Cicada Moving

Chapter 670: What guarantee do you use?

Chapter 670 What guarantee do you use?

"Old Song, what's going on?" Zuo Zhong shouted to Song Minghao and strode towards the crowd. He couldn't help but feel a little worried. With so many people gathered at once, the detention center would definitely not be able to accommodate them.

Song Minghao, who was instructing his men to separate the suspects into prisons, quickly ran over: "All the employees of the hotel under Yang Changqing's name have been captured, as well as some of his close contacts."

“Let’s screen them quickly. There are too many people and it’s unsafe. If someone makes a fuss, it will be difficult for the guards to suppress them. Once someone shoots, the impact will be great. The first lady mentioned civil rights several times.”

Zuo Zhong glanced at the crowded courtyard and expressed his concerns: "The gang of people in the southwest are fleeing to various provinces and are about to be destroyed. All kinds of monsters and monsters have jumped out. Students are marching everywhere to demand that the prisoners be treated well.

At this time of crisis, let’s not point the finger at the gun, remind brothers to be cautious, treat innocent people kindly, sanction those who are unrepentant secretly, and deal with them in a low-key manner,”

 “Understood, review will begin immediately.”

Song Minghao also has a headache. There are several restaurants in the target, and there are dozens of waiters and cooks. Counting the personnel in Yang's house, the screening work will be carried out for who knows how long.

Thinking of this, he saluted and reported the specific situation. According to the results of previous investigations, after Yang Changqing was arrested, they sent troops to various places in Jinling to control these people.

· No resistance was encountered during the process, and no suspicious items such as weapons or radios were found in the preliminary search. The self-owned house and rental house where the suspect lives have been sealed by the police.

When talking about the search results of the Yang Mansion, he said with a slightly excited tone: "Deputy Director, we found a secret passage leading to the flower garden next door in the study room at the second entrance, and it was arranged very concealed.

 The entrance was placed at the back of the museum shelf by Yang Changqing, and the exit is in the tool room of the flower garden. It is more than 20 meters long and 1.5 meters high, so adults can move quickly easily.

Lao Wu and I suspect that this is not only the passage connecting the target and Ren Guanglin, but also an emergency retreat route. Currently, forensics personnel are searching the secret passages and entrances and exits to see if there are any clues. "

 “Not bad, it moves quickly.”

Zuo Zhong smiled and praised the two of them. He found that the secret passage was within his expectation. If Yang Changqing and Ren Guanglin could avoid surveillance and communicate quietly, there must be a safe secret channel.

He wanted to see how Yang Changqing would explain this matter. Which serious person would dig such a long secret passage in his home? It couldn't be just for fun. It would cost a lot of manpower and material resources.

After thinking for a while, Zuo Zhong called Gu Qi: "Lao Gu, go over and help them, find the problematic people as soon as possible, and those who are not suspected will also be placed under residential surveillance and will not be allowed to leave Jinling for the time being.

 You decide the interrogation plan yourself. There is only one word required. Quick, it is 9 o'clock in the morning. There will be a meeting at 9 o'clock in the evening to exchange the intelligence obtained by both parties and compare and collide the clues. "

 He ​​looked at his watch while speaking. Twelve hours is the best time for a breakthrough in the confession. No matter how long it takes, the interrogator will be mentally prepared and the credibility of what he says will be very low.

 After saying that, everyone chatted for a few more words and then went off to work on the work at hand. Zuo Zhong and Wu Chunyang returned to the interrogation room. When they opened the door, they saw Gui Youguang beating Yang Changqing hard with a wooden stick.

 “Bang! Bang!”

 “Say it or not, say it or not!”

Yang Changqing, who was hanging upside down with his bald head sweating like rain, had empty eyes, and dark red blood kept coming out of his nostrils and ears. This was because the oxygen content of the blood was too low, and it was almost time to stop.

If the beating continues, I'm afraid this person won't be able to hold on for long. It's not a big deal to kill a suspected Japanese spy. What's important is that the other party must admit his crime before dying, otherwise it will be difficult to explain everything.

Zuo Zhong raised his hand and asked Gui Youguang to take a rest next to him. He walked to Yang Changqing and reached out to remove the cloth from his mouth. The other person immediately let out a suffocating breath and took a big breath of fresh air.

"How about Mr. Yang, how do the methods of our Secret Service compare with the Second Department of your General Staff Headquarters? If there is any lack of hospitality, you must be more patient, hahaha."

He patted Yang Changqing's face, laughed and spoke politely, as if he were an enthusiastic host asking whether the guests were satisfied with their meal. The only difference was that this banquet would kill people.

 “I really don’t know those people.”

Faced with questioning, Yang Changqing said feebly, and then begged: "Sir, please let Yang go. I swear I will give you a lot of money. I just ask you to let me go."

"Don't you know? Why are there leaves and soil from the flower garden next to yours in Ren Guanglin's home? Why is there a secret passage leading directly to the flower garden in your study? Don't tell me, all this is a coincidence."

