Cicada Moving

Chapter 658: Father is kind and son is filial

Chapter 658 A loving father and a filial son

Zuo Zhong lamented that the Japanese were so ambitious and had such deep plans. In order to obtain a perfect identity, they actually started planning from the previous dynasty. But it is not surprising if you think about it carefully.

At the end of the 19th century, the Japanese Oriental School opened on Kunshi Road in Shanghai. Under the guise of cultivating Sino-Japanese economic and trade talents, the school actually trained spies and taught Chinese and English courses.

Because it did not train business talents, it was unanimously opposed by the Japanese education and business circles, and without the support of the Japanese government, it was officially disbanded one year later.

 According to the intelligence collected by the Secret Service, in this short period of one year, the Oriental Academy only enrolled a dozen students, but a group of famous Japanese spy leaders emerged among them.

For example, during the Sino-Japanese War of 1884-1894, Munakata Kotaro, Araga Naohison, Oki Yoshio, Sawamura Shitaro and others who detected the strategic deployment of the Hoyo Fleet in advance brought huge losses to China at that time.

This first generation of Japanese professional intelligence officers became the backbone of the East Asia Doubun Society, and held important positions in spy agencies such as Hankou Leshan Tang, Nissin Trade Research Institute, and East Asia Doubun Academy.

Gu Qi on the side heard Zuo Zhong's speculation and nodded: "Yes, for decades and four generations, no intelligence agency will be suspicious. Deputy Director, what should we do next?"

“Immediately monitor all members of the Pang family. The fake Pang Chong’s wife and the wives of his two sons cannot be easily let go. Although they are unlikely to be spies, there is nothing wrong with being careful.”

Zuo Zhong recalled the history of the activities of Japanese intelligence agencies in the Republic of China, and made a cautious request. Who knows if there are any Japanese spies in these people who were lurking earlier? This matter must be guarded against.

“Okay, I’ll make arrangements when I get back.”

Gu Qi stood up to say goodbye and asked again before leaving: "If the fake Pang Chong keeps not contacting the line, can he arrest people directly? His old superior is dead and has retreated. He has no energy."

“First try to find out his connection with Yang Changqing, the owner of Xianle Western Restaurant. I still think that guy is a big fish. If you can’t find him, just arrest him.” Zuo Zhong thought about it for a moment.

  When working in the government, you have to learn how to pick up the weak. If Pang Chong has a good principal or a good teacher, then the Secret Service will have to be more restrained in its work. There will naturally be no taboos in arresting people who have no backing.

No one lives in a vacuum. People have to face all kinds of circles, some circles are small, some circles are big. There are some rules that must be followed, otherwise they will be beaten to death.

With Zuo Zhong’s instructions, the Pang family, including the servants, came into view of the Secret Service. What they did, ate, and said every day were collected, sorted, summarized and analyzed one by one.

Even those grandchildren who are in nursing homes and primary schools are under strict surveillance. There are specialized personnel responsible for identifying whether they have received professional training, and the results are not optimistic.

These children are in good physical condition, and there are hints of grappling and fighting during the play and play. It seems that the fake Pang Chong has not relaxed at all in training the fourth generation of the Pang family. This family is all Japanese spies.

Other than that, the Pang family did not show any flaws. They lived an ordinary life like an ordinary family in the Republic of China, with complaints, happiness, and quarrels. There was nothing unusual about it.

Ten days later, detailed surveillance records were sent to Zuo Zhong. He ordered the arrest of the Pang family without any hesitation. The other party may have noticed the actions of the Secret Service and was deliberately trying to hang them up.

 Now that Lu Yong'an's death case has reached a critical moment, we must find the person behind Su Zifu as soon as possible. There is no need to stare at a group of low-value spies for a long time. When doing work, you need to prioritize.

Zuo Zhong called Gu Qi, and the two discussed for a while and decided to move at three o'clock in the morning. The elderly and children sleep relatively lightly, and three o'clock is the sleepiest time, making it easier for them to move.

In order to catch the Pang family in one fell swoop and not give the other party a chance to resist or commit suicide, in addition to the special agents who were performing their missions, the Intelligence Section and the Operations Section once again joined forces and dispatched dozens of people to arrest them.

“Lao Gu, I won’t go to tonight’s operation. You can just lead the team. Make sure the operators wear gas masks. We will learn from every mistake. We can’t suffer that kind of loss again.”

 After discussing the general plan, Zuo Zhong threw the pencil on the map of Jinling and stated his plan. They were just a group of old, weak, women and children. There was no need for him to go to the scene in person. Gu Qi was capable of handling it.

Gu Qi had no objection after hearing this. According to the construction blueprint and asking reliable personnel who had been to the Pang family, they were already familiar with the internal structure of the Pang family. As long as they acted quickly enough, there would be no problem.

 The Secret Service is discussing the Pang family, and the Pang family is also discussing the Secret Service.

 Located in a Chinese-style courtyard in Meiyuan New Village, Pang Chong and his two sons walked quickly into the garden. The three of them sat opposite each other on a stone bench, discussing something in a low voice, and their faces were a little solemn.

“Father, I asked a friend from the police department to inquire. The incident that my brother encountered on the street a few days ago should be that the detective brigade was arresting a criminal gangster.” Pang Chong’s youngest son said.

