Cicada Moving

Chapter 680: Boss (4000 words)

 Chapter 680 The Boss (4000 words)

 Gu Qi, Song Minghao, Wu Chunyang and others were stunned when they heard Zuo Zhong said they were going to see the boss. Isn't the boss Yang Changqing? The radio call code also proved this.

Only Gui Youguang contacted the conversation between the deputy director and the Japanese spy and guessed that there might be something going on. However, he did not tell the matter. He was straight-tempered, which did not mean he was stupid.

 Xing Hanliang and Officer Ning on the side were very relaxed. They said goodbye to Zuo Zhong and left. The following things had nothing to do with the two of them. Sometimes there is no benefit in knowing too much.

Gu Qi arranged for a team of people to clean and guard the scene, and then led everyone in the car to follow Zuo Zhong and continue to set off, but as they walked, everyone looked confused.

 This is the way back to Chuli,

 The boss is at Hong Gong Temple?

As expected, it didn't take long for the car to drive through the gate of the Secret Service. At this time, the place was already in chaos, prisoners in custody escaped, and the safe in the bureau office was emptied.

Either of these two things could cost a lot of people's heads. The operational personnel in charge of security have been controlled and are squatting in an open space to prepare for internal screening.

The rest of the spies, big and small, were like headless flies, running around in the courtyard and the building, not knowing who they were showing off to or what they were doing.

Zuo Zhong pushed the car door open without saying a word, and strode towards the detention center. This group of people must take a long time to remember. Do you really think that the Secret Service is a tiger's **** that no one dares to touch?

This time he predicted the enemy's actions. If he hadn't predicted it, or if the enemy installed dangerous goods or poisoned him, it wouldn't be as simple as throwing away a few fake documents.

The heads of various departments quickly received the news and knew that the deputy director had returned to the department. They quickly ran downstairs and quietly followed the team. A group of people arrived at the gate of the detention center.


The heavy iron door was immediately opened by the agents. Zuo Zhong walked in first with his hands behind his back. The yard was filled with pale-faced guards, and the leader's legs were even weak.

 In the blink of an eye, two spies disappeared and stole documents. One spy died inexplicably. This was a serious guarding accident and serious dereliction of duty.

Zuo Zhong walked back and forth in front of them, stopped and ordered coldly: "Gui Youguang, arrest the person in charge on duty and interrogate him severely. Your people will take over this place temporarily."


Gui Youguang waved his hand, and several agents ran over and disarmed the person in charge on duty, holding each other up and walking to the prison area. The man was so frightened that he begged for mercy loudly, but no one dared to speak for him.

According to military law, the minimum penalty for leaving one's post or dereliction of duty is ten years, and the maximum penalty is execution by firing squad. No one wants to be the one who stands out, and it is not their own death anyway.

After dealing with the main responsible person, Zuo Zhong turned to look at a group of dejected captains and majors, raised his hand and nodded at them, and reprimanded angrily: "Shame on you, so shame on you!

Not only did people escape from prison, but they also took away secret documents. If word spread about the incident, the entire Secret Service would become a laughing stock. Even the big sieve at the Secret Service headquarters has never had such a thing happen.

This matter is not over today. Just wait and see. The bureau chief will know about it soon. You should think carefully about how to explain it. If you can't explain it well, we will all be subject to military law. "

He didn't mean to target anyone intentionally. Yang Changqing's escape was just a practice. He originally thought that the other party would encounter some trouble when he acted, but he didn't expect it to be so easy.

The officers on duty in the Secret Service were just a bunch of blind and deaf people, and they didn't even notice the movements of the Japanese spies. As long as there was a person who was a little more responsible, he should at least fire one or two shots.

As a result, the man was let go without firing a shot. Yang Changqing didn't have time to think carefully, otherwise tonight's operation would not have been so smooth. This was a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.


 A bunch of rubbish.

 Zuo Zhong told his subordinates to enter the prison area with a harsh word. Walking in the quiet corridor, he asked softly: "How is Lin Yunsheng, the bodyguard at Lu Yong'an's house?"

“I sit there in a daze every day, and I don’t see any unusual behavior.” Gu Qi, who was familiar with the situation, replied. After speaking, he tentatively asked: “Deputy Director, is he the boss?”

 “No, come with me.”

Zuo Zhong shook his head and led everyone outside a cell. After asking someone to open the iron door, he entered the room alone, walked to the bed and said calmly to someone lying on it.

“Mr. Yu, no, I should call you boss. I have eliminated both Yang Changqing and Pang Chong. As your boss, why don’t you say a few words? If you don’t, you will have no chance to speak in the future.”

The people present were shocked when they heard this. Yu Sanshui, the person in charge of the archives office of the Central Hospital is a spy leader. This is incredible. Why did the deputy director say this.

Yu Sanshui himself was stunned. Gulu suddenly got up and explained: "Sir, what kind of boss? I am a government official, not a businessman.

