Cicada Moving

Chapter 681: Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains (4000 words)

Chapter 681 Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains (4000 words)

 After dawn, Bureau of Investigation and Statistics.

 “What, I don’t agree!”

Dai Chunfeng slapped the table in the office: "Shen Zhi, you are now the deputy director in charge of all-round work of the Secret Service. You must not do anything according to your own temper.

The people below are responsible for the matter of bacterial weapons. Why are you joining in the fun? Do you know how dangerous the Northeast is? The Japanese shoot hundreds of anti-Japanese personnel every day.

In the unfortunate event that you are arrested, the entire intelligence network of the Secret Service will be at risk. You have interrogated so many people, and you should know that many times you can't just say something if you want to.

 Listen to me, let this matter go. You solved the Lu Yong'an death case and the zoo group case. The leader was very pleased when he found out that he had already arranged for admission to a special class at Mainland University.

The academic system lasts for three years. After graduation, only one tenth of the students will be retained in school and the rest will be upgraded. Only when you have a general star on your collar can you serve as a division director or come to the bureau headquarters to help me. "

Lao Dai persuaded him earnestly. Originally, he was in a good mood when he heard Zuo Zhong reported the case, saying that he had used fake documents to protect the senior mole Ryosuke Hase.

Unexpectedly, his favorite disciple suddenly said that he would go to the Northeast and investigate the research status of the Japanese Kwantung Army's bacterial weapons. He almost took action to clean up the door himself.

 Where is that place in the Northeast?

There is the graveyard of spies. The Secret Service alone has as many as twenty or thirty agents in various parts of the Northeast. These people are all professional intelligence personnel who have undergone the most rigorous training.

 It is still not clear why they were exposed. It is because there is something wrong with the documents used to disguise their identities, or someone is tipping off the information, or the Japanese have other means.

 This is possible.

Under such circumstances, how could he allow Zuo Zhong to go to the Northeast to die? Intelligence warfare does require sacrifices, but those are people with no foundation, not dignified deputy directors.

If something happens to the other party, not only will he lack a good helper, but Chairman Zhu Jiahua will also have objections. There are not many young talents worth cultivating within the party-state.

 Besides, what is a direct lineage? The first requirement is that he is a soldier from his hometown and has other connections in terms of connections and interests. Only then can he be called a direct lineage. Zuo Zhong is his direct lineage.

As a result, an officer cannot even protect his immediate family members well. What will others think and think if they find out? Oh, if they dare to follow you, Director Dai will go on a mission in the most dangerous place.

Only a fool is willing to surrender. This is a very serious problem. Without the support of grassroots staff, he, the director, is just a clay statue of a Bodhisattva, that is, he looks aloof.

After finishing speaking, Dai Chunfeng picked up the tea cup and saw that it was empty and placed heavily on the table. Then he sat down on his chair angrily, his face becoming increasingly ugly.

 “Teacher, you have tea.”

Zuo Zhong looked as usual after being scolded. He picked up the thermos and filled the teacher with water. He handed the cup over with both hands, lowered his head and explained why he wanted to go to the Northeast.

“Teacher, as an intelligence officer, students naturally know that the Northeast is very dangerous, but the more dangerous it is, the more first-hand information must be obtained, such as how the lurkers were exposed.

 If we don’t figure this out, we will be very passive. Once the leader needs information about the Northeast and Manchukuo, it will be too late to investigate by then, and the nails must be hammered in early.

Bacteriological weapons are a top priority. Only by understanding the opponent's technical level, delivery methods and other key information, can the country and the military make corresponding preparations on the battlefield in the future.

I promise you that I will only do investigation work when I arrive in Northeast China. I will never do anything unless I am 100% sure. The Japanese are not gods and will not know the whereabouts of students. "


"Jingle Bell"

Dai Chunfeng was about to reject Zuo Zhong's request again when the phone suddenly rang. He picked up the phone and listened and immediately stood up, saying yes in a very respectful manner.

Needless to say, the caller must be bald. I don’t know what was said on the other end of the phone. Dai Chunfeng’s expression changed slightly and his tone also changed a little. He raised his hand and looked at his watch and replied.

 “Yes, the case is almost over.”

“Understood, I’ll take Shen Zhong there.”

 “Okay, principal.”

When Lao Dai said this, he stood up and hung up the phone. His expression looked a little solemn. Then he looked up at Zuo Zhong and said, "Shen Zhong, the leader wants to see you. You come with me now."

“Yes, teacher.” Zuo Zhong straightened his back and asked in a low voice while following Dai Chunfeng out: “Is the person who called you just now the chairman of the committee?”

 “That’s right, remember to listen more and talk less.”

As he spoke, Dai Chunfeng strode to the stairs and was about to give Zuo Zhong a few words of advice. Then he saw Li Qiwu running up in panic. The other party shouted immediately when he saw them.

