Cicada Moving

Chapter 671: Call from Hunan Province

Chapter 671 Call from Hunan Province

“Yang Changqing has a total of 153 employees and related persons, including 80 males, 73 females, 52 locals and 101 non-locals. We focus on non-local males.”

Speaking of this, Gu Qi took a sip of strong tea: "The reason is that the Japanese spies came to Jinling from other areas, and Ma Tianchang from the Cao Gang said that a group of strong men transported the red wine from the warehouse on Yaowan Street.

  Excluding those who are too old or too young, the number of people who need to be investigated is finally determined to be 62. At present, we have screened more than 20 people and no suspicious persons have been found yet. "

 Male from out of town?

 Good filter.

 First roughly delineating a range can save a lot of investigation time. Zuo Zhong tapped his fingers on the table and introduced Yang Changqing's situation.

 (Is this layout pleasing to the eye, or the one below?)

Everyone was very calm when they heard that the target did not admit guilt. The Secret Service had been fighting the Japanese for so long, and they knew the other party's virtues very well. It would be strange if this person admitted it.

After finishing speaking, Zuo Zhong et al. called Wu Chunyang’s name: “Chunyang, we will bring the suspicious officials involved in the death of 15 officials to Yang Changqing’s cell, and let these **** see the consequences of refusing to explain.

By the way, I asked the guards to take turns to remind Mr. Yang to get up and pee, and to ensure that he did not sleep for more than ten minutes at a time. Tomorrow, during the interrogation, I will see Yang Changqing, who is confused and in a trance. "

 Sleep deprivation is not a new technology. This is the method used by the ancients to make people suffer from depression. It can produce negative emotions such as depression and depression, and the situation will become more and more serious as time goes by.

  Being without sleep for more than 48 hours is a standard form of torture. The person being interrogated will slowly lose control of reality and may even experience depersonalization, changing from one person to another.

 “Okay, Deputy Director.”

Wu Chunyang nodded. These two things are very simple and don't take much time. If you do it well, you will be rewarded quickly. It is worth a try. Even if it fails, it can warn the suspect not to talk nonsense.

The only unlucky thing is the guards. These people sleep secretly every night shift. Now with the deputy director's order, unless they want to be dealt with by military law, they have to keep an eye on Yang Changqing.

“Okay, let’s break up the meeting.” Zuo Zhong stood up and looked at everyone. Seeing that they all had no objections, he waved his hands. He could hardly open his eyes. If he didn’t sleep, he would become the first person in the Secret Service to die suddenly.

When everyone heard that it was time to rest, they immediately dispersed and prepared to go back to the dormitory in Bingdi. Only Wu Chunyang went to arrange the tasks assigned by Zuo Zhong with a frown on his face. The conference room was empty in an instant.

 9 o'clock the next morning.

Zuo Zhong stood energetically in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the dormitory, adjusting his clothes. He casually put the watch on the cabinet on his wrist, picked up the gun, pulled the slide a few times and put it into the holster under his arm.

I don’t know when he got used to this life of never leaving his gun. Suddenly, his mobile phone buzzed and vibrated in the room. He quickly walked to the window, closed the curtains, and clicked on the text message.

Through the code book, Zuo Zhong quickly decoded the secret message of the underground party, and then a solemn expression appeared on his face. Old K had sent himself a message before the Red Wine Shop operation (section 647).

In the telegram, the other party said one thing, but this matter was difficult to deal with in a short time and needed long-term consideration. He explained the situation last time, but he did not expect that Old K would send a telegram again.

It seemed that the situation in the underground party was not good. Lao K had never been so urgent in the past. After thinking for a moment, he replied with a short message, went downstairs, got in the car, returned to the Secret Service, and immediately summoned everyone.

The first person to come was Wu Chunyang. When he saw him, he immediately reported the results of killing the monkey to scare the chicken. Two of the suspicious officials behaved abnormally after seeing Yang Changqing, but this does not mean that the others were fine.

At this time, other people arrived one after another. Zuo Zhong pointed to the sofa for them to sit, and said: "Then we will start interrogating the two people who behaved abnormally. If we find anything, we will confront Yang Changqing.

After a whole day of competition yesterday, the opponent's psychological defense has been loosened. If someone comes forward to testify, I think Yang Changqing may open his mouth. No matter how bad it is, he can tear off this person's disguise. "

After saying these words, he took Wu Chunyang to the sofa and sat down. He looked around and said, "Lao Gu, Song Minghao and Wu Jingzhong, you three must finish screening the people around Yang Changqing today.

If you don't have enough manpower, go to the Operations Division for secondment. I will say hello to them. During the previous operation to hunt down Ren Guanglin, I found that the Operations Division still has some talents, who are no worse than the elites of the Intelligence Division.

Wu Chunyang, you and Shen Dongxin are in charge of suspicious officials, and Gui Youguang and I are in charge of Yang Changqing. We will all split up later. We are all experts. I don’t need to say more about the details.



After everyone finished speaking, they left in a hurry. Gui Youguang said before leaving that he wanted to prepare torture tools. Zuo Zhong stayed in the office to process the official documents for a while. After reviewing them all, he went to the safe.

