Cicada Moving

Chapter 682: a past event

Chapter 682 A Past Event

 The twenty-fourth year of the Republic of China, midsummer.

The Jinro Maru sailed on the vast Yellow Sea. The ship departed from Southeast Asia and passed through the port city, Shanghai and the island city of Shandong Province. Its final destination was Lushunkou, which was occupied by Japan.

At this time, it was extremely hot on the land, but the cool breeze on the sea was very comfortable. Many passengers came to the deck, leaning on the railings to look into the distance or chatting together.

Among these people, a special policeman from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Japan stood at a high place, holding a telescope and quietly observing the passengers, trying to find some suspicious people inside.

Due to the tense relations between China and Japan, as well as the fact that both are yellow people who can easily disguise themselves, and the intelligence activities of both sides are very frequent, many spies of the Republic of China will choose ships as transportation.

Therefore, in order to keep the "enemies" out of the "land", Japanese ships traveling from overseas to Japan's sphere of influence have such special policemen responsible for monitoring passengers.

The man's eyes paused for a moment on a man and a woman and then turned away. He remembered these two people, a young couple from Tokyo. The man's name was Okamoto Shigenobu and the woman's name was Okamoto Natsuko.

According to the documents and filled-in materials, the other party originally ran a pharmacy in the mainland of the Republic of China. As the situation worsened, business became increasingly difficult, so he wanted to start over in the Northeast.

Consulate personnel at the terminal have verified the document. The printing font, the position of the steel seal, the signature of the person in charge, and the secret mark of the seal are all correct, and there are no signs of forgery.

 They stayed in a second-class cabin after boarding the ship from the island city. There were no problems with their accent and eating habits, and there were no flaws in their conversations with other passengers. Suspicion could basically be ruled out.

The special policeman lowered his head and put two ticks on a document. This was a list of all passengers in Jinlu Maru. Those who checked could leave after arriving at Lushunkou for inspection.

 As for those who didn’t tick the box.

Either go to the interrogation room of the Kwantung Army Intelligence Department, or go to the prison of the Kwantung Prefecture Police Department, or be taken directly to the wilderness for execution. In short, they will never appear again.

Relying on this strict screening method, it is difficult for domestic government and other intelligence personnel to enter the Northeast. As long as there is a trace of doubt, they will fall into the hands of the Japanese.

On the deck, a man and a woman glanced at the special policeman with his peripheral vision, and said with a smile in Japanese: "Natsuko, the sea wind is a bit strong, let's go back to the cabin first."

 “Okay, Okamoto-kun.”

  The woman folded her hands in front of her belly and lowered her head slightly. She followed the man obediently into the cabin door, along the winding corridor, and arrived at a narrow second-class cabin.

As small businessmen who fled the Republic of China due to the downturn in business, they could not afford to live in expensive first-class cabins. It was their last dignity not to live in dirty and crowded third-class cabins.

The two closed the door and scanned the room carefully. The man knelt down and looked at a hair under the door. After confirming that it had not moved, he nodded slightly to the woman.

 “Okamoto-kun, I’m going to pack my clothes.”

The woman replied in tacit agreement, and carefully groped under the bed, around the lights, fans and other hidden places to check whether these places were equipped with eavesdropping devices.

 A few minutes later, the man and woman sat at the table in the cabin and started communicating with pen and paper. On a Japanese cruise ship, you must be cautious in everything you do.

"Deputy Director, why didn't you see Deputy Director Zheng and Wu Chunyang?" The woman quickly wrote a text and showed it to the man, then tore it into pieces and put it in an ashtray to light.

The man took over the pen and wrote, "They boarded the ship in Malaysia. After such a long voyage, they must have lost the mood to enjoy the scenery. Not going to the deck is a normal reaction."

The so-called Okamoto Shigenobu and Okamoto Natsuko are naturally Zuo Zhong and He Yijun. With the full support of Bald Head and Dai Chunfeng, all preparations were quickly made for the Northeast trip.

Zuo Zhong was solely responsible for this operation. He and He Yijun pretended to be husband and wife and boarded the ship from the island city. Zheng Tingbing and Wu Chunyang set off from Penang as a British-Chinese father and son.

 The two teams had no contact with each other and headed to Lushunkou in two lines, finally meeting in Harbin, which is the location of the Kwantung Army’s bacterial weapons base and its final destination.

 He ​​Yijun rekindled Zuo Zhong's writing, took out a new piece of paper and asked two questions: "Why don't you arrange for Gui Youguang to come to the Northeast? Will Deputy Director Zheng be unreliable?"

Zuo Zhong did not answer immediately, but opened the newspaper and shook it vigorously, finding a suitable reason for not speaking for a long time, and then he took up a pen to write down the reason for his arrangement.

“The Japanese monitor young and middle-aged men heading to the Northeast very closely, especially those traveling together. Gui Youguang’s appearance is too conspicuous and can easily be noticed by the enemy.

Moreover, no matter how good Gui Youguang's operational skills are, he will not be able to play any role against the hundreds of thousands of elite Kwantung Army. This time we go to the Northeast and can only outwit them, not force them. "

I see.

He Yijun understood. There were men and women in both groups, old and young. They looked more real. They would not be noticed by the Japanese counter-espionage personnel if they were mixed in with other passengers.