“Director, you must save me. I don’t know that Desheng Construction Company is run by Japanese people. They did give money, but that is the custom and rule, and you know it.

The man named Zuo is retaliating against me. I have gained your respect. The big bald man under him wants to take a humble position to screen. This is public revenge for private revenge. Public revenge for private revenge. "

Li Qiwu suddenly knelt on the ground, holding on to the leg of Dai Chunfeng's trousers with one hand, and pointing at the innocent-looking Zuo Zhong with the other and accusing loudly, causing people coming and going to peek.

“Director Li, you are going too far. You took kickbacks to renovate the office building. This in itself is a serious violation of discipline and corruption. How could the bureau know about it?”

Hearing this person’s rogue tone, Zuo Zhong laughed angrily: “Besides, the decorators you hired are Japanese spies. According to the rules, they must be screened, and no one is exception.

  After all, your name is written on the application report, and it is also kept on file in the office. You can rest assured that we will never let a bad person go, and we will never wrongly accuse a good person. "

“Boss, don’t listen to this kid”

 “Shut up!”

Dai Chunfeng interrupted Li Qiwu's clumsy explanation. He was really a complete idiot. Although everyone knows that collecting money to do things is something that cannot be said on the table.

And Zuo Zhong is right. If there is suspicion, he must undergo internal screening. The other person is just a dog and not his biological son. Why does the person named Li get special treatment.

Aware of the sensitivity of the matter, he said coldly: "Li Qiwu, you should go back to the office immediately and report to Deputy Director Zuo's subordinates. Tell the truth about your problem. Do you hear me?"

 After saying that, Dai Chunfeng suddenly walked downstairs. He glanced at a certain poor guy and stepped over to follow Lao Dai. He could just leave this person to Gui Youguang and the others.

If he comes forward, it would be inappropriate to deal with this person in either a light or serious manner. If it is too light, it will not be enough to teach the other party a lesson. If it is too serious, it will not give Lao Daodao face. The dog cannot be killed.

If you want to completely lose Li Qiwu's trust, you have to take it step by step and pay attention to small things first. In the end, Dai Chunfeng will order you to silence him without even having to speak.

Zuo Zhong raised the corner of his mouth slightly and opened the rear door for Lao Dai, held the door and sent him into the car. He sat in the passenger seat and the car drove out of the bureau headquarters in a flash. The Bureau of Investigation and Statistics is not too far from Qilu. It didn’t take long. After a strict inspection and body search, the two of them were received by a bald man in a living room.

 “Chun Feng, Shen Zhong, sit down.”

Accompanied by a group of attendants, Bald Head walked into the room and sat down on the sofa in the middle. He waved his hand to let the others go down, and then smiled and spoke cordially to Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong.

 “Okay, principal.”

  “Yes, leader.”

Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong responded respectfully, and politely put their buttocks on the sofa, waiting for the bald head's instructions. This was the other's habit of meeting subordinates.

No matter who he meets during this period, the bald head will first talk about the highlights of his command of the Southwest Campaign, then complain about the local warlords' disobedience to orders, and finally talk about serious matters.

Sure enough, facing his two confidants, Baldhead took a sip of water and immediately talked eloquently about the progress of the war with the underground party. The spitting stars flew several meters away.

“I’m sure that within three months, those people will be cornered and will either die in poverty or surrender to the government. The precious peace will finally come.”

He ended the procedure with a crazy remark, then coughed twice, took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth, raised his civilized staff and pointed at the brown paper bag on the coffee table next to the two of them.

“Come and take a look. Something went wrong with the Japanese bacterial weapons research base in Northeast China. People around them suffered heavy casualties. This is the intelligence and photos that the Red Russians handed over to the government.”

 “Yes, principal.”

 Dai Chunfeng followed the order and opened the bag, read part of it himself, and gave several documents to Zuo Zhong. The two of them took a quick look and found that the contents inside were shocking.

In one of the photos, corpses with ulcerated skin were piled on the side of the road like firewood. Among the dead were men, women, adults, and children.

In another photo, a group of Japanese soldiers wearing white chemical protective suits were carrying sprayers to disinfect people in a certain place. In the distance, a thick smokey flame shot into the sky.

 Obviously, the Japanese are destroying evidence of bacterial weapons. They do not want the outside world, especially the European and American powers, to know about this, so as not to trigger protests from the international community.

 It’s not that those powerful countries are very humanitarian. During the last red-eye war in Europe, both warring parties used this thing less. It’s just that these countries are unwilling to have one more player.

It is best for this kind of dangerous weapon to be owned by oneself only, and even if it spreads, it must be within a certain range. Of course, Japan's competitors do not want the Japanese to master bacterial weapons.

