Cicada Moving

Chapter 653: Find the first thread

Chapter 653 Find the first thread

“Lao Gu, you have to take up the intelligence work and report anything to the bureau. My place is pretty good so far. Except for Tongsuo and Gui Youguang, no other infected people have been found.”

After Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi arranged the tasks of finding wine bottles and arresting the assistant manager, they reported the situation in the hospital to stabilize the morale of their men. At this time, they should not panic.

It means that some people dare to risk the world's disapproval and use bacterial weapons to set traps. It means that they can't sit still. It means that a series of actions by the Secret Service have threatened their safety.

Aware of this, he said to Gu Qi again in a serious tone: "You must seize the time to investigate the case in your hands. Dr. Ling told me that except for Shashi, all the other deceased people had taken drugs.

I have also interrogated Deng Xuegang, Lin Yunsheng, and Yu Sanshui with Gui Youguang before. I am convinced that Su Zifu's death is related to Lu Yongqi. I originally wanted to tell you face to face, but who knew that such a thing would happen.

Based on the known clues, it was deduced that a new drug channel was probably found, which made Lu Yongqi determined to kill people. Please note that this is just my guess, you don’t need to pay too much attention.

 Tell others that Yang Changqing of the Xianle Western Restaurant and the suspicious persons involved in the deaths of 15 officials must also be kept an eye on. They must not give these people a chance to fish in troubled waters because of the copper lock incident. "

"Ok, I see."

 Gu Qi in the Secret Service had a serious expression. He held a microphone in one hand and a pen in the other hand to record what Zuo Zhong said in a notebook. Finally, he asked: "Deputy Director, do you have anything else to do?"

Zuo Zhong glanced at the office door and whispered: "Go and confirm the time of Sha Shi's pregnancy, and then check Lu Yong'an's schedule during that time. I think there is something wrong with it."

The pen in Gu Qi's hand stopped immediately. Could it be that the child in Sha's belly was not Lu Yong'an's? That would be interesting. The dignified Vice President of the Military Senate of the National Government was cuckolded.

His mind instantly recalled countless stories about love and hatred, and he immediately responded: "Okay, I will arrange for reliable personnel to investigate and report to you immediately if there are results."

 “Don’t worry, we’ll see you in a few days.”

Zuo Chong said with a smile and hung up the phone. The plague bacteria lasted only a short time. If he was infected, his body would respond quickly, and if he was not infected, he would be released from isolation soon.

In fact, it was just as he thought. According to many experiments at Renxin Hospital, the bacteria on Tongsuo's body will attack within 3 to 6 hours, and it can be determined that it is an artificially modified bacterial weapon.

 Who would make such a thing and use it?

 There is no one else except Little Japan.

As for why among the agents who performed tasks at the wine shop that day, only Gui Youguang showed signs of infection. Ling Sanping studied for a long time and thought it was because of the low density of personnel.

This is normal. No one wants to get together during an armed operation. It would be a target. Moreover, when Tongsuo reported back to the Secret Service, he did not take a car in order to keep it secret, and deliberately avoided crowded places.

When he went from the secret service to the wine store, he followed Gui Youguang's car. That car was full of action teams. Except for Gui Youguang, everyone else wore gas masks. It was a blessing in misfortune.

 Three days later, outside the Tongsuo Ward.

Ling Sanping, who looked tired, took the medical record and looked at Zuo Zhong: "After anti-venom treatment, Tongsuo is no longer in danger for the time being, but plague bacteria are still alive in the blood and saliva.

In addition, although Gui Youguang carried the plague bacteria, he did not suffer from the disease. I asked him about it and he said that he was bitten by a mouse when he was a child and had a fever. I personally think that this person is an immune patient.

 In the past two days, I have been looking for classmates in Europe and the United States. Some people said that Bailangduoxi appeared two or three years ago. The other party gave me the method of making it in the laboratory, and I will try it on them today. "

 What the hell.

 Are there any immune patients against the plague?

Why did Zuo Zhong think that the plague had not affected the bacteria on Gui Youguang's body? Is there such a benefit if he doesn't pay attention to hygiene? Thinking that he had eaten with the other party, he was silent for a long time and he forced a smile.

"It's up to you to decide on the treatment. I'll go out first in a minute. I must cure Tongsuo and Gui Youguang. If you have any urgent information, call the office. I will arrange for staff to answer the call 24 hours a day."

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the inpatient building with a group of agents who had confirmed their health. They performed a full-body disinfection and examination in the temporary disinfection area, and then met Gucci, who had been waiting for a long time, at the door.

 “Let’s go, get in the car and say.”

 “Yes, Deputy Director.”

Zuo Zhong was still dressed as a standard spy. He was wearing a black tunic suit, a wide-brimmed hat on his head, and sunglasses on the bridge of his nose. It was obvious at a glance that he was not a good guy.

 Sitting in the back seat of the car, he immediately asked Gu Qi about the execution of those tasks. In order to reduce the risk of the spread of the plague, he was in isolation in the ward in a disciplined manner these days.

“The fragments of the glass bottle were found, and the director asked me to hand them over to the Chemical Weapons Laboratory of the General Administration of War, which has been cooperating with Germany since the 20th year of the Republic of China and is very powerful in biochemical research.”

Gucci signaled the driver to drive, and continued to report: "The assistant manager of the wine store disappeared after the incident. He didn't take anything from his residence. He left in a hurry. I asked the police station to issue a wanted notice."

 “Escape is for sure.”

Zuo Zhong frowned: "Don't worry about this person for now. He is a frightened bird. Now is the time to be most vigilant. If you are not careful, you will be decoupled. You must find this person if you are loose outside and tight inside.

