Cicada Moving

Chapter 657: Jinling spy dream

Chapter 657 Jinling Spy Dream

 “Deputy Director Zuo, your confidential message.”

 “Well, you go out first.”

Zuo Zhong ignored the flirtatious glances from the other party, took the telegram, lowered his head and waved his hand, why would the Huns be home if they are not destroyed? Besides, God knows if this woman has ever tasted Lao Dai, so be careful.

After driving the female spy away, he took out the cipher pad from the safe and decrypted the telegram. An investigation report from Hunan Province on Pang Chong's family came into view. Some of the contents in it were very interesting.

According to the investigation by the field staff of the Secret Service, the target’s parents lived in Shacheng. Due to their advanced age, they seldom went out. They waited for several days without seeing anyone, so they could only check the other person’s background.

The Pang family was once a well-known military family in their hometown. Pang Chong's grandfather was a veteran of the Hunan Army and made great contributions to the previous dynasty. Pang's father also led troops to suppress the Goryeo rebellion during the Renwu Incident.

After the Renwu Incident, Pang's father received the news that his parents had died at home, so he left the army and returned to Hunan Province to inherit the family business. He observed mourning for three years and married a wife. A year later, he gave birth to his only son, Pang Chong.

Field staff said that the Pang family and Pang Chong’s mother’s family were very small, and there was only one person in Pang’s father’s generation. Especially when Pang Chong was young, there was a plague in the area, and the few relatives became even less.

For the safety of his family, Father Pang was invited by a friend to take his wife and son to the provincial capital Shacheng for refuge. Later, he simply returned to his hometown, sold his land at a low price, dismissed his servants, and settled in Shacheng.

This stay lasted for several decades. Times have changed, things have changed, and Pang Chong's hometown still remembers only a few old people in the Pang family. The field staff found many people before asking about such past events.

 It seems that this is the unfortunate experience of a large family from the end of the previous dynasty to the Republic of China. The problem is that Pang Chong is suspected of being a spy. So if there is a problem, where will the problem lie?

"Da da da."

Zuo Zhong's fingers were tapping on the desk rhythmically. Suddenly his fingers stopped on the table and he looked at the report where Pang's father was invited by a friend to go to Shacheng. Who is this friend and what is his current situation.

 He ​​read the telegram from beginning to end several times to make sure it was not mentioned in it. This made him look a little dissatisfied. How could they do it in Hunan Province? How could they make such a low-level mistake.

Immediately picked up the phone and notified the Telecommunications Section, ordering them to contact the Hunan Province and request the other party to find out the information about Pang’s father’s friends. If such inaccurate information is given again, all military measures will be dealt with.

As the saying goes, if you open your mouth, your legs will be broken. After receiving the severe rebuke, Xiang Province immediately launched an emergency investigation. However, they mobilized all their informants and could not find any relevant clues.

There is no way around this. Due to the war disaster and the change of dynasties, the urban construction and household registration management in Shacheng are very chaotic. Trying to find a person from decades ago is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

The only gain is that Pang’s father’s friend was also a family of three, probably from the coast, because neighbors in the same alley remembered that this person often bought some seafood that was rare at the time and came back to eat.

 After receiving the supplementary investigation report, Zuo Zhong was silent for a long time and called Gu Qi. He did not ask about the latest surveillance status of Pang Chong. Instead, he looked at the investigation files on Pang Chong’s wife and children.

 He ​​quickly flipped through the documents, combining various records to piece together the fragmented information in his mind. Then one question after another popped up in his mind, and he raised his head and looked at Gu Qi.

“Lao Gu, why do Pang Chong’s two sons still live in their parents’ home after getting married and having children? What kind of jobs do these two people have, how much are they paid each month, and are there any abnormalities after get off work every day?”

Gu Qi nodded: "Yes, Pang Chong's residence is in Meiyuan New Village. He bought the house many years ago. It is a large place and the nursing home nearby is good. The two sons did not move for the sake of their children.

 One of them works in a foreign company, and the other works as a clerk in Jinling City Hall, with a monthly salary of two to three hundred yuan. In addition to normal social activities with colleagues these days, they go home to spend time with their wives and children after work. "

Zuo Zhong nodded slightly, a standard child from a small bureaucratic family would not be as rampant as a **** from a nouveau riche family, nor would he have the capital to harm the party like a wealthy kid from a wealthy family.

 In general, it means that one is better than the one above and one is better than the one below. If one does well, one can achieve a class leap in the family, but if one does not live well, he will disappear from the crowd. He walked around the room twice with his hands behind his back and continued to ask.

"Well, this information says that these two people have served in the army, what army they served in, what their military rank is, whether they have any records of meritorious service and awards, and what reasons they gave when they left the army."

"I have served, all in the front-line army. The eldest son became a second lieutenant, and the younger son became a sergeant. He has participated in actual combat, but he has not made any meritorious service and has not received any awards. The reason for retirement is to get married and have children."

“What is their personality like? Do they have any unusual words and deeds? Have you asked their past classmates and friends to get to know them? If you haven’t asked, hurry up and ask them secretly. Be sure to investigate clearly.”

"Deputy Director, I have arranged for people to ask about these things. Everything is normal. People who know them all agree that these two people are kind-hearted and mild-tempered and will never do bad things."

 “Haha, what a load of nonsense.”

