Cicada Moving

Chapter 674: Tell the truth

Chapter 674 Tell the Truth

 One day later, the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics.

"Teacher, this is the situation. After Yang Changqing confessed, Pang Chong and Ren Guanglin confessed to the espionage-related crimes they committed, and all the more than 20 moles have been arrested."

Zuo Zhong stood in Dai Chunfeng's office and reported on the case. Less than twenty-four hours had passed since Yang Changqing opened his mouth, and a major breakthrough had been made in the entire case.

After hearing this, Dai Chunfeng poured a cup of tea for his proud disciple with a smile on his face. There was an intelligence team and so many traitors. When the chairman asked about it, he had something to say.

He handed the cup over and suddenly his tone changed: "Shenzhu, I have to criticize you for something. Don't go to such dangerous places in the future. A gentleman will not stand under a dangerous wall."

If you are infected with the plague bacteria, how should I explain it to your grandfather? They are now far away overseas. For the sake of the health of the elderly, you should not be impulsive, think deeply and act cautiously. "

“Yes, Shen finally knows.”

Zuo Zhong took the cup with both hands and replied respectfully: "Students also learn from you. Teacher, you often lead the team by example. How can I, as a student, be alone.

 Besides, since I joined the Secret Service, I have been determined to serve the country with my life. Lao Gu said something a few days ago that I think makes sense: people who are afraid of death will die faster. "

 “You, please pay attention to your safety.”

Dai Chunfeng gave the warning seriously and felt deeply in his heart. If his son Dai Shanwu had half the ability and cleverness of Shen Shi, he, as a father, would be able to laugh out of his dreams.

Thinking of this, he sighed and lowered his voice: "My family is unfortunate. Last time you reported that Shanwu and Su Zifu knew each other. After asking, I found out that that beast had done something big.

Alas, the warehouse in the bureau of the Sinzi unauthorized operation, the dozens of pounds of pharmaceutical physical evidence was sold. This is all blame that I am busy with official duties. As a result, it was so troublesome.

Have you found out clearly what the relationship between Shanwu and Su Zifu is, whether he got involved with other spies, and whether he betrayed the interests of the party and the country? Tell the truth. "

 Tell it truthfully?

 Su Zifu is a real spy, and you asked Dai Shanwu if he got involved with a spy. If I tell the truth, I might be sent out tomorrow because I walked in with my left foot.

Zuo Zhong secretly complained and said righteously: "Teacher Qi, Brother Shanwu learned that Su Zifu was suspected of being a spy, so he volunteered to go deep into the enemy camp to inquire about the enemy's situation. What a heroic act he did.

 The so-called private purchase of medicines is just a stop-gap measure. The purpose is to control Su Zifu for my use. This is a secret operation approved by me. No matter who asks, this is my answer.

I will arrange the relevant official documents and witnesses properly to ensure that there are no mistakes. Just allow Brother Shanwu time to go to the Secret Service to see if there are any omissions in our records. "

 “Okay, okay, okay.”

Dai Chunfeng said three good words in a row, and his old smiling face became more and more amiable. He was obviously very satisfied with Zuo Zhong's answer and handling. It was really a beautiful job.

 After all, being able to explain the fabrication of the case and collusion in such a fresh and refined way is something that not just anyone can do. He couldn't help but lament that he had made the right decision in accepting Zuo Zhong as his student.

There are many capable people, and there are many loyal people, but there are very few people who are both capable and loyal. Without the help of the other party to run the Secret Service, he will definitely not be so relaxed.

Thinking of this, Dai Chunfeng asked Zuo Zhong to sit down first and asked about another matter: "It is good to have a clue about the Japanese spy, but you should not forget the case assigned by the leader.

Lu Yong'an died mysteriously, and there was a lot of discussion in the public opinion that it would be better to close the case as soon as possible. I think that Yang Changqing was not telling the truth. The Japanese had every reason to assassinate the Vice President of the Military Senate.

It's just that the scandal of Lu's wife sacrifice and collusion with the Japanese invaders must not be disclosed to the outside world, so as not to cause greater trouble to the government and leaders. You also know that these are troubled times. "

 “Students know.”

Facing Lao Dai’s clear statement that the Japanese should take the blame, Zuo Zhong nodded slightly in agreement. In fact, he thought so too, not only for the sake of the future, but also for other considerations.

Helping the blame to the Japanese intelligence agencies has the advantage of warning those hesitating traitors that their masters are not that good, and they can save each one from the edge of the cliff one by one.

 Another reason is Shashi. This woman was betrayed by her husband, and her children were tools of a careerist. In the end, she jumped from a building and died. Her life was full of tragedy.

Even though he was suspected of taking advantage of his childhood sweetheart bodyguard Lin Yunsheng and put him in jail, he did not follow the same path of betrayal of the country and nation as Lu Yong'an.

Settling the case like this will allow her to rest in peace with a good reputation, which is better than becoming the protagonist of rosy news in other people's mouths. The only pity is that Lu Yong'an, an old turtle, has been advantaged.

It is not a pity for such a scum to die. Zuo Zhong doesn't care how the other party dies. It is in everyone's interest that the case ends here. Why should he be so stubborn? People like that can't live long.

 There's something going on.

 It is rare to be confused, but it is necessary to be confused.