 It doesn’t matter whether you give the glass bottles to the General Administration of Ordnance and Industry. Bacterial weapons are very dangerous and can cause major accidents if you are not careful. Renxin Hospital is a place where diseases are treated and patients are saved, and the risk of bacterial leakage cannot be borne. By the way, what happened to the thing I asked you to check? Whether the child Sha Shi is carrying is the flesh and blood of Lu Yong Ai is very important. I think it is a golden key for us to solve the case. "

Hearing this, Gu Qi took out a document and turned to a page: "Through questioning Deng Xuegang again and verifying it with the maid serving Sha Shi, we determined that the other party's pregnancy was just three months ago.

At that time, the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China had repeatedly ordered Dean Lu to investigate the case of Shi Jia Xiu, so he and several bodyguards stayed in Hangzhou for a long time. During this period, he only returned to Jinling once to attend a dinner party.

  It was Sha Shi who accompanied him to the banquet. After the banquet, the other party sent Sha Shi back to Lu Mansion, and then immediately returned to Hangzhou. The whole trip lasted only five hours, which was confirmed by the bodyguard.

 In addition, Lu Yongqi was getting older and no children were born for several years. Based on the above situation, the fetus in Shah's belly was indeed a bit strange, and the child's biological father should be someone else. "


Zuo Zhong replied slowly with one word, and then said quietly: "Tell me, does Lu Yongzhi know about this? I think he must know. How could a person who can become a warlord be so stupid?

Now that he knows, why doesn't he divorce Sha Shi? This is a great shame and humiliation for any man, let alone Lu Yong Ai, who once held the power of one party and spoke the truth.

Either he really loves Shashi and doesn’t care about a few more hats on his head, or the fetus in Shashi’s belly is of some benefit to him. Lao Gu, which one do you think is more likely? "

 “The second type.”

 Gu Qi did not hesitate. As Zuo Zhong said just now, Lu Yongyi, who came from an ordinary background, could stand out among millions of people. His intelligence and ability were top-notch, and decisive killing was the basic requirement.

It is impossible for such a person to tolerate a concubine stealing someone for the so-called love. The biological father of the fetus must be very important to Lu Yongqi, otherwise Shashi and the child would have become the wronged souls in the Yangtze River.

Zuo Zhong on the side nodded slightly: "Then the question is, who is the person who got Sha Shi pregnant? Lin Yunsheng said that the rules in the Lu family are very strict, and men have no chance to be alone with each other.

It can't be that Shashi is like Hua Xu①, who got pregnant after having a dream. Asking this question from another angle, who are the people who have the opportunity to make her pregnant, especially those who are valuable to Lu Yongyi. "

"It's him!"

Gu Qi blurted out that there was a person who had been in and out of the Lu Mansion many times and had controlled Sha Clan, and used this to blackmail Lu Yongqi. That was Su Zifu, a poisonous insect who was probably a Japanese intelligence officer.

Then a look of shock appeared on his face. Shashi was accompanied by servants and bodyguards in the palace and when he went out. He could not have private meetings with men. The only time when he could become pregnant was during the dinner party.

That is to say

Zuo Zhong had a strange expression on his face and let out a weird laugh: "Haha, who can believe that a former provincial chairman would actually sacrifice his wife? Even if it was a concubine, she would marry him openly and honestly.

With such a despicable character, it is no wonder that the leader sent this person to the Military Senate. It was really foresight. Let me test you, old man, have you discovered that there is another problem here? "

He patted the bald man's **** at every opportunity, and asked a new question with a smile. He had nothing to do in the hospital these days, so he went through the entire case over and over in his mind.

 Speaking of this case, one word gives the impression that it is a mess, like countless tangles intertwined. Some of you, some of me, some of me, can't find the key to unraveling them.

  Until Gu Qi told him that there was something wrong with Sha's fetus, the most important thread finally emerged, and the case that had troubled them for so long would soon be successfully solved.

Looking at Gu Qi again, he thought about Zuo Zhong's question seriously for a while, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he said loudly: "The reason why Lu Yongyi endured Su Zifu's blackmail was not Sha Shi, this person is not that kind of person.

Perhaps Su Zifu knew a secret that could ruin Lu Yong's reputation, and started blackmailing him because of his wealth. Considering Su Zifu's background, this secret may have something to do with treason.

 In the end, Lu Yongyi lost his patience under repeated pressure, so he sent Shashi to stabilize Su Zifu. He did not find a new source of medicine by killing him, it was just a random act. "

“Well, except for the last point, I basically agree with your opinion. All kinds of things and people mixed together make us complicate simple things, and as a result we take a lot of detours.

 This is a profound lesson. The main responsibility lies with me. We cannot let evidence and testimony lead us. This is putting the cart before the horse. Thanks to Shah, otherwise we would not have gotten out of the misunderstanding. "

Zuo Zhong sighed with emotion, and then raised three fingers: "I suggest that we look at the official serial murder case, Su Zifu's murder case, and Lu Yong'an's death case separately. There are three urgent matters.

 The first thing is to investigate Lu Yong's personal financial situation, focusing on a certain amount of cash expenditure. Don't worry about corruption, bribery, and drinking the blood of soldiers. That is not what we should be concerned about.

 The second thing is to find as many people as possible who attended the dinner and ask them if they had seen Su Zifu that day and if they had seen any abnormal behavior of Su Zifu, Lu Yongyi and Sha Shi.

 The third thing is to find out why Lu Yongyi killed Su Zifu at that time and whether there were any external factors. When these three threads are unraveled, the case will become clear. Lao Gu, take action immediately. "

①Hua Xu stepped on a big footprint and became pregnant and gave birth to Fuxi.

Finished coding at 3:54 and fell asleep.



 (End of this chapter)

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