Cicada Moving

Chapter 648: That's it?

 That’s it Chapter 648?

"answer my question."

Zuo Zhong, who was sitting in the interrogation seat, knocked on the table in front of him expressionlessly, urged in his mouth, and winked at the little agent on the side, who then walked to the side of the charcoal fire.

Deng Xuegang noticed this, and his heart suddenly rose. There had long been rumors about the ruthlessness of the Secret Service. As a doctor, he also understood that the human body was actually more fragile than imagined.

 Realizing that there was no way he could hold on, he nodded desperately: "Yes, Shashi does have the symptoms the officer mentioned, but I checked and found nothing wrong with her body.

This is not only my diagnosis, other hospitals in Jinling have also not found the specific cause. You can't punish Deng because of his poor medical skills. What I said is the truth and there is absolutely no fabrication. "

Zuo Zhong was silent for a while after listening to the other party's explanation. The atmosphere in the interrogation room gradually solidified. After a long time, he laughed out loud: "There is no fabrication at all. I think you don't have a word of truth.

 You have been in the UK, and Europe was the first region where the addictive side effects of the drug Hero were discovered. Hospitals and doctors there have stopped prescribing it. Could it be that what you stayed in was a fake one?

 Don't avoid the easy and trivial. If you want to get out of the Secret Service alive, you must honestly answer the questions we raised. I'll ask you again, do you know that Sabouraud is taking addictive drugs? "

Facing this question, Deng Xuegang hesitated for a while and finally nodded. He could only conceal it until this moment, which was considered to be the most benevolent thing. Lu Yongzhen's kindness was not worthy of repaying him with his life.

Now that he had decided to speak, his expression gradually relaxed and he talked about the whole story. It turned out that two or three months ago, Lu Yongqi called him into the study and asked him to find a way to help Sha Shi get rid of his drug addiction.

 Normally, it is not a big deal for someone to take drugs in the house of a government official. It is not the first time that this kind of thing has happened. I am afraid that even the newspapers are too lazy to report it. However, the drugs that Shashi took were unusual.

Not only will the reaction after stopping the drug be severe, but going crazy can easily hurt yourself and others. At that time, Shashi was pregnant, and Lu Yongqi didn't want the child to be born with drug addiction.

Deng Xuegang received the order, and the first thing he did was to ask for medicine from Sarcophagus. After research, he was surprised to find that it was similar to "hero". There was no way to quit, but to reduce the dosage.

Zuo Zhong nodded when he heard this. The situation was similar to what he guessed, but there was another question. Where did the medicine of Shashi come from? This kind of medicine is not tobacco that can be bought with money.

 When he asked this question, Deng Xuegang immediately shook his head and said that he had asked Lu Yong'an and Sha Shi, but the two people kept secret about it and warned Deng Xuegang not to inquire again.

Zuo Zhong didn't believe a word of this statement. According to bodyguard Lin Yunsheng's confession, Sha rarely went out except to Qixia Temple outside the city. These medicines couldn't have fallen from the sky.

The other party had to go out to pick up the medicine or someone delivered the medicine to his door. The most suspicious person was Su Zifu. He didn't believe that Deng Xuegang, who was responsible for treating Sha's drug addiction, really knew nothing about this matter.


Zuo Zhong slammed the table hard and said in a gloomy tone: "Doctor Deng, it seems that you are going to propose a toast instead of eating the fine wine. Come on, show your skills to our guests."


The little agents bent down and nodded in response, turned around and placed two bricks indifferently under Deng Xuegang's feet. A sharp pain caused him to scream miserably, and he cried loudly for mercy.

Zuo Zhong watched indifferently, and did not stop his men until the man was on the verge of coma. After all, he was not a devil. If he continued, he would easily cause disability to the other person, so long as the idea was met.

“Can we have a good chat now? Tell me who is providing drugs for SARS, otherwise it will be your hands next time they touch them. If a doctor loses his flexible hands, haha.”

 When Deng Xuegang was put down, Zuo Zhong said something with a smile. This threat quickly made the other party wake up from his half-dead state, and then he lowered his head and weakly explained.

“Every time there was not much medicine for Sha, the bodyguard Lin Yunsheng would disappear for a while to get the medicine. Later, a man who claimed to be Sha’s cousin came to deliver medicine. This is all I know.

I don’t say it because Lin Yunsheng once told me that buying and selling drugs is a serious crime. Once the government finds out, the two of us will probably be used as scapegoats, and we will be bitten to death if we are caught. "

Lin Yunsheng?

This person was also involved in this matter?

Zuo Zhong made notes in his notebook and opened other files to ask a few things, such as whether Lu Yong'an took any medicine, the date when Shashi confirmed her pregnancy and the number of medicines she took every day.

Deng Xuegang learned his lesson this time and answered whatever he asked. The wire recorder that kept rotating on the side recorded everything he said. The case was so important that it could not be recorded in words.

After making the confession, Zuo Zhong called the little agent and whispered a few words. The doctor was then carried out of the interrogation room. The agents deliberately stepped up their steps when passing the door of a cell.