Unlike operating on national territory, the most important thing when fighting behind enemy lines is concealment. Without the protection of the state machinery, the situation they will face will be very severe.

Seeing that she understood what he meant, Zuo Zhong smiled and continued to write: "Don't underestimate Zheng Tingbing, this guy is a powerful character, don't be fooled by his appearance.

The other person was born in a run-down landlord family in Wenchang, Guangdong Province. There are four brothers in the family. He is the eldest. His father died young and he could barely finish elementary school under the old system before going out to make a living. Relying on financial support from neighboring villagers, he traveled across the ocean to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and worked as an apprentice in a British rubber plantation. His meager income was just enough to make ends meet.

At that time, few overseas Chinese working hard in Nanyang had read books, but Zheng Tingbing could write and do calculations. Later, he used this advantage to become a bookkeeper in a fish farm.

Although this job smelled like fish and the status was still humble, he could still leave some money every month to support his mother and brothers and sisters in China, so he worked for several years. "

Zheng Tingbing’s background was so difficult.

 What a surprise.

He Yijun was a little surprised. The Deputy Director Zheng she met always had a smile on her face, always kept a distance from the intelligence business, and easily avoided appearing in **** and dark situations.

                             A good gentleman who cares about money and can avoid other tasks. Many people in the Secret Service think that he is more like a businessman than a spy.

I didn’t expect Zheng Tingbing to have such a past. He must have been extraordinary from being a bookkeeper to becoming an aide to the Chairman and the deputy director of the Secret Service.

Thinking of this, He Yijun looked at Zuo Zhong and pointed to the sky, meaning how Zheng Tingbing came to power. Zuo Zhong destroyed the paper full of words and started writing again.

“In the 13th year of the Republic of China, Zheng Tingbing applied for the first class of Huangpu but was not admitted. He studied hard for one year and was admitted in the second class. After graduation, he was sent to Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow to continue his studies.

In the 17th year of the Republic of China, the leader was reinstated. The other party was trying to find ways to get through, and he met with the chairman of the committee and expressed his political stance against the underground party.

Not only that, he also made a report on the ideological situation of the Huangpu students at Sun Yat-sen University. This shows that this guy has deep thoughts. With this merit, he became the attendant of the chairman of the committee.

 Zheng Tingbing did not show any special performance at first. He could only collect some information from his classmates and fellow villagers. But not long after, a fight broke out between the leader and Li Delin of the Guangxi faction.

 At that time, Li Delin's forces extended from Gui Province to North China and were entrenched in Jiangcheng to fight against the government. He sensed that the leader was eager to solve the problem, so he volunteered to lurk behind enemy lines. "

 Volunteer yourself?

 Lurking behind enemy lines?

Deputy Director Zheng?

He Yijun covered her mouth when she heard this. This was unbelievable. She still remembered the other party's behavior during the mission in Peking. He didn't look like an intelligence officer at all.

Zuo Zhong was also filled with emotion. If Dai Chunfeng had not told this past incident before leaving, he would not have believed that Zheng Tingbing had done such a thing. These old foxes are not simple.

The two of them looked at each other, silently raising their guard in their hearts. They had to be careful about each other in the future. Zuo Zhong moved his hands and wrote out everything that happened next.

“When he first sneaked into Jiangcheng, Zheng Tingbing deliberately stayed in a shabby inn, made himself look impoverished, and then went to find Li Delin’s brother.

That person was his classmate from Sun Yat-sen University. This guy lied that he had been unemployed for a long time and that his life was now difficult to maintain. This time he made a special trip to offer help, hoping that his old classmates could be taken in.

 The man followed him back to the inn. When he saw the steamed buns and pickles on the table and the half bottle of unfinished old wine, he immediately no longer had any doubts and warmly invited Zheng Tingbing to come home and live with him.

With this relationship, the other party quietly did two things after lying dormant for a while. The first thing was to secretly photograph Li Delin's code book for communicating with various troops.

 The second thing was that he successively copied a list of Li Delin's troop locations, number of people, equipment and even the names of chief officers, and handed it to the chairman of the committee through secret channels.

The other party moved around like this, alienating the Gui Clan troops, bribing the Gui Clan generals, and collecting intelligence. The Gui Clan quickly failed, and Zheng Tingbing returned to Jinling to resume his life.

When he saw the leader, he handed over all the filial piety he had received during the event on the spot to show that he was not ashamed of his own interests. You see, Lao Zheng is an expert when it comes to hiding. "

No wonder the deputy director wanted to take deputy director Zheng. He Yijun completely understood that there was no support for activities on Japanese territory, and personal coping ability was the top priority.

Zheng Tingbing was able to infiltrate the Guangxi warlords in Jiangcheng. He obviously had a lot of skills in this area. Coupled with Wu Chunyang's intelligence ability and carefulness, he would be able to successfully complete the task.

While she was thinking, Zuo Zhong quickly erased the traces of the paper-and-pencil conversation, then walked to the porthole and looked in the direction of the land, with a trace of worry in his eyes.

There should be no problems with these two teams. I wonder if the third team heading to the Northeast by train is safe, especially Ling Sanping, so nothing can happen.

 Investigating bacteriological weapons,

 The expert on the other side is indispensable.

 (End of this chapter)

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