I said, as long as you are willing to release me, I promise to spend all the money I have saved over the years. I am just a nobody. Killing me would be dirtying your hands. "

 “Haha, you are no small person.”

Zuo Zhong crossed his arms and sneered: "Since I found this place, I must have a basis. I have to say that your acting skills are very good and you almost deceived me.

You don’t need to rush to deny it. Let’s answer a simple question first. Was Pang Chong really injured during the Northern Expedition, or was the wound on his right upper arm really caused by shrapnel? "

Hearing this question, Gu Qi fell into thinking. He had read Pang Chong's medical information. It recorded that the other party's right upper arm was seriously injured at that time, and the shrapnel was embedded in the flesh and blood for more than an inch.

What's the problem with this? There are cases of self-mutilation on the battlefield, basically to avoid fighting, but Pang Chong did not escape from fighting, but was very brave and led his troops to attack the city.

Then the question is, what is the purpose of this person doing this? It cannot be that he wants to fabricate his injury and get a reward from the top. How naive must he be to come up with such a stupid idea?

 The Military Law Department and the Political Department in the military are not just for free work, and the review of military merit at the grassroots level is very strict. It is easy to steal the chicken but lose the rice, and even be prosecuted by the military law.

The confused Gu Qi stared at Yu Sanshui, wanting to hear this guy's explanation. The deputy director never did anything he was unsure of, so he must have grasped the relevant clues.

 “Pang Chong, who is Pang Chong?”

Yu Sanshui's reaction was very real, with confusion in his eyes: "I know Mr. Sha, oh, you said his name is Su Zifu, right? I have never heard of the name Pang Chong.

What did he do? Is he also a bad person? Wait a minute. I will think about it carefully. If I think of it, I will never hide it. If I catch the other person, will it be regarded as a meritorious service? "


Zuo Zhong applauded unhurriedly, then took out a document from his pocket and threw it out: "Mr. Yu should really go to Shanghai to stage a movie. You should take a look at this first.

 Since I started this business, I have told myself that I must never treat others as fools, because often when you think this way, you have already become a fool in the eyes of others. Am I right? "

Facing his questions and the documents in his hand, Yu Sanshui still looked innocent and replied with a wry smile: "Sir, these are all in foreign language, I really can't understand them."

 “It’s not that big of a deal that you can’t understand, right?”

Zuo Zhong raised his eyebrows, took the document back from the other person's hand and shook it: "Okay, then I will read it to you, listen clearly, don't miss a word, this is about your life.

This is a birth certificate from a mission hospital in Hunan Province decades ago. Due to the long time and the fact that the hospital has been closed for many years, our people searched many places but found nothing. Fortunately, foreigners pay more attention to written archives and have always preserved these things. Through telegraph communication between Hunan Province and foreign countries, this original data came into my hands.


Listen, a woman with Ponzi syndrome gave birth to a full-term baby boy weighing 3,300 grams at 2:13 in the morning. He was well developed and had a triangular birthmark on his right upper arm, which was bright red in color. "

He read the birth certificate in a measured tone. When he came to the word birthmark, he glanced at Yu Sanshui, then put down the document and raised his head, extending his hand to indicate that the other party should continue to quibble.


  Right upper arm.

 Gu Qi made a fist with his right hand and hit the palm of his left hand. It turns out that the wound on Pang Chong's right upper arm was definitely not caused on the battlefield. There is no such coincidence in the world.

A spy who occupied a magpie's nest happened to be hit at the birthmark of the original owner. Even the story dared not write this. It is possible that this person had tampered with his own arm.

The other party wants to use scars to remove birthmarks. The so-called not to stay in the front line of fire and to charge forward when seriously injured is just to explain the cause of the scars. Then the contradiction appears.

Pang Chong's medical information also stated that this person recovered from the treatment in a field hospital after the war. However, there is a big difference between self-mutilation and shrapnel wounds. Why did the military doctors not discover it?

 There is only one answer,

 There is a problem with the data.

The other party has never been to the hospital at all, and the information has been tampered with. If there is no birth certificate, no one will doubt it, and no one will pay attention to an insignificant little officer.

 So who can modify files without being discovered by others, and who draws the attention of the Secret Service to the Yaowan Street warehouse and the wine shop where bacterial weapons are deployed.

 That’s Yu Sanshui!

  He is the head of the archives of the Central Hospital and can do this easily. The most important thing is that the fake information was fabricated by a professional, and laymen cannot see the problem.

This man was very cautious. When setting the trap, he also pulled Ma Tianshui from Caobang in, so that no matter whether Zuo Zhong was infected with the plague or not, he would not be implicated afterwards.

Everyone will think that the Japanese discovered that Cao Gang personnel were monitoring the Yaowan Street warehouse, so they used a trick to let the Secret Service discover the wine shop and took the opportunity to deploy plague bacteria.

