Cicada Moving

Chapter 651: five orders

Chapter 651 Five Orders

Zuo Zhong walked into the yard, and Gui Youguang stepped forward with a gloomy look and saluted. He pointed to a few people squatting with their heads in the open space at the entrance of the office building and introduced them as all the night watchmen at the wine shop.

When they entered the duty room, this group of people was fast asleep, and they were easily controlled. They were definitely not trained professionals, and were more amateurs than the **** from the Jinling Police Department.

The funniest thing is that the legal MAS1873 revolvers used by the night watchmen are not even loaded with ammunition. In fact, even if they are loaded with ammunition, it is useless because the gun parts are almost rusted to death.

After listening to the bald man’s complaints, Zuo Zhong shook his head helplessly, glanced at the huge warehouse next to the office building, and walked over. He was more interested in the red wine than the people.

There were two secret agents with guns standing at the door of the warehouse. When they saw the deputy director coming, they quickly pushed open the tightly closed door and consciously escorted the chief in, taking out a flashlight for lighting.

As soon as he entered, Zuo Zhong was stunned.

  Inside the gate are concrete rooms, connected by three corridors. Each room has a separate door. It is a bit like a private warehouse rented out in the United States in later generations. Of course, the area here is larger.

What does this mean? Why should warehouses that pursue operating space be separated so that goods can only be moved by manpower, and even trucks cannot drive in, and the labor cost will be very high.

 Seeing the deputy director's lack of movement, the little agent on the side thought he was worried about his safety, so he explained in a low voice that they had carefully checked the rooms after taking control of the scene, and found no booby traps inside.

Zuo Zhong frowned and pushed open a door next to him. At this moment, other agents came in. Seeing that the lighting conditions at the scene were insufficient, they all turned on their flashlights, completely illuminating the dark room.

 In the beams of light, what appeared in front of everyone were neatly stacked wooden boxes. Does a wine store need to store goods like this? Zuo Zhong had a hint of doubt and turned around to ask Tongsuo.

 “Where is that batch of red wine?”

 “It’s in the fifth room from the left.”

 “What kind of goods are in the other rooms?”

 “Also all kinds of wine.”

Tongsuo looked a little embarrassed. He felt that he had wasted so much manpower and material resources because he lied about the military situation, so he did not dare to get too close to Zuo Zhong and only dared to answer from a distance.

As he spoke, he scratched the back of his neck again. Several agents next to him moved quickly. The little guy had been scratching himself since the beginning of the operation, especially if he accidentally got fleas.

Zuo Zhong glared at the other person, walked quickly to the fifth room from the left, opened the door and saw dozens of wooden boxes with fragile signs, so he picked up the crowbar on the wall and opened one of the boxes.

Bottles of red wine filled with dark red liquid came into his eyes. There was nothing wrong with it from the outside. The labels were all printed in French and looked very high-end. The price seemed not cheap.


He took out a bottle and hit it directly against the wooden box. The slender neck of the bottle shattered with a sound. A strong aroma of wine filled the warehouse, and several alcoholic Operations Section agents couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

Zuo Zhong also sniffed. Although he was not a professional, he also felt that this red wine was very similar to the wine stains he found in the warehouse on Yaowan Street, especially the fresh and fruity smell inside.

Is this a coincidence? There is no such thing as a coincidence in the world. He thought for a while and put down the broken wine bottle. He took the flashlight and looked carefully in the warehouse, and then he discovered a strange place.

Except for the inexplicable cement room, this warehouse is so well built that it is completely unnecessary. For example, the thickness of the four walls is as high as 30 centimeters, which is already a standard for military buildings①.

Even the small rooms are made of high-grade cement. This kind of precautionary measure is very suitable to be placed in the arsenal. It is a waste to put it here. After all, no one will use cannons to grab red wine.

Furthermore, there are no breathable windows that are common in warehouses, and the lights must be turned on to load and unload goods inside. The French people's brain circuits are indeed strange, but they should not be so strange.

 Besides, the electricity bill is free.

 No businessman would do this.

Zuo Zhong turned back to the door of the fifth warehouse from the left, folding his arms and thinking about the weirdness here. His eyes inadvertently glanced under the door panel and saw a door stop made of natural rubber.

Outside the door, Tongsuo stretched out his hands to scratch his back hard, as if he was in great pain. Under the dim light of the flashlight, his expression looked extremely ferocious, and he kept sucking cold air from his mouth.

 Air tightness?

 Physical abnormalities?

small room?

A flash of light flashed through Zuo Zhong's mind, and his face instantly turned pale. A cold air came from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. His body couldn't help but tremble slightly, and then he yelled a few words at Gui Youguang, who wanted to get closer.

 “Seal down the warehouse and the winery, everyone is waiting for orders in the warehouse.”

“People outside are not allowed to leave, and they are asked to call support.”

 “From now on, the area is under martial law within one mile and no one is allowed to enter or leave.”

“Disinfect the Hong Gong Temple immediately and keep the personnel there temporarily.” “Let Dr. Ling bring people here for support and tell him to pay attention to protection.”

