Cicada Moving

Chapter 679: My mission is completed

Chapter 679 My mission is completed

Japanese officials have had various conjectures about the intelligence failure of the diplomatic system and the military in Jinling. The most likely reason is that they have moles from the Chinese intelligence agency within them.

If this is the case, Ryosuke Hase, the director of the Special Higher Education Course at the Shanghai Consulate, is the most suspect, because recently only the other party has successfully planted spies in the capital of the Republic of China.

Moreover, during the German operation, there were some doubts about this person’s confession, such as why he did not act with the Kwantung Army personnel and how he escaped to Shanghai.

After discussions between the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the General Staff Headquarters, it was decided that Okamura, the director of the Second Department of the General Staff Headquarters, would be responsible for screening Hase Ryosuke to determine whether he was loyal to the Locust.

 Gangcun was scratching his head after receiving the order. He didn't know where to start. It happened that an accident happened to a piece of free chess assigned by the second Chinese class in Jinling, and then he came up with a follow-up plan.

 The specific content of the plan is to send the operatives to the Secret Service Detention Center, then find a way to send the equipment needed for the operation, and wait for an opportunity to obtain the documents in Dai Chunfeng's safe.

Looking at the information in his hand, he sighed. The problem was Osako Tosada. This was something no one expected. The other party was a veteran intelligence officer.

The other party was from Kagoshima Prefecture. He worked in a middle school, a local children's school, and a central children's school. He graduated from the Army Military Academy in Meiji 44 (1911).

He then entered the 35th phase of the Army University for further studies and served successively as squad leader, squadron commander, staff instructor, 8th Infantry Regiment commander, and Aoki Agency chief of the 45th Infantry Regiment.

Especially since Osako Tsusada has just been promoted to colonel this year, Okamura is skeptical about whether the opponent will be a Chinese mole, but the evidence is here, so he can't help but not believe it.

Such a person who has been promoted many times and deeply favored by His Majesty has betrayed the empire. This matter is troublesome. He pinched his temples and said to Hase Ryosuke with a tired expression.

“Mr. Hase, what you mentioned about your experience in intelligence work on China is very inspiring to me. If you are unhappy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, you can come to the General Staff Headquarters. I want to hand over the China course to you.”

 “Well, I’m sorry, Your Excellency.”

Hearing this, Ryosuke Hase quickly stood up and bowed deeply: "Thank you General for your kindness to Hase, but I have been working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and do not understand the situation in the military.

 Hurrying from being the section chief of the consulate to a key position like the section chief of the China section will not only affect your work, but also your reputation. Please forgive me. "

 “Consul Stone Pig has a good assistant.”

Gangcun clapped his hands in praise, then knocked on the table and muttered: "Since you don't want to, Lord Hase, forget it, it's really rude to have delayed you for so long these days.

You can return to Shanghai tomorrow. When you go back, remember to say hello to Consul Shizhu for me and tell him that I will go to your place next year to take a look at the Chinese defense measures. "

 “Where it is, it’s mine”

 Hase Ryosuke was about to pretend to be a grandson again and flatter the other party when he saw the door being pushed open by an officer. The other party rushed in and whispered a report in Gangcun's ear.

Since he was very close, he clearly heard four words - water supply unit. Looking at Gangcun's expression changed drastically after receiving the news, he knew that something big must have happened.

"Mr. Changgu, I have some urgent work to deal with here. I will ask my adjutant to take you out. I will see you next time in Shanghai. You, the landowner, must entertain me well."

 “Hai, I guarantee your satisfaction.”

 Hase Ryosuke bowed again and followed the officers who rushed in and left the staff headquarters. In the car, he looked back at the brightly lit Western-style building and squinted his eyes.

 For some reason, he always felt that Gangcun was a little strange today, but nothing happened. It seemed that his feeling was wrong. Forget it, he could go back to Shanghai tomorrow.

Thinking of the warm jade fragrance in the nightclub and the feasting and feasting of Shili Foreign Market, Hase Ryosuke couldn't help but grin, opened the car window and enjoyed the cool sea breeze from Tokyo Bay.