Yang Changqing also stated this after he was arrested. So far, Yu Sanshui has completely gotten rid of the suspicion and is staying comfortably in the cell, silently waiting for his men to escape and steal intelligence.

Furthermore, in the series of cases triggered by Lu Yong'an's death, the people involved were killed and arrested. Who is currently the person with the least culpability? Apart from Lin Yunsheng, it is Yu Sanshui.

If nothing unexpected happens, after the other party pays a "fine" or goes to jail for a few months, he can leave casually, and then disappear into the vast crowd never to be seen again.

Perhaps go back to Japan,

 Maybe start the next period of lurking.

After listening to Zuo Zhong read out Zhen Pang Chong’s birth certificate, not only Gu Qi understood, but others also suddenly realized that after going around for a long time, they had caught the real boss.

The other party is still hiding in the detention center and watching everything. It’s scary to think that letting such a cunning spy slip away will cause countless troubles to the Secret Service in the future.

 Don't forget that this person has met many people during the interrogation. If nothing else is said, he will say Zuo Zhong. If the Japanese get hold of his appearance and characteristics, it will be dangerous to carry out missions behind enemy lines.

Perhaps feeling something was wrong in the atmosphere, Yu Sanshui said with a bitter face: "This is a misunderstanding. I really don't know what Pang Chong is. Please tell me clearly, sir, and I will definitely cooperate."

Everyone looked at Yu Sanshui, who was still pretending to be dumbfounded. The bald man was gearing up to make a move. The other party was treating them all as fools. This was simply unreasonable.

“Mr. Yu, you are really smart.”

Zuo Zhong raised his hand to stop Gui Youguang, and sighed: "It was only after I received the birth certificate that I connected these clues and determined that you are the mysterious boss.

I don’t think it’s to warn the people involved in Su Zifu’s blackmail. The zoo team needs to use medical files to find suitable targets. You may never be exposed.

 In such a dangerous situation, you deliberately exposed yourself and tried to cover up your espionage-related activities with a minor charge of document trafficking. Let us use our hands to pick you out of the whirlpool.

This trick is really high, it can be said to be breathtaking. To be honest, we really have no direct evidence to prove you when Yang Changqing, Pang Chong, and Ren Guanglin died like this.

What a pity, you are neither Yang Changqing, who has many friends, nor Lu Yong'an, who is in a high position. No evidence is needed to deal with you. Gui Youguang, I will leave it to you, Mr. Yu. "

After Zuo Zhong finished speaking, he turned around and walked out of the cell. He paused at the door, turned around and added seriously: "Don't beat him to death, you must make sure this person is alive. Do you understand?"

I won’t give you a time limit or a specific task. I have only one purpose: to get the other party to admit his identity as a spy, and at the same time, let the newcomer practice his courage with you. "


Gui Youguang replied loudly, approaching Yu Sanshui with a ferocious expression. The deputy director's order was very clear, which was to make Yu Sanshui's life worse than death, and he would complete it to the letter.

Seeing this, everyone in Gu Qi hurriedly walked out. Gui Youguang, the bastard, had neither light nor heavy hands. They didn't want to use his hands later and get blood all over them. The spy was finished.

When interrogators have no time limit and no intelligence requirements, what awaits the interrogated person will be an outcome worse than death, especially if it falls into the hands of a torture expert.

 “Ah, I was wronged, please spare my life~”

Yu Sanshui's cry for help came from behind. Zuo Zhong ignored it and strode away. When he came to the yard, he realized that morning was approaching, so he lit a cigarette and stood in the breeze thinking.

  The boss was dug out, and the case seemed to be over, at least to an end. However, the intelligence war between China and Japan was far from over, and passive defense alone could not solve the problem.

Especially the Kwantung Army water supply and epidemic prevention unit. They were lucky and didn't get hit this time. But if they were unlucky, they had to talk to Lao Dai. There was no use in escaping.

Some things have to be done by someone. As if he had figured out something, Zuo Zhong no longer hesitated, put out his cigarette **** and looked up at the sky. A ray of sunlight jumped over the horizon and shone on his face.

 People who live in darkness will not lose their way only if they always maintain their desire and yearning for light when experiencing darkness, even at the cost of burning themselves.

There is only one life and one death in life.

 To live meaningfully,

 If you are going to die, then you must die in a worthwhile way.

I wrote more than 5,000 words and deleted them, condensing them into one chapter. I didn’t want to divide the plot into two parts. Today and tomorrow should be one chapter. Adjust it, think about the overall layout of the next part, and start a new part of the plot.

① Modifications have been made. Some old readers feel that this part emphasizes the factor of luck too much. I have modified the tone and added evidence of easter eggs. The church hospital does attach great importance to these written materials. If the easter eggs cannot be seen, it is under review.



 (End of this chapter)

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