The most illustrative point is that the Red Russians knew this and why they did not announce the Japanese atrocities to the international community. Instead, they wanted to send the information to the National Government.

The other side just wants to get rid of this hidden danger with the help of the Republic of China. The biggest enemy of the Red Russian Far East Military Region is the Kwantung Army. It can kill people with a borrowed knife and its methods are very clever.

Zuo Zhong looked at the photo and his eyes were filled with anger. If you fall behind, you will be beaten and humiliated. He finally realized the sadness in these words today. None of these great powers are good.

He could think of this. As a leader of a country, the bald man could see it more clearly. After Dai Chunfeng put down the document, the bald man patted the armrest of the sofa with a sullen face and said angrily.

“Have you seen that, the red elements still need to tell me what happened on our land, Chunfeng, the intelligence work against the puppet Manchukuo must be further strengthened, and we must take the initiative.

 Concerning bacterial weapons, tell me your specific plans. Let the Japanese and Red Russians know that I and the Nationalist Government are not toys they can play with. "

Such heart-wrenching words made Dai Chunfeng stand up and bend down, wiping the cold sweat from his head. Shen finally guessed that the chairman was really paying attention to the situation in the Northeast.

He stood up. Zuo Zhong beside him naturally couldn't sit down either. He stood at attention and lowered his head along with the teacher. He thought quickly for a few seconds and opened his mouth to report to the bald head.

“Leader, before you summon the Director and Beizi, the Director is arranging the Secret Service’s intelligence investigation activities in the Northeast. Beizi wants to personally lead the team to get a feel for the situation.”

 “Oh? Is that so?”

A strange look flashed in the bald head's eyes, and his expression softened slightly: "Didn't Chunfeng tell you? I'm going to let you study in a special class at Mainland China, and you can work part-time in the attendant's office in the future.

Shen Zhi, your father is a veteran of the party, and everyone in the Zuo family has also contributed to the country. It is very dangerous to go to the Northeast now. Life or death in the hands of the enemy is uncertain. This matter needs long-term consideration. "

 “The teacher has already said it.”

After listening to this, Zuo Zhong tried his best not to curse out loud, but pretended to be generous and said: "Thank you for the cultivation of the leader. I am willing to work hard for my humble position, and I will not hesitate to go through fire and water.

 I know that the Northeast is dangerous, but some things must be done by someone. This is also my responsibility. If everyone is afraid of life and death, how can the great cause of the Chairman and the party and the country be achieved?

As for my personal future, it is of no importance in the face of national interests. My ancestors and father will definitely understand my choice if they know it, and I ask my leaders and teachers to approve my humble post to the Northeast. "

 After speaking, he gave a standard military salute, looked forward, and imitated the posture of the party-state elite in both physical and spiritual ways. If there is anyone who is moved by the selection of figures in the Republic of China, he must be the one.

"Well said, Chunfeng, our ideals and career need ten thousand loyal ministers and good generals like Shen Zhong. Some people say that I am nepotistic. How do they know that talents are rare?"

The bald man leaned on his civilization stick and looked at Dai Chunfeng seriously: "Then Shen Zhong will lead a team to the Northeast. The Bureau of Statistics and Investigation must meet all requirements for the operation and cannot be held back.

 If there are insufficient funds, report them, and I will order Minister Kong of the Ministry of Finance to resolve them as appropriate. When it comes to Japanese territory, it will never work without enough copper plates to back it up.

The Japanese are also human beings. If necessary, they can use money to buy off one or two key people in the other party. They are not underground parties. I don’t believe there are people who don’t like banknotes and gold bars. "

 Having just said a few serious words, Bald Head started selling his silver bullet offensive again.

“Yes, we will make arrangements when the students return.”

Dai Chunfeng sighed secretly, knowing that Shen Zhong was trying to earn face for him as a teacher, so he immediately promised Baldhead his full support to ensure sufficient supplies for the Northeast Operation.

Personnel, guns, radios, and special equipment will be drawn from the entire Bureau of Statistics and Investigation. The operators must be armed to the teeth so that they can resist for a period of time even if they encounter enemies.

Baldhead was very satisfied with the answer and asked Zuo Zhong if he had any other requirements. After thinking about it, Zuo Zhong gave a name. He needed the other person to go to the Northeast with him to perform the mission.

Dai Chunfeng was surprised by the person he mentioned. Isn't Shen Zhi afraid of being dragged down by the other party? After thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was very suitable. No matter what happened, he could always block a few shots.

Baldhead did not hesitate and readily agreed to Zuo Zhong's request. That man would only be wasting food in Jinling, so he might as well send it to the northeast and treat it as waste.

 The transitional chapter is over. Let me give you a brief explanation. If I write two chapters, many book friends will think that the word count is too high. It will return to normal tomorrow.

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