Cicada Moving

Chapter 672: zoo

Chapter 672 Zoo

Perhaps Gui Youguang felt that this was not intuitive enough, so he simply removed the baffle of the wooden box and saw dozens of wire cages of the same size filled with rats that were running and biting crazily.

He looked at Yang Changqing with a hint of pride: "First, fix this guy on a big iron plate with shackles, then cover the iron box on top, put all the mice in, and heat the bottom with charcoal fire.

It is impossible for a mouse to escape through the hard and hot iron wall. The only option is to drill holes in the human body. The person has to watch the mice burrow into his body one by one. "

  MD, what a pervert.

Zuo Zhong really wanted to kick him after hearing this. This was not only physical torture, but also a kind of mental harm. It was really chilling to feel the pain of being bitten bit by bit on the body.

However, compared with what the Japanese did in Northeast China and Xiaoliuqiu, this can only be considered child's play, especially the water supply and epidemic prevention troops. The various crimes committed by this group of demons are simply too numerous to describe.

Thinking of this, he nodded expressionlessly: "Yes, let's start. I also want to see how long it takes the mouse to pass through Mr. Yang's body. You must keep records."

By the way, let’s ask the General Affairs Department to send a camera① and find a photographer to take pictures of this rare experimental record. It can be used in the future. It can be regarded as our contribution to science. "

"Okay, Deputy Director." Gui Youguang replied respectfully, then looked Yang Changqing up and down with a grin, turned around and walked out, looking impatient.

Yang Changqing looked ugly and slowly closed his eyes. He seemed to see countless rats biting **** holes in his body, and then getting in one after another to eat his own internal organs wantonly.


At this time, a guard nearby couldn't help but make a sound of retching. With this person taking the lead, the other guards ran out covering their mouths and vomited while holding on to the wall of the corridor.

  Normally, they work in the detention center and have seen all kinds of **** scenes. Their reaction should not be so unbearable. However, no matter how cruel the punishment is, it is a struggle between people, not against disgusting rats.

Zuo Zhong felt unusually calm. There was an explosion of information in the future, and many things were more disgusting than rat torture. He folded his arms and looked at the pale-faced Yang Changqing, with a faint smile on his lips.

 Just be afraid,

 With fear there is weakness.

Not long after, Gui Youguang came back, followed by two technicians carrying cameras. This thing was bought by Dai Chunfeng during the April 1st Congress. It was not cheap, one cost 600 yuan.

The technicians didn’t know what Deputy Director Zuo was going to do, nor why the guards were vomiting. After arriving, they began to adjust the equipment, and soon turned the interrogation room into a filming location.

But when they saw the guard locking the suspect on the iron plate and bringing out a cage of rats, they immediately understood what was going to happen next, so two more people were holding the wall and vomiting.

 “Light the fire, hurry up.”

Zuo Zhong gave the order indifferently. One advantage of rat torture is that it will not kill people quickly. As long as the speed of the rats' eating is controlled, the victim's life will not be in danger in a short time.

I couldn’t help but sigh in my heart that this **** Gui Youguang was really unpredictable. He could be said to be smart, but he always did stupid things, or he could be said to be stupid, and he could always come up with some evil ways.

The bald man didn't know what Zuo Zhong thought of him. After hearing the order, he immediately moved the stove under the iron plate and lit it. He stared at the gradually red-hot charcoal with bright eyes full of anticipation and excitement.

 “Qiaodou sack, please wait.”

Yang Changqing felt the hot iron plate on his back and the rat getting closer and closer. He was so frightened that he even spoke his hometown dialect: "I am willing to have a good talk. Please stop this inhumane behavior."

"Hey, when did our boss Yang learn a foreign language? Otherwise, he can do big business. Look, he is really learning all the time. He speaks Japanese like a Japanese."

Zuo Zhong raised his eyebrows and said sarcastically: "It's inhumane. Is it humane if you spread plague bacterial weapons? Is it humane if you conduct human experiments? Am I right? The road is big, right?"

 The road is big.

These three words hit Yang Changqing's heart like a heavy hammer. This word means log in Japanese, and it is also the name used by the crazy people of the Kwantung Army for the Chinese people who underwent human experiments.

Since this kind of thing violates international conventions and is the top secret of the empire, only a few people know about it. Even many second-tier participants don’t understand why the Chinese intelligence agency knows it.

 Could it be that there were intelligence officers from the Secret Service among the top government and military officials? He was frightened and had an incredible expression on his face, and then he realized that the other party was testing him.

Zuo Zhong was indeed testing. He wanted to see how high the other party's identity was. The Kwantung Army's water supply and epidemic prevention unit was not information that ordinary Japanese could know. Those who knew the information must have a certain identity.

 Either the work involves bacteriological weapons.

 Either the level itself is relatively high.