As for what Lao Dai said about the troubled times, I can’t blame others for being bald. If I have to blame myself, I have to blame myself. Even when the Japanese and the British fell out, they still chose to make peace. Japanese Foreign Minister Hirota delivered a Sino-Japanese goodwill speech as scheduled, and the Nationalist Government formally issued an order on diplomatic relations the next day, strictly prohibiting any group from organizing resistance to Japan, and violators of the order were severely punished.

This has led to some jokes. In the front page headline of the Central Daily News reporting on the situation in North China, it was written that all the people sent telegrams to express their condolences to the Chairman of the General Committee and the soldiers who were fighting against the Cross (x) at the front.

Another example is that the title of Ta Kung Pao called on the people to rise up to expel the XX, but the word "resisting Japan" could not be mentioned. Even a popular science article in a newspaper in Shanghai mentioned locusts and was immediately shut down.

Zuo Zhong and the others risked their lives to destroy Japan-British relations, but in the end nothing changed. They knelt down when they should and licked when they should. It was like a joke.

 The agents did not dare to object,

 But some people are not used to bald heads.

After the Dunmu State diplomatic order was issued, patriotic students and democrats cursed the government bloody. At a time when the war situation in the southwest was complicated and confusing, the underground party was sometimes in the east and sometimes in the west.

 The troops participating in the battle on the front line were exhausted, and reports of the torture and killing of prisoners and the killing of good people for taking credit were frequently reported. Countless people asked the bald heads to stop this senseless killing among themselves and to join forces to fight against Japan.

While Zuo Zhong and Dai Chunfeng were chatting, a group of marchers happened to pass by the entrance of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics building, holding high banners calling on citizens to stand up and put pressure on the government.

 “Down with the traitors”

 “The corpse of a certain chairman of the Generalissimo was left alone.”

Hearing the slogans, Lao Dai walked to the window, opened the blinds, and looked down. His face soon turned livid. Someone actually publicly insulted the Chairman. It was really audacious.

He turned around and came to his desk and turned the phone's crank, trying to get through to the Jinling Police Department. He probably wanted the other party to send someone to disperse the marchers. He was indeed a good dog who protected his owner.

Zuo Zhong frowned. Those black men were not good men and women. If they did this, big trouble would happen. They might cause a large number of casualties among students and people. He had to stop them.

So he took a few steps forward and poked his head to remind: "Teacher, let the police department handle such offending things themselves. Your reputation is important, and you must guard against villains taking the opportunity to cause trouble."

This is not the main job of the Secret Service. If something happens, we will not be hit. Bai Wenzhi and the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be responsible. Why should you take responsibility for that bunch of rubbish? "

Dai Chunfeng, who was originally angry, was stunned. After thinking about it, he hung up the phone. He understood that only Shen Zhi dared to say these words. Indeed, if someone died during the dispersal, he would be in big trouble.

 Be wise and wise to protect yourself, and God will assist you.

Lao Daimo recited two words of good advice on how to behave, and slowly regained his composure. Then he snorted and said harshly: "Huh, one day I will let these students know the pros and cons."

"That's right, students can just study. If they talk about state affairs all day long, it's appropriate to find a chance to clean things up, so as not to be used by the chaotic party." Zuo Zhong immediately agreed.

 “Well, Shenzhu, you are right.”

Dai Chunfeng regained his place, coughed and returned to work: "We must make a solid confession about the Japanese murder of Lu Yong'an and 15 officials, and at the same time, we must keep it confidential and not leak it.

If you let the people outside know that it's time to make trouble again, forget it, you go back to the office first. In addition, Li Qiwu said that he wants to renovate the office building. You should pay attention to this matter and decide as soon as possible. "

  Li Qiwu who is stubborn!

Zuo Chong was so angry that he was itching to the core of his teeth. He was just trying to make money by renovating the office building. This was normal in the Kuomintang government. He heard that the flower beds of the National Government had been renovated seven or eight times.

The problem is that as the deputy director, he did not know about this at all. Li Qiwu bypassed the normal procedures and reported to Lao Dai for instructions. This was to isolate him and did not take him seriously.

Niang Xipi, if a tree is not repaired, it will not grow straight, and if a person is not repaired, he will not be punished. This time, the man named Li will not be punished to death. He has been living in vain all these years. He should just give up the name of Smiling Tiger.

He immediately smiled and nodded, and said in a kind tone: "I can rest assured that Director Li will do the work. I will approve the matter when I get back. Improving the office environment is a good thing, and it doesn't cost much anyway."

"That's right. There was a saying from Yuan back then that if you want to achieve something, you must first win over people's hearts. What people's hearts are is money and power." Dai Chunfeng warned with a hint.

 “Students remember their teachers’ teachings.”

Zuo Zhong saluted with a skillful flattery, then said goodbye to Lao Dai and left the bureau headquarters. He got into the car as if nothing had happened, said to the driver and said "go back home" and closed his eyes.

He understood that Dai Chunfeng put Li Qiwu in the Secret Service because he hoped that this vicious dog would check him and monitor him and find out information. If he wanted to fix Li Qiwu, he had to find a good reason.

He was speechless all the way. When the car drove into the Hong Gong Temple compound, he happened to see Li Qiwu, a bastard, and a few workers-looking strangers gesticulating and talking outside the office building.

The car stopped, and Zuo Zhong sat in the back seat without getting out of the car. He squinted his eyes at this scene, and then suddenly smiled and became happier and happier. Then he opened the door and walked into the office building.

 (End of this chapter)

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