Cicada Moving

Chapter 652: special weapons

Chapter 652 Special Weapons

In a secluded house far away from the wine shop, the bearded man who watched Zuo Zhong leave the warehouse on Yaowan Street and made a mysterious phone call at the door of the Secret Service was sitting comfortably in the courtyard.

The yard was filled with flowers, and the fragrance of the flowers hit his face. He picked up a cup of fragrant tea and took a sip. He looked up at a young man wearing glasses opposite and asked lightly.

"Are you sure that the Chinese intelligence officer was infected with Weapon No. 1? There will be no accidents. This matter is related to the boss's important plan. If there is any oversight, you and I will be responsible."

The young man with glasses said in a positive tone: "Of course, according to information from Harbin, 0.6 grams of No. 1 weapon can infect an adult and form an epidemic of hundreds of people①."

 “Very good, I feel relieved.”

He seemed to have seen the scene of people wailing all over Jinling City, and his beard's expression became cheerful. He filled the teacup with the patterned side towards the young man and said something seriously.

 “You are a hero of the empire, please.”

 “Thank you very much.”

The young man looked respectful, stood up quickly, took the tea cup with both hands, turned it around twice, and pointed the pattern towards his beard. Then he raised the tea cup to his forehead and drank it all in one gulp to express his gratitude.

After finishing the drink, he quietly raised a question: "Isn't it a pity that the boss exposed a business that has been running for so long just for a deputy director? Building a warehouse is expensive."

Facing this question, the bearded man shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "In the face of the general trend of the country, money is meaningless. Tactics need to consider costs, but strategy does not."

The young man thought about it for a while after hearing this, and nodded thoughtfully. Thinking of the Chinese intelligence officer who was not yet an adult, the smile on his face slowly turned ferocious and full of malice.

the other side.

Patients in Renxin Hospital have been transferred to other places. Barbed wire fences and horses have been pulled up outside the gate, and armed agents armed with submachine guns have surrounded the area.

This place has become an isolation area. All people who may come into contact with the copper locks are temporarily isolated here. There is a strong smell of medicine in the air, and the medical staff passing by have serious faces.

Outside a ward in the inpatient building, Zuo Zhong was wearing protective clothing and a gas mask. He quietly looked at the copper lock inside through the glass curtain wall. After a long time, he asked Ling Sanping, who was also wearing a gas mask.

“Can the type of bacteria that caused the disease be determined? Is there any way to save his life? For those of us who have been in close contact with him, what is the chance of infection? Tell the truth.”

Ling Sanping stood there in silence for a few seconds and sighed: "Seeing the spots on his body, I made a guess. The results of the bacterial culture just came out. It's a plague variant."


Even though Zuo Zhong had been mentally prepared, his mind was buzzing when he heard this. The name plague might be a bit unfamiliar. If it were replaced by another more well-known name, it was the Black Death.

  This is a severe infectious disease. Bacteria are widely spread among wild rodents. The main transmission routes are bites, droplets, skin wounds, and digestive tract infections from mice and fleas.

 Historically, this bacterium has caused many pandemics with high mortality rates. In the 14th century, it caused the death of about 50 million people in Europe, causing great harm to human civilization.

Boccaccio said in his "Decameron" that every day, even every hour, large numbers of corpses were transported to churches across the city, but the church cemeteries could no longer accommodate them.

When the cemetery is full, long and wide pits will be dug around it, and hundreds of corpses will be buried in them, just like the cargo piled in the hold of an ocean-going cargo ship.

Zuo Zhong felt his hands trembling. He didn't want his subordinates to see him losing his composure, so he put his hands behind his back and held them together tightly, looking sadly at the unconscious copper lock.

Beside him, Ling Sanping continued to answer: "At present, you and most people do not show symptoms of infection. Only Gui Youguang has itchiness, but this does not mean that your body does not carry bacteria.

This may be because you are all professional soldiers with strong bodies and strong resistance, or the plague bacteria you were exposed to have low activity and small doses. In short, you must undergo medical observation.

 What is strange is that according to our latest inspection, the wine shop staff who have been found are not infected with plague. This phenomenon is very similar to the poisoning behavior targeting specific targets.

As for treatment, in 1896, French bacteriologists injected serum from recovered patients and animals into 23 plague patients in Hong Kong. The effect was very good, with a fatality rate of about nine percent.

 However, since the injection dose cannot be standardized, the mortality rate of patients who received antiserum treatment was 35%. Now if we want to save Tongsuo and return to light, we can only take the risk and give it a try. "

 Have a try.

These three words are very simple to say, but they are related to the lives of brothers who share life and death. Zuo Zhong closed his eyes and fell into a dilemma. With a mortality rate of 35%, whether to do this or not.

 Fortunately, I kept a certain distance from others when they saw Tongsuo scratching his head.

Gui Youguang may have been infected by droplets when he asked about the terrain and people in the wine shop.

Fortunately, Gu Qi was investigating the case and did not participate in this operation. Otherwise, the SARS was really ended. Suddenly, there was an extremely painful moan in the ward.

