Cicada Moving

Chapter 675: I am originally from Wollongong.

Chapter 675 I am originally from Wollongong.

Zuo Zhong returned to the office slowly and calmly dealt with a few backlogged documents. Then he went out and called He Yijun next door, and quietly arranged for him to do something immediately.

“Yijun, go to the general affairs department and ask our person to hand over the report on the application for renovation of the office building to Li Qiwu today. After the person named Li signs it, send it directly to me.

 Remember, formal procedures must be followed. Records must be kept in the general affairs and office. These records must be photographed secretly. Do not touch them originally. Do not let anyone know about this matter. "

He Yijun didn't ask Zuo Zhong why he did this. He nodded and walked out. Since the last reorganization, many former members of the Intelligence Section have been transferred to other departments. This is easy to handle.

 “Li Qiwu? Haha.”

Zuo Zhong watched her leave, walked slowly to the window and looked at the proud Li Qiwu and the group of workers. A trace of ridicule rose at the corner of his mouth. Dogs are not that easy to be treated as, they have to be beaten.

Sneered a few times, he casually added a few strokes to a certain file, took out the ink pad and put it in his pocket, went downstairs to the detention center, and prepared to interrogate Deng Xuegang, Lu Yong'an's family doctor.

After waiting in the interrogation room for a few minutes, the guards came with Deng Xuegang. When Zuo Zhong saw it, he had the man's handcuffs and shackles removed, and then he chatted pleasantly with him.

"Mr. Deng, you have suffered. We have found out that you have nothing to do with the death of Dean Lu. You sign this confession and you can go out today. I am really sorry this time."

Deng Xuegang was very surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect that the case would be solved. He quickly replied: "Sir, you are also doing business on business. Mr. Deng completely understands."

 “Well, that’s good if you understand.”

Zuo Zhong took a deep look at him and handed over the processed confession, hoping that this person would not make it difficult for him, otherwise the case of Lu Yong'an's death would inevitably cause trouble again.

Over there, Deng Xuegang took the confession and read it carefully. He was suddenly shocked. He looked up at the expressionless Zuo Zhong, pondered for a moment, put the confession aside and said with a smile.

“I understand what you mean, sir. Deng was just worried about whether something would go wrong. On the day of the accident, I didn’t see a man in kimono wandering around Dean Lu’s house.

In case someone comes to ask me what the person looks like, what he is wearing, and what time he will arrive and leave, and if I can't answer, wouldn't it be delaying your important business, sir? Otherwise, forget it. "

 “Forget it? Do you think I’m negotiating with you?”

Zuo Zhong slammed the interrogation table and scolded: "If I hadn't seen that you are a doctor and someone who has studied abroad, I would be so easy to talk to, so don't give me a toast or drink as a penalty.

 No one dares to investigate the case of the Secret Service. Put your heart back in your stomach. If you have any problem, I will handle it. Just remember that a Japanese appeared near Lu Yong'an's house. "

"You go out first, don't come in without orders."

Having said this, he waved his hand and drove the guard out, stood up, grabbed Deng Xuegang's collar, looked at him fiercely, looked at him for a long time, then pushed him away and whispered softly.

"Don't think that I don't know how Sha Shi killed people. Where did she, a woman who never left the house, get the digitalis medicine? Is there anyone else in the Lu Mansion besides you?

I asked the servant that the oatmeal that Lu Yong'an ate at home was prepared by Shashi herself. She rarely did this before. The smell of milk and oats in the oatmeal can mask the smell of medicine.

Shashi deliberately had a relationship with that guy, inducing him to suffer from heart discomfort. You unknowingly gave the man named Lu a second dose of medicine, causing him to overdose and die.

I know you may have noticed that the potion was low, but she told you about the bad things Lu Yong'an did, and you didn't tell you about it in the end. It's just that the law is ruthless, and this result is good for everyone. "

After saying this, Zuo Zhong crossed his legs and waited quietly for the other party to speak. In fact, after knowing the relationship between the man named Lu and Su Zifu, he understood who the real murderer was.

  Killing is just for feelings, money, hatred, or there are murderers who kill without rules, but such people will not target high-ranking government officials and have no chance to take action.

Considering that Sha Shi and Lu Yong'an were in a relationship, had a hatred of betrayal, and were close friends, she was the only one who could kill Lu Yong'an quietly, so let this secret go away with the wind.

 A former provincial chairman became a traitor and gave his concubine to the Japanese. This is not a glorious thing. If word spreads that it will disgrace the entire Nationalist government, it is best to handle it in a low-key manner.


Deng Xuegang was a little hesitant, but when he saw Zuo Zhong's cold eyes, he understood that if he didn't agree, he would definitely not be able to walk out of the cell alive, because only the dead can keep secrets.

Besides, the other party's guess was right. He was indeed responsible for Lu Yong'an's death. It seemed that what Shashi told him was true. Dean Lu, Dean Lu, you really deserve to die.

He had no choice but to sigh, pick up the pen on the table, lower his head, and happily sign his name on the confession. On the bright side, it would be a good thing among the bad things to make the Japanese take the blame.

"Haha not bad."