He was very satisfied with the results of the test. Yang Changqing was indeed no ordinary intelligence officer. He was probably the person in charge of the Jinling intelligence team of the Second Department of the Japanese Army General Staff Headquarters, or at least the manager. He walked up to the other party with a smile, bent down and tilted his head to look at it for a while, and then touched the iron plate: "Mr. Yang, it seems that you are more important than I thought, why don't you introduce yourself.

As long as you tell me your real name, code name, superior, mission, and mole list, I guarantee that you will get the best treatment, otherwise you will have to watch the mice eat you slowly.

Hurry up and think about it. It will be too late to regret it when the iron plate is hot. How about I give this film to your wife and children and let them watch the last moments of your life? "

 “No, no.”

Yang Changqing smelled the burnt smell of his hair and begged humbly: "Please, I say, I am an agent of the Second Department of the General Staff Headquarters, receiving professional intelligence training, and I don't have a Japanese name.

My code name is Boss, and I am the leader of the zoo team. I have no superiors. Our task is to collect public information from the government in Jinling, and our role is to provide side confirmation for other intelligence. "

 “No Japanese name?”

Hearing this, Zuozhong was a little curious, how could a person not have a name? Although the common people at the bottom of Japan had names and surnames only more than a hundred years ago, and it was still implemented by the laws of the Meiji period.

 But relatives and friends must always be called by a code name. If you can't feed them, just call them. He felt that it was necessary to ask about this matter. Abnormal things often contain unusual information.

 “Yes, no name.”

Yang Changqing, who enjoys the treatment of Teppanyaki's main ingredient, said: "I am an orphan. I have been living on the streets since I was very young. Later, I was brought back to the training camp by the General Staff Headquarters with only a code name but no name.

Everything there is arranged according to the Republic of China, including language, architecture, food, and culture. The purpose is to make the trainees completely Chinese, and they are never allowed to use Japanese names without authorization. "

 It’s this kind of training method again,

 There is nothing new at all.

Zuo Zhong lost interest in questioning and decided to go back and give a confession. He asked coldly: "Where is the list of moles? I want to know the names, occupations, addresses and contact information of these people.

In addition, how many people are in your group and where are they currently? I advise you not to talk nonsense. If you want to survive, you must have a correct attitude. You cannot afford the price of lying. "

 “I don’t have any moles.”

Yang Changqing laughed bitterly when he heard this: "The working method of the zoo team is routine and does not directly develop weasels. Its members include Su Zifu, Pang Chong, Ren Guanglin and a dozen operatives.

 The operators are staying in a warehouse outside the city. They will definitely evacuate when they know I am caught. Sir, I am telling the truth, because this way they can better avoid the surveillance of your country's intelligence agency. "

“Get a small iron bucket and put two in it first.”

After hearing this, Zuo Zhong winked at Gui Youguang, and then sneered: "Mr. Yang, you are very dishonest. How did those 15 officials die? Didn't you do anything with their deaths?

There is no fixed offline, how do you ensure the stability of intelligence? Even if it is to disclose information, it will take a lot of effort. Everyone is in this industry, so don’t treat us as fools. "

 “No, just a table of food is enough.”

Looking at the mouse in Gui Youguang's hand, Yang Changqing shouted: "It is very simple to obtain information. What I need is not secrets. Your officials are happy to tell what they know over the wine table.

Who knew that Su Zifu was addicted to drugs and would use his identity as an imperial spy to blackmail these contacts and use the obtained property to buy medicines. I could only think of ways to stabilize the people involved in this matter.

 Tokyo has instructed us to use death as a threat. The specific method is to select some people in the agency where the relevant person is located to kill chickens and scare monkeys, so that the target can fully obey the empire's orders.

I carefully selected 15 suitable officials through Su Zifu's channels at the Central Hospital. They all suffered from heart and blood vessel diseases and would not leave any traces when they were cleared.

Subsequently, the contact person invited some of the deceased to a hotel under my name. While the deceased were drunk, my operatives secretly replaced the safe dose of digitalis with a dangerous dose.

  Another part of the deceased were deceived by coupons and went to the hotel, and also died of poison. The sudden death of these people frightened the relevant people and forced them to reach a cooperative relationship with us. "

 “Wang Ba Dan, a bunch of losers!”

Zuo Zhong angrily denounced the party-state elites who were instigated to rebel. What this person confessed was similar to what they had speculated. This intelligence team was very different from the previous Japanese spies. One word to describe it is Gou.

In a sense, if Su Ziwei hadn't done so many things out of desire, the other party might have been able to hide it until the war started, and the problems caused by then would have been even more serious.

While secretly cursing the little devil's cunning, he motioned to Gui Youguang to quickly put out the charcoal fire. If the meat continued to roast, he would smell the aroma of the meat. He handed a glass of water to Yang Changqing's mouth.

① In the winter of 1924, Qian Jinghua designed the drawings of domestic mechanical turning machines based on the mechanical principles of foreign long-strip turning machines. In the spring of 1925, the company began to develop a 6.5-inch film width prototype. After 600 days of unremitting efforts, the prototype was finally successfully trial-produced at the end of 1926.

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