 He is very comfortable,

Yang Changqing was very nervous.

In the dark secret room, Yang Changqing quickly pressed the key and sent pieces of confidential information to the staff headquarters. Under the huge radio interference, the lights above his head kept flashing.

There was no way to do this. In order to keep it secret, he had to contact Tokyo directly and not contact intelligence agencies in Shanghai or other regions. He could only use high-power radios.

He believed that the moment the report was sent, the technical staff of the Chinese intelligence agency had already discovered the signal, and it would not take long for him to hear the roar of the police car.

So the sooner the key information is sent out, the better. Otherwise, once they are entangled by the Secret Service or the police, they will only die and there will be no second possibility.

In fact, the situation was worse than Yang Changqing thought. The electronic detection vehicle of the Secret Service was parked in a hidden place a few hundred meters away, conducting signal detection in the direction of the construction factory.



The electrical detection equipment invented by Wei Daming was very sensitive. Based on the intensity of the radio wave and the distance of the friendly station, it was easy to determine and intercept the radio signal sent by Yang Changqing.

A female technician took off her earphones, got out of the car and came to Zuo Zhong's car and saluted: "Report to the deputy director, the other party is using the boss's code name to make calls and send reports.

According to the Telecommunications Section's understanding of Japanese sending and receiving techniques, the goal should be to send brief messages that are large but incoherent, mostly for one-time emergency contact. "

 “Very good, go ahead.”

Zuo Zhong in the car shook his hand and watched the other party get into the electric reconnaissance car. A sneer flashed in his eyes. He couldn't wait. The Japanese high-level officials should have received that piece of information.

The earliest Shanghai Consulate’s Special Higher Education Course, Special Work Class, Aoki Mansion, and Kwantung Army Intelligence Department, these four departments were repeatedly defeated in Jinling, resulting in heavy personnel losses.

He didn't believe that the Japanese had not thought about the reason. In addition, as soon as Ryosuke Hase came, the extra-high school courses took off like chicken blood, which could easily arouse others' suspicion.

As for why some members of the Special High School were not arrested, of course the Secret Service did. They would remove one or two dangerous spies from time to time, but they could not catch them all.

 Otherwise, how did Ryosuke Hase get promoted? How could he get into the top ranks of the Japanese intelligence system without promotion? This factor must be taken into consideration, and the scale and propriety are very particular. Neither should you be too indulgent,

 Don’t bite too hard.

In short, this is just a stop-gap measure. When things develop in the end, there is a high probability that Chang Gu will be discovered. Whether the other party can survive depends on luck. The Secret Service can't help much.

 But when Zuo Zhong received the Class A secret telegram from Hunan Province and guessed that Yang Changqing had other plans and was probably deliberately caught and sneaked into the secret service, two words popped into his mind.


First, use this opportunity to help Hase Ryosuke get rid of suspicion and make the other party's next work safer. Second, you can use Japanese hands to kill a difficult enemy.

After several rounds of calculations, the most suitable person was the head of the Qingmu Agency, Qi Tongzhen. This person ordered Liang Yuandong to sell addictive drugs on a large scale in Jinling. His behavior was despicable and his heart should be punished.

 Out of concern about the situation in North China, the Secret Service had no way to take action. This time, it let the Japanese bite dogs to eliminate a henchman for them.

Not only that, the list of lurking personnel will also give the enemy a "surprise". The traitors on both ends of the spectrum are actually double agents. This news will definitely scare many people.

“I was watching the mountain scenery from the tower,

I could hear the commotion outside the city,

 Flags fluttering and somersaulting shadows~”

Zuo Zhong raised his right hand and hit his knee, shaking his head and singing Empty City Strategy again. Xing Hanliang in the front row looked back at him, pursed his lips, but also started humming along.

The melodious sound of Peking Opera floated in the dark alley. The agents leaned against the wall with their weapons shining with cold light, staring closely at Desheng Construction Company in the distance.

