of anger and he looked at his boss with wide eyes.

I don’t know why this guy is so crazy, but it’s so hard to find a good doctor. Zuo Zhong thought for a while and tried not to get angry. He frowned and opened the file. He glanced down and then froze on the spot.

There were traces of addictive drugs in Su Zifu's body. To be precise, there were traces of the drugs they confiscated from Jiaxing's underground pharmaceutical factory. That kind of white devil whose German name is Hero.

 Someone is spreading this stuff outside?


 Or Dai Chunfeng?

Zuo Zhong's face was uncertain. After occupying Renxin Hospital, Liang Yuandong's warehouse was controlled by the Intelligence Department. Most of the finished products were destroyed, and a small part was retained for research on interrogation techniques.

 All the information and data on medicines were handed over to Teacher Biandian. He seriously reminded him that once medicines became widespread in the land of the Republic of China, they would all be sinners of the Chinese nation.

Lao Dai solemnly promised that they would never appear on the market, but only a short while later, the worst happened. The dignified director of statistics and investigation spoke like a fart.

Of course, this incident is not surprising. Party officials are amazing. When it comes to the interests of the country and others, their mouths are as loose as cotton waistbands. When it comes to themselves, they can keep more secrets than the underground party.

So Zuo Zhong also made two preparations, asking people to pay close attention to drug-related information. He really didn't understand how Dai Chunfeng was going to create the drug when everyone in the Secret Service had their own spies.

I’m afraid it’s not that simple.

 Don't act rashly.

Thinking quickly in his mind, he shook the report at Ling Sanping and said angrily: "Ling Sanping, don't look at me with such an expression. If I want to do this, I don't need to wait until today.

I will give an explanation to the brothers who have carried out the Jiaxing mission on this matter. No matter who is involved, the medicine must not be leaked. You must also identify the source of this medicine with professional reliability. "

“Wait, let me investigate the case?”

Ling Sanping couldn't believe it. He was just an ordinary doctor who had learned some Three-Legged Cat Kungfu. He hadn't been to Hong Gong Temple for more than half a year. He didn't even know what the Secret Service was like now, let alone investigating cases.

Hearing this, Zuo Zhong rolled his eyes at him: "What good thing do you want? I asked you to check the difference between the medicines Su Zifu takes and those produced by the Japanese, especially in terms of quality and side effects.

If the data of new drugs are better than those of old drugs, this is a method used by the Japanese to control intelligence personnel. After all, they have a complete set of information and powerful chemical research capabilities.

If it is worse than the old medicines, then the two of us will be in big trouble. Dai Shanwu, the bureau chief, has opened a bank with Su Zifu in partnership. Maybe forget about the medicines. I will handle this matter. "

  After all, Zuo Zhong did not let the other party expose this matter. If it was really Dai Shanwu, that little Wang Badu who did it, and Ling Sanping would easily be "suicided" if he came forward, he, the deputy director, would be much safer.

It's just that he felt that with Dai Chunfeng's wisdom and methods, he would not be so stupid that he sold the medicine openly. Thinking of this, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he added with a focus on his eyes.

“Now go and see if there are any signs of drug use on the bodies of Lu Yongyi, concubine Shashi, and those dead officials. Check them as quickly as possible. I will wait for your return here.

 Remember, don’t go alone with an assistant, and don’t take notes. Dr. Ling, sometimes we have to learn to put aside curiosity, because that can kill people, you know what I mean. "

 After speaking, Zuo Zhong sat down on Ling Sanping's office chair, closed his eyes and stopped talking. He reminded him of everything that needed to be reminded. If the other person was a smart person, he would have known what he meant by those few words he just said.

Ling Sanping's face changed slightly and he said nothing. He turned and walked out of the office and headed to the morgue. It was not difficult to judge whether a person had taken that kind of drug. You could tell it through the changes in the teeth and brain.

For example, due to long-term inhalation of corrosive chemicals, teeth will inevitably be corroded and turn yellow and black. This has happened to people addicted to drugs in Caobang, Jiaxing.

He quickly arrived at the door of the morgue, nodded to the secret agent guarding the door, and walked in as if nothing had happened. For a workaholic, it was normal behavior to come here several times a day.

A few hours later, Ling Sanping, wearing a white surgical gown, came out and threw the rubber gloves stained with dark red and gray-white unknown objects into the trash can by the sink, and washed his hands carefully.


  After completing his personal disinfection work, he returned to his office with a solemn face, shook Zuo Zhong awake from his sleep, and lowered his voice to deliver some not-so-good news.

“Except Lu Yongqi, all of them have lesions in their organs, with the brain being the most serious. This is the consequence of long-term use of medicines. Judging from the extent of the disease, Su Zifu was the first among these people to start taking medicine.”

Zuo Zhong rubbed his face, stood up and walked around the desk a few times. A bold guess gradually took shape. He looked at his watch, said "Hurry up and find the source of the medicine" and turned around to leave.

Ling Sanping originally wanted to ask about the situation, but thinking about it before Zuo Zhong, he couldn't help but laugh to himself, and then took out the information on the Jiaxing case, trying to find out how to complete the task.

At this time, everyone in the Secret Service was very busy. Wu Jingzhong and Song Minghao, two old fried cats, were in the two-story building of the factory, observing the activities of the Xianle Western Restaurant with binoculars.