“I don’t know what the secret is. That house was not built by Yang. Someone must be setting me up. Although I am a friendly person in business, I can’t help but be harmed by colleagues with red eyes.”

“Haha, you are so tough, then you can enjoy it slowly.” Zuo Zhong was not angry and stuffed the cloth back into the other person’s mouth, and asked Gui Youguang to put the person down in exchange for some easier torture methods.

 If you cannot use methods that are easy to kill, then use the Tiger Bench to relax first, without giving the target a chance to adapt to the pain. Taking turns, you can gradually increase the opponent's pain tolerance.

 Six hours later. Gui Youguang used almost all the torture instruments in the interrogation room. Yang Changqing lost a good piece of flesh on his body, and even one of his eyes was accidentally bleeding with a steel whip, but he still refused to let go.

Such a high-intensity interrogation, not to mention the bald man and the guards who took action, even Zuo Zhong and Wu Chunyang were exhausted. The interrogation could only be temporarily suspended, and everyone present began to move their bodies.

Looking at the bruised target, Gui Youguang put his hands on his hips and panted heavily. His eyes were full of anger, and he wanted to shoot this **** to death. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he raised his foot to give the opponent a kick.

 “Okay, I’ll call you later.”

Zuo Zhong stood behind the interrogation table and expanded his chest. He said angrily and turned his eyes on the half-dead Yang Changqing. It must be said that the Japanese people have very strong willpower.

 Under the torture of so many tortures, this person failed to explain a clue. From a professional quality point of view, it is admirable. Not everyone has such courage, but it is a pity that he is an enemy.

 He picked up a tea cup and walked over to Yang Changqing, held his head and gave him some water. It was not that he was soft-hearted, but that giving both soft and hard words, kindness and power was also a method of interrogation.

 “Have a drink, Mr. Yang.”

 “Cough, cough, thank you.”

Yang Changqing, who had not had a drop of water since last night, took several sips in a row and accidentally choked his throat. While coughing, he politely expressed his gratitude to Zuo Zhong, and then asked about his family.

“Sir, how are my wife and children? We are all ordinary people living our own lives and have no connection with those bad people. I can assure you of this.”

Zuo Zhong turned around, put the tea cup aside, and chuckled: "Guarantee, what guarantee do you use? The staff of the Ji Provincial Hall who helped you lurk in Jinling, or the 15 dead officials.

You use the name of business and making friends to obtain fragments of intelligence and develop traitors that you can win over. This matter is not a secret. There is an old saying in China that if you don't want others to know, don't do anything except yourself.

Do you think your behavior is very smart? Let me tell you, these are all under our surveillance. It just takes a little more time to find out. Your friends are outside now. "

His tone became more severe, and he finally grabbed Yang Changqing's hair and scolded him face to face: "I didn't make it clear before just to give you a chance. I didn't want to see your family falling apart."

If you really care about your wife and children, you should tell the truth truthfully. I guarantee that you will receive the strictest protection from the Secret Service and start a new life, just like Pang Chong.

 Tell me your real name, code name, superior, mission, and the list of moles lurking in the country, otherwise it will be difficult for you and your family to die. As a colleague, you should understand what I mean. "

At this point, both parties actually understand that some things cannot be hidden. With so much evidence here, if Yang Changqing continues to deny it, he will treat the Secret Service as a fool.

 The interrogation room fell into silence.

Yang Changqing lowered his head and said nothing, as if he was weighing whether to speak or not. Of course, he might also be delaying time in an attempt to escape guilt. These Japanese spies have always been good at acting.

Zuo Chong returned to the table and sat down, staring at the other person closely. He waited patiently for half an hour. When he saw that Yang Changqing had no reaction, he pointed at Gui Youguang's forehead after he had rested and signaled for the execution to continue.

 Eat the food in one mouthful.

 Things must be done step by step.

If all Japanese spies can speak so easily, then why should the Secret Service do anything else? Just go to the police station and recruit a few torture experts. This battle has only just begun.

Sometimes the time between speaking and not speaking is a moment, and sometimes it is very long. The struggle for interrogators is that they often feel that they can persist any longer.

So what the interrogator has to do is to break the opponent's unrealistic fantasy, push him into a corner, gradually test the psychological defense of the person being interrogated, and wait for the opportunity to kill him with one blow.

 Time passed slowly. Yang Changqing fell into coma many times and was awakened by cold water. He collapsed on the interrogation chair. Everyone in the room, including Zuo Zhong, had not slept all day and was also exhausted.


The wall clock in the interrogation room rang, and the stalemate between the two sides continued until 9 o'clock in the evening. Seeing that his men were not in good condition, Zuo Zhong stopped the interrogation work and ordered the guards to send Yang Changqing back to the cell.

Seeing the other party being dragged away like a dead dog, he covered his mouth and yawned, then took Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang to the conference room. No one could leave until the meeting was over, and he had to endure no matter how sleepy he was.

In order to give everyone more rest time to recharge their spirits, Zuo Zhong didn’t waste any time after everyone gathered, and directly asked Gu Qi to introduce the situation of Yang Changqing’s employees and related parties.

 (End of this chapter)

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