After Zuo Zhong got what he wanted, he finally smiled and shouted to the guard outside the door: "Go through the release procedures for Mr. Deng. By the way, don't swallow other people's belongings. I know what you think in private The rule is, forget about the cash, return all the shoes, clothes, wallets, etc. to him, and don’t let anyone poke the back of our Secret Service.”

 “Yes, I understand.”

The guards kept making promises and dragged Deng Xuegang, who was confused, away. Zuo Zhong glanced at their backs, put down the confession, and his smile gradually faded, recalling the two telegrams in his mind.

"An important comrade has been arrested by the Secret Service. His name is Deng Xuegang. Find out the reason for the enemy's arrest and the place of detention as soon as possible, and determine whether there is a possibility of rescue. Do not expose your identity."

“The matter mentioned last time is of great importance. We are actively looking for armed rescue opportunities. If any action is required, please notify us immediately. Remember not to expose your identity and put your own safety as the first priority.”

Who would have thought that the family doctor of the Vice President of the Military Senate turned out to be a Communist Party member? He was also a senior intelligence officer who even Lao K had to personally interrogate, even using the word "Qiu Chan".

Anyway, if it weren't for the two telegrams from Old K, he wouldn't have noticed at all. The other party's response and words were very appropriate, and there were no problems with the information. He was just a standard ordinary citizen.

Even though he had been on the Tiger Bench for a few minutes before, there was no abnormal behavior. Zuo Zhong couldn't help but feel scared. Fortunately, he didn't do anything harsh at that time, otherwise the Dragon King Temple would have been flooded.

 After receiving the report from Old K, he has been thinking about how to rescue the person. The Secret Service is a military agency. Even if he is the deputy director, he cannot decide to release someone at will.

This time Dai Chunfeng requested that the case of Lu Yong'an's death be settled as soon as possible, which was the best opportunity. Everything was done in a public manner, and no one could make mistakes. If anything happened, Dai would be the one to take care of it.

 “I am originally from Wollongong~~”

Zuo Zhong hummed the "Empty City Strategy" and walked around in the corridor. When he saw Yang Changqing, Pang Chong and Ren Guanglin with their eyes closed through the bars, a mysterious smile appeared on his face.

Everyone says that seeing is believing, but the fact is that seeing is not necessarily believing. Just like when Sima Yi stood under the tower and saw the city gate wide open, that was what Zhuge Liang wanted him to see.

 “Deputy Director, you are here.”

While he was thinking wildly, Gu Qi walked over quickly and reported: "There are no major problems with Yang Changqing's employees and related people. There are a few people with unclean hands and feet. I asked the police station to take them away.

I heard that you went to the bureau headquarters. What are the instructions from the bureau? Lu Yong'an can't delay it any longer. Many local warlords think there is something wrong with his death and want to seek justice for the person named Lu. "

 “Justice, where does justice come from?”

  When mentioning Lu Yong'an, Zuo Zhong's face darkened: "An old turtle is dead when he dies. Is it possible that the chairman of the committee should personally wear sackcloth and show mourning for him? This bunch of **** should have been wiped out long ago.

Tell Song Minghao and Wu Jingzhong to have the military intelligence unit closely monitor the movements of the army. If anyone is found to be unclear with the Japanese or has signs of mutiny, report them to Jinling immediately. "

With that said, he handed Deng Xuegang's signed confession to Gu Qi, and said: "Take a look, the bureau chief knows that this matter cannot be delayed, you can find a few servants in the Lu Mansion to make a few more records.

 Make the stakes of the matter clear, and warn them that if they dare to tell others nonsense, not only they, but also their families will suffer. In short, ensure that the case is successfully concluded. "

“Understood, what about Deng Xuegang?”

 Gu Qi quickly read the confession, paused at the signing place and raised his head and asked: "This guy is Lu Yong'an's family doctor. Maybe he knows that Sha Shi is sorry for the deputy director, and there are things I should do."

"Okay, Lao Gu, I understand." Zuo Zhong raised his hand and stopped Gu Qi from talking. He could guess that the murderer was Sha Shi, and Gu Qi, an old man with intelligence, could naturally do the same. He couldn't treat others as fools.

They are all old brothers, so there is no need to hide them. He said straight to the point: "Family scandals should not be made public. If things are leaked, where will the leader's face be put? Lu Yong'an is the former chairman of Zhejiang Province.

Let's do it this way. Deng Xuegang knows that he is a bad guy. If he is seriously investigated, this person will have no benefit as an accomplice. Take the time to get the situation settled. The Bureau is waiting to report. "

 “I’ll arrange for someone to record it right away.”

 Gu Qi understood what Zuo Zhong meant. The important thing was the leader's face. Everything else could be ignored. He was just a doctor and not a big shot. There was no need to hold on to it.

“Hahaha, remember, the chairman’s will is the direction of our actions. Well, let’s forget that we don’t have enough time today. We will have a celebration party tomorrow night so that the brothers can relax.”

Zuo Zhong patted his old partner on the shoulder and assigned a task. The sound spread far away. Yang Changqing, who was lying on the bed in the cell, moved his ears and quietly turned over after a few seconds.

 (End of this chapter)

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