Hearing what his younger brother said, Pang Chong's eldest son breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly glanced at his expressionless father. His hands were tightly clenched under the table, and his face was full of nervousness and fear.

He knew that the man in front of him had no normal human feelings at all and only had the empire in his mind. Once it was determined that he had affected the mission, he would definitely kill his own son with his own hands. He would definitely do so.

 In fact, this is what Pang Chong decided. It was very worthwhile to use an accident to eliminate unstable factors and ensure the safety of everyone. As for family ties, they were worthless in front of the great achievements of the empire.

So after the younger son finished speaking, Pang Chong didn't say anything. He just raised his hand and stroked his beard. His eyes moved back and forth between his two sons, his cold eyes without any emotion.

The eldest son suddenly felt despair and hung his head heavily. He knew that he was dead, because when the other party stroked his beard in the army, it meant that someone was going to die, without exception.

 “Go and meet your mother.”

Sure enough, Pang Chong gave his eldest son the final blow in a calm tone, and then said in a deep voice: "I will give you a bottle of digitalis medicine tomorrow morning. You will not feel any pain after taking it. I have taught you since I was a child. You must dedicate everything to the empire and His Majesty Tian Locust. I hope you will not live up to your father's expectations this time. Don't even think about surrendering. Those Chinese will not let us go.

 Don't blame me for being cruel. The incident with the detective brigade may be a conspiracy of the Secret Service. We cannot gamble with the empire's long-term plan, not to mention that this matter is also related to the safety of the boss. "

 “Yes, father.”

"I see."

 The younger son and the eldest son replied respectively, but one was happy and the other was frustrated. The three of them walked into the house with their own thoughts and ate the last supper seemingly in harmony.

After dinner, Pang Chong's eldest son chatted with his mother for a long time. Although the old lady felt a little strange, she didn't think much about it until the moon came to the west, and everyone returned to the bedroom one by one to prepare for rest.

Lying on the bed, the intended scapegoat tossed and turned, feeling full of resentment and resentment. Why should I sacrifice my life for someone I didn’t know at all, even if the other person was Tian Locust?

He has a wife and children, a stable job, and good remuneration. Compared with the ordinary people in Japan who are struggling to survive, he has no idea how much better. As an employee of a foreign bank, he has channels to understand these things.

  If you have to live a good life and have to be a dog for others, that old guy is really stupid. No, you can't just die like this. If it doesn't work, go to the Secret Service to find a way out.

He was dull, not a fool. He did not steal confidential information, nor did he kill anyone. As long as the situation was explained clearly, the Chinese had no reason to kill him. Pang Chong's eldest son made up his mind.

Thinking of this, he looked at his sleeping wife beside him, a tender look flashed across his face, then he slowly got out of bed, put on his clothes, and held his breath in the darkness to gently unlock the door.


There was a sharp sound from the wooden door, and Pang Chong's eldest son frightenedly poked his head out and looked at the corridor. After making sure that Pang Chong and his younger brother were not awakened, he relaxed and walked outside.

He walked to the living room furtively, thought for a while without opening the door, turned around and went to the back door of the kitchen. They all said that there is no better son than a father. He also knew his father Pang Chong's methods and cunning very well.

The old guy warned him not to surrender when he was in the garden. There was probably a trap at the front door, so it was safer to take the back door. But when he pushed the door open, there was a sigh behind him.

 “Oh, brother, do you really want to do this?”


Pang Chong's eldest son was so shocked when he heard the sound that he almost sat down on the ground. The person who spoke turned out to be his younger brother. Apparently, the other person was sent by his father to monitor him. This was terrible.

He wanted to explain but couldn't open his mouth. Both parties were trained intelligence officers. He understood that lies and excuses were useless, so he closed his eyes and waited for death.

Pang Chong's youngest son looked at his brother's reaction and walked slowly out of the darkness, holding a pistol with a cold light in his hand. However, as he walked, the man put the gun back into its holster and said.

 “Brother, don’t worry, I won’t kill you.”


The eldest son of Pang Chong was stunned in despair. He opened his eyes and looked at the other party. What did this sentence mean? This kid always clamored to be loyal to the Locust. How could he let himself go?

As a result, Pang Chong's youngest son grinned: "My brother, don't look at me like that. I don't want to become a victim one day. Just shout slogans. Anyone who really believes it is a fool.

 The old guy is getting old, so he is naturally willing to sacrifice his life for bullshit. What about us? If you work for a few more years, you might be able to become the head of a foreign company, and I might be able to become a section chief, a section chief or even a division chief.

 Let us cooperate. You and I surrender to the Chinese intelligence agency. This way the intelligence value will be higher. The Chinese will not execute us easily. Brothers working together can be more powerful than gold, right? "

 “Yes! Brothers working together can cut through gold!”

Pang Chong's eldest son never expected that his younger brother would also have small thoughts anyway. He immediately cried with joy and replied softly. His strength returned to his body and his pale face returned to normal.

Having reached an intention to cooperate, the two chatted for a while and decided to go to the Secret Service immediately. There was no room for hesitation in this kind of thing. However, before they could leave, something broke the glass and fell under their feet.


With a loud noise and a blinding white light, the two fell to the ground dizzy, and then countless footsteps quickly ran past their ears. Pang Chong's youngest son reacted quickly and shouted loudly.

 “Surrender, we are Japanese spies, we surrender!”

 (End of this chapter)

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