Five minutes later, the electronic reconnaissance vehicle reported that Yang Changqing’s radio signal disappeared. Gu Qi came over to ask for instructions whether to start action. Zuo Zhong happened to take the last beat at this time.

 “Do it!”

His hands stopped on his knees and he said softly, after fighting for so long, they were finally going to see Zhenzhang. I hope Yang Changqing likes the gifts he prepared for them.

 Gu Qi bent down, turned around and walked to the military personnel dozens of meters away. He made a gesture to a captain, who walked to three Type 20 mortars and shouted.

“Azimuth angle 27-00, angle of incidence 06-80.”

The gun crew members immediately turned the crank to adjust the shooting elements. Each of the three loaders took out an 82mm shell from the ammunition box and placed it squarely above the muzzle.

The lieutenant went to each gun position to check again, kicked the sandbags to reduce the rebound, and after confirming that it was safe, he raised his hand and waved it down: "Anti-personnel grenades, three rapid fire rounds, let go!"

With an order, the loader released his hands holding the cannonball. The cannonball slid down the barrel and collided with the firing pin. The primer was immediately triggered, generating huge heat pressure.


Three crisp noises suddenly sounded, and the shells rushed out of the muzzle and flew into the air, pulling out three faint arcs in the night, spinning straight towards Desheng Construction Company.

Zuo Zhong tilted his head and looked out through the car window, smiling contemptuously. If the target has no cover, then just use cannons. Why use human lives to fill it? Intelligence warfare is a nonsense of martial ethics.

 “Boom boom boom~~”

At this moment, the sky suddenly lit up, and the sound of explosions came next. It was estimated that it could be heard in half of the east of the city. Fortunately, the senior officials of the government lived in the west of the city and near Xuanwu Lake.

 Otherwise, disturbing people's dreams like this is just to arouse public outrage. The place chosen by the Japanese is convenient for escape, but it is also convenient for them to move. Nothing in the world is perfect.

In the light of the fire, he shouted to Gui Youguang, who was looking up at the sky: "If there is light, let the military people shoot a few more rounds. Our Secret Service will pay for the shells. After the shooting is over, you can take people over to collect the bodies."

 “Okay, I get it.”

The bald man touched his nose. Damn it, I thought I could put it to use tonight, but unexpectedly the deputy director brought in all the mortars, and the action team was formed into a corpse collection team.

Besides, the military people were very happy to receive the new order. Normally they could only shoot a few training rounds a month, but this time it was really enjoyable, so one shell after another was fired.

Humbling explosions kept coming, and Bai Wenzhi's men seemed dead. None of them showed up. Only the military police came in a car, and after asking questions, they patted their butts and left.

More than ten minutes later, Gui Youguang led people into the ruins. After all, no matter how strong the construction company's house was, it was still a civilian building, not a military fortress, and could not withstand shelling.

Another half an hour later, he dragged a **** man to the starting point. Zuo Zhong stood there holding a cigarette. He immediately became happy when he saw the person being brought back.

“Hahahaha, Mr. Yang, we meet again. It doesn’t seem right for you to leave without saying goodbye. I might as well say Zuo to see you off. Oh, why is there an arm missing?”

"Baga, Chinese, don't be too proud. The Japanese locust army avenged me. Your Majesty, my mission is accomplished!" Yang Changqing struggled and howled to the east.

 “Really? Come on, come over.”

Facing the stubborn Japanese spy, Zuo Zhong didn't get angry at all. Instead, he smiled and said something in the man's ear. Gui Youguang next to him vaguely heard the word "boss".

Yang Changqing's eyes widened and he shook his head in disbelief. He shouted in his heart that it was impossible. It was impossible for the other party to discover their plan. He gradually lost his breath in despair.

 “Is this going to kill you?”

Zuo Zhong fiddled with the guy's drooped head with his foot and said disappointedly: "I originally wanted you to meet that person, but it's a pity that I can only go see the boss myself."

 (End of this chapter)

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