Within ten seconds, he issued five orders in a row. Seeing Gui Youguang standing there in a daze, he was so angry that he directly pulled out his pistol and slapped it on the wooden box: "Go! Others are resting where they are, and no one is allowed to leave the warehouse. ”

The people present didn’t know what happened. They looked at each other and sat down obediently. This was the first time they saw Deputy Director Zuo panicking like this. It must be a big incident.

Only Gui Youguang thought of a terrible guess, and ran outside with weak legs. When he saw an agent, he asked him to stand there and wait, and walked into the wall to convey the order.

He shouted three times at the top of his lungs. It was not until he heard the reply from outside that he sat down on the dusty ground. Thinking of the close contact with the copper lock, a wry smile appeared on his face.

 This is really troublesome.

At the same time, Zuo Zhong in the warehouse looked at the copper lock with unknown spots on his face and reminded loudly: "Don't scratch it. If you want to survive, just hold it in. Can't a man like you bear this little pain?"

“Deputy Director, I feel itchy all over. I feel really uncomfortable.” He usually likes to imitate the brass locks of those heroic men in storybooks. At this time, he clung to the wooden box with both hands and wailed from his mouth.

  After holding on for more than ten seconds, his neck turned red from holding it in, and finally he couldn't help but stretched his hands to his back. The sound of his nails scraping his skin with great force was horrifying, and the surrounding agents' expressions changed.

There are no fools in this business. Tongsuo's behavior is abnormal at first glance. No wonder the deputy director asked them to stay where they are. Maybe they will become like this later. Everyone is a little creepy.

On the other side, Zuo Zhong opened the oilcloth on the wooden box and threw it on the copper lock. With a movement of his feet, he appeared behind the opponent and struck the opponent with a knife on the back of his neck, quickly knocking him out and temporarily controlling the situation.

There is no way to do it. There is neither medicine nor doctor in the warehouse. If you want to save Tongsuo's life, you can only use this method, which is better than tearing the flesh and blood from his back alive.

Zuo Zhong's expression was very complicated. Maybe he shouldn't have dragged the other person into the secret service. Then the little guy wouldn't have suffered such a disaster, and maybe he could live safely until the day of victory.

But who could have guessed that the Japanese would bring bacterial weapons to Jinling City and release them. These unscrupulous beasts, the Yaowan Street Warehouse is a trap, a terrible death trap.

Fortunately, the air-tight rubber bars at the bottom of the door, the unusual copper lock, and the room where chemical experiments were conducted in the underground pharmaceutical factory in Jiaxing reminded him of the Kwantung Army's water supply unit.

 Otherwise, things would become very serious. Zuo Zhong's palms started to sweat when he thought of himself and others leaving the wine shop without noticing and walking around in Jinling spreading unknown bacteria.

 Due to the nature of their work, they have to come into contact with a lot of people every day, especially him. The top level can come into contact with Baldhead and Dai Chunfeng, and the bottom level can come into contact with ordinary people.

Once a large-scale spread occurs, with the level of treatment and medicine of this era, most infected people can only resign themselves to their fate. As for treatment, that is a term reserved for big shots.

The Kwantung Army’s Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Corps, this demonic force that specializes in studying deadly bacteria such as plague, typhoid, cholera, tuberculosis, etc., finally extended its clutches to Jinling and the National Government.

At this time, a shrill siren sounded outside, and the support staff finally arrived. Zuo Zhong breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the spread is limited to a certain range, the situation should not be too bad.

 As for whether he lives or dies, it all depends on Ling Sanping's medical skills. Even if he unfortunately dies for his country, it would have been enough to kill so many Japanese and traitors from the 21st year of the Republic of China back to this era.

He sat on the box with a calm expression, looked at his men and said solemnly: "I won't hide it from everyone now. There may be Japanese bacterial weapons in this warehouse, and the fatality rate is very high.

But don’t worry, I, Zuo Zhong, will be here to accompany you, and the department will do everything possible to save everyone. The premise is that you obey the management and must not infect our families with bacteria. "


The agents had different thoughts after hearing this, and they replied sparsely. Their words lacked the determination of the past. This is human nature. No matter who is facing a life or death crisis, they will have psychological fluctuations.

If it weren't for the strict military law of the Secret Service and Zuo Zhong's prestige, these professional intelligence officers who are proficient in escaping and hiding would never stay here obediently, and who would be willing to wait for death.

After calming everyone down, Zuo Zhong turned to stare at the door. He heard a set of footsteps. Just as he was guessing who was coming, the door was opened and someone walked in against the light of the morning sun.

 “Zuo Zhong, are you okay?”

This man was wearing a protective suit made of oilcloth, rubber boots and gloves, and a gas mask on his head. The sound coming from inside was slightly distorted, but he could be heard to be Ling Sanping.

He didn't expect this kid to arrive so quickly. Zuo Zhong happily led him to the unconscious Tongsuo and briefly introduced the situation, especially explaining that the initial symptoms were itching on the head and back.

This can help Ling Sanping quickly determine the type of pathogenic bacteria. At this time, there is no use regretting, panicking, or being impatient. He must cooperate with the doctor for treatment and provide everything he knows.

① I couldn’t find the data on the barracks of the Republic of China, but I found that the wall thickness of the Japanese army’s bunker was 72cm. As a compromise, 30cm is reasonable, right? Change it if it is unreasonable.



 (End of this chapter)

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