In order to prevent Tongsuo from scratching and injuring himself, hospital staff fixed him to the hospital bed with restraints. When he woke up from a coma, he immediately began to struggle desperately. Under the action of this little guy, the steel foot of the bed kept scratching across the floor, making a sharp and harsh friction sound. Upon seeing this, the doctors and nurses inside quickly rushed forward to hold down the copper lock.

This scene made the hesitant Zuo Zhong make up his mind. He said seriously to Ling Sanping: "Just use antivenom therapy. I don't know how to do it specifically so I won't go into details. I leave everything to you.

By the way, I went to Germany on a mission this time. I heard that there is a drug called Bailangduoxi that can inhibit bacteria. Have you heard of it? I suggest you ask your overseas classmates about it.

Also, can Tongsuo be temporarily calmed down? I have some important questions to ask him. This is related to the safety of the entire Jinling. We must not allow the other party to spread plague bacteria in the city again. "

Zuo Zhong doesn’t know if Bailangduoxi has been invented, nor does he know if it has any therapeutic effect on the plague, but if there is a glimmer of hope, it is worth trying. Anyway, the situation will not be worse.

 “A hundred waves have many breaths?”

Ling Sanping muttered a few words and remembered this matter in his heart. He knew that as Zuo Zhong, he could obtain some confidential information that ordinary people could not access. This medicine might be really effective.

He then knocked on the glass curtain wall and gave the order to the doctor: "Inject phenobarbital, 20 mg, into the patient. Observe carefully. If something goes wrong, inject glucose solution and sodium chloride solution immediately."

Renxin Hospital developed well when it was in the hands of Liang Yuandong. After it was assigned to the Secret Service, it underwent multiple personnel training and equipment upgrades. Its treatment level is no worse than that of the Central Hospital.

After hearing the director's instructions, the nurse quickly prepared the medicine and syringe. The experienced doctor took the syringe and accurately pushed the sedative directly into the vein of the copper lock.

 Soon, the screams subsided.

Zuo Zhong checked the protective equipment on his body again, opened the door and walked to the hospital bed. When he saw Tongsuo, who was sweating profusely, he felt sad and raised his hand to touch his hot forehead.

This is just an early symptom of plague infection. Symptoms such as swollen lymph nodes, pneumonia, and bleeding will appear one after another. At that time, there will be no other way but to rely on God's will.

 “Bronze lock? Bronze lock?”

 “Here, deputy deputy director.”

Zuo Zhong called out a few words softly. Tongsuo, who regained his consciousness, tried to open his eyes and said a few words with all his strength. His tone contained prayer, pain and many complicated emotions.

“Tongsuo, don’t worry, Dr. Ling and I will definitely save you. Now listen to me, have you ever encountered any unusual situation in that wine shop? Think about it carefully, this is very important.

Especially, have you ever touched, eaten, or drank anything alone? Since no one in the wine shop has a problem except you, we suspect that someone is deliberately poisoning you. "

Zuo Zhong asked a key question. Plague bacteria will not fall from the sky. There must be a way of transmission. The initiator will not infect himself and then spread it to Tongsuo.

 If you find this way, you can find the poisoner and find out how many plague bacteria the other party has and where the bacteria are hidden. These two things are related to countless lives.

Tongsuo on the hospital bed was a little confused due to the high fever. He listened to the questions that seemed to be far away and began to recall. I don’t know how long it took, but a kind smiling face flashed in the chaotic memory.

He said with difficulty: "Before I reported back to the office after get off work, the assistant manager of the wine store asked me to throw away a broken wine bottle in the warehouse. At that time, there was a pool of sticky and transparent objects on the bottle.

 After going out, I threw the pieces into a garbage dump not far from the door. Deputy Director, please send someone to find those things quickly, otherwise there will be more people like me. I feel really uncomfortable. "

"okay, I get it."

Zuo Zhong was feeling happy and sad at the moment. He was happy because he found a clue, but sad because he watched his subordinates suffer. He tried to calm down and asked the assistant manager's name, then turned and left the ward.

After going out, two agents with hand sprayers② took turns spraying potassium permanganate and high alcohol on his body. Disinfection was necessary to control the spread of plague bacteria.

He raised his hand and turned it around twice to make sure that the protective clothing was covered with the liquid. He then gave Ling Sanping a few words and came to the outside of another ward. He saw Gui Youguang sleeping on the bed with his legs crossed.

This Wang Ba Dan is really big-hearted.

 Zuo Zhong chuckled behind the gas mask and walked into the office next to him. He picked up the phone and called Gucci, asking him to send someone to recycle the wine bottles in the trash and arrest the assistant manager of the wine store.

 It’s just that the second thing is not very promising,

The other party will not wait for someone to catch you.

①Data source: "PX Effect Algorithm" paper by Junichi Kaneko, a Japanese invader.

②The United States produced the first generation of manual sprayers between 1850 and 1860.



 (End of this chapter)

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