 Turning the code disk and checking the marks in the hidden place, he carefully opened the cabinet door and took out a document. On it was a list of most of the secret agents of the Secret Service, including Ryosuke Hase.

Speaking of this bastard, Zuo Zhong was very angry. He knew that there were Japanese spies operating in Jinling. He originally wanted to ask the other party if he had any news, but there was no news from Changgu since he went to Tokyo.

Also high -class flowers, eh, the shame is almost the same.

 Once you have diarrhea at a critical moment, it seems that you won’t be able to pay so happily when buying information in the future. You have to give that guy a little motivation to fight. This is also for the good of the other party. You should work hard when you are young.

Zuo Zhong sneered and checked the list of hidden contacts, confirming that no one except Changgu had lost contact or was disconnected. This was the most important daily task for him as the deputy director in charge of intelligence.

 Intelligence work changes rapidly. People who are alive in the morning may be dead in the afternoon. The intelligence network needs to be maintained and inspected. Once problems are discovered, they must be dealt with promptly to avoid implicating other people.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong, who was putting the documents back into the safe, was stunned. If the Secret Service did this, then if something happened to Su Zifu or even Pang Chong, why didn't Ren Guanglin and Yang Changqing evacuate?

Especially for Pang Chong, who stayed up for more than ten days after his arrest. Ren Guanglin had time to leave Jinling. Don't leave the city for such a long time, even a round trip to Japan would be enough.

 Do they think they have cleaned their tails cleanly enough, so they ignore their own safety? This conflicts with the caution shown by the other party, or is there some unknown secret here?

Zuo Zhong couldn't help but feel a little confused. He closed the safe with his hand, restored the safety mark, randomly scrambled the numbers on the combination disk, took out his mobile phone and took a photo of the complicated dial.


At this time, there was a knock on the office door. He straightened up and calmly sat down behind his desk and shouted in a deep voice, "Come in." The door was pushed open, and a staff member from the telecommunications department came in and saluted.

“Report, Deputy Director Zuo, Hunan Province has sent you a Class A confidential telegram. The Telecommunications Section does not have the corresponding code book. The section chief asked me to submit it to you. If you need to call back, just call.”

"Well, no need. I'll just ask Secretary He to call back and tell you that the section chief will not be allowed to leave the Telecommunications Section for Class A confidential messages. If you really want to take them out, you must go together in two people. You can go down first."

Zuo Zhong's expression was a bit serious. He didn't follow the rules. Class A secret messages were all important information. It was very dangerous to get in and out like this. The string of internal confidentiality could never be relaxed.

The Telecommunications Section agent's legs became weak after being criticized, and he left tremblingly. The Smiling Tiger had captured so many people in the past few days, and it was certain that he would go on a killing spree, and no one wanted to be one of them.

Zuo Zhong glanced at the other party, took out his phone again, clicked on the photo album, and used the picture code pad to start decoding the message. After a few minutes, he looked at the content of the message and his pupils shrank. How could this happen?

I was just worried, so I asked the Hunan Province to verify an old incident. I didn’t expect that the result would be like this. If what was said above were true, many things would have to be reconsidered.

 After a long silence, he lit the code original and the translation paper with a lighter, watched them turn into a pile of ashes in the ashtray, and poured a cup of tea over them, completely destroying the message.

Although the things were gone, the storm in his heart did not subside. Instead, he became more and more uneasy. After walking back and forth in the office twice, he decided to go to the detention center first.

 After adjusting his emotions, Zuo Zhong came to the interrogation room calmly and found Gui Youguang standing next to a large wooden box, scratching his head and ears. He couldn't help but be a little curious, could it be a newly arrived torture tool.

Yang Changqing's face turned pale, which seemed to confirm his guess, but what could scare a spy like this? And why didn't the general affairs department report the purchase of new equipment?

"Deputy Director."

Seeing him coming, the bald man immediately came over and said hello with a smile. He looked very satisfied, without his usual wretchedness at all. He held his head high and looked very proud.

"Well, what the **** is this." Zuo Zhong kicked the wooden box with his foot, and then said suspiciously: "You kid didn't buy it with the funds of the action team. If you dare to embezzle public funds, please return it to me immediately."

"No, even if you give me eight courages, I wouldn't dare to do this. These things didn't cost a penny. I asked the Cao gang to catch them from the garbage dump." Gui Youguang immediately patted his chest and assured.



 There was still a chirping sound in the box.

Zuo Zhong immediately thought of something, his expression changed and he jumped to the door of the interrogation room, angrily saying: "Gui Youguang! Are you crazy, why do you want so many rats?"

Have you forgotten the plague bacterial weapon in the wine shop? I see that you are really healed and your scars have forgotten the pain. Get these rats away right away and go to the hospital for isolation yourself. Oh my God, you are doing the opposite. "

 Gui Youguang scratched his bald head and said unconvinced: "Why can the Japanese use that kind of weapon for us, but we can't attack them? Besides, hundreds of rats can't bite anyone to death."

 Hundreds of them?


Zuo Zhong and Yang Changqing took a breath of cold air at the same time. The difference was that Zuo Zhong was disgusted and Yang Changqing was frightened. Anyone who knew that he would be bitten by hundreds of mice would not take it calmly.

 (End of this chapter)

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