Lin Yunsheng, who was lame on one leg in the cell, heard the sound and jumped to the door with one foot. He saw the frail Deng Xuegang through the fence. An ominous premonition arose in the heart of the former professional soldier.

As expected, not long after, seven or eight armed agents opened the cell door and moved him to the interrogation room vigilantly. Looking at the red-hot charcoal fire and pokers in the room, the man smiled contemptuously. Part of the job of the secret service battalion in the military is to counter espionage. Lin Yunsheng has also used these tools to interrogate suspects. He is confident that he can survive the methods of the secret service, and the worst he can do is die.

Zuo Zhong noticed his expression and shook his head without saying anything. This kind of person is ignorant and fearless. He must be allowed to experience it personally in order to let him know the difference between professional and amateur.

 Lin Yunsheng sat on the interrogation chair in a grand manner. The secret agent quickly locked the handcuffs and anklets. Unlike Deng Xuegang, this man had received military training and was dangerous to a certain extent.

Looking at the other party's confident appearance, Gui Youguang grinned, then looked at his side. Zuo Zhong blew the teacup in his hand gently without expressing his stance, but sometimes not expressing his stance was a gesture.

Having followed Zuo Zhong for two years, the big bald man knew his temper. Without any nonsense, he stood up, took off his coat and put it on the back of the chair. He also took off his watch and put it on the table, and rolled up his shirt sleeves.

The faces of the guards around him turned dark. Every time the superior officer started interrogating him, they had to clean it up for a long time afterward. Not only was there blood, there was also some excrement. Damn it, this kid was going to die when he was being interrogated.

"Lin Yunsheng, right? My name is Gui Youguang. In our line of work, we rarely use our real names unless we are dealing with dead people. You are also from the military. Brother, I will not hide it from you. You will never be able to get out in this life."

Gui Youguang said as he walked, raised his hand to select suitable torture tools on the wall, and finally took off a whip made of two bundles of steel wires. This was the thing used to entertain Liu Gui last time.

One whip will tear open the skin and flesh, and two whips will cut deep enough to reveal the bones. Without great courage and strong will, most people will speak after a few whips, and spies are no exception.

After choosing appetizers for Lin Yunsheng, he whipped the air a few times, and the whistling wind started to sound. He used his thumb to poke at the sharp steel wire stubble on it and squinted his eyes as a reminder.

"Mr. Lin, please get ready. I'm used to counting by five. Let's try it first. If you can't hold on any longer, let's talk. I hope you can hold on a little longer so that Gui can have a good time."

 “Okay, what nonsense, let’s do it.”

At this time, Zuo Zhong put down the teacup and said impatiently, "Isn't it just beating people, making them look like perverts? Besides, how can ordinary people withstand the steel whip? It probably won't take more than a few hits."

Lin Yunsheng even smiled coldly, closed his eyes and tensed up all the muscles in his body, making up his mind to show the secret agent what it meant to keep secret. Just as he was thinking about it, a whip crack suddenly exploded in his ears.




  Pa is the sound of a whip hitting the body, ah is Lin Yunsheng's scream, and che is Zuo Zhong's ridicule. Looking at his previous performance, he feels that the opponent can at least survive the first round, but this is the result?

 Don't pretend to be a big guy if you don't have the ability. That will lead to death. Fortunately, I didn't electrocute you directly, otherwise it would be time to clean the interrogation room again. So the most important thing in life is to have self-awareness.

On the other side, with the sound of whips, Lin Yunsheng quickly changed from a tough guy to a pitiful man crying for his father and mother. Gui Youguang suddenly lost interest and threw the steel whip to the guard and cursed.

 “Mom, you turned out to be a weakling.”

 “Okay, it’s pretty good if it can last a few whips.”

After finishing speaking, Zuo Zhong stood up and walked to the other party with the teacup in hand. He looked at Lin Yunsheng quietly, tested the temperature of the hot tea with his lips, took a sip, and then suddenly poured the hot water.

 Boiling hot water enters the wound. The high temperature first numbs the person's perception, followed by indescribable pain. This pain is transmitted to the thalamus of the brain at the speed of light through the nerves.

At this moment, Lin Yunsheng felt like a roast duck hung by a hook in the stove, with burning pain all over his body. He roared at the top of his lungs, asking Zuo Zhong what exactly he wanted to know.

Zuo Zhong didn't answer in a hurry when he saw this. He turned around and filled the tea cup with hot water. He walked up to the other person again and made sure that there was no more rebelliousness in his eyes. Then he patted the other person on the shoulder.

“Relax, there are a lot of things I want to know, such as where you went to get the medicine for Salvadorla, who gave you the medicine, and where you went on the day Lu Yongqi died.

  If your answer satisfies me, you might still have a chance to go out. If you can't, the steel whip is just the beginning. Don't think that what you learned in the military can help you. "

Lin Yunsheng, who was patted on the shoulder, couldn't help but tremble. Looking at the slightly beating muscles in the wound, he knew that he could only hold on so far, so he lowered his head to express his willingness to cooperate.

 (End of this chapter)

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