 Gu Qi is busy continuing to investigate the relationship between Su Zifu and Lu Yongqi, while Wu Chunyang and Shen Dongxin are secretly monitoring suspicious persons related to the dead officials. Only the big bald man is too busy to panic.

"Sigh." Gui Youguang sat in his office with his head propped up on one hand, flipping through the newspaper he had read dozens of times and sighing, thinking that life like this was really too hard, and he might as well go out into the field.

Suddenly the phone rang, startling him, and he almost fell down on the hard table. He picked up the phone and said twice, stood up and shouted "yes", put down the phone and walked out.

 Outside the gate of the detention center.

Zuo Zhong frowned with his hands behind his back, not knowing what he was thinking. A shining head in the distance was approaching quickly. When the other person ran to him, he waved and turned around and walked into the yard.

The two of them walked into an interrogation room in silence. The guards lit the charcoal fire and prepared the torture tools with ease. This scene made the confused Gui Youguang ask with shining eyes.

“Deputy Director, who are you interrogating?”

"Three people, Deng Xuegang, Lu Yong'an's family doctor, Lin Yunsheng, the bodyguard of his concubine Sha Shi's childhood sweetheart, and Yu Sanshui, who sold the physical examination report and digitalis to Su Zifu, asked them in order."

Zuo Zhong explained, and then glanced at the other party suspiciously: "I'm warning you, you are not allowed to do anything without my order today. When the Japanese spy is caught, you can do whatever you want."

 “Yes, Deputy Director.”

Gui Youguang grinned. He was not a fool. A weakling traitor could not be as challenging as a real spy. He immediately sat patiently on the interrogation table and waited for the arrival of the first interrogation subject.

Soon four armed spies brought Deng Xuegang in. When he saw "Sir Wang" who had disappeared for many days, the man suddenly became anxious, stretched his head and shouted that he was wronged. As a result, he was hit several times with the **** of a rifle.

 “Haha, let Mr. Deng go.”

After his men finished beating him, Zuo Zhong pretended to stop him. He was sure that Deng Xuegang had not told the truth in the previous interrogation, at least he had concealed part of it, and he had to teach him a lesson.

Besides, being dragged to the secret service cell for no reason, it must be difficult for people who haven’t gone crazy after staying there for so long. Haha, let them enjoy Mr. Doctor’s performance.

He nodded to the armed agents with a smile and motioned for them to tie them to the tiger bench. After more than two years of intelligence work, he understood that some people really did not give up until they reached the Yellow River.

At the same time that Deng Xuegang sat on the torture instrument, several spies walked in and out, piling files on the table in front of Zuo Zhong and Gui Youguang. This was also a small trick in interrogation techniques.

 When the interrogated person walks into the interrogation room and sees a dossier with only a few pieces of paper, he will feel that the interrogator does not know much about the situation, and thus he will have a stable mentality to deal with the interrogator.

 In response to this situation, experienced interrogators will put together all materials related to the case, even materials unrelated to the case, and the reaction of the person being interrogated will be completely opposite.

 Under great psychological pressure, they will connect the dossier materials on the table with their own cases, believing that the interrogators have started a large number of investigations and collected a large amount of evidence.

As long as the person being interrogated is uneasy, the interrogation work will be off to a good start. This method is also called an illusion trap and is the latest result of psychological research by Western intelligence agencies.

The key point is to use the psychological weakness of the interrogated person to convey certain information to him or her. This information can easily cause the interrogated person to have misunderstandings and find it difficult to resist, and thus have to explain the problem.

The premise is that the other party really lied.

Zuo Zhong turned on the desk lamp, rummaged through several files and finally kept one. He looked up at Deng Xuegang, who looked pale and his thigh muscles were trembling. He coughed lightly and opened his mouth to ask.

“Dr. Deng, can you tell me about Sha’s physical condition, such as whether she has headaches, dizziness, listlessness, dull eyes, etc. Please answer my questions truthfully.”

After asking, he leaned back in his chair and looked at the other person with interest. As the family doctor of the Lu family, this Wang Ba Dan met with Sha Shi every day, so it was impossible not to notice the abnormality after taking drugs.

So Deng Xuegang didn't tell this matter last time, and he didn't tell this matter even after being imprisoned for such a long time. There must be a reason why he had to do this. This is why he wanted to interrogate the other party.

Sure enough, after hearing Zuo Zhong’s narration, Deng Xuegang looked horrified and could not understand why the secret agent knew about this matter. Apart from himself and another person, no third person should know about this matter.

(The above interrogation techniques are all fictitious. Please do not imitate them. Do not reach out, otherwise you will be caught.)

In 1889, Johns Hopkins Hospital was established, and Professor of Surgery Holtes hired Katherine Hampton as the head nurse in the operating room.

Later, Catherine's skin became allergic and inflamed due to frequent contact with disinfectants on her hands (the disinfectants at the time contained mercury chloride and carbolic acid).

In order to retain this right-hand man, Professor of Surgery Holst ordered thin rubber gloves from the Goodyear Rubber Company in New York, which effectively isolated the harm of disinfectant to his hands.

In June of the following year, Catherine married Holst, and the birth of the first pair of medical gloves also completed such a love story.

In 1896, Dr. Joseph Bloodgood was the first to wear gloves during surgery. In 1899, Bloodgood published an article listing 450 cases of hernia surgery. By wearing gloves, the infection dropped by almost 100%. Since then, it has become common practice for medical personnel to wear gloves.



 (End of this chapter)

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