Zuo Zhong sneered and said softly: "If you are really kind, why would you want to be a soldier? Or go to the front-line army? That means killing people. Don't you know that as a child in the army?

 Lao Gu, arrange for a few people to test it out to see if they understand intelligence technology. I estimate that these two people are young and have little experience. They should be more covert and not exposed. "

 “I’ll make arrangements immediately.”

 “Remember, find some good players.”

 “Yes, Deputy Director.”

"Yes." After Zuo Zhong assigned the task, he no longer cared about this matter. He had his own spies who were good at this aspect to take action. He only looked at the results. If he couldn't do such a small thing well, wouldn't all the military pay be wasted.

Gucci returned to his office, sat down on a chair, and scratched his half-bald forehead. It was a bit difficult to test it without exposing it. After pondering for a long time, he finally came up with an idea.

As an intelligent species, human beings are naturally social animals and will inevitably seek interaction with their own kind. This desire is rooted in the original origin and is difficult to be affected by the outside world.

When the first ape-man walked out of his cave millions of years ago and struggled to survive in a hostile and cruel world, he understood that only by staying together could he stand a chance of reaching the top of the food chain.

Hence, human beings will instinctively detect similar people with similar temperaments, hobbies, and habits to themselves. This is like a talent, and specially trained intelligence personnel will be extremely sensitive to similar people.

What Gu Qi came up with was to have his subordinates pretend to investigate other cases and appear next to Pang Chong's son to see the other party's reaction. If the other party evades or disguises, there will be a problem.

Of course, you must first choose a good goal.

This kind of thing can only happen once in a while. If it happens to two people continuously, a fool will know that there is a problem. After careful consideration, he finally chose Pang Chong's eldest son as the target.

Compared to Pang Chong’s younger son who works in the city hall and often interacts with law enforcement officers, he has a dull personality and his social circle is mostly colleagues and classmates, so he is obviously more suitable for testing.

So that night, a carefully planned "coincidence" happened when the other party was on his way to get off work. Several spies in different costumes appeared next to the other party and stopped many times.

Pang Chong’s eldest son reacted quickly and immediately changed his usual route home for transportation. Without hesitation, he jumped into a passing rickshaw and disappeared into the crowded streets of Jinling.

Looking at the man's hurried back, Gu Qi's face at the surveillance point was solemn and he couldn't help but wonder. The other person's background looked very clean, how could he be an intelligence officer, and how did the deputy director know.

 Back to the Secret Service.

 Gu Qi hurriedly reported the results to Zuo Zhong. When he came back, he thought about it all the way but still couldn't figure it out. No matter where you looked at it, there shouldn't be any problem with the Pang family. They were just an ordinary Republican family.

He handed over the photos and reports of the exploratory operation and said: "Deputy Director, I have been working in intelligence for so many years, but this is the first time I have seen a spy with such a hidden identity."

 “Well, you sit down first.”

Hearing the question, Zuo Zhong asked Gu Qi to sit down. He glanced at the frightened young man in the photo for a few times and explained with a serious expression why he knew that Pang Chong's son was an intelligence agent.

“Old Gu, let alone you, even I have gained a lot of knowledge this time. Do you know why the opponent is so hidden? Because the Japanese have been playing this game for decades, and it can even be traced back to the previous dynasty.”


 “Don’t be impatient, listen to me slowly.”

Facing Gu Qi's surprise, Zuo Zhong waved his hand and said calmly: "I studied Pang Chong's information in the past few days, and it can be said that it is watertight. There are many people testifying for every past experience.

Without any clues, I asked Hunan Province to do an external investigation, and then I discovered that Pang Chong’s parents, or to be precise, the people bearing the names of Pang Chong’s parents were probably Japanese spies. "

 At this point, he took out the information from Hunan Province, pointed out to Gu Qi the description of Pang's father being invited to Shacheng for refuge, and then selling off his property, and made a conjecture in a cold tone.

“Have you seen it? Isn’t it a coincidence that the friend who invited the Pang family to Shacheng was also a family of three and came from the coastal area. What’s even more coincidental is that this family disappeared without a trace.

 Decades later, our target Pang Chong suddenly changed from an ordinary person to a Japanese spy. His identity and background were flawless, he passed many inspections, and he was lurking in the training director's department. "

 “The dove takes over the magpie’s nest!”

 Gu Qi gritted his teeth and said four words. The current Pang family is not real at all. The real Pang family was killed decades ago, and the murderer lived in their name.

Zuo Zhong stood up suddenly and waved his hand: "Yes, that's it. The so-called friend probably deceived or threatened the real Pang's father with the lives of his wife and children, so that he would cut off contact with his hometown.

Not only that, the fake Pang's father also taught the fake Pang Chong his true mission and skills, and the fake Pang Chong passed these on to his two sons. Maybe the fourth generation of the Pang family has also started training.

The reason why the other party joins the army is to use legal means to kill people and practice courage. He is so cunning and leaves no hidden dangers at all. If he had not had little actual combat experience, he would have let Pang Chong hide it.

This kind of behavior makes people shudder. If the Pang family is not discovered, in a few decades, who will know that the Pang family are spies, and they can sneak into any confidential agency by then. "

I originally wanted to post a video of Director Dai’s taste, but I was afraid of being blocked, so I forgot about it.